View Full Version : Bittersweet Homecoming: Shade others PM plz

Anuis Ma'artra
Mar 24th, 2005, 10:49:28 AM

Breathing in the tin can I now called home was laborious. Each breath was augmented by a special device that assisted my abdomen in the compression and decompression of my lungs. It let out a sound that reminded people of the monster who had brought ruin to the waning years of the Old Republic and because of my gifts in the Force, I could feel their fear.

It wasn't fair that my physical prescence brought up so many feelings of hate and anger. I had never done anything but try to serve these same people who know shrunk away from me out of a primal fear that not even they realized exsisted. Even the younger members of the Order seemed taken aback by my appereance. I guess the stories they were told about the dangers of the Darkside caused nightmares even among those who had been chosen to become Jedi.

As I walked down the corridors of the Jedi Temple making my way to the quarters that were once my home, those I encouted gave me a wide berth for me to pass by them. To think I once was handsome, I once brought a smile to the face of young girls when I passed by, now I heard their thoughts, the silent screams that cried out from their eyes when they begrudingly glanced in my direction.

I pulled the hood of my robes over my head to keep people from staring at the fitted steel helm that protected my ravaged skull. It hurt to think that my sacrafice would now result in me being unable to perform the duties I had trained so long for, simply because I instilled fear in people now, rather than confidence.

Finally I found the door to my old room, funny how I had never spent much time in my quarters, but now it seemed like this was the only place I could find refuge.

I pressed the codes to my door, it groaned as it slid back.

Home, sweet, home...

Shade Magus
Mar 25th, 2005, 10:29:04 AM
Shade was in his room, not far from the one that was now being opened as he reached out with the Force to drop into a healing trance. It was clear that Ka'el was not the only one that had gone through a few changes in the past few weeks. Shade's bacta bandages hide the scars he had recieved from the Tusken Raiders.

He felt the young Padawan's presence through the Force and frowned. He was familiar, but somehow he couldn't bring himself to name it. He had almost been there and any other time would have continued the trek into the Force, but something was different here. Something was wrong. He stood up and walked to his door. He opened it and walked outside. He looked to the left and no one was there. He looked to the right and Shade saw a robe disappear into a room. He walked down cautiously and looked.

This was Ka'el Darcverse's room. Is he home? The Jedi thought as he looked inside. There was a hooded figure, but he couldn't tell who thought the presence was familiar. "Hello?"

Anuis Ma'artra
Mar 28th, 2005, 03:39:10 PM
My room looked like Hell. I had never been one for neatness in my living space. I brushed aside a pile of clothes from my bed and sat down on the soft pad. The springs groaned and the bed sunk deeper than I had expected, I rolled backwards under my own weight. I still wasn't used to the balance of the suit. Of course I would have to get a new bed, actually preparations had already been made for a bacta tank to be installed in my room so that I could stay clean under the suit and keep my body free of infection.

I stood up and began to collect my scattered belongings. Putting away the clutter that had desecrated my living space. It was strange how the mess bothered me now. Straightening up my living space had a calming affect on my psyche and it seemed to be a form of moving meditation. Perhaps I would find other tasks in the future to help me clear my mind.

"Hello" I heard a voice call out, silently cursing at myself for not closing the door behind me I turned to face the man sticking his head in the room.

"currrhhhh" The sound of my inhalation before speaking shocked even me.

"Can I help you?"

"hhhhaaaaa" Again my breathing was almost as audible as my digitally enhanced voice.

Shade Magus
Mar 28th, 2005, 04:40:30 PM
Shade took a step back and started before calming. There was no need o over react in a hall full of Jedi rooms. "Who are you?"

As he asked he reached out with the Force brushing the figure ever so slightly. Again the familiarity of the person suprised him. "We...we've met haven't we?"

Anuis Ma'artra
Mar 29th, 2005, 10:30:31 AM
"Yes," I replied. I attempted to control the sound of my breathing via the Force, it seemed to help a little.

"You trained with me, I am Padawan Ka' el Darcverse."

It was strange having to introduce myself to someone who would have obviously recognized me.

"Though I have recently adopted a new dress code." I said as I removed my hood showing my metally encased face.

Shade Magus
Mar 29th, 2005, 02:58:46 PM
Shade looked at the mask and for a moment recoiled as it reminded him of the Dark Lord, but slowly he relaxed as the Force told him otherwise. "Ka'el...it is you, but...how?"