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Mar 19th, 2005, 04:00:14 AM
Continued from here (
The trip to Ch’hodos had been eventless. In spite of having spent countless years frozen in stasis, the Seyugi Dervish had been grateful of the respite and the rest it afforded him. He had slept through the duration of the entire journey, only awoken when the ship he was on had touched down at its destination. Rising from his modest bed, Hurukan made his way towards the ships exit – meeting with its co-pilots on the way there.
“We have arrived,” the assassin observed, looking between the two Sisters for further direction.
Adraudia Basillie
Mar 20th, 2005, 12:55:09 PM
Adraudia was standing behind Milivikal out of respect and hit the panel so that the vessel's ramp could be lowered. "Yes." Her toned was sharp and to the point but she was uncertain on how to proceed with the changes that had happened and spoke to the Siren through their shared state.
Does Dalethria know of this venture since it was of Sorsha's will?
Milivikal k'Vik
Mar 21st, 2005, 09:15:23 PM
Milivikal was still powering down the ship, but she paused for a moment.
"Unless Sorsha spoke of this to Dalethria, no. I do not forsee this being a problem. The Dervish will be an asset."
They exited the ship, facing twoards the canyon.
"This is Ch'hodos. Do not become too aquainted. I do not think we will be here much longer."
Adraudia Basillie
Mar 26th, 2005, 07:34:03 PM
Adraudia remained silent but the look of surprise was evident in her eyes. She was not aware of the possibility of moving from Ch'hodos.
Mar 31st, 2005, 10:41:19 AM
The dervish squinted, shielding his eyes against the alien red light and the wind that whipped around them. Through his life Hurukan had traveled far and wild across the galaxy, yet he had never observed a planet such as this. Lowering his forearm, as he looked away from the bright canyon wall to the two Witches, he asked:
“We are to meet with your leader now?”
Miranda Tarkin
Apr 4th, 2005, 07:52:01 PM
"Yes, you are." She replied while moving underneath Milivikal's ship to greet the trio. The Siren had sent a communication as soon as her ship entered Ch'hodos' system. All that she mentioned was that Dalethria needed to come down and see for herself a being that Sorsha had wanted.
She glanced over Hurukan, sizing him up with a raised brow since Dalethria wasn't sure what to expect upon arriving here.
With a blink, her blue eyes then looked upon Milivikal, "Who's will was this. Sorsha's or Vicet's?"
Milivikal k'Vik
Apr 4th, 2005, 08:11:17 PM
Milivikal shrugged. There were times when Sorsha had so injected her own will with Vicet's communiques it was unclear. The Goddess did not like to cover ground more than once.
"Regardless, the Dervish will be an asset. His kind has not been seen in ages. Shock alone makes him valuable. If their legend has merit, his value will be extended. I suspect it does." If he had any skills in death, coupled with his difficulty to read, did make him valuable. But the fact that it was difficult to pull anything from the Seygui made it dangerous. Dalethria had been edgy of late, especially regarding any plans that Sorsha had laid. It was understandable. Many plans Sorsha had laid were chaotic to the point of being nonsensical. Some sauces should be used sparingly.
Apr 5th, 2005, 02:43:55 AM
The power emanating from this new arrival was palpable. The dervish shifted his eyes between the trio of women. His eyes focused on Dalethria, and he spoke in a voice free of intonation. “You know of my kind also?”
Miranda Tarkin
Apr 5th, 2005, 08:19:17 AM
"Yes, but only by the means of research that was left here for me."
She moved closer to the Dervish but kept a reasonable distance. Dalethria was quite curious about this being but it was impossible to predict how he would react at all, "But I'm wondering what it is you want. I know you've come here because they came to free you and it was convenient at the time to be rid of the monks. That's not a good incentive to stay with us for you.
So, it comes back to what I said at first. What do you want from your new life? Now, later, makes no difference. You had time on the trip here to think things over, yes?"
Milivikal k'Vik
Apr 5th, 2005, 05:49:30 PM
Milivikal stood silent. This was something she had not been willing to discuss at Mallif Cove. But Dalethria was correct. It was a concern now.
She hadn't thought about what the Dervish wanted. At the time, it wasn't important to her.
Apr 6th, 2005, 02:10:14 AM
“As you know of my kind, so you will know that there is little we desire.” The only apparent want that the Seyugi had was money. It, and the pursuit of perfection in combat, were the two single factors that drove the assassins onward. If they were not in the process of finding a target, they were honing their skills so that they might prove strong and quick enough to attract customers. Theirs was a solitary, monastic life.
“There is, however, one thing that I would request.” At this time, Hurukan was unaware of the ways of the world. It would be too risky to return to his old ways immediately, without proper knowledge of the changes in the galaxy.
“My training with the Masters was incomplete,” he continued. The Force radiated from all three women, and at least two of them were clearly proficient in some forms of combat. If they could instruct him in these ways, alongside bringing him up to date on the state of the galaxy, he would be able to return to his old trade.
“Finish it.”
Miranda Tarkin
Apr 6th, 2005, 04:50:02 PM
That was it. A simple and easily obtainable request.
"That is all you required?" She asked again. Reading the Dervish was impossible. "We can fulfill that request, though don't grow attach to this place. We're looking to move soon."
Adraudia Basillie
Apr 6th, 2005, 04:53:18 PM
"Moving???!!!" The Witch was beside herself. What else was she kept in the dark about.
Apr 10th, 2005, 03:52:28 AM
While the blue-haired witch fumed over the apparent lack of communication amongst the trio, the Dervish began to move further from the ship. He walked with a confident gait, surveying the lay of the land with a casual glance. Closing his eyes, he focused for a moment, silent.
“There are others here.”
Miranda Tarkin
Apr 18th, 2005, 08:24:45 AM
"Yes," she answered. "There are a few more here."
A glaring look towards the witch silenced anymore questioning from her. "It's still in discussion." She looked towards Milivikal. "Depends on if the supply lines I put in place can hold."
Her attention returned to Hurukan. "Be mindful when we enter the Keep. The gravity shifts without warning."
Milivikal k'Vik
May 7th, 2005, 01:16:55 PM
Milivikal simply stared into space, digesting possibilities.
"They will not." She replied with a shrug.
She blinked, and then started off into the compound. She easily negotiated the gravity shifts. At least it didn't reek like the cove did.
May 14th, 2005, 10:42:24 AM
The Dervish’s training had required that he be able to adapt to any scenario or situation with the greatest efficiency. He took the shifts in gravity in his stride, navigating the keep with apparent ease. “You are both the leaders of this collective?” he asked, looking between Milivikal and Dalethria.
Miranda Tarkin
May 15th, 2005, 10:14:44 AM
Dalethria was impressed with how quickly he adapted to his surroundings. A valuable asset he was going to be but her own survival instincts kicked in. He could be a great threat however and it was obvious that the Dervish was compliant with his current situation because it suited his needs. What would happen when he felt the Sister's no longer provided anything beneficial? He could assess any situation and turn it into his advantage. More then likely, he could do that with individual beings as well. A battle with him would be most bloody, she imagined.
"Yes, that is correct. Milivikal is my second." She opened the door to the kitchen and escorted everyone inside. "I presume you must be starving after your long sleep. Please," she motioned to the cupboards, "Help yourself. Adraudia?"
The Witch stepped forward and gave Dalethria a curious look.
"Please have a room prepared for our guest."
Adraudia Basillie
May 15th, 2005, 10:18:00 AM
With a forearm brought against her chest, Adraudia bowed and left to do as she was ordered.
May 15th, 2005, 10:22:16 AM
The assassin sensed some tension between the trio, in particular the leader and her second in command. Perhaps the second did not perceive herself to be inferior. Such power struggles were not unfamiliar to Hurukan, and he knew all too well how they often ended.
“Food. Yes.” He stepped forwards, opening the first cupboard, and then a second. They were full of cans or dry, processed things. A bowl of ripening fruit caught his attention on the countertop for a moment, before his attention was drawn to what appeared to be a cooler. Pulling the door open, he felt his stomach rumble slightly at the sight of what was inside.
Meat. Raw meat. He scooped up what appeared to be a steak and with his bear hands tore a strip from the meat and swallowed it whole. His body had grown so adjusted to receiving only nutrients through a drip and such like, that at first eating was something of a task, quite alien. It quickly returned to him, however, as the Dervish became engrossed in consuming what remained of the steak and another just like it. He ate in silence, devouring both slabs of meat in a matter of moments.
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