View Full Version : Will we see...

Darth McBain
Mar 16th, 2005, 07:55:44 AM
... a cloaked ship in Ep. III? I was just wondering, since in ESB, Captain Needa remarks about the Millennium Falcon "No ship that small has a cloaking device". So apparently cloaking technology exists in the SW universe for larger ships, but we've yet to see it onscreen. Also, Grievous' ship is named the Invisible Hand , so that might be a candidate for a cloaked ship.

Mar 16th, 2005, 10:31:55 AM
I think that's more than reasonable to think that could happen.

We know that Obi Wan follows him around the galaxy trying to finally track him down, maybe he has such a hard time because his ship is cloaked. On the topic of cloaking, didn't Maul's Infiltrator have cloak technology? I can't remember, or rather, I've almost repressed all recollection of TPM!

Darth McBain
Mar 16th, 2005, 11:28:21 AM
Well, as far as the movie is concerned, we don't know - I haven't read the novelization in a while, I can't remember if it was in there - but I don't think so. I know there was lots of speculation as to why the Infiltrator wasn't found on Tatooine or Naboo, but I think that just what it is - speculation. I just think it would be so awesome to see a large capital ship just disappear into a cloak.

Mar 16th, 2005, 01:53:04 PM
My memory IS sharp!


This particular page is EU, but a cloaking device was a part of the Infiltrator's arsenal.