View Full Version : ROTS Soundtrack, a MUST have!
Mar 15th, 2005, 10:03:55 PM
Yes, the track listing is full of spoilery goodness, but there's more reasons than that to pick this soundrack up. It's going to come with a bonus DVD! The DVD will feature 16 videos set to the music we know and love. OT/Prequel clips and even some dialogue will be included in the videos. There's even a video from new music ROTS music that's sure to have some killer ROTS clips. As a bonus, there's intro material hosted by Ian McDairmaid. Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!
Darth McBain
Mar 15th, 2005, 11:40:21 PM
Just saw that on the OS - I know I'll be picking that one up ASAP. I wonder if they'll put it out with multiple images on the cover like they did for Ep. II. If so, I'll pick up the one with the movie poster on it. I got the Yoda one for Ep. II and while it is definitely cool, I wish I'd gotten the movie poster image.
Heh, funny - I was just remembering when the Ep. II soundtrack was released, I was planning on picking it up that day around 8AM on my way to work. I was so stoked for it, though, that after tossing and turning for a few hours, I got up around 3AM and picked it up at Wal-Mart. With this one, I won't even bother waiting till the next morning - I'll just go at midnight... :)
Mar 16th, 2005, 07:42:25 AM
I'll definetly be picking this up as well. I'll try to pick up the movie poster too if it's available. It sounds like it's going to be just fantastic.
Lucas is just about poised to shake down our bank accounts again. :)
Mar 19th, 2005, 09:19:08 PM
You said it. I don't see how the sun will rise on 4/2 without my spending at least $300, probably more. Have you guys heard about the lava exclusive Vader at Target? It's going to be ridiculous. They're going to sell it the morning of 4/2 to the first 30 or so people. You'll get a ticket in line and that's the only way to purchase it. Target won't be opening at midnight, so people will have to line up that morning to get it. Sap that I am, I'll probably just make it an all night affair and end up sitting out at Target after multiple TRU's and WalMart runs that night.
Mar 20th, 2005, 04:10:32 PM
A toy store in my area is having a 4/2 special 8am opening with breakfast and the works. I think I may attend that...and drop a couple hundy easy...
Anbira Hicchoru
Mar 20th, 2005, 09:58:57 PM
I am a sucker, and I bought the Anakin's starfighter vs droid starfighter Episode III lego set.
It's pretty neat :crack
Darth McBain
Apr 1st, 2005, 09:22:12 AM
They have the track listings on There isn't anything too spoiler-ific, but better safe...
Disc I
1. Star Wars and The Revenge Of The Sith
2. Anakin's Dream
3. Battle Of The Heroes
4. Anakin's Betrayal
5. General Grievous
6. Palpatine's Teachings
7. Grievous and the Droids
8. Padme's Ruminations
9. Anakin vs. Obi-Wan
10. Anakin's Dark Deeds
11. Enter Lord Vader
12. The Immolation Scene
13. Grievous Speaks to Lord Sidious
14. The Birth Of The Twins and Padme's Destiny
15. A New Hope and End Credits
Disc II
1. Main Title from Star Wars
2. Duel Of The Fates from Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace
3. Anakin's Theme from Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace
4. Across The Stars (Love Theme) from Star Wars Episode 2: Attack of the Clones
5. Battle Of The Heroes from Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith
6. The Imperial March from Star Wars Episode 5: The Empire Strikes Back
7. The Dune Sea of Tatooine/Jawa Sandcrawler from Star Wars Episode 4: A New Hope
8. Binary Sunset / Cantina Band from Star Wars Episode 4: A New Hope
9. Princess Leia's Theme from Star Wars Episode 4: A New Hope
10. Ben Kenobi's Death/Tie Fighter Attack from Star Wars Episode 4: A New Hope
11. Yoda's Theme from Star Wars Episode 5: The Empire Strikes Back
12. The Asteroid Field from Star Wars Episode 5: The Empire Strikes Back
13. Luke and Leia from Star Wars Episode 6: Return of the Jedi
14. The Forest Battle from Star Wars Episode 6: Return of the Jedi
15. Light of the Force from Star Wars Episode 6: Return of the Jedi
16. The Throne Room/End Title from Star Wars Episode 4: A New Hope
It will be released 5/3/05. Got mine pre-ordered!!!
Apr 1st, 2005, 09:56:45 AM
Hmmm, there is one bit that I find extremely interesting:
I believe that initial reports had track 14 listed as "The Birth Of The Twins and Padme's Death", now it's been renamed to "The Birth Of The Twins and Padme's Destiny". I wonder if that signifies anything at all?
Arya Ravenwing
Apr 1st, 2005, 10:58:57 AM
Yeah probably that they realized their mistake with the clue in to Qui Gon's death in the soundtrack from Ep 1.
Apr 1st, 2005, 11:22:53 AM
That's true too, I hadn't remembered the anger caused over that revelation. But I was thinking that maybe Lucas is leaving the song title ambiguous so that he really can choose to kill her off or have her live at the end of Episode 3. Like i said in another thread, I remember reading somewhere that 2 different endings were filmed, so maybe he wants to leave that door open so that he can choose which one he wants in the end.
Anbira Hicchoru
Apr 1st, 2005, 11:25:22 AM
Originally posted by JMK
That's true too, I hadn't remembered the anger caused over that revelation. But I was thinking that maybe Lucas is leaving the song title ambiguous so that he really can choose to kill her off or have her live at the end of Episode 3. Like i said in another thread, I remember reading somewhere that 2 different endings were filmed, so maybe he wants to leave that door open so that he can choose which one he wants in the end.
This isn't the case. She dies at the end of the movie, which is confirmed by numerous reports
Apr 1st, 2005, 11:57:50 AM
I tend to believe that she dies too. I've read those reports. But Lucas will tinker with the movie right up until the last minute, and if he did infact film a second ending, he just may think about changing it. Just because it's in the current cut of the film doesn't mean that can't change. I'd still expect to see her die, but I wonder if Lucas is leaving this to the last minute, hence the ambiguous name.
Apr 1st, 2005, 02:11:44 PM
She's dead Jim! Leaving her alive would bring about a series of changes. Scenes with Bail offering to take the kids would have to be changed. Dialogue between Obi-Wan and Yoda would have to be changed as well. I like her fate to be played out on screen, not inbetween movies. I think the Qui-Gon bruhaha is the reason for the change as well.
Apr 1st, 2005, 02:13:04 PM
Hey, I agree, but Lucas hasn't made "all the right choices" when it comes to these prequels!"
Anbira Hicchoru
Apr 1st, 2005, 02:32:58 PM
Originally posted by JMK
I tend to believe that she dies too. I've read those reports. But Lucas will tinker with the movie right up until the last minute, and if he did infact film a second ending, he just may think about changing it. Just because it's in the current cut of the film doesn't mean that can't change. I'd still expect to see her die, but I wonder if Lucas is leaving this to the last minute, hence the ambiguous name.
No seriously. She's frikken dead already. I've seen clips from the visual sourcebook, the comic, the movie itself, and a dozen more franchise elements that all point to this.
Apr 1st, 2005, 03:41:21 PM
Listen, I agree that she dies. I think she should die onscreen, it would be the right choice. I'm just throwing the possibility out there that Lucas *may* change his mind. Given the digital format of the film, he could probably prepare a new cut in no time if he so desired, and all I'm saying is that maybe he's left that possibility open for himself, despite what's out there already.
Apr 9th, 2005, 10:41:43 PM
A friend burned me the soundtrack today, without song names (at least I have friends that don't want to spoil me, I'M LOOKING AT YOU JMK!!!).
I thoroughly love it. It's a magnificent blend of all movies, and many of the tracks have a chorus, a big "Duel of the Fate" kind of chorus.
Without a doubt music is one of the strongest part of the whole saga, and ROTS isn't the exception.
Loki Ahmrah
Apr 10th, 2005, 07:56:54 AM
I'm listening to the first track now for the first time, all the tracks are labelled by number rather than name so I'm lucky. Don't know whether listening to all the music now is worth it though: I'm thinking that if I hear all the music now then when it comes to watching the film for the first time the dramatic cues wont have as much impact.
Edit: okay, upon hearing the opening to track 2 I've decided not to listen anymore until after the film. It was of the Tan Dun quality, very beautiful stuff and I don't want it spoiled anymore.
Navaria Tarkin
Apr 10th, 2005, 07:18:19 PM
Okay I'm confused ... how is Padme going to die on screen when leia clearly tells Luke in ROTJ that she remembers her mother being always sad and I believe beautiful .. so either Lucas is insane again or there is a progression in time
course.. he's probably just insane again :p
Apr 10th, 2005, 08:18:33 PM
Oddly enough we just had that discussion:
Starting at post 18. You'll find our opinions on that wacky topic there. Feel free to ressurect it, it's always an entertaining one.
Darth McBain
Apr 28th, 2005, 03:00:26 PM
They have posted track samples at
Apr 28th, 2005, 03:41:33 PM
Some of the samples are not working at the moment...:x
Now they seem to be there....
Darth McBain
Apr 29th, 2005, 09:46:09 AM
Listening to the samples - I like... They're all really good and have that "Star Wars" sound we've come to know and love from John Williams. The one track labelled Padme's Ruminations sounds quite interesting - pretty creepy actually, and a bit different from what I'd expect in a SW score, but I like it and can't wait to hear the whole track... Now, hopefully Amazon will get it to me somewhat quickly after the release date...
Darth McBain
May 3rd, 2005, 03:55:35 PM
My copy just came in from Amazon - I'm listening to it now... Thoughts so far - I really like it. It is both quite familiar with a lot of the themes involved, but at the same time, it is rather different from a lot of the other scores. Very operatic and dramatic. There are a few tracks that are quite different from what we'd expect to hear in Star Wars, notably in Padme's Ruminations and to a lesser extent in Palpatine's Teachings.
I remember, though, when listening to the soundtrack for Episodes I and II, I had similar feelings. I remember especially when I heard Duel of the Fates for the first time, I thought it was great, but very different from what I'd expect in a SW movie. Yet, now it seems to fit so perfectly. I'm sure after listening to this new soundtrack for a while, and having seen the movie, this music too will seem like it fits right in with the rest of the soundtracks.
As usual, John Williams does it again - The Star Wars Universe wouldn't be the same without his music...
Figrin D'an
May 3rd, 2005, 06:44:30 PM
I'm really loving this soundtrack. It's the best of the prequels thus far, IMO. It's such a wonderful blend of the traditional Star Wars themes that we have come to know and love and new material that is, like McBain said, somewhat unexpected for a Star Wars film. My initial impression is that if the film links together the prequels and originals as well as the soundtrack music intertwines old and new, we're in for one heck of a motion picture. (I know that is an awful big "if" from the POV of many... :p )
My favs so far:
- opening theme and Revenge of the Sith: I absolutely love the new military march style using familar themes. It really stands out as indicitive that this is to be one of the finest hours for the Jedi, particularly for Anakin and Obi-Wan, who have reached the very height of their powers.
- Battle of the Heroes: Like Duel of the Fates from TPM and Across the Stars from AOTC, this will be the primary theme fans will come to associate with ROTS.
- Anakin vs. Obi-Wan: No more holding back, this is to be the greatest single duel in the entire saga... apprentice vs. master, Dark vs. Light, and the music accentuates this with the incorporation of the Imperial March fighting for dominance against the Battle of the Heroes theme.
- The Birth of the Twins and Padme's Destiny: Taken from the Qui-Gon's Funeral music from TPM, except moving from sad to heartbreaking.
- A New Hope and End Credits: The "A New Hope" portion of this just paints such a powerful mental image in my mind. It would seem to perfectly fit with Obi-Wan delivering an infant Luke to Owen and Beru on Tattooine, then having the Jedi walk off into the sunset, to watch and wait for this final hope for the galaxy to come of age. This alone almost makes me regret buying the soundtrack, because I know now that I'm going to be really disappointed if this scene doesn't live up to what I envision it could be. If it works though, it'll be one of the most emotional moments in the entire saga for a lot of fans, and an incredible way to have the movie come to a close.
And, if that isn't enough, the DVD that comes with the soundtrack CD is terrific. A musical tour of the Star Wars saga in about 70 minutes, filled with everyone's favorite on-screen moments.
Man... two weeks from tomorrow can't get here fast enough. :)
May 3rd, 2005, 07:41:22 PM
The DVD is just amazing. My son and I watched it this afternoon. He kept asking me to play the Battle of the Heroes clip over and over and over!
Darth McBain
May 3rd, 2005, 07:45:40 PM
I just finished listening to the soundtrack a second time and it is really growing on me - excellent music that will only get better having seen it with the film. I haven't had a chance to watch the DVD yet - hopefully I'll get to watch some of it tonight, otherwise I'll probably bring it with me to work tomorrow and sneak a few peeks at it throughout the day.
The only thing that I'm not sure about with regards to the soundtrack is the inclusion of the throne room music in the last track. To me, that seems a bit too triumphant and optimistic for Ep. III, which I envision to end rather tragically and downbeat. But hey, it's all good - that happens to be one of my favorite themes from the original movies and it is nice to hear it in this score.
May 3rd, 2005, 08:21:22 PM
At first I wasn't blown away with Battle of Heroes, but this soundtrack is just fantastic. Like Figrin said, the way it intertwines old familiar themes with new ones is just out of this world. Again, as Figrin said, if the images in the movie don't measure up to what the images in my head are right now that will be a tough pill to swallow. That being said, it just goes to show what a tremendous job Williams has done.
Raise your hand if you think this movie may move you to tears as the end credits roll! :uhoh
Darth McBain
May 3rd, 2005, 08:58:02 PM
May 4th, 2005, 09:59:52 AM
I've been spoiled rotten and what I've read and seen has broken my heart. I really feel sorry for Anakin. He ends up losing EVERYTHING he holds dear. But aside from the characters, I think I will feel the same kind of sadness when I watched the credit of ROTJ roll all those years ago.
May 4th, 2005, 11:50:09 AM
I think once this movie has time to sink in, we will have no choice but to change our view of Darth Vader. I think we will see him much more as a tragic figure who was swindled, taken advantage of. He just wanted the power to make things right and his intentions were good, but Palpatine will twist him in such a way that he lost the ability to tell the good guys from the bad, and that the ends do justify the means....except he never really gets to his 'ends'. Poor guy. Palpatine just played him like a fiddle.
Marga Alton
May 9th, 2005, 06:31:43 PM
Money is bad. If you have money, you'll spend it. That's what I did this weekend. I was out for lunch with some friends, and on our way home, I bought the soundtrack for EpIII Still haven't sat down to listen to it yet, but I figure I'll do so in the next couple of days. Haven't seen the bonus DVD which came with it yet either.
May 9th, 2005, 08:23:18 PM
Don't watch it unless you want to be spoiled. The intros by Ian are pretty good, and after a few viewings they can be conviently skipped.
Marga Alton
May 9th, 2005, 08:55:14 PM
I'm trying to hold off until I've seen the movie.
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