View Full Version : Revenge of the sith (Complete)
Zachariah Jak'el
Feb 26th, 2005, 09:31:14 PM
Location. Coronet City, Corellia.
Xel walked out of the tavern he had just spent the last few hours in, telling the story of his battle with the sith woman. Strange how everytime he told the story it changed. Last time he told it he said he had actauly faught three sith at one time.
All the corellians seemed to hate him but anyone from off planet always enjoyed his story. A smiled spread across his face as he looked down at the lightsabre hilt that was clipped to his belt. He sling his bag over his shoulder and walked down the street feeling as happy as ever. He was so happy he failed to notice that he was being followed.
Jorshal Vuntana
Feb 27th, 2005, 11:36:08 AM
Feb 27th, 2005, 11:37:30 AM
The streets weren't overly crowded, but there were enough people to conceal the Sith's presence. Some of the people were actually smiling as they passed by. They must have heard the story and known why the Sith were there.
His latest apprentice, Jezreal, was beside him. This was truely her hunt as Xel-Naga had emabrressed her some time before. "I'm going to allow you the have the first strike." He said. "When I deem it neccessary, I will step in. Now make it count." He moved to a few steps behind her.
Alexia Sturkov
Feb 27th, 2005, 11:02:31 PM
Her eyes burned with an anger that had never been seen in them before. No one had ever seen or felt such anger in her. The darkside filled it. Her anger was like a red wave swirled inside of her "Very well, my master."
Jezreal walked toward the man, Xe-Naga, he was in high spirits and his guard was down. She stretched out a hand and used the force to rip her lightsabre from Xel's belt and pull it into her hand.
As soon as the hilt touched her hand she activated it, its crimson blade lit up her face and the anger that boiled in her eyes. She dashed forward, lightsabre swinging.
Zachariah Jak'el
Feb 27th, 2005, 11:18:08 PM
Xel felt the lightsabre being ripped from its place in his belt. He turned to see a blade of red energy coming to life and moving toward him. He held his bag in one hand and pulled his blaster pistol from its holster with his other. He fired at Jez, who blocked the attacks but failed to reflect them back at him.
Alexia Sturkov
Feb 27th, 2005, 11:18:37 PM
Jezreal pushed forward best she could. She was not as skilled with a lightsabre as she should be. She favored Telekensis, not lightsabre combat, and she was not skilled with deflecting shots back at the one who shot them.
But Xel had only one blaster and it was quite simple to keep his shots at bay. It was when he ditched he reached into the bag and pulled out a thermal detonator that she knew this was going to be harder then before.
Zachariah Jak'el
Feb 27th, 2005, 11:20:45 PM
Xel pressed the activation button on the round silver sphere he held. He wasn't fighting for a captive, no, he was fighting for his life, and he would use every trick he knew.
He threw the explosive device down the street toward the sith woman and turned and ran down the street while the woman was distracted by the detonator.
Alexia Sturkov
Feb 27th, 2005, 11:23:38 PM
Jezreal saw the sphere coming at her. She outstreched a hand and pick the sphere up and threw it back the way it had come. She saw the man dive away from it as it exploded.
Zachariah Jak'el
Feb 27th, 2005, 11:28:27 PM
Xel dove into an alley and covered his head. A rush of heat and air swept over him, burning his skin in a few places where his hands did not cover.
He got to his feat and pulled his helmet out of his bag and quickly placed it on his head. He pulled out another thermal detonator and threw it toward the entrance to the alley. This one was not armed and marely ment to distract the sith woman.
He saw a ladder to the roof of one of the two building that made the alley and quickly scrambed up it while the sith was busy with the false detonator.
He reached the top and looked down. He saw the Sith woman dealing with the detonator.
Alexia Sturkov
Feb 28th, 2005, 09:41:38 PM
Jezreal saw a second detonator coming at her. She pushed this one aside and awaited the explosion... none came. She swore something and glanced up in time to see Xel's head disapear from the edge of a buildings roof. She ran down the street and into the alley. With a force assisted jump she landed on the ladder half way up it and climbed the rest of the way.
She reached to top to see Xel spin around and whip out both his blaster and start shooting. His blasters were set to a low power setting that allowed him to shoot faster without fearing overheating. Jezreal jumped behind a vent shaft that stuck out of the roof.
Even with her sabre she would be unable to block all those shots. They where too fast and randomly shot. She looked down at the roof and noticed that the roof was made of small metal plates that were not attacked to the roof very well. She used the force to pry many of these tiles up.
She stood from her hiding place and the tiles made formed infront of her, creating a metal wall.
Zachariah Jak'el
Feb 28th, 2005, 09:45:40 PM
Xel's eyes opened wide as he saw tiles from the roof being pulled up and int othe air. These tiles surounded the sith woman and blocked all his shots from hitting her. He backed up slowly and continued to fire. The woman, and her wall of tiles, starting moving toward him and soon he reached the end of the wall.
He risked a glance over his shoulder and saw that the building had a lower roof below. A rusty ladder led down but it was several feet to Xel's right and there wasn't a very good chance of him getting there before the sith. He holstered his blasters, turned, and dropped. He landed on the roof below, his special boots taking most of the impact of pain still echoed through his legs.
He fell to his knees and looked up at the edge of the upper roof that he had just dropped from. The woman appeared at the edge and slowly floated down.
Alexia Sturkov
Feb 28th, 2005, 09:47:44 PM
Jezreal used the force to carry her down to the lower roof, the metal tiles floated nearby. "You have angered many people Xel-Naga. Now you will pay" The tiles shot off towards Xel. A look of horror entered his eyes.
Zachariah Jak'el
Feb 28th, 2005, 09:49:26 PM
Xel ducked, jumped, and sidestepped as many of the tiles as he could. Many hit him and if he was not wearing his body armor then the firts one would have killed him. Xel's entire body screamed with pain but he still stood.
He pulled out his blasters again and raised them.
Alexia Sturkov
Feb 28th, 2005, 09:53:49 PM
Jezreal moved forward, her arm outstretched. She ripped the blasters from his hands and threw them over the edge of the roof. She would have gripped the man's throat if not for the helmet that made it too difficult to do. She instead used the force to push him into the ground. Her vast anger filled her with darkside energy and she used this energy to attack the very roof of the building.
Zachariah Jak'el
Feb 28th, 2005, 10:00:27 PM
Tekenetic power pushed against the roof. Cracks started to appear around Xel, in a circle around him. He coudl feel the roof shaking and shifting but he was still being held down. He raised his head enough to see the woman. She looked different now. No longer weak and frail looking but strong and determined, with a fire burning in her eyes.
He let out a sigh. His doom was near. It seemed strange to him to be killed by one so beautiful. Throughout his life it had always been the uglier people that posed the most thread but this sith woman still had her beauty but a deadly force for greater then that.
At last the roof could take no more force and broke, right under Xel. He plummeted through the hole and into the building below. A laugh echoed up through the hall, quickly followed by a load crash as man and durocrete hit the ground below.
Alexia Sturkov
Feb 28th, 2005, 10:00:39 PM
Jezreal walked over to the edge of the hole and looked down. She could see one of Xel's hands jutting out from the rubble. Had it moved or was that her imagination. She turned and picked up the metal tiles again and dropped them all through the hole and down ontop of the already existing pile. She smiled at the load crash and turned away.
She realized she had found happiness in killing someone. She had never felt like this before, but she liked it. She made her way down from the roof and back up the street to where Southstar had left her.
She found the Sith Knight waiting there "It is over. The nuisance has been delt with" A smile crossed her face again "He won't be bothering us again."
Mar 1st, 2005, 04:08:49 PM
"Very good." He said as he turned, his cloak following him. He began walking back to the palace with Jezreal at his side. "You displayed quite an amount of power." He paused. "You show much promise in the field of telekinesis, which is what we will be studying from now on. Following your promotion, that is."
Alexia Sturkov
Mar 1st, 2005, 09:44:13 PM
"Pro..promotion..." Jezreal's stuttered "really?" Suprise rippled through the force and was clearly visible on her face. She knew that one day she'd hear those words, but she had never thought they'd come today "Thanks Master Southstar" Were the only words she could manage at the moment.
Mar 2nd, 2005, 03:38:12 PM
"Don't thank me, you've earned it and this little confrontation proves it." He said as the authorities arrived to clean up the disaster. "Rivin taught you reasonably well. But the kind of power you want comes with time and more practice. I understand that you are committed to this?"
Alexia Sturkov
Mar 2nd, 2005, 09:11:40 PM
"Yes, I would like nothing more. I am always eager to learn" She said happily "Is there some kind of ceremony invulved with this promotion?"
Mar 2nd, 2005, 11:26:11 PM
Not usually He thought. But times were changing, perhaps there should be. "I think there will be. Usually we just have a meeting amongst the elders, but I think that something more public might be good for both the order and Corellia... We'll see. I don't want to commit to something right away. Do you want something ceremonious?"
Alexia Sturkov
Mar 3rd, 2005, 09:52:59 PM
Jezreal thought it over for a moment "I personaly would like a ceremony. Just being patted on the head by the Eldars does not seem vert exciting. I would like ceremony. It'd make it feel more real then a pat on the head" She said as they continued to walk.
Mar 3rd, 2005, 10:12:52 PM
He nodded his head. "Alright, I'll put something together." What he meant was that he'd have someone else put something together. Parties and ceremonies were not his thing.
"On another note, we're going to start your advanced training soon."
Alexia Sturkov
Mar 3rd, 2005, 11:06:07 PM
Now she was really excited "Thars wonderful, I can't wait" She said happily. There was nothing she liked more then learning. Though most of all she liked to learn about the force and even more she liked to learn about Telekenesis skills "How soon will be be starting?"
Mar 4th, 2005, 04:40:49 PM
He leaned his head back and inhaled. He didn't exactly have a timetable in mind, yet. "Oh... probably within the week. I'll have to get back to you on that." He said with a slight chuckle.
Alexia Sturkov
Mar 4th, 2005, 05:44:11 PM
"Ok," Jezreal said "Just send me a comm when you know" She calmed her excitment for the moment and took an a calm appearence "Do you think the corellian's will get any ideas after this whole thing with Xel-Naga?" She asked as he looked up at Southstar's face "I'm sure word of his victory against a sith has spread over most of coronet by now."
Mar 5th, 2005, 08:16:11 PM
"If it hasn't it will by dark." He said. The Sith had control over all the communications systems. Nobody was going to hear about what the Sith didn't want them to. Everybody would hear about what they wanted them to.
"Just about everybody is going to know about your victory. Since you're going to be knighted you'll likely receive a ton of attention. Your victory over Xel-Naga is a major highlight of your time at the Order."
Alexia Sturkov
Mar 5th, 2005, 09:42:51 PM
"I'd just hate for people to rebel against the sith because of my defeat. but then again, my victory should banish all thoughts and plans against the sith. The people will hear of how the man who opposed the sith was tracked down and smited and the people would know what becomes of those that oppose the sith" Jezreal said rather liking the smited part.
Mar 7th, 2005, 08:41:18 AM
He nodded his head. "Plus, I doubt people would rebel over single incident as this; of all the planet this event is relatively small. Especially since it's been fixed. You've shown that Sith are not weak."
Alexia Sturkov
Mar 8th, 2005, 12:56:20 AM
"Yes, we are not weak" She said but thought then what was I when he beat me? No, I was no weak. I was only distracted by other things. He pushed aside her feelings of defeate and replaced them with her new ones of victory "I just hope no more people like Xel-Naga come along" She paused and looked at his master "But if they do then we'll just beat them back."
Mar 9th, 2005, 06:39:46 PM
"As a matter of fact, I don't thinkn that anyone would have the guts to show up. But you're right, they'll be taken care of." He said as they approached a speeder. Southstar got in and spoke. "I doubt anyone would show up after Xel-Naga's fate."
Alexia Sturkov
Mar 9th, 2005, 10:03:06 PM
Jezreal got into the seat next to him "Yes, Xel-Naga has served his purpose. Through him we showed our power. If he knew that He'd stir in his grave, er, hole" She said with a silly grin.
Zachariah Jak'el
Mar 10th, 2005, 10:06:57 PM
The rubble shifted slightly and then a figure burst out of the pile. Xel's armor was in tatters and his weapons were no where to be seen.His body was cut in many places and bright red blood dripped from them.
A savage scream issued from his lips, filling the air with the sound of his pain and defeat. Xel rose to his feet and climbed out of the pile and onto the durocrete floor below. His eyes scanned the room breifly for the sith women before he walked to the door.
He walked into the sunlight and limped his way down the street. People turned and stared. Some of those people had seen Xel in the taverns the night before and reconized him despite the blood and dirt. He trudged on, heading for his hotel room to wash up and treat his wounds.
Word soon spread about the defeated Xel-Naga. He growled whenever someone asked him what happened to him. His defeat would be heard all over Corellia and perhaps in other systems. His reputation was runed "Who did I ever take the job?" He said to himself as he trudged down the street, a trail of blood followed behind him.
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