View Full Version : Opinions needed.
Feb 22nd, 2005, 10:55:04 PM
So everybody is semi-conscious of the whole rise of the empire thing that's going to happen in the near future, right? The actual event is going to affect TSO to a much lesser extent than the New Republic, but I think we should do our part to take advantage of it and spice things up. My thought was to have the Sith held planets enter into a Civil War. Details aside, (about who's on who's side and whatnot) can I get a vote on the general proposition?
Personally, I think it's a good idea and worth persuing as it provides so much to roleplay off of (The actual war, pre-war and post-war stages). Then people have commented that the Sith Order is declining in the forums, something like this would give TSO a little more prominence on the boards. I really think that we have decent roleplayers and enough good ideas to make it happen.
One problem is that we do not have many members and so few to actually partake in such a grand event. I think we can get by that as not all events need to be roleplayed. I had an idea to fix that. What if there was a newsfeed, updated frequently, that gave an outline of developments. By the end of the war, the result would be a timeline of the events that make the war up. As new developments occur, roleplayers would have the oppertunity to use that as a story for their character.
Example: Newsfeed statment: "Corellian troops, heavily aided by Honoghr soldiers, have retaken the southern hemisphere of Kashyyyk from the Wookie seperatists, who maintain the north."
Jorshal Vuntana (or any other character) thinks: "Oh this would be a good oppertunity for some personal training." He posts a reply saying he's using this basic material and does a thread with whomever or even a single post story.
There will be no time limit on when the thread must be done, though an abandoned thread will be disregarded. It may be a while after the timeline is done until we find out the entire story.
I hope that doesn't sound complicated and makes this whole idea a complete turn off for most of you. I really think it could work and could be very fun, in the end it will be something to be proud of.
So I want your vote and opinions. If yes or no, why? And is it possible to change your opinion? What revisons would you make? Everyone who has access to this board can vote, one vote per person, not per character.
Je'gan Olra'en
Feb 23rd, 2005, 06:47:54 PM
Yes, because I'm very attracted to the idea and I don't know why. Perhaps writing in shifting circumstances...perhaps wondering if some of the Wookiees and Noghri (two of the deadliest sentient species in the galaxy) would ever get off their duffs and complain about how TSO's been treating them...perhaps because it makes a great basis for *drum roll* TRAINING MISSIONS! Yes, that's right! *looks ominously at Apprentices* You think you're good, you haven't seen good until you've seen someone fight a Wookiee!
Zereth Lancer
Feb 23rd, 2005, 09:12:47 PM
I like the whole idea SS. Amd as Je'gan said, it would open up alot of opportunities for training missions. Back when Zereth was an apprentice training missions didn't happen very often and the ones that did ended up dying off (as in no one was posting anymore) . Zereth has only taken place in one official TSO mission and I would hate for our current apprentices to miss out on opportunities to go on missions. There was a rule in the past that apprentices had to have a few training missions under thier belts before gaining the rank of knight.
Lady Vader
Feb 24th, 2005, 04:18:09 PM
I skimmed this, but due to lack of time, can you summarize it REALLY quick?
I just need a tidbit, is all. :)
Feb 24th, 2005, 04:33:33 PM
OK: Sith held planets break into Civil War.
The timeline proposition: constantly updated newsfeed to consolidate information and make the whole thing easy to follow and play along.
Lady Vader
Feb 24th, 2005, 04:36:23 PM
Ah, interesting way of RPing it with the newsfeeds. It would certainly keep the RP moving and actually finish it (a concept not noted often here at SWF :lol )
I'll go with it so long as we are able to keep vital planets, i.e. Corellia (the system), Dathomir, Honoghr... any others that I may have missed you feel we should keep.
Feb 24th, 2005, 04:47:00 PM
As far as the planets go I was thinking that in the end we'd keep them all and maybe a few extra. Dathomir and Honoghr already strike me as very loyal to TSO the way it is. Corellia is kept because the people are so brainwashed I doubt a succession movement would have any movement at all. Those three (and Korriban obviously) make up the core of the Sith allaince.
Feb 24th, 2005, 07:03:43 PM
I like the idea and as Je'gan said it would be good for Training missions cause I mean could you see some of us going up again Wookies and Noghris? But it could be used for so much more. Deeper character developement, intricate relationships and so much more.
...plenty of places for Kathrine to hide once she wakes up and realizes everyone hates her and she annoys all, but it's ok cause as you can see from my CT she has no love for...well...anyone...I live a lonely life.
Mar 2nd, 2005, 09:09:11 PM
OK, so I think the general consensus is to go ahead with this.
It's been discussed that the Sith make the move from Corellia to Korriban. With this move Corellia will act as the government whereas Korriban will house the Sith. Corellia will answer to the Sith.
In my head I have this idea of the civil war breaking out once the Empire makes its move against the New Republic. Those opposed to Sith rule see this as an oppertunity to try and break away. The leaders on the opposition would be Kashyyyk and the Hutts. Clear allies with the Sith would be Honoghr and the Corellian system. The other systems will have to be pursuaded or invaded.
Which brings me to my next point. For having Nal Hutta we don't have the planets that should go with it (i.e. Gamorr, Ylesia, Kessel and Rodia, which is right alongside Falleen and Ando). Yeah, its ambitious but I think under the circumstances of the Empire kicking some New Republic <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont>, it's entirely possible.
Before I go on, what do you guys think?
Nayala Palain
Mar 10th, 2005, 12:32:19 AM
I want to help.... PM more info please.
Jenny dear if you see this EMail. me!
Vega Van-Derveld
Mar 10th, 2005, 02:37:22 PM
email me :mneh
Mar 30th, 2005, 08:56:11 PM
Well this thing has kind of fallen away... Is anybody still up for it or what? There's talk of the whole Empire thing happening three seconds from now so we best come to a conclusion.
Zereth Lancer
Mar 30th, 2005, 10:33:55 PM
I think we should go with the idea. Its just too good to be thrown inthe rubbish bin.
Mar 31st, 2005, 06:48:20 PM
Well then... who wants to start this thing with me?
I'm thinking a little misunderstanding blown out of proportion could start this thing up real quick.
Zereth Lancer
Mar 31st, 2005, 08:39:35 PM
I wouldn't mind helping out.
Sasha Kovalev
Apr 1st, 2005, 08:33:24 AM
I'd be willing to help out as well. With Sasha, or Maxim, or both. What can I do to help?
Apr 1st, 2005, 03:48:29 PM
Basically, the help needed would be to give me a hand in constructing the timeline. The idea is that once the timeline is complete it will be up to everyone else to use it and contribute to the whole story.
I've got the slightest idea as to what could happen, but I really don't want to craft it on my own without the consent of someone else. So what is needed is ideas. Who should fight who, what could be invaded, the return of the Death Star, ect. PM me if anyone has something, good or bad.
Apr 28th, 2005, 10:42:54 PM
Ok, so I've let this idea fester in my mind for some time now and here's what I've got:
1. Corellia is the leading planet. It's allies with the rest of the system, Drall wavers a little. Honoghr is the other chief ally. Minor, unnamed and unimportant, planets fill out the ranks.
2. The opposite side is comprised of a loose alliance between the Hutt controlled planets and Kashyyyk. More minor planets, though less than with Corellia, fill out their ranks.
3. The wartime will be full of waves, terrible losses and fantastic wins on both sides. At this point everybody has a chance to roleplay within these events.
4. It ends with a politically stronger Corellia and the Sith take a more 'religious' approach. Think of the greek gods in ancient greece.
It'll solve the problem of the Sith having to be politically involved on a constant basis as well as provide plenty of material to RP off of.
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