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J'ktal Anajii
Feb 18th, 2005, 11:55:47 PM
Towels dried best when hung slightly ruffled on the bar. Soap scum doesn't build up if you squeegee the door immediately after the shower. Fresh socks and underwear should be laid on the counter under your other clothes so no steam gets them moist while you shower. Comb your fur immediately after toweling off, otherwise it get mussed easier. Two mintues with a toothbrush, no less, then wait thirty seconds before using mouthwash to let the toothpaste to its best work.

Line after line of commands ran through the Death-Shadow's head as he dried and dressed himself after a shower. The spar had been interesting, and it still lingered at the back of his mind as he went through his process of grooming. Four times he ran a comb through his headfur, and he took extra care on the two long locks in the front. Then came on his black, button-down dress shirt and he combed it all again. Claws were filed and polished, eyedrops administered and his facial fur finely trimmed. A Death-Shadow should always look professional. There is no excuse for laziness in appearance.

Charcoal gray slacks slid up his legs, secured with a black belt of tooled snakeskin before he sat down on a small stool to pull on his black socks--right first, then left. He combed his hair once more.

The rest of his apartment, while twice the size of a standard Jedi's chambers, had been fully re-furnished and adorned to his taste, even though he ahd only been back for a short while. While dark, the spacious living room held an intimate atmosphere. Modern furniture mixed with antique rugs and fixtures, with art of his homeworld decorating the walls and tabletops. Some new pieces, some antique or ancient, all held a value to him, even if several were rather grisly in nature. One wall, usually reserved for an entertaiment center, was comprised soley of racks of weapons of various design. Most bladed, though several firearms of various ages and models were mixed among them, all surrounding an antique suit of armor from his homeworld.

The kitchen appeared straight out of a modern living magazine, fully-stocked and furnished. Dark gray granite coutnertops reflected teakwood cabinets and burnished steel-plate covered appliances. Nothing was done half-rate in his home. J'ktal had spent enough money to ensure that. Racks of wine were visible through several glass-fronted cabinets, and one old, brass-screened cabinet held rows upon rows of old bottles, some so caked and pitted with dust that they appeared made of it. A heavy lock graced its front, while stacks of ancient, leatherbound and hand-written books found home atop it.

Sliding his socked footpaws into a pair of fine leather slippers, J'ktal turned off the lights in his pure white bathroom--the only truly light room in the entire abode--and headed trhough his bedroom and into the kitchen where he set a kettle onto the stove to boil. He was expecting a guest, whether she knew it or not yet.

James Prent
Feb 19th, 2005, 01:17:47 PM
James stepped out of the sonic shower feeling refreshed, if not a little ionized. She gave her body a shake to rid herself of the tingling feeling that lingered, and then scrubbed her hand through her hair as she looked into the mirror. It was getting a little long, but she didn't have time to get a haircut. Maybe tomorrow... She tamed her locks with a hairband, and quickly pulled on the rest of her clothes.

She'd taken to wearing traditional Jedi robes, knowing that they were tied to tradition as well as practicality. They were warm when it was cold, cool during summer, and did not hinder movement in any direction. Plus, it was advantageous these days to be known as a Jedi. There was so much uproar about 'Sith' and 'Dark Jedi' that she felt that to be known as a Force user but caught out of Jedi apparel might be dangerous.

With a practised hand she tied the obi about her slim waist, and dabbed on a bit of lip gloss. The Jedi Knight threw her training clothes into the hamper, and exited her refresher.

Walking across her sitting room, she still found it hard to believe that this whole space was hers. She had never lived in an apartment before - at least, not one with different rooms. After moving to the Temple she'd been given a small one room studio off of her master's rooms, and had been thrilled with that. But now - a sitting room, kitchen, 'fresher and bedroom all to herself! She still hadn't had time to decorate, except for a few holomovie posters that she'd tacked above her sofa in the sitting room.

In the kitchen she pulled open the refridgerator, only to find a few plastic containers with slowly spoiling food in them. She opened one, and quickly closed it and backed away from the 'fridge, letting the door swing shut. James walked over to her comm unit, pulling open a drawer that was overflowing with takeout menus. Looks like I'm eating 'out,' again. Kuati Pizza? She thumbed through the drawer, trying to find an elusive comm number.

J'ktal Anajii
Feb 19th, 2005, 11:24:09 PM
"Captain Anajii," J'ktal answered his comm's handset while he poured hot water into a teacup.

There was no voice on the other end, and he was tempted to hang up, consider it to be just a prank, but he gave it a moment longer, then said, "I said, this is Death-Shadow Captain Anajii, who is this?"

His call identification monitor was broken. He had put in a request for a new one, but since all the coms in the order had to follow a standard, he had to wait for a technician to come out and do something he could easily do himself simply to follow procedure.

James Prent
Feb 20th, 2005, 02:09:04 AM
"I said, this is Death-Shadow Captain Anajii, who is this?"

James' mouth had fallen open at the first words she heard on the comm line, and she tried to recover. "Ah," Wrong number, genius! But after their spar she had a lot of questions. Perhaps the number wasn't wrong, after all. "Ah, this is James Prent, again. I was wonderin' if we could get together some time, and talk about the Force.

"I know you're not actively receiving training at the moment, but I feel that we could both benefit from discussing a few things." James stared crosseyed at the Kuati Pizza pamphlet, and then straightened her eyes, trying to figure out how she'd gotten the number so very wrong.

J'ktal Anajii
Feb 20th, 2005, 02:40:40 AM
Cradling the handset between his ear and shoulder, J'ktal tore open a teabag wrapper, then dunked the papery ball into his cup, bobbing it slightly. He was out of real tea, so the instant kind would ahve to do.

"It is not that I am not actively recieving training," he corrected her, "But that I merely needed a few days to resettle, and make sure that I was not going to step on Sejah's toes in my return." There, the tea was dark enough. Out with the teabag.

"And, I am about to make dinner. You are welcome to join me, if you like, not quite sure what will be on the menu yet, but my groceries arrived this morning so I should ahve a decent selection to choose from."

James Prent
Feb 20th, 2005, 02:44:12 AM
As if in reply, her stomach growled. She hoped he couldn't hear it. "Well, if it's no trouble... I'd love to come over." Love? James, listen to yourself talk, why don't you? "What time should I be there?"

J'ktal Anajii
Feb 20th, 2005, 02:48:01 AM
Ugh, the tea was horrid. Last time he let a shopping droid make a decision for him. When were the last of his things going to arrive from Yavin?

"You may come over now, if you wish," the Death-Shadow replied with a shrug, even though he knew James couldn't see it on the other end. "Do you know where my quartes are located? Number thirty-six B."

James Prent
Feb 20th, 2005, 02:57:45 AM
"Well, I didn't know, but I think I can find that without too much trouble." James scrabbled for a stylus and scribbled down the numbers on a scrap of flimsiplast. "I'll probably be there in fifteen to twenty minutes."

They ended the conversation, and James hung up the comm, feeling stupid. The way things seemed to be going, she had a feeling that she'd be around J'ktal a lot more. There had to be a way to keep from feeling completely outclassed.

She'd excused herself early from her discussion with Master D'an (he probably agreed because she'd come straight from her spar with J'ktal and needed a shower) and gone to the Archives where she'd done a bit of digging. It was probably why she'd accidentally dialed his number - she had him on the brain.

She knew his previous master had been Sage Hazzard, and that the Jedi Master had abandoned the Death Shadow's training and left Coruscant, never to be seen again. James only hoped that it wasn't because of J'ktal that Master Hazzard had taken his leave of the Order. Although... she could see how the mongoose could drive someone mad.

James checked her clothes in a mirror, making sure everything was correct, and fiddled with her hair a bit. "Oh, gods James, it's not a date." She stuck her tongue out at the mirror, and made her way to the door, switching off the lights and locking her apartment.

It was a short walk and turbolift ride to J'ktal's quarters, and she hesitated slightly before pressing the doorbell to announce her arrival. And then she pressed it anyway, misgivings be frelled.

J'ktal Anajii
Feb 20th, 2005, 03:14:37 AM
The cardboard box the teabags had come in joined the spent teabag in the trash. There was simply no excuse for poor quality food products when one paid decent money for them.

So, he ws going to have company for dinner. Not quite what he had expected, but it was managable. Honestly, he had been expecting to hear from James far later in the evening, but this time she was the one who was early. So, for dinner, for dinner, what was he going to cook for dinner... A salad would be in the picture, he had plenty of leafy greens, but the main course was still undecided between either steak or fish. He had some game bird as well, but that took longer to prepare, and harder to make look decent on the plate arrangement. And, after all, a food should look as good as it tastes.

After some deliberation, J'ktal finally rolled back his French cuff shirtsleeves to the mid forearm, then selected a bottle of white wine and put it in his chiller. If they were having fish, it would at least be cold by the time it was ready. Any of his red wines would be suitable at room temperature. Some said the mongoose was a gourmand, but the truth was that he was just plain obsessive.

The doorbell snapped him out of his daze, and after a quick check in the small mirror by the door, and a tug at his unbuttoned collar, the mongoose opened it and invited James inside. "Please, come in, I was just getting things ready." he said, then turned on the lights in his living room, having previously only confined to the kitchen.

The door closed softly behind James, and J'ktal rubbed his paws together and asked, "Well, we have surf, and we have turf, which would you prefer?"

James Prent
Feb 20th, 2005, 01:28:56 PM
She stepped through the door, opening her mouth to exchange greetings with J'ktal, but he chose that moment to switch on the lights for the rest of the room. James' mouth hung open still, but the words she'd been about to say died on her tongue. She'd been expecting... well, not a room like she'd had as a padawan, but certainly a suite about the same size as the one she now occupied.

I should have known - we're much higher in the building. This must be a room normally reserved for Masters. But it wasn't just the size, it was the way he'd decorated, with heavy furnishings and what looked to be priceless antiques. He wasn't the sort to have knockoffs decorating his living room.

He softly cleared his throat, and she realized that he's asked her something. "Ah, I never was too fond of fish, except I had Mon Cal mahi mahi once, and that was fantastic. So... turf, I guess."

James couldn't help it, her eyes kept being drawn to the rest of the room. "I'm sorry, I'm not trying to be rude, but... all this stuff is yours?" Can I look at it? Her question was unspoken, but she'd been taking courses in diplomacy and had been learning that the history of a culture was almost as important to know as the current situation. This apartment seemed a treasure trove of information about Nehantish... and J'ktal himself.

J'ktal Anajii
Feb 20th, 2005, 09:45:13 PM
J'ktal had grown up amongst a far more impressive gallery of artifacts, so he could not possibly appreciate the room as much as James did at that moment. Still, it was nice to impress.

"Yes, well, mostly," the gray mongoose replied. "A few items are here on loan from my father's private collection, but most everything here is among that of my own holding. We Anajiis have always had an interest in the arts and histories of my people."

As he returned to the kitchen, J'ktal removed the bottle of white wine from the chiller and set it back on its rack, then opened his refridgerator to pull out a pair of ribeye steaks. "Feel free to take a look around, but be careful with the weapons. Most of the blades are very sharp, and the guns are all loaded. I do ask that you do not open that cabinet," he indicated toward his antique liquor cabinet with his ancient books atop it, "Right now its contents are twice as valuable because the cabinet has not been opened in fifty years. We lost the key."

Steak and salad. It would be a simple meal, but with J'ktal at the helm of the kitchen, it would be complex at the same time. Spices labled only be colored bands around their bottles made their way out of cabinets and onto the steaks, all the while his gas grill flamed, heating up the grill plates so that they would char lines into the meat. They still had a little way to go, so he went to work tossing a salad with both standard and off-world ingredients. "See anything that interests you? I can give you a full history of most things in my home."

James Prent
Feb 20th, 2005, 10:29:58 PM
James walked into the living room, getting a good look at the racks of weapons, but not touching any of them. She held back a chuckle as he explained about the liquor cabinet, and carefully walked around it. She did peer at the leatherbound books, used to seeing datapads.

Everything looked expensive. And certainly gave her an insight into the mongoose's life.

Moving to a painting on the wall, she did find she had some questions. "I have to admit, J'ktal, I don't know much about your homeplanet. But," she indicated the painting, although since he was in the kitchen cooking he probably couldn't see what she was referencing, "do you have giant snakes on Nehantish?"

J'ktal Anajii
Feb 20th, 2005, 10:35:57 PM
Without having to turn around, the mongoose replied, "That is a female king cobra, they have been known to grow in excess of one hundred and fifty feet. If you look on the credenza to your right, you will seea knife made of one of their fangs. It came from one only fifty feet in length, I made the kill myself."

Taking a break from preparing food, J'ktal turned down the burners on the grill and washed his paws, then approached James while toweling off. "They are now a protected species, though occasionally some of us are allowed to thin their numbers. Though modern boys often choose rifles, not understanding the old ways."

James Prent
Feb 21st, 2005, 06:29:37 PM
"The old ways?" James queried, letting a finger trace the outline of the knife he'd indicated, although not actually touching it. "So you killed yours with a blade?"

She meandered back towards the kitchen area, fiddling with her obi as she tried to look at everything.

J'ktal Anajii
Feb 21st, 2005, 08:13:19 PM
J'ktal shook his head. "No, a knife is used only to taunt and blind the serpent, the kill must come from the jaws," he explained, then raised his hackles to expose a set of very animalistic jaws before snapping them illustratively. "It is very dangerous, but wholly satisfying. Blind the snake, then when it rears back in pain, you jam your knife into the side of its neck, and go for the throat. Rip it out in one bite, if possible. You get covered in blood, but it does not thrash in its death throes, so you are guarenteed survival, should you get that far."

Picking up the fang dagger in his paw, though it was not the type used in a snake slaying, and tested its balance, noting the groove down wish venom would normally run. Setting it bac, the mongoose returned to the kitchen as well, turning the grill back up, then used a pronged fork to spear one steak and lay it on the charring surface, then the other. As the meat sizzled, he looked to James. "Hopw do you like your steak? Rare, medium, well?"

James Prent
Feb 23rd, 2005, 03:42:39 AM
After his talk of killing with his mouth, James looked down a little blankly at the steaks, and then cocked her head to the side. "Medium to well done. I'm not all that fond of food that... well, that bleeds."

She offered him a tremulous smile, hoping he wasn't offended, and leaned back against a counter to watch him cook.

J'ktal Anajii
Feb 23rd, 2005, 03:48:45 AM
While loud-mouthed cooking show hosts, or kitchen gladiators may have made cooking look interesting, J'ktal was more interested in the flavor of his food than his showmanship while preparing it. "Medium-well it is, then," he replied, making no note of her latter comment.

"I trust you will find these better than what we had at that diner some months back," the mongoose announced while pulling steak off, preferring a rarer touch to his meat. "I daresay that place could not have found a worse cook had they scraped one off the street."

Soon it was done, and J'ktal plated the steaks and salads, also slicing a fresh tomato experrtly and splitting it between them before placing both plates on the table. "Care for some wine? I have a vintage that would go quite nicely with our dinner, if you like."

James Prent
Feb 23rd, 2005, 04:11:59 AM
James grinned at his reference to the all-night diner where she'd first met him, and found herself studying his neat kitchen as he finished preparing the meal. When J'ktal asked about wine, she stood away from the counter, and nodded, "I'd like that. Thank you."

She helped herself to the seat he indicated, and he brought the wine, a red one that she probably couldn't pronounce. James smiled as he filled her glass, and soon they were both sitting at the table. She looked across at him, "Do you say any sort of blessing for the meal on Nehantish?"

J'ktal Anajii
Feb 23rd, 2005, 04:22:03 AM
J'ktal carefully set down the bottle and then seated himself. It wasn't a terribly fancy vintage, nor was it very expensive, but it had the right flavor and boquet to go with the steaks.

"Personally, I say it whether I be here, on Nehantish, or anywhere. But, you would not understand it, for it is usually spoken in Nehantite," he answered, then noted the look on James's face. "But, Garfife knows all languages, so I suppose I could make an exception."

Closing one hand over a fist, J'ktal bowed his head and spoke revrently, "O Garfife, creator and master, I thank you for the blessings you have bestowed upon me, and my race. Guide me when you need, and forgive my actions when they do not coincide with your plan. Bless this food you have allowed me to posess, and be welcome in my house, and in the house of my family. Amen." Lifting his head, he unfolded his paws and used one to drape a linen napkin over his lap. "Dig in," he said with an uncostomary grin.

James Prent
Feb 23rd, 2005, 04:39:17 AM
She bowed her head in respect of his customs, and listened to the words he spoke. She'd read a little about the Nehantite religion, but had not understood much. The Corellian beliefs were even more difficult, involving complicated levels of heavens and hells, but just because she didn't understand something was no reason to to ignore it.

After the prayer, James grinned back, the tenseness in her lower back slowly relaxing as she felt more comfortable in her surroundings. She cut a bite of steak, noting the slight pink color of the middle, and chewed it carefully. She found herself smiling again. "This is much better than th' steak at the all night place. The best one I've had in a while." She shrugged, "Not too many steaks wander up to my quarters at dinner time."

After a sip of wine, she slowly cut herself another bite, and decided the best way to deal with a ronto in the room was to acknowledge it. "So, I was wondering... Nehantish has a very strong religious foundation... possibly stronger than just about any other planet in the galaxy." She paused, steak skewered on the end of her fork. "Well, besides the insectoid race on Hynapix IX, but they worship the Hive Mother for their paticular hive, and have horrible religious wars with neighboring clans."

James caught his look, "Ah, I've been readin' up on these things. Sorry, my question is, how do you reconcile the Force with your faith in Garfife?" She placed the bite in her mouth, and chewed slowly, savoring the flavor.

J'ktal Anajii
Feb 23rd, 2005, 04:44:15 AM
"Reconcile?" the Death-Shadow asked, cocking an eyebrow. "What is there to reconcile? The Force is merely an extension of Garfife's power that he allows select individuals to tap into. Just like he granted free will to all living sentient things, it is up to each one to choose whether they will use it for his glory, or if they will be perverted by Garamond and seek his favor as well." Spearing a piece of steak on his fork, the mongoose simply surmised, "When I use the Force, I use the power of the Creator himself, and he has deemed me worthy of it."

James Prent
Feb 23rd, 2005, 04:46:28 AM
James nodded, slowly. "Well, what about when I use the Force? Even though I am not Nehantite, or a believer in Garfife?" She swirled her wine glass gently, and then set it down again. "And who is Garamond?"

J'ktal Anajii
Feb 23rd, 2005, 04:50:36 AM
J'ktal chewed and swallowed his mouthful, and washed it down neatly with a sip of wine before replying, "He has still granted you his power, and hopes that you will come to know him through it. Simply because you do not know him does not mean that you are not his creation and subject."

His fork folded over a lettuce leaf around a slice of tomato, catching it neatly on the silver prongs. "And, Garamond is the force of darkness, the seed of evil once part of Garfife himself until he was banished. He is dead now, but his influence has been so great that he lives on in spirit, afflicting many in times of weakness when their emotions get the better of them, and cause them to do ill toward others."

James Prent
Feb 23rd, 2005, 04:58:02 AM
James nodded, "Okay. That makes sense." She took a few more bites, buying time as she swirled her thoughts around in her head. C'mon James, the last thing you want to do is look completely stupid in front of him. Gods, did he really frighten away a Jedi Master? I don't stand a chance! To her credit, her thoughts were not revealed on her face.

Dabbing at her lips with the cloth napkin, cloth!, James folded her hands neatly in her lap. "I do, as you've guessed, have some more questions for you about the Force. I know you've come here, or been sent here, to learn more about the Force and how to use it. I also know that you already use the Force, although not in so many words.

"Today, you said that it is the strength of your belief that causes things to happen. What other things have you done by believing, besides what I saw during the spar?"

J'ktal Anajii
Feb 23rd, 2005, 05:06:13 AM
"A great many things," J'ktal replied, cutting a ribbon of fat away from his steak. Funny, he could swear he had chosen a better cut at the butcher's.

"Accuracy. I am an expert marksman, better than any in my class at the Academy. Speed, when I need it. Intuition; I know where a man will go to before he makes the turn, though that may be because of my training. Under tutelage of Master Hazzard, I learned how to summon objects to me, and how to deflect oncoming blaster bolts. But, a great deal of my other skills are derived more from rigorous training than Force application. You see, a Death-Shadow cannot falter at critical moments. He must be unwavering in his determination, or he is unworthy of his title. I am not sure if I could ever explain to you the core a beast such as myself must have, or how I have been trained to think and react. I am sorry if that does not answer your question well enough."

It was true J'ktal honestly did not know what portion of his abilities had been augmented by the Force without realizing it, and it worried him to think that he had risen to the top of his class, and to his rank by something other than his own determination and natural abilities.

James Prent
Feb 23rd, 2005, 05:11:33 AM
James shook her head, "No, no, that was a good answer. You say that you learned how to summon objects to you, and would you say that you go about that differently than what you did earlier today?" She continued eating as he replied.

J'ktal Anajii
Feb 23rd, 2005, 05:15:47 AM
A dry chuckle sounded from his throat as J'ktal raised his paw, the pepper shaker gliding into it from across the table. "Of course it is different. I have to convince the item that it should indeed move on its own rather than obey the laws of physics."

James Prent
Feb 23rd, 2005, 05:20:26 AM
James noted the action of the pepper, and tilted her head to the side, eyebrow slightly raised. "Do you find it more... difficult?"

J'ktal Anajii
Feb 23rd, 2005, 05:23:02 AM
Dashing just enough to give his steak a little more flavor, J'ktal shrugged. "Naturally, I have to suspend my hold on reality to make it happen, so, yes, it is more difficult than having it remain where it was. But, once in the proper mindset, it takes minimal effort."

The mongoose took a sip from his wine, then loaded another piece of steak on his fork. "Saving room for dessert? I'm sure I can come up with something."

James Prent
Feb 23rd, 2005, 05:28:08 AM
She looked down at her plate, and shook her head. "No, this is so delicious, I'm not going to try saving room for desert." James looked to the side, and then back to him, as if she were going to impart some secret. "You see, I'm actually quite small."

Ah! Now what are you doing? Joking? James, you idiot. She grinned anyway, and dug back into the remainder of her steak.

J'ktal Anajii
Feb 23rd, 2005, 05:32:58 AM
"Really? I would never have guessed," J'ktal joked, but it was so dry that one truly couldn't be sure if it was a joke at all.

The next few mintues were spent focusing on eating, allowing J'ktal to catch up, even though his carivore's jaws allowed him to make short work of his meal. When he finally placed his silver fork prongs-down on his plate, it was empty, and so was his wineglass.

"So, Miss Prent, have you any other plans for the evening? If you would like to speak further of the Force, or whatever, I believe you will find my living room to contain more comfortable seating." He waved his arm to the large couch and its accompanying chairs.

James Prent
Feb 23rd, 2005, 05:45:26 AM
James felt relieved as he had shared the joke instead of ignoring it, and pushed back from the table. "No, I have no plans for tonight." Is it that obvious? She picked up her wine glass from the table, still nearly half full, and allowed him to usher her into the living room.

She caught sight of a rather grisly photograph on the wall as she passed, but didn't have time to examine it before she was taking a seat in a chair, and he on the couch. James found a coaster for her wine glass, and set it carefully on an end table that was void of anything but a lamp. "What I'm trying to get at, is how your training is progressing? I - I know that... you have no master at the moment..."

James paused, and took a sip of her wine. "I have permission to seek... that is t' say, I am looking for... another padawan."

J'ktal Anajii
Feb 23rd, 2005, 05:51:16 AM
"And you believe that I would be a suitable candidate for that role," J'ktal finished her thought while leaning back on the couch and unrolling his shirt-sleeves. Fishing his cufflinks from his pocket, he put them back in as he said, "Well, as you know I have no master. I began with Sage Hazzard, who disappeared on mw for reasons I cannot fathom, and most recently I endured a short tutelage under Morgan Evanar, but the jungle clime was not one I could learn in, so I have returned to Coruscant, and a more urban environment."

Glancing up at the wall fo weaponry, he added, "The work is better here as well."

James Prent
Feb 23rd, 2005, 06:01:13 AM
She empathized completely with him on the subject of Yavin IV, but chose to leave it as a subject for another time. She also ignored his reference to 'work,' having some idea to what he was referring. "Actually, no, I don't think you're a suitable canidate for the role." James took a breath, and plunged ahead. "Usually padawans and masters are matched because they are similar in interests, or personality. I mean, in the old days of the Jedi Order, padawans would have been children who only knew the Order, and so it really didn't matter who their master was, because the padawan would be molded and shaped by the Jedi who taught them.

"Obviously, you're not here for molding and shaping. And if I intended to attempt it, we would get no where." She drained her wine glass. "But, for some reason I cannot explain, I believe that I should be the one to complete your training. You see, I have visions, almost every night when I sleep."

James sat back in the leather chair, "I had one last night, about you. It prompted my message that I sent to you. To be honest, I can't remember much of it, only that I feel that the Force wills this. At least, my offer to you of training." Her fingers tapped on the arm of the chair, and she plunged onward, not giving him a chance to respond. "Y'see, you're here to be a Jedi, not a trained killer who uses the Force, and unless you want to fail this mission, you need guidance."

J'ktal Anajii
Feb 23rd, 2005, 06:08:26 AM
"So basically you are saying that I am the man of your dreams?" J'ktal asked dryly, waiting for that akward silence to hang between them, then cracked a smile ever-so-thin just before James would say something.

"You are right, I am here more for guidance rather than training. And, seeing as no other master here seems to want to touch me with a ten-foot-pole, I have little choice but to take you up on your offer while it lasts."

James Prent
Feb 23rd, 2005, 06:12:53 AM
She blushed at his comment about her dreams, and stopped her fingers from tapping on the chair. When he agreed with her, James let out a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding. "Fantastic."

The Jedi Knight pushed herself up from the chair. "If you don't mind, I'd like to start right away. Nothing too strenuous right after dinner, but..." She perched on the other end of the couch from him, one foot tucked up underneath her body.

J'ktal Anajii
Feb 23rd, 2005, 06:17:40 AM
J'ktal turned to face her, one arm draped over the back of the couch. "Oh? And what did you have in mind?"

James Prent
Feb 23rd, 2005, 06:25:36 AM
She looked up at him, and smiled a little lopsidedly. "Well, healing is a Jedi art that takes a long time to master. I've learned some, through my own studies, and I'm still learning more. But it's built on the foundation of sense, as are quite a few other skills."

James scooted a tad closer to him, making sure she looked him straight in the eye. If she started defering with her eyes, it would only be a matter of time before he'd have more than just the upper hand in their master/padawan relationship. "To properly heal someone, first you delve with the Force into their body, sensing their health, where the injury is, and what needs to be healed first." She gestured with her hands as she talked, warming to her subject.

"After the delving, the Jedi healer would then work with the Force on a tiny level, fixing the problem." She paused, and he nodded, waiting for her to get to the point. "With your permission, I would like to demonstrate delving, and I want you to watch what I do. But not with your eyes... stretch out to the Force, and sense it on that level."

J'ktal Anajii
Feb 23rd, 2005, 06:32:17 AM
Though hard to do, James had just mde J'ktal I>uncomfortable[/i]. He didn't like the prospect of another sensing him, and feeling him out for what he was. But, she had skills he needed to learn and so he had little choice but to play along.

His eyes, however, cold and pink, did not stray from her own, locked on despite her intense gaze. As a boy, J'ktal often won a pawful of credits by winning staring contests. "How do you mean by that? Like, take note of the change in the Force around me?" the Death-Shadow asked, wanting to be clear on what he was supposed to be doing.

James Prent
Feb 23rd, 2005, 06:42:33 AM
She nodded, "Yes, just like that. If you can see in the Force what I am doing, you'll have a greater chance of being able to duplicate it yourself."

James looked down for a moment, scooting even closer to him on the couch. Her knee was almost touching his leg. She looked up again, and faltered. "I have to..." She put her hand out slowly towards him, "...touch you." James focused on a point somewhere between the end of his nose and his eyes. "More advanced healers wouldn't need the contact, but it helps one focus..."

Her small hand gently rested on his chest, on his shirt just below his unbuttoned collar. He made no move to stop her, so she continued. "It might help you if you close your eyes." She could feel his heart beating beneath her hand, and she followed her own advice, closing her eyes and reaching out to the Force. She murmured softly, "If you relax, that'd probably help too."

J'ktal Anajii
Feb 23rd, 2005, 06:49:16 AM
A light chuckle eminated from J'ktal's throat as he closed his eyes and replied, "Well I will do ym best, but it can be difficult to stay calm when a woman is touching your chest."

But, he tried, leaning back into the couth anc letting his mind go blank, his only focus was to be on the lookout for anything out of the ordinary. Nothing. He felt nothing. Nothing but the warmth of her palm on his shirt, pressing his fur flat against his chest. Beside his leg, his tail twitched idly. "Be careful how deep you delve," he finally said. "You may find things a bit more unpleasant than you might like."

It wasn't as much of a threat as it was a true warning. The mongoose had done things, and experienced things that would turn the average person's stomach.

James Prent
Feb 23rd, 2005, 07:00:25 AM
James breathed slowly, feeling the Force around her before turning her focus on the mongoose beside her on the couch. She unconsciouly licked her lips as she turned her attention to him, getting a sense of where he was in the Force. She had had to do much the same thing the first time she had moved a stone with the Force - waiting until she had a picture glowing in her head of the being before her.

Slowly, and delicately, she pushed inwards with the Force. Too strong a push and he'd feel uncomfortable, too fast a movement and ... well, all sorts of things could be done accidentally. But she had experience, and he had no discomfort as she probed through the Force, starting with the point where her hand touched his chest.

After just a few moments she said quietly, "Your arm... your left arm. It's mostly artificial..." She looked at the bionic arm through the Force, exploring the way it had been attatched to his shoulder.

J'ktal Anajii
Feb 23rd, 2005, 07:08:27 AM
J'ktal rasped his fingers, feelign the mechanical tendons pull and give, the hydraulics in his body activating nearly in sync as natural tissue would. While he still posessed a full sheathe of his own skin and fur on his arm, many muscles, and a few bones had been replaced by bionics, and snaking tendrils of informationrelay cord ran down to a port on the underside of his left wrist.

"Yes, but that is not all," he admitted, trying to bring her focus up to his shoulderblade, then neck and finally his head.

It was as if he could feel a thousand eyes looking at him, looking through him. And he very much wished he could see it himself.

James Prent
Feb 23rd, 2005, 07:20:13 AM
"Ah.." She felt a tug in her mind as she exhaled, and followed it across his shoulder, up his neck, and then to his head. He seemed in perfect health, except for the arm, and she couldn't call that unhealthy. "What..." His left eye was missing, replaced by a bionic eye as well.

Since she was up there, James gently took a look at his brain, knowing only how to identify pain receptors and trace them down to the source. There seemed to be something wrong there, or at least, not quite right. She didn't want to linger too long, and found herself back at his chest, sensing the pulsating organ as it pumped blood through his body. As she withdrew from him, figuratively reeling in the tendrils of thought she'd traced through his upper half, she brushed something.

Pain! There was blood everywhere... Explosions rocked the sky and the ground -

James gasped, and jerked her hand away.

J'ktal Anajii
Feb 23rd, 2005, 07:27:50 AM
A volent snarl erupted from J'ktal's mouth as he spun away from her touch, cluthcing his left arm at the shoulder, his face screwed up as if in indescribable pain. His heart raced, pounding in his temples as he fought to caml his sudden rapid breathing.

What the hell had she done to him? Gar! He could see it all again. He didn't want to see it again! He never wanted to experience that again.

Still looking away from her, the sensation died down, and the mongoose breathed deeper, more relaxing breaths. Still, his paw would not let go of his shoulder, and he asked, a growl in his voice, "Why did you do that? I told you not to delve too deeply." Behind tightly-squeezed eyes, he held back tears. Tears not of physical pain, but anguish over the loss of those he held dear.

James Prent
Feb 23rd, 2005, 07:46:52 AM
James nearly fell off the couch as he spun away from her, only a last minute grab at the back of the couch saved her from landing on her butt. Tears were running down her cheeks as she settled her body, and she wordlessly shook her head. She hadn't been in too deep... at least, she didn't think she had been.

She could see his memory in her head, as if it was her own, and she leaned back against the leather couch, her hand half covering her face. "I - I'm so sorry. Resphir... and Akal..." The pain she was feeling was his pain, but it was so real that her slim shoulders shook with silent sobs.

J'ktal Anajii
Feb 23rd, 2005, 07:51:20 AM
When J'ktal opened his eyes once more, they blazed red instead of pink. Standing up violently, the mongoose glenched his left fist and bellowed, "What do you know of them? Damn you!" His voice was a strangled sob. "You had no right going there! That is my pain, those were my friends! What the hell good is your apology when they're..."

He became dizzy with grief, and stubled before he fell back onto the couch, burying his face in his paws, weeping.

James Prent
Feb 23rd, 2005, 08:05:12 AM
James choked back her involuntary sobs, fighting the urge to leap up and run from his presence. His eyes were a deep red, and his voice was loud enough to hurt her ears.

As he stumbled and fell back onto the couch, he nearly landed on top of her, and she scrambled away from him as best she could. Wiping away her own tears, she watched J'ktal carefully through wide eyes. He'd completely broken down in front of her eyes, and she thought backwards to her actions just before the triggered memory. What have I done?

She'd delved before, but never had anything like this happen. Although, she supposed that her former master had been so at peace with everything that she didn't have any terrible memories lurking just beneath the surface, struggling to be recognized and expressed. Or perhaps this was meant to be. Perhaps this was what the vision had been about. She certainly hadn't been poking about in his brain where memories were stored.

Although, she had been at his heart...

James sat back in the corner of the couch, her arms wrapped around her legs as she waited for J'ktal to compose himself. However long it took.

J'ktal Anajii
Feb 23rd, 2005, 08:11:26 AM
There were many who would have paid great sums to see J'ktal so broken, so distraught. James witnessed it for free.

It did not take long for the mongoose to dry his eyes and clear his throat. A reddish tint still lingered, but his irises returned to their natural pink, or unnatural in the case of his synthetic eye. They hadn't been just firends; they had been more than that. And to feel them ripped away once more was a pain he could scarcely bear.

His voice broken, J'ktal let one paw run back through his headfur before he finally said, "There on the wall, in the metal frame. Look at the picture, it might help you understand."

James Prent
Feb 23rd, 2005, 02:05:17 PM
She got up wordlessly, and walked to the frame he indicated. Inside she could see a blurry black and white photograph that appeared to have been printed on paper. It depicted a young Nehantite standing, one arm completely blown off, and his dark fur matted with blood. In the beast's right hand he held the missing arm. The quality wasn't that great, but she could see the resemblence to J'ktal.

James let her fingers brush lightly against the metal frame, absently noting the lack of dust. Still standing, even after such a horrible accident. He'd lost his arm, eye, and his two best friends in what she remembered as a demolitions charge going off too soon. But it wasn't a construction site accident - he was participating in Death Shadow training. War games. She chewed her lip as she studied the picture, and then she turned back to J'ktal.

He was still sitting on the couch, watching her, but she could feel the ragged edges to his emotion from across the room. She walked willingly back towards the couch, although she was sure J'ktal could probably kill her before she could think about defending herself.

James settled lightly on the couch next to him, slightly turned so she could see him. "I won't insult you again by offering my apologies, although I want you to understand that ... this was never remotely part of my intentions tonight." She paused, collecting her thoughts. "I also want you to know that I will never use the Force invasively on you again, without your permission."

J'ktal Anajii
Feb 23rd, 2005, 06:00:36 PM
His paw tenderly traced the crown of his shoulder as he sat, staring off into space. Jame's words barely reached his ears, but when they did, he snapped out of his daze.

"I will hold you to that promise," he said, then cleared his throat and sat up straighter, trying to regain a form of dignity.

"I was seventeen. It was a training exercise. Akal, Resphir and I were the last three of the ten boys originally selectted in my group, ans we were assigned the task of destroying a pair of 'enemy' tanks while under live fire conditions. Things went well, until a charge in an abandoned building detonated prematurely. Resphir was blown in half, and they never discovered to Akal's head, or left leg. I do not know exactly how I survived, but I found my left arm, picked it up, and stumbled out of there, wandering half-blind until a medic found me, but not before that photographer snapped my picture and blasted the Corps. I was put on the inactive list for three months while I healed, and could not even attend the funerals of my firends for I was in surgery at the time," J'ktal related his story. "I would have just told you, if you had asked."

James Prent
Feb 23rd, 2005, 08:17:42 PM
James blinked back moisture from her eyes as he spoke, and shook her head. "I don't know what happened, J'ktal, but I was not probing for memories, or anything of the sort. In fact, I've never been taught how, or even that it's possible." She looked down at her hands, "It probably makes it worse, because I am trying to - "

She looked up, forcing herself to meet his eyes again, and took a breath. "If you want me to leave and request another Jedi to oversee your training, I understand. If you would like to continue..." She let the sentance trail off.

J'ktal Anajii
Feb 24th, 2005, 01:23:24 AM
"You think ema fool?" J'ktal asked, point-blank. "I am a trained killer with ties to a government that is not friendly to the Jedi Order, and on top of that I am apparently the sworn enemy of Mr. Haversh, a man well-loved in this institute. Who else would take me?"

Straightening his shirt, the mongoose shook his head. "No, as a matter of logistics, you are still my best option, and I believe we have a better understanding of each other now."

It was cold, but it was the truth. James was J'ktal's best hope for immediate further training, and now that she knew one very intimate detail about him, it would be best if she did not leave. "I am a tough pupil, I will freely admit that. At times you may hate me, and at other times might possibly be afraid of me. It is my nature, and there are some things about my you will not be able to change. If you can accept that, I will remain as your student in the ways of the Force. But, when it comes to assignments from my superiors, I must ask that you let me handle them without interference, or reprocussion from this order. Do we have a deal?"

James Prent
Feb 24th, 2005, 08:17:54 PM
James clasped her hands together in her lap as J'ktal spoke, and nodded. "I agree t' let you handle your 'other' assignments with no interference, but as far as there being repercussions from the Order - I may have no control over that. Of course, as you're my padawan, I'd answer first for your actions if the Council calls attention to them.

"Other than that, you have a deal." She stuck her hand out towards him, and then bit her lip, wondering if Nehantites even shook hands on deals.

J'ktal Anajii
Feb 24th, 2005, 08:32:22 PM
There was sincerity in her eyes, he could see it. And, J'ktal knew he was skilled enough to handle both his role as Death-Shadow, as well as train to be a Jedi, all without the Order really finding otu much about his second line of work.

After a moment's pause, he reached his paw forward and grasped Jame's wrist, her hand in the proper place to hold his, and when she did, he shook, sealihg their pact. "Agreed," he said with a curt nod.

James Prent
Feb 24th, 2005, 08:38:21 PM
She was slightly surprised when he took her wrist, but allowed her hand to grip his in return. His paw was warm, and to her surprise his exposed fur was soft. Somehow it seemed incongruous to his character to be covered with soft, cuddly fur. They shook, and then he released her wrist, and there was a moment of silence.

James folded her hands in her lap again, and gave him a half smile. "Well, to finish the excersise that we attempted earlier, I just have a question. Could you see what I was doing, and get a sense for how it is done?"

J'ktal Anajii
Feb 24th, 2005, 08:48:51 PM
Her hand was soft, yet still gripped his wrist firmly. A good sign that she wasn't afraid of him anymore.

In response to her question, the mongoose replied, "I believe I understood. You were looking at my body, at the various muscles, bones and organs. When you found my arm, you became intruiged, and looked closer. Tell me, how do you look inside like that?" He had felt where she looked, and was thankful that James had the propriety to not extend her 'gaze' below his beltline.

James Prent
Feb 24th, 2005, 09:28:21 PM
"Well, first you need to know how to concentrate... something you shouldn't have a problem with." James paused, a little smile tweaking the corners of her mouth. "You should have the ability to feel the way an object interacts with the Force - with Jedi or other Force sensitives it is easier to feel because of the unique way the Force ripples through and around us."

She stopped, trying to find the words to describe what she meant. "When I first tried to lift a small stone with the Force, it was impossible. I had no feel for where the rock was, and so I couldn't interact with it. After I was able to see/feel the stone in my mind, I found it much easier to manipulate the Force around it." James hesitated. "You should just try it. Not delving, but try to see me in the Force."

He looked a little skeptical, and she added, "Once you get the hang of this small task, you'll find it easier to tell when living beings are around you, and you can begin to sense the difference between a being attuned to the Force, and one who isn't." James shrugged, "Well, you probably already have a good sense of when people are approaching you or not."

J'ktal Anajii
Feb 24th, 2005, 09:33:32 PM
J'ktal nodded, then lightly flicked one of his own ears. "Yes, but that is more often due to these, and this," he then tapped his nose.

"However, any advantage in the field is one I will lean." Shifting his position on the couch, he looked at James. "So, when I go to sense for someone, how is it best to begin? To sense for their life force, or simply for things like heat and movement?"

James Prent
Feb 24th, 2005, 09:44:09 PM
"You're sensing life force," she explained, "although when I first did this, I was using an inanimate object that had neither heat, movement, or a life. But it does have the Force... because the Force surrounds us and every thing in the worlds, living or not."

James reached towards him and took his hand. "Don't worry, I'm not going to do anything. Just close your eyes and try to see me. With actual contact it should make it easier."

J'ktal Anajii
Feb 24th, 2005, 09:56:55 PM
J'ktal took her hand, though more warily this time. Taking a deep breath, J'ktal closed his eyes and tried to conjure up the same feel he had felt when she sensed him, knowing he at first needed to figure out what he was looking for.

There was her hand, but that didn't help much because he could already feel it. What else could he look for? His imagination created an arm, but it wasn't really hers. Scratch that, new plan. How could he find the rest of her body? What could he...

Blood. Blood courses through the bod, it was perfect. Focusing his senses, he looked past the skin of James's arm to see the blood traveling through ehr veins. Once he had established a lock on it, he followed it, up her arm, to the arteries and finally to her heart, wehre it led out again to the rest of her body. From pieces here and there he could finally make up a whole person, and he tried his best to keep an image, though it kept fading out on him.

James Prent
Feb 24th, 2005, 10:06:33 PM
James watched J'ktal carefully, and then closed her eyes. She breathed in and out slowly, ready to pull away from him if anything happened.

The skin on her arm started tingling a little, starting at her wrist, and traveling upwards towards her heart. She started a little bit, but calmed herself as the sensation abated. After a few minutes he released her hand, and she opened her eyes. "I felt you... did you have success?"

J'ktal Anajii
Feb 24th, 2005, 10:12:08 PM
"I... believe so. It was hard to keep you in focus. I need more practice, I believe," came his reply as he rubbd his own paw, still tingling from the sense.

"How long did it take you to learn that skill?

James Prent
Feb 24th, 2005, 10:16:55 PM
James thought about his question for a moment. She'd spent countless hours in meditation for weeks on end before attempting the rock. "Quite a while. My master believed in meditation, and lots of it, which can seem boring, but it does help you learn about the Force and how to focus. I use princibles I learned during those first months of meditation nearly every day."

She laughed, "There is even a skill called 'battle meditation,' where a Jedi warrior uses the Force to connect and assist other Jedi in battle. It's mostly a lost art now, because few have the skill needed to perfect it."

J'ktal Anajii
Feb 24th, 2005, 10:21:33 PM
J'ktal shook his head. "I fear meditation might be lost on me. I..." he trailed off, not wishign to admit that he had a shortcoming. "I cannot clear my mind. There is always something working or an idea forming, or past events replaying. 'No time wasted, no thought squandered' was a doctrine among us at the Corps. Thirty-two years of such process is impossible to change at this point."

James Prent
Feb 24th, 2005, 10:28:28 PM
"Well, you shouldn't think of it as time wasted - it can be invaluable to a Jedi." James shrugged, "Or you could try just thinking about the Force. However! I don't intend to try teaching you meditation right now."

She half stood, her hand on the back of the couch, and looked around the room. "Perhaps if we used a bit of your training in conjunction with the sense exercise." James looked at him, "Feel okay about me hiding and you tryin' to find me through the Force?" She pointed to his nose, and his ears. "But don't cheat and use those."

J'ktal Anajii
Feb 24th, 2005, 10:33:06 PM
"As long as we don't play it in here," J'ktal replied, indicating to his quarters.

Standing up, the mongoose extended a paw to help James to her feet as well. "I will do my best to not let my natural abilities interfere with this training, and will even plug my ears, if you so desire. However, my nose is a bit tougher to close," he said with a small grin.

James Prent
Feb 25th, 2005, 12:52:23 AM
James accepted the help off the couch, and straightened her robes as soon as she was upright. "Did you have another place in mind?" She laughed as a thought struck her. "We could find a laser tag place - I'm sure there's one somewhere in this sector. And they're always open late."

J'ktal Anajii
Feb 25th, 2005, 12:57:06 AM
J'ktal's left eyebrow raised slightly. "Laser tag?" he asked, not having played that game since his youth, before it was replaced by low-intensity blastrs at the Academy. "Well, I suppose so. As long as I can change into something a bit less formal," he swept a paw down over himself and his nice clothes.

"If you would like to make the arrangements, go ahead and use my comm system. I will step into my room to change."

James Prent
Feb 25th, 2005, 01:06:31 AM
"Certainly." James turned towards the comm, and added, "I'll have to change too - I think I'd feel weird playing tag with these robes on."

A few minutes with the directory, another five on the comm with the Family Fun Center a few blocks from the Jedi temple, and James called back towards J'ktal's closed bedroom door. "I'm going to go change - meet me in the main entrance in about ten minutes?"

For a minute it was hard to remember that she was a Jedi Knight and a responsible adult. She was only twenty two years old, and the thought of playing laser tag brought up all sorts of school memories.

J'ktal Anajii
Feb 25th, 2005, 10:30:20 PM
J'ktal eased the throttle of his speeder down, coming to a stop outside the Order's main enterance. His clothing was vaguely militart in style, but casual enough in cut and color to not draw much attention.

That's what his speeder was for.

A classic, smooth-lined convertible with a grumbling purr to its engine. Metallic raving green paint gleamed under the bright lights, and the sleek, ostrich leather interior looked more than supple. Drumming his fingers on the hand-shaped wooden steering wheel, the mongoose waited. What was it with women and taking so long to get dressed?

James Prent
Feb 27th, 2005, 03:32:02 AM
A shadow disengaged from a pillar, and James walked up towards the green speeder. She whistled appreciatively. "Y'know, I've been waiting here for you for two minutes. Thought we were meeting inside."

He opened the door, and she scooted in, her black jogging outfit sliding on the smooth leather. James tugged on her black tee-shirt, and added, "I was planning on a taxi. But, this works."

J'ktal Anajii
Feb 28th, 2005, 07:10:43 PM
"Buckle up," J'ktal requested, then shifted the speeder back into gear and punched the gas. The classic speeder took off like a rocket, and J'ktal's paws spun the wheel like a prodessional racer as he navigated through other streams og traffic and between towers.

"Taxis take too long, and their seats are often uncomfortable," J'ktal said as the wind flung his headfur about. "This was my first speeder," he added, filling in their trip with a little conversation. "It was in poor shape, but during a course on craft repair, we restored it, and enhanced the engine and performance." The green two-seater swooped down, spiralling through a channel before banking ahrd and swinging up alongside an office tower. He knew exactly where he was going, even though the craft lacked a map display screen, as well as several other more modern features among its walnut and chrome dash.

James Prent
Mar 1st, 2005, 06:28:45 PM
James clung to the inside of the door, her hand whiteknuckled as her new padawan took the fast way towards laser tag. She was glad he'd waited a split second for her to get her restraints fastened before taking off.

Five hair-raising moments later, James was standing on the pedwalk next to the door of the Family Fun Center. She unconsciously ran her hands through her hair and straightened her clothing. "So... ready for some fun?" She wriggled her eyebrows at J'ktal, and entered the laser tag center.

"Hey Gorshal, what's up?" James grinned at the guy behind the counter, and he came around and grabbed her up in a hug.

"Prent! Frell, haven't see you since that school dance. You know, the one where you slapped Franc -" His grin faded a tad as J'ktal followed her through the front door. Gorshal stepped back from James, and started to get behind the counter again. "Hey, I didn't know it was you coming. I haven't heard from you in like three years."

James glared at the reference to Franc, and then brightened again as Gorshal changed the subject. "Yes, its me. And this is J'ktal Anajii, a collegue of mine."

Gorshal smiled, "Hey, nice to meet you." He turned back towards James, typing into the computer as he did so. "So, you're with those Jedi now, huh? I've been hearing stuff... not good stuff, Prent."

She leaned on the counter, "Well, rumors will fly."

He grinned, carefully looking at the screen, "Yeah, like the one about you and Franc's brother, in the bathroom." Gorshal sniggered as James tried to punch him in the arm from across the counter. "Still too short, Prent. Being a Jedi didn't make you taller?" He feigned a look of innocence.

James stuck her tongue out at him. "Got that room ready yet, old friend?"

"Oh, yeah, got it all set. Just go through those doors, put on the equipment and let me know when you're ready. There's an intercomm in there, and I'll unlock the doors to the laser arena." Gorshal pointed out the door. "Have a good time guys."

J'ktal Anajii
Mar 9th, 2005, 09:18:41 PM
The exhchange in the lobby was not lost on J'ktal, who watched wordlessly, letting James and her apparent friends have their fun. The mongoose only nodded when he was introduced, and then followed James into the staging area.

"Friends of yours, I take it?" he asked while donning the chest-mounted target, securing the straps to his liking, even though they smelled a little funny. The Death-Shadow said nothign else on the subject. Should JAmes want to tell him about it, she would. And, if she didn't, well, that was her business. Oh, a head-mounted target. Now that was going to feel just charming over his larger ears. Still, a "mission" was a mission, so he pulled it on anyhow, hating how the headband flattened his thin ears against his head and mussed his headfur. Next time he would have to bring his own gear. At least it fit right.

The plastic-cased "laser gun" felt light in his paw, not too dissimilar to a blaster, but a far cry from his normal handguns of choice. Twirling it on his finger deftly, J'ktal looked to James. "So, will this be one-on-one, or are we joining larger teams?"

James Prent
Mar 9th, 2005, 11:25:55 PM
"Friend? Yeah, I went to school with him. Unfortunately." Her tone was fond, even though her words were not. She tightened up her gear, and hefted the 'gun' in her hand. "It's gonna be one on one, just you an' me. Having a bunch of little kids runnin' around wouldn't really fit our purpose, because you wouldn't really have to look to find someone. I'll be Blue Team, you can be Red."

James had noticed his expression as he'd put on his targets, and added, "And hey, if you think this is bad, wait til you get inside. I think they bought all the black lights in this sector. Neon, galore." She grinned, and slapped a hand on the intercomm. "Gorshal, we're ready. Open the hatch!"

A red light blinked on, and then flicked to green as the door opened to reveal the maze of a course they'd be using. James stepped through, leading J'ktal to the 're-loading' station for the Red Team. "Here's where you re-load your gun, like so..." she demonstrated with her own, the heads-up display changing from 00 to 50. "Fifty shots a load, but we probably won't use more than one."

She pointed down a passage, "Your base is that way, mine is across the course. You're not supposed to climb on things, but I don't care if you do or not. I always thought it made things more interesting." James winked, the whites of her eyes glowing strangely int he black light. "I've played the course before, so I'll have a slight advantage in that way, but I think I need all the help I can get."

J'ktal Anajii
Mar 9th, 2005, 11:42:56 PM
J'ktal felt like he was twelve. Or, at least he would have if he knew what a normal twelve-year-old ever felt like. Recharging his own weapon, the HUD glared into his left eye uncomfortably, but a Death-Shadow does not complain about things so minor.

"My base is this way?" he questioned, then nodded when it was confirmed. "Good, and good luck, Master Prent." With a nod of his head, the Death-Shadow walked slowly toward his 'home base', checking the aim of his gun as he went. The glare of bright, colored lights, and the hue-shifting habits of blacklights were like acid on his eyes, and the blaring techopop music was something he normally avoided like the plague. But, this was a hunt, and outside factors could have ltitle bearing on his target. He reached his base and hit the start button, moments later the blue start light activated as well, signalling the beginning of the match.

Immediately it was on, and J'ktal shot like a rocket through the course, bounding over lower walls until he was near the halfway point. There he slowed, his eyes sharp, and his other senses sharper. Slowly, as he waited, tendrils of consciousness spread from him, seeking out his prey. He had not yet spent enough time with James to be able to predict her, so he would have to go at it the old-fashioned way to start with. Still, his figner was ready on his trigger, awaiting any signs of movement that could betray her presence.

James Prent
Mar 10th, 2005, 12:28:24 AM
James ran lightly through the course, slapping her hand on the Blue Team's ready button when she reached her base. It was a slightly circular enclosure with large square windows. Normally the teams would compete to see how many times they could take the other's base by hitting the opposing ready button, but the two Jedi were interested in other things.

Mainly, trying to shoot the frell out of the other person. She didn't really have experience with blasters, but she'd played laser tag for years. When you have friends in the business, you get to play for free a lot. Her rubber soled shoes were quiet, and black like the rest of her outfit, so she didn't have to worry about her clothing giving her away under the black lights. As she walked quietly forward the music was loud enough to mask all but the loudest of noises, so she extended her senses through the Force, searching...

She held her laser gun with both hands, point down, not because it gave her an advantage, but because that's the way they did it in the holos. Either that or they held them pointing in the air, but this was better for running around while crouched down. Plus, she was used to it that way. Ah... there you are, I think. She could feel the Force swirling in a tell-tale way in the distance.

Across the arena, but definitely closer to the Blue than to the Red Base. James climbed on top of a stack of rubber tires, keeping low so as not to outline herself on the neon designs painted on the outer walls. Slowly she began creeping towards the disturbance, satisfied that at least he shouldn't be able to hear her coming.

J'ktal Anajii
Mar 10th, 2005, 01:01:15 AM
Left, left more, right, up. Bingo.

Target aquired, lock established. J'ktal severed his Force connection, knowing it would act as a homing beacon to his opponent, and with the natural speed of his race, he shot through the course, keeping James's general location under surveilance, all the while mapping the course as he went for future refrence.

He held his gun pointing neither up or down, for there was no one on his own side he could possible shoot by accident. No, it was held level, ready for a snap shot should he need it. His steps were measured for both distance and sound, and his pink eyes darted back and forth, knowing James should be somewhere around. If he were her, where would be be?

High ground. He was a trained killer, and she was a city girl with a gun. She would be as far out of reach as possible, while maintaining a position of advantage. Ducking behind a rampart on the floor, he carefully scanned the upper rim of the arena. Flashing lights and spinning mirrored balls provided ample distraction, but not enough. There she was, and he couldn't score a hit from his current position. He dared to use the Force again, but this time not to seek, but to hide.

Hide amongst himselves, that is. James would be looking for Force activity, and he would give it to her en masse. A wicked grin spread across his face as J'ktal imagined himself being in ten different places at once, all offering a clean shot at her. It wasn't so much of a stretch, really. After all, he had been trained to constantly think of at least three ways to kill whoever they were near. Standing, J'ktal stepped two paces to his right and raised his gun. Three shots later, James's alarm light glowed blue, and the mongoose lowered his weapon.

James Prent
Mar 19th, 2005, 01:11:05 AM
James dropped off the other side of the wall from the mongoose, frustrated that she'd been picked off so quickly. There had been a confusion in the Force right before J'ktal had gotten her target, and she had been sure she was about to hit her padawan. Obviously he had a few more tricks of the Force up his sleeve than just convincing things to remain as they were.

Racing back to her base, she again signaled that she was ready by recharging and slapping the Blue button. The Red light answered her, and she turned back to go through the maze of a course. Her first instinct was to alter her plan and to stick to low ground this time. Then she thought perhaps J'ktal would anticipate her changing tactics and expect it...

Trying not to outthink herself, James extended out her senses, feeling for the mongoose and getting a sense of his position. She worked herself around so as to not meet him head on. There was a tower of sorts where she might be able to snipe him off from... or a few walls with holes in them that would be good for getting him from the side.