View Full Version : Another Bestine Thread
Telan Desaria
Feb 15th, 2005, 01:14:32 PM
Friends - - we have waited long enough. I officially caste my vote that we move onto the Republic counter attack immediately. We all know what the Senate will do so they can rp as they wish and we can make our rp, going off of what we know to be true - or will be true in regards to their thread.
This is the opinion of the Empire.
I spoke with my former mentor - without him, I would never have flourished here - Jeseth Cloak. He was an excellent fleet rper almost four years ago when I began and he says the board is stagnating. And it is. We need Bestine to bring things back into the fold.
Either that, or let us know, and we will attack somewhere else. Let us do something before we throw up our hands and forget what we have done.
Tiberius Anar
Feb 15th, 2005, 02:42:24 PM
Normally I keep these things close. Discuss them over PM. I prefer to avoid open dissent and recrimination. But frankly enough is enough. So...
Telan, belt up.
We will get there shortly then you can start fighting. This is not the first time you have tried to push things forward without the Senate. Indeed it is not the first time you have tried to push forward things without others. It is bad form and I will not stand for it.
This is not the position of the Sovereignty becasue there has been no dicussion of this on our boards. This is the position of you- one man not the group. IC we may be a dictatorship but OOC we are democratic in that we seek concensus and the opinion of all members before we act.
If you wan to RP go and put your energies into Deliverence or War's Wake. You have your second front thread, go and do that. Put you energy there. Instead of bullying and stamping your feet.
Now the rest of you. You have all shown formidable patience. I am grateful for it. Please don't give in now after such a wonderful display of respect for fellow writers in difficulties. All we ask is that you observe the form. One thread leading into another is how this should work. It is how it has worked I see no reason to change that now. Thank you.
Telan Desaria
Feb 15th, 2005, 04:38:05 PM
Anar - - you are out of line. I have displayed patience - -read what I wrote and see that I am not trying to further my own need for action but rather attempting to stop stagnation. Before you recriminate, investigate. You are dangerously close to being insubordinate.
Feb 15th, 2005, 11:38:30 PM
Bestine ? whats that?
Feb 15th, 2005, 11:46:47 PM
no really I have an idea. What about a small battle before bestine. nothing major. My idea is to attack a few of the supply convoys going into Bestine with a small NR force. Going back to the old Alliance tactics
Cound give you a chance to use some of those nifty stelth vettes. Since Reshmar is on Calamari building the Mediators and General Forlon wont go into bestine untill very last I could use some exercise.
will this be enough to feed the hungry beast which is the Sovereign war engine?
Lion El' Jonson
Feb 16th, 2005, 12:59:09 AM
It could even be a skirmish. Perhaps New Republic vessels would intercept an Imperial reconaissance force trying to poke around our staging areas. We'd intercept them to keep them from figuring out what we were up to.
Still, I'd like to finish up the Senate thread before we move onto the fighting. Bestine is more than anything a model of the future of Fleet RPs, and we need to see how it works.
Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 16th, 2005, 02:01:15 AM
Lion - I believe you were next up in that Senate thread. And we'd love another post in the other senate thread (Corellian Problem).
*taps foot*
Tiberius Anar
Feb 16th, 2005, 03:11:06 AM
See- I would have pointed that out but it didn't seem fair since Lion has already been reminded and apologised profusely for the hold up. See other thread on Bestine.
Jarek T'chort
Feb 16th, 2005, 07:25:04 AM
In future I really think that Fleeting threads must take priority, with any Senate threads taking place at the same time, but not being relied upon for the continuation of Fleet threads.
Telan - I have pm'd you as you asked.
Tiberius Anar
Feb 16th, 2005, 10:03:24 AM
This is what is wrong with fleeting on this board. The flawed belief that the military exists in a vacuum. It doesn't.
The military is a tool of foreign policy. It is the politicians who make foreign policy not the generals. And they make it for political reasons- mostly concerned with territorial integrity and security. If you want realistic stories you have to bear that in mind.
That is why this story involves the Senate. In the NR the Senate has to authorise this sort of thing. It is an extraordinary case Other stories will involve the CoS and the Defence and Foreign Affairs Secretaries- they will be quicker.
Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 16th, 2005, 11:23:21 AM
It's not really anyone's fault that it's taking so long - if you guys want it to go faster, register senator names and start posting. :p When I helped start the senate I had like 8 active senators, now I have two ( one is me) and one who is on every once in a while.
Jarek T'chort
Feb 16th, 2005, 02:29:19 PM
Anar I understand that, but this is not real life - this is typing a post about a fantasy story when you get some spare time. Things don't need to be 100% realistic. I'm saying the Senate does their thing, the military does theirs. Realism is great, but for example, there are several Sov threads taking place at different time recent periods and in different places. Why not just do the same with Senate/War threads?
For the record I'm not saying you should rush this, but in future we don't need to do things in a linear timeframe because it is inconvenient.
Telan Desaria
Feb 16th, 2005, 04:33:28 PM
This is why this man is first in line to succeed me.
<<<< = so proud.
Kieran Devaneaux
Feb 16th, 2005, 09:30:15 PM
I understand that we're not being 100% realistic, but if memory serves, wars were never put on hold because of bureaucratic squabbling. The Senate can be bogged down in debates while the military is bogged down in combat with the Sovereignty. I agree with Jarek - we don't need to do everything one at a time because it takes too damned long.
Feb 16th, 2005, 11:34:45 PM
Once the NR senate declares war then we Military types have a free run. lets give them the time to do this right. since it is a special thing. not all battles would run along side a senate thread. this is a special case where the NR senate is deciding to free up the resources and personnel to wage a war. I am ready also for this to get going but giving the Senate alittle more time wont hurt. If any of the Imperials are willing we can do a small battle leading up to bestine like myself or Lion have sugested. This bestine thread is supposed to be a land based rp with very little fleeting. we arnt trying to fight the Sov fleet. If we were we would be bringing alot more ships. So if anyone wants to do a pre bestine thing just let me know. I have alredy thought up what im going to do and will bealocating the forces.
Lion El' Jonson
Feb 17th, 2005, 07:53:35 AM
Okay, I will post NOW.
I'm off to the Phillipines to help build houses for poor people, so I'll be out of touch until Sunday or Monday.
This has been a terrible week. Chinese New Year is always a terrible week. I'm sorry everybody.
My apologies, Lil. ^_^; Thanks for being patient, Tiberius. :)
EDIT: Furthermore, I think that we're really going to need to stick to the timetable of Senate threads first, the Military following. What Tiberius said was correct: the military is not alone, especially as this is the New Republic...not the New Military Dictatorship, or the New Anarchy. We have to follow proper procedures, and if that involves some beaurocratic nonsense (just kidding...:lol), I think it should be followed. The Senate threads are going to become increasingly important in the next few months, as these threads will actually be determining what the fleet will be doing.
Kieran Devaneaux
Feb 17th, 2005, 11:05:56 AM
You're the boss. *grumbles* Lousy bureaucracy....err, what? :D
Telan Desaria
Feb 17th, 2005, 01:35:48 PM
Lion 0 0 --I challange you to a duel. Contact me via om - - -our flagships should tango.
Senator Thareena
Feb 17th, 2005, 02:28:38 PM
Thanks Lion! Didn't mean to be a pest - just I didn't like the senate being told they were slow when we were waiting on someone else. ;) Yes! Good old "pass the buck!" It works, people!
(on a side note: Chandrilans like Pringles.)
Kieran Devaneaux
Feb 17th, 2005, 09:21:13 PM
So do I, Thareena. I like Chees-Ums and Pizza-licious myself. :D
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