View Full Version : Me too! (Character Eval)

Kyzer Rayne
Feb 13th, 2005, 11:08:08 PM
Yes, I'm doing this too :) So everyone come in here and say anything. May it be possitive or negative or anything. Just say something about me and my characters.

Here is the list of my commonly used Characters:
Kyle Krogen
Zereth Lancer
Jezreal Darkshard
Kyzer Rayne


Han Fernua
Feb 13th, 2005, 11:20:53 PM
THEY SUCK! Oh, wait, thats not what you wanted? Sorry.

Well, since I live with you and know a small bit of all your characters, yet nothing really about them, all do my favorite ones and go from there.

Zereth: I loke where your taking Zereth. At first, he seemed to be going with all the other Sith at the time and it was all just a big happy family. But now that your starting to work with him, your getting more of the attitude for the role.

Kyle: Now this is a hard one. I haven't really seen much of a develope with him. its just always been the same, just working with training and going around doing stuff. He needs to get more...more of a personality. He just seems so mello and calm all the time that nothing is really wrong and like he might be stoned or something.

Feb 13th, 2005, 11:21:32 PM
I really was pleasantly surprized by the posts you did for my Trric dream threads. They were very creative and well-done, and I'll definitely be asking you to join in any other threads I do with Trric that need a demon or two :)

Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 13th, 2005, 11:49:28 PM
Kyle Krogen - don't know much about him. He's a Jedi... and that's about it. I think that if you want him to become an interesting character (or make Jedi Knight... ever) you need to RP him more.

Zereth Lancer - I was impressed to find out that he's an Elder at TSO! I guess they're letting anyone in these days. ;)

No, seriously, congrats on the 'job,' and remember - no trying to take over the Order until you're ready for the consequences. On a serious note: you seem to have started focusing in on him and putting time into the character, which is great to see. Your writing has really improved (aside from the odd spelling blunder, or grammar mishap, but really, who doesn't these days? Still - work on it) from what it was, and you have great ideas for your characters.

I don't know the other characters at all, so I'll leave it at that. Oh wait - Kyzer seems to be one of the most interesting characters, since he talks to his weapons. It's funny, and makes for a good read when he's seeming normal and then suddenly starts talking to inanimate objects. :)