View Full Version : Pick me! (Character essesment)
Han Fernua
Feb 13th, 2005, 12:21:20 AM
Ok, like most are doing now, I want to know what others think of my characters. Now, I dont have nearly as much as most. In fact, I might be the only person with the least amount of characters.
So here they are: Rognan Dar, Han Fernua.
I have a third, but its not forth talking about. I also haven't dont much with Han of late, since Raz dumped me in the gutter. Hope to bring him back.
Feb 13th, 2005, 12:39:34 AM
Han should play with Kyashi while he's on Kirrek!
I don't know much about Han, actually, but what little tiny bit I did read about him was interesting. (A thread with him and Somara).
Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 13th, 2005, 12:36:23 PM
Han - I like the concept of this character. He's a kid who doesn't talk and hides himself behind his complicated illusions. The extreme end of shy, I think. :) He's lived on his own for most of his life, so he's pretty cocky too, in his own 'i don't talk much' way. I am interested in reading more about him... so good news - Raz's computer is back online!
Rognan - I am SO proud of your Rognan character - mostly because I didn't really help you with anything and you've done so much with the character. He's moving up in the Jedi ranks and is a Council member now which is fantastic. It'll give you lots of opportunities to RP in different ways than you have recently. I think Rognan is well rounded, has different facets to his personality and the fact that he gets exasperated about things is great. Shows that he's not a "super-Jedi" ... at least, not yet.
To work on with Rognan I'd just suggest staying away from anything that seems melodramatic or soap opera-ish. I know that the RPers that you fell in with when you first started tend towards these type of storylines (which might explain your twin sister?) but they've all been done a thousand times. Trying to do something completely original might not be possible - but it is possible to do something un-original in a totally original way. Or, better than anyone else previously.
I think you'll have better luck forcing people who you want to RP with to RP with you at this point in time, and that you should. I always try to RP with people who's writing I admire, because it pushes me to do better as well. "Like iron sharpens iron," and that sort of thing.
Of course, I try to RP with as many different people as possible - not just the ones i 'admire.' :uhoh
Feb 13th, 2005, 10:54:57 PM
Han- don't know to much about.
Rognan-Can't really say much on him. He rocks. That's about it. He is written like a real person with little quirks and everything to but. He's definitely one of my favorites to read.
Han Fernua
Feb 13th, 2005, 11:03:07 PM
Never thought I'd hear people say those things about Rog. I have gone through so many different things with him that sometimes I forget what has happened and how he was suppose to act like afterwards.
I know what you mean LD. I dont want to get into that soap opera thing either. Sometimes I can't tell the difference. I'm trying my best not to be all that good. But if I always downplay myself, then everyone will always be better and all will be for not.
I so want to do more with Han. I like him. He is something new and different from what Rog is, which is what I wanted. In a sense, both of my characters display a small part of myself and how I am or was when younger. So I'll just have to see what Raz is doing... Kyashi : if you want to do something just let me know. I'm pretty much open and post at lest twice a week. :D If not more.
Razielle Alastor
Feb 14th, 2005, 09:28:21 AM
Dumped ya did I??:headbash
LOL I am back and I'll get going.
As for your character;
Very original idea, a child with such untapped powers. He is well thought out, well written and has a wealth of prospects for very awesome stories. I like that he is strong enough to not be afraid of man, beast or vampire. I also like that even though he is given things, (like a bed) he still manages to get rid of them and take care of himself.
As for contructive critisism. From the perspective of the one who is trying to train him, its extremely hard for me to come up with ways to train him and things for him to do when he clearly conveys that he dosen't want to be trained or let on in some way what he might want to learn. To be honest, Raz really should have flung him out a window by now. :p LOL We'll muddle through ;)
So maybe if you made him just a tiny bit more receptive.? At least as far as training goes? And maybe get him talking and interacting more? Somara can't carry on a conversation with someone who disappears so I don't know what to do with that thread save for have her run off on her own?
Han Fernua
Feb 14th, 2005, 09:16:43 PM
Yes, I know what you mean Raz. But I'm not just going to throw it out like that. It would be kind of like a bond between the Jedi. You have to win his trust and respect before he is going to open himself up to such a extent. I will try and make it a little easyer to work with. Just at that time when I was really starting off with him I didn't have the brain matter to really work on something. So now that your back we can work on something. :)
Feb 14th, 2005, 10:04:41 PM
I think Rog has a lot of potential for just about anything - he's definitely got a darker edge to him than your average Jedi Knight, although that's my POV mainly because I remember the time he and 'Thug' tangled. I'd like to see development with more substance to it - though I have to say, between you and Miriya you've done a decent job with the twin sister bit. I liked how he had a black panther with him; it just seemed so out-of-character. Yarden, wasn't it? The one I brainwashed?
...sorry about that, BTW. I can see Je'gan being able to do that on the spur of the moment now, but
I'm sorry again, but I haven't read much of Han's stuff. My impressions, though, were good, and I think you're quite a good writer.
Han Fernua
Feb 15th, 2005, 09:53:16 PM
I love the panther thing. There is hardly any real room to do anything with it. Oh, I have a few ideas since the beginning that would be fun. But in a world of Jedi and Sith and blasters and ships...even a panther isn't going to stop them all.
Yeah, I was really mad about that thing you did with Yarden. She wasn't just any normal cat, which was how you treated her. And the fact that you blew up your powers to do it. Rivin totally GM in that thread too. But I would rather leave that thread behind.
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