View Full Version : I have to join in now - character eval

Salem Ave
Feb 12th, 2005, 05:21:36 AM
I’ve actually been thinking about doing this for some time, because at the moment I’m having a lot of difficulty seeing where my characters are going in the future – given that some of them are almost five years old. I’m not going to ask for opinions on all of them, but if there are any that stand out in your mind, please tell me what you think of them. Any general criticisms are also welcome.

Vega Van-Derveld
Dasquian Belargic
Salem Ave
Daria Nytherciria

The last two, I understand that people might not know much about them, but if you can think of anything... :)

Dalamar DeSang
Feb 12th, 2005, 11:17:36 AM
Well I like Vega the most I think that is your flagship character. Salem is also played well. You do the mysterious angry thing pretty good with him. As for the others haven't had much experience with them.

I have noticed that almost all of your characters have pointy ears coincidence or not hmnnnn.... :D

Feb 12th, 2005, 12:06:31 PM
Vega's character skirts really well around being the totally stereotypical Darksider. He's evil, sure, but he's got a wife, he sometimes acts on other factors than simple bloodlust...overall, just a nice guy to hang around with. Mostly harmless :P

I see Salem as a less brash, more secretive Vega - and to be honest, I see Salem as the more dangerous of the two. His character just seems that much more focused - almost nihilistic. Of course, your choice of image for his av and sig helps with that, but he's just a really intimidating, complicated, unpredictable character. That he cares for his wife and daughter - 'cares' being a relative term; I get the feeling Salem doesn't care about much - adds a nice hint of dichotomy.

I don't know much about Dasq, but I always thought it funny that here's this stalwart, prudish Jedi, and whenever I see him he's out on a date.

I know practically nothing about Daria, sorry. Oddly enough, I can say the same thing for Warlock. Guess I haven't read much of his character development. His relationships with the Subryn are interesting to watch; I might like to see his past come out a bit more.

Naj Arilov
Feb 12th, 2005, 01:05:33 PM
One thing i seem to notice with Vega, and is something I deal with alot for Silus is that he is completely opposite of himself. He's adaptable enough to work into almost any situation, which seems to be leading him in circles, instead of one solitary direction. Not necessarily a bad thing at times, but with me at least, there are times ive sat and thought "What the hell have I been doing for the past two years." All things aside though, I love reading your Vega posts. You have just right the mix of whatever it is that makes good characters, and he shines in even the most mundane threads.

Dasquian. Honestly ,he's always seem to be the complete and total opposite of Vega. But, ive never really 'kept up' with happenings at GJO, so im really not to up to date with him.

Salem- see the post above mine. Just change the words a bit so it sounds like me. Oh, and add that i dont trust the shifty bastard as far as I could throw him.

Warlock - ?

Daria - You seem to still be feeling things out a bit with her, but thats my fault cause im not training her enough.

Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 12th, 2005, 03:20:12 PM
Vega - he's a bastard. And we love him because of it! He's the most thoroughly irreverent bastard on the boards, except maybe Silus. They're very similiar in this aspect, (except that they're completely different :p) which is probably why they worked so well together in RPs. I love Vega's character, probably more so because of the whole "Vega is dead" escapade you and Daiq put us all through. He tried to make a go of it being a good husband and a father, and I think we all know where it took him.

He's back to being a bastard, and I'm glad of it. After all, someone who's killed off all of his relatives (almost) and slept with his own daughters shouldn't be a nice guy. He's delightfully twisted, and very witty, and I love it. Keep it up!

Dasquian - a straightedged guy if I ever saw one. Now that Xazor is out of his life, he can go back to being a Jedi, which is what he's best at. He's a kind and good teacher, although Gash is right - he's always going out on a date! And with his students! I think you should do a little more with this - perhaps show how he's struggling with being a man surrounded by beautiful women who think he looks like their favorite movie actor and all want to sleep with him in RP because of it. :p I really enjoyed our hugely long RP "Prophecies" in Storytelling with Dasq and James. You're a highly skilled storyteller, and it was fun keeping up with all the twists and turns Zeke was throwing at us with the Altered Beast character.

Salem - He's creepy. I don't really know him much, except that he's sneaky and a double crosser, which is cool. I love betrayals. :p Well, in RP, that is.

Warlock - an old sage who isn't quite evil. He seems like the diet coke of Evil, if you know what I mean. Perfect for TSO ;) I haven't seen him in action though, just in RPs where he's talking with LV. I love how he's just automatically respected by everyone there, even though I've never seen him do anything special. It gives one the uncomfortable feeling he might suddenly 'bust a move' and kill everyone. ^_^;

Daria - fantastic character, wish we'd see more of her. She's a fighter, and has that awesome other language she speaks, and that mind scramble thing.... rp her more!

Aaron belargic - I know he's not on the list, but he's a good character too. I wish you'd RP him more ;) but here's what I think of him: He's Dasquian's twin, but feels more like his younger brother, always living in Dasq's shadow and having people compare him to Dasq. It rubs on him, and so he's a little darker than Dasquian, more apt to get angry or emotional (imo). I'd love for James to help him meet his true potential and hopefully we can do some of that character work on YAvin. :D

Nathanial K'cansce
Feb 12th, 2005, 03:48:34 PM
Jenny, Jenny, Jenny... where to begin.

I hold you in the top 5 best storytellers on any of the boards. You have such great skill, great ability, great creativity, for all of your characters. I think what I like best is that you are able to have a number of characters, and each one is vastly different from the others. And to add on top of that, each one is extremely adaptable in any given situation (adaptable in terms of each one's own personality).

Out of all of your characters, I think I know Vega the best, so I'll critique him.

Has to be one of my favorite Dark Side Characters. You're able to write him realisticly, and give him that 3rd dimension which really brings him to life. Like LD said, he's a rat bastard. And in Snack's eyes, a pompous rat egotistical maniac who thinks he's above everyone else. I mean, what's a story without a villian like that in it?

But that brings a charm/charaisma to him that people are drawn to. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, that was the main reason for me giving Rannon to you. I knew under your guidence, it would only grow and prosper. More so than what Snack/Nate could have done. And due tot hat fact (both here and at SWRPG), Snack/Nate is a tad bit jealous of Vega.

What I don't like: The whole family thing I thought was over done and bleh. I mean, have a sister, a brother or two. Fine. And a history about the rest of your family and their past. Fine, that's perfect. But the whole lineage you had, with the upteen kids, the father, the father's father, etc... it just seemed like it was over kill in the RP world and in my opinion it whored out the Van-Derveld name. I'm also not a fan of the lupin race (nor really the vampire race) in star wars, but it doesn't bother me too much, so long as it's done reasonably and responsibly. Which, I think, you have done. So props to you. :)

Feb 12th, 2005, 11:09:20 PM
Jen, you know I love Vega.

He has and will always remind me of various Pulp songs. I love his ego, and I wish we had done more in the one thread we had with him and Dae (oh, the shameless flirting and sexual innuendos we could have shared! ;)) One of my favorite characters to read.

I also like Salem - he's not this stereotypically "pretty" vampire who's angsty about their lost humanity. Another character who's threads I enjoy reading. :)

Feb 13th, 2005, 11:04:15 PM
Agree with everyone above. One of the top writers here. I'd have to say I like to lean more towards Dasq than Vega though. Not sure why, but I kind of feel like he is a really well played Jedi that is there most of the time.

Razielle Alastor
Feb 14th, 2005, 09:46:44 AM
Here is my best unbiased commentary.

Salem: Even Razielle dosen't know the half of what goes on in Salem's brain, that is evident. His past -what he did before her, and what he did while she was off being buried alive - are things that we have never touched on IC. So for as much as Raz feels like she knows him, she very well could be way off. I kind of like that :)

Of all of your characters - on Fans, Salem is my favorite. Like Raz, he revels in what he is and dosen't lament it. Also like Raz, even though he is by blood a vamp, that isn't all he is. A Dark Jedi first and foremost, although people tend to not see that when the word vampire is introduced.

I'd love to do more stories with Salem. Maybe some trials and tribulations into Salem and Raz's happy undeath. See how resiliant of a couple they really are? :p ;)

Vega: Honestly I think Raz would count Vega among her trusted list. Which I know is completely foolish and bad news waiting to happen. That could be a very decided weakness for Raz. She genuinely likes Vega as a friend and ally despite his twisted self. LOL This Vega is very different from his other incarnations - obviously. I like that though, he's rougher, edgier, meaner.. overall he is as Lil said a bastard and that is his good points =P

Dasq: wise beyond his years? LOL I guess that is sort of too close to the point eh? He is definately one of my favorite characters, generally speaking. Just for the fact that he is so different from the rest. I like his shy, quiet demeanor and I can't wait to do more stories with him either ;)