View Full Version : As if we didn't have enough troubles (Open to TSO) [CONTINUED]

Rasha Vill
Feb 3rd, 2005, 01:39:58 PM
4 Days after Rivin was Banished

This was bad, How come this had to happen now. This morning Rasha woke up to an Angry mob outside her offices. They were not mad at her, but mad at the sith.

It was bad enough that two days ago the industrial equipment and worker droids in Corellia's industrial city of Greeson exploded taking most of the City with them. Not only did it take out the city of Greeson, but it also cut off the only land connection to the City of Westport.

She had yet to bring this to TSO, and was not looking forward to it, but now she had This to deal with as well. She could only wish that she would exit the meeting alive. Rasha goes to look back down at the datapad that seemed to hace been transmited to every non sith household on Corellia, and the angry mob wanted her to comfirm or disprove it's content. Her only answer was that she had little knowledge of th Sith's methods and that she would gather the answers a soon as she could. She goes to read the pad again....

Dear people of Corellia.
I am Lord Rivin. Some of you may remember me from the news as did my duty to protect you from the Jedi when they blew up the greatest Hotel in Coronet. Now I regret to inform you that I can no longer protect you. TSO has banashed me from you great planet only because I chose to take the fight for your saftey to them on the planet of Chanrdilla. I fought the Jedi and Struck a mighty blow ageinst them only to find to my dismay that TSO has sold the people of Corellia into the uncaring hands of the Jedi.

I had uncovered a plot by the Jedi to Destroy the City of Greeson, but when I brought it to the attention of the Elders they told me that it was false, and That no Jedi would get on Corellia. I am sorry if I am too late in getting this information to you, but TSO detained me in order to prevent me from warning the people.

I also uncovered that the hightend security on the planet and the encourgment for increesed enrolment in Coronet is only so that TSO will have an Vast Army of expendable troops. That is correct! They are using your sons, daughter, mothers, fathers, Brothers, and sisters as cannon fodder for a war THEY intend to start! They have already done it once! THEY were the ones that both attacked and defended Drall, and the so called republic troops were people they picked up from the streets of Corellia on trumped up criminal charges! They were killing the people of YOUR Planet!

I only Send you this warning because I care for your saftey. And I only wish that I could be there to prevent TSO from selling out your planet anymore than they had already. I wish you all the best, and only can pray that somebody will stand up and stop the killing that TSO is putting apon Corellia.

Yours truly
Lord Rivin

Rasha looks up from the pad at the end only to find her at a meeting room at TSO. Hopefuly sombody will help her with this problem.

Baracc Olra'en
Feb 4th, 2005, 05:19:54 PM
Repeated, soft thuds began to echo into the room. A few moments later, a young man came through the door and threw himself down on a chair. Cloaked in black, he was the image of a slightly less scarred and marginally younger Je'gan; the tapping sound was from the piece of wood in his hand, a plain, wandlike instrument perhaps eighteen inches in length.

He paid Vill little mind; indeed, he barely recognized her, and if he had met her he did not recall it. All he knew was that she was here to talk with the Sith, and that his extracurricular pursuits in the city had been interrupted by rioting, and that those two facts were linked.




Feb 4th, 2005, 10:17:31 PM
Two sets of boots could be heard, growing louder as they drew near. Southstar entered the room, followed by an older man dressed in a rather aristocratic fashion. He noticed Baracc and made a note to hear him out before he left. Without a word he slid a plastic case with a disc inside across the table.

"It's like a commercial, and its set to be played in every home by dusk. My associate, Mr. Kennan, is preparing a statement that will correlate. I'll make sure it reaches the offices of the government."

"Can you supply an excuse for why you haven't already taken measures to combatting this? For instance, how is Rivin capable of sending this note," He held up a copy of it in his hand. "to all the homes on planet and bypass the security the government you head?"

Rasha Vill
Feb 7th, 2005, 01:42:45 PM
"The note was clearly hand delivered, There was nothing I could do!" Rasha explains "And it is quite clear that TSO didn't have all of Rivin's men being watched other wose this would not have happened!"

Rasha picks up the Disk and pockets it.

"I appreacate your assistance with this matter, But It may take more to stop this. Your press release appology to the Republic just gives Credit to Rivin's statments that TSO is selling out to the Jedi. Futhermore the statments from TSO after the hotel exploded saying that the Jedi will not get back on planet to cause trouble, just goes to show, in their mind, that the sith are not doing their job, thanks to the destruction of the City of Greeson only two days ago.

Also People have been going to check up on their family that are in jail and are finding that Rivin's claims about Drall are true. That's the problem with the truth it always pops up. I'f let people know that I will sort things out and question the Sith on the accusitions. The fact that many of the people out there have never trusted the sith, and that Rivin was the only sith SEEN doing good things for the people on planet dosn't help ether"

Feb 7th, 2005, 05:52:22 PM
"Hang on, hang on." He said and waved his hand before Rasha could continue with her rant. "You mean to tell me the prisoners from the Drall escapade are still alive?" They should have been executed once the deal was done to prevent the scenario that currently seemed to be happening. "Nevermind. I'll handle that personally."

"And other than rumors, there can't be proof that the Sith Order apologized to the New Republic, not to the people. Besides word of mouth, that is. Rumors can easily be disspelled." He leaned over to the side to hear what his aide has to say. "There are some new programs we're planning on proposing into the government that will benifit the people. My friend here will be working on making this known through rather unconventional means, effective never the less. We need to make good with the people, miss Vill, and fast."

Rasha Vill
Feb 8th, 2005, 11:19:42 AM
"No, as far as I know the prisoners did not escape, But the families of the prisoners are noticing them missing, and there was a talkative prison guard, that I have had delt with, but the damage was done.

I hope that the rather unconventional means will not bring harm to my people. I don't want the planet to suffer for the working of a handfull."

Feb 8th, 2005, 12:32:21 PM
"Suffering is relative. In the end things will turn out well for both sides. As for the families of the felons, we're they all on death row? We'll tell the families that they were executed as planned and that they should stop acting so ridiculous. The same goes for these roudy masses. Everyone seems to be searching for a great consipacy theory."

"As for Rivin. Any idea as to what he might be up to next?"

Rasha Vill
Feb 9th, 2005, 04:48:23 PM
"He will likely be doing his best to live. But I don't think that will slow him down. He has too many people working for him, and has many of those willing to die for him. From what I figure, most of his Syndicate follows him like a cult. That can be used to help us though. If we could set a trap, and leak out some information that will get Rivin wanting to come back here, right into the trap, we could get him out of the way for good."

Feb 9th, 2005, 06:50:53 PM
"But whatever information that would get Rivin to do such a thing probably isn't worth leaking. Rivin is becoming irrelevent now. He's pushing himself into a trap by fighting the Sith Order. Within the next week there will be enough propaganda against the man that nobody will believe he is allied with the people. If he threatens to destroy something or does, he's only digging the grave deeper. Any potential allies that he might have with the people are going to be taken care of within the week."

"Of course I'd like to prevent any disaster, for the sake of the people." He lied but the Force was aiding him. "The people come first, don't they Miss Vill?"

Rasha Vill
Feb 10th, 2005, 12:46:14 PM
"It doesn't matter really what you say, there will still be people on his side, and everthing you say will come down to your word agienst His word. There will still be a split. People will beleave what they want, and there are people out there that have been waiting their whole life for some small amount of proof to say TSO is the bad guy.

We don't know how much of the planet is working for Rivin, We don't know who he has completely paid off. All we know is a hand full of people he has been seen talking with. This is a problem that can not just be swept away in a week. And I only hope that your over confidence in TSO hold on the people will not make that grave he is digging yours.

As for the Trap, It doesn't have to be real information. Like a large convention o0f important people, or a shipment of parts to get the defence platform fully opperational, Or a transfer of Sith artifacts to a hidden location in the wilderness. It doesn't have to be real information."

Baracc Olra'en
Feb 10th, 2005, 05:52:58 PM
"Yes, it does."

It had taken a while for Baracc to formulate an opinion; reckless in battle he might be, but not when it came to things like this. Tapping away at his datapad with the tip of his wand, he'd been sure to get both sides of the situation.

"Rivin, unlike you, was a Sith. Rivin will know if we give him a false lead. He has several hundred people on planet, in one office or another."

The wand tapped more slowly as the younger Olra'en began to have difficulty restraining his irritation. Nobody should be able to talk to Sith like that.

Feb 10th, 2005, 10:15:54 PM
They were not going to do the trap. "Rivin will be taken care of as both Je'gan and Vega are on it. Their combined skill is more than enough and Rivin stands no chance, he'll be dead by the weekend."

"You know, Miss Vill, the more you push this plan about the trap the more I think Rivin is planning something, and that you know that. You're failure to stop Rivin concerning these datapads, concerning the rioting, conerning Greeson. You myriad of failures have lead me to consider dismissing you from you position. My suspicion that you are cooperating with Rivin has sealed it. Good bye Miss Vill, you're lucky you still have your head." Southstar collected all items from the table and carried them out the door, his aide following closely by.

Baracc Olra'en
Feb 11th, 2005, 04:21:08 PM
The younger Sith barked a laugh, almost falling off his chair in the process. As Southstar left, Baracc stood and did the same, pausing only to speak to the two guards stationed by the door, one on either side. They nodded in understanding - only the most loyal guarded the Palace's important rooms - and one of them leaned over to a control panel.

Baracc wasn't the best Sith ever...but he knew his duty.

And restraining a possible traitor was quite definitely in the job description.

The door hissed shut, sealing Vill inside. It would not open no matter what happened. A dampening field cut off communication inside; originally installed to prevent electronic eavesdropping, it was equally effective at blocking transmissions of any kind save telepathy - even radio. There were advantages to paranoia.

Whistling, Baracc walked away.

(continued (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=37861))