View Full Version : The time has come (Elders) [COMPLETE]

Dark Lord Rivin
Jan 31st, 2005, 02:57:21 PM
Rivin had needed to talk to the Elders. He knew when he had overs sayed his welcome. He also knew when to hold his ground, and when to run, and This was the time to Run. He had a feeling that he was going to be expelled from the order, so he thought he should preempt them. He had noticed that the elders were already togeather, but Rivin didn't want to disturb them so he waited for them to be finished, he could tell because through the force it looks like they were getting ready to leave.

At that point Rivin enters the room (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=37752).

"I'm sorry for this interuption, but I must inform you of something. Due to recent actions of my own I feal that my remaining here will be causing too much trouble, and put the other sith at risk of capture or death due to the hightend traffic of bounty hunters and Jedi. And As such I will be removing myself from TSO as of the end of this descision and from Corellia completely with in the next 3 days.

I would also like to request that my apprentice Jezreal Darkshard goes to Ether J'egan Olra'en or Zereth Lancer since I feel that they would be the most qualified to do the job and that I can trust them to train her as well or better than I could. Jezreal has stated that she woul like to specilise with Teleknitics, and I have already givin her one class in advanced Teleknitics, and She is in dire need of more practice in the real world. I regret that I will not be able to see her to knighthood.

I also wish to thank all the Elder for alowing me to remain here for as long as I have, I know I am not an easy person to work with, and that my methods are far from the normal methods of TSO. I also extend an offer that if My services, or the services of my Crime Syndicate are ever required by TSO I will provide them Free of Charge."

Rivin then hands each of the elders a card with a comm number on it.

"If you ever wish to contact me, that number will allow you to leave a message that will eventualy get to me."

Lady Vader
Feb 1st, 2005, 05:35:04 PM
LV frowned and then burst into laughter. She cut it short and eyed Rivin hard.

"Do you take us for fools?" She sneered. "Don't kid yourself, Rivin. You're not leaving this Order of your own accord. You're being banished."

She shook her head. "What you did on Chandrilla... what purpose did it gain for the Order? The way I see it, it was a waste of energy and assets. And now we have to deal with the mess you've made."

Je'gan Olra'en
Feb 1st, 2005, 06:31:38 PM
The card, having never touched Je'gan's hand, lofted into the air where it proceeded to burst into flame. When the Sith Knight spoke, it was not with anger nor triumph but with a deep disgust.

"Get out."

Zereth Lancer
Feb 1st, 2005, 09:37:12 PM
The glowing red lights of Zereth's eyes moved to Rivin "Your little disturbance on Chandrilla accomplished nothing and only made trouble for us" His dark voice came from beneath the shadow that his hood casted over his face eaned forward in his chair "I hear you are a wanted man now. I would suggest you run as fast and as far as you can" With that said he sat back in his chair.

Je'gan Olra'en
Feb 1st, 2005, 09:55:12 PM
"Well, actually," Je'gan interjected sarcastically, "the way I hear it, Rivin was creating jobs for a construction company that he owns stock in."

The card finished burning; as its ashes fell to the floor, Je'gan looked at Rivin again, and again a change came over his face. Now, the disgust was being replaced with something approaching condescending amusement.

Feb 1st, 2005, 11:10:52 PM
He took the card and slid it into his pocket. Eyeing Rivin, "It's unfortunate things had to turn out this way. Should you have kept your priorities straight you'd be in a better situation. Had you any foresight, you'd see there was much more the Order had to offer than what you could gain from this little debacle." He doubted his words reached listening ears, but then that was Rivin's call.

Feb 2nd, 2005, 07:14:31 AM
“Your life has been spared, at least from our wrath. We cannot, however, be held accountable for the actions of any persons who should catch word of your arrival here and choose to attempt to apprehend you on your departure.” As Warlock spoke, his eyes drifted to Je’gan. “Consider this a last act of clemency on our part, Rivin. It will not be repeated.”

Dark Lord Rivin
Feb 2nd, 2005, 04:02:45 PM
None of this came to any supprise to Rivin. The only slight suprise is that Southstar is keeping the card. Rivin gets a small grin on his face as he continues.

"Are you sure that Banishment is the wise option here? I meen no disrespect, but I am providing a means for the order to still profit off my action, but yet have no connection to those actions. Are the group of you so near sighted that you think that banishment is the only answer? Because that will be a quick way to gain an enemy, and I asure you that you don't want me as an enemy. Would it be at least reasonable to talk this over?

My actions my have been no direct gain to TSO, but it also has really done no harm. I have followed your rules, I have not harmed any of the other members. I Will admit that I don't get along with some members of the order, But that has never stoped me from working effecently with them. How can you deem my actions bad enough for banishment? If acttracting attention is the only reason for my banishment, then all of you should banished for you actions on Drall."

Je'gan Olra'en
Feb 2nd, 2005, 04:48:03 PM
"We are unanimous in our decision, Rivin," Je'gan spat. All throughout Rivin's attempt at reason, his anger had grown - and now, finally, he was not obligated to redirect or stifle that anger. Now he was free.

Supreme anger had come to him only rarely: Zatania Duvall's assumption was one notable example, and the only one which he could think of offhand.

This dwarfed those times - all of them. The anger began to take hold, changing him invisibly, but such that flickers of his emotions began to be felt even through his mental shielding. He knew, now, that he was stronger than Rivin.

"Get out. I won't say it a third time."

Feb 2nd, 2005, 04:52:12 PM
“You try our patience, Rivin. You have no grounds on which to reason with us. You were never a man of diplomacy; don’t endeavor to be one now. It is not in your nature.” Although much more composed than Je’gan, Warlock’s sentiment mirrored that of the Sith Knight.

“Take your leave, sirrah,” he stated firmly.

Dark Lord Rivin
Feb 2nd, 2005, 06:46:36 PM
Rivin looks towards Warlock.

"You know nothing about my nature Old Man!" He says looking around at the others. "None of you do! You have made your intentions clear, and I will except them. I gave you a chance to have me as an ally. Now that I am sure that your mind can not be changed, you will soon see what trouble one man can cause."

Rivin spins and leaves the elders alone. He then goes to his room and takes his things and leaves TSO's grounds. Making his way to his transport waiting to take him off planet. All he left of his was a datapad, just outside the room the Elders were in. The pad read:

The dead of the night, The night is dead.
A blade of light shoved through it's head.
A city of wood, turned into dust.
The people cry with vengefull lust.
Lies run rampid in a tangled web.
People that chalenge soon are dead.
People are struck down where they stand,
By the Iron Fist of the Molochean Hand.

Zereth Lancer
Feb 2nd, 2005, 09:23:15 PM
Zereth watched the angry darksider leave "Now for the matter of his padawan" He said as he turned in his seat to face Je'gan "Rivin asked that either Je'gan or myself take the young Darkshard as an apprentice. I do not consider myself ready to take on an apprentice yet. So that leaves you Je'gan, unless you are unwilling to take her as your apprentice."

Feb 2nd, 2005, 10:24:29 PM
"She wishes to study telekinetics, something I am quite fond of myself and in the process of mastering. Je'gan and Zereth, if neither of you are willing to accept her, I will." Southstar didn't want to push himself to the point that he thought it better but he did know Je'gan could be busy at times and it seemed Zereth did not find himself ready.

Je'gan Olra'en
Feb 2nd, 2005, 10:28:10 PM
Je'gan bared his teeth, eyes absent, still contemplating victory.

"TK is far from my strong suit," he said at last. "I can show her a great many things...but I honestly believe that you would do a better job with a telekinetic specialist. Go for it."

The corners of his mouth turned up.

"Besides. Why should we acknowledge Rivin's wishes in anything?"

Feb 2nd, 2005, 11:38:29 PM
He smiled at Je'gan's last comment. He made a mental note to get in contact with Jezreal as soon as possible.

"Not that I myself think this, but does anyone think this Rivin ordeal might come back to bite us? Speculations?"

Je'gan Olra'en
Feb 3rd, 2005, 07:43:38 AM
"Rivin is an idiot, but he's fond of terrorism, which in his case doesn't require intelligence. The Order has his Corellia contact list, and my men are watching them all. Further entry-exit restrictions at every level will help dissuade terrorism. I can conduct broad-scale telepathic sweeps of people near his contact points and operatives. That takes care of efforts here on Corellia.

"Outside of our space, the only thing he can really do to us is blame us for his actions. The only way to fight that would be to hunt him down."

Feb 3rd, 2005, 12:48:30 PM
"Which I'm sure that you, Je'gan, are all for that. I suppose we should have a set policy regarding Rivin and any future actions that might try to take against us. I'd suggest we let him go for the time being. If he takes any action against us, the right to apprehend him or kill him should be givin to all momebers of the order."

Lady Vader
Feb 3rd, 2005, 01:30:48 PM
LV was silent all through the talks back and forth, and continued to be silent, brooding, long after Rivin had stormed out. She knew he would be a problem. But it would be dealt with.

She looked up and addressed Southstar. 'I have a better idea." Leaning towards the small pillar beside her seat, she activated a comm channel. "Vega, your presence is requested in the Elder's discussion hall."

While they waited for Vega to respond, she again looked at the others. "I'm also sure the contacts we have within the Imperial armies will be more than happy to hunt Rivin down... for a price. It need not be anything the New Republic be aware of; they seem to have taken care of things on their own end." She smiled ruthlessly. "But with so many hunting Rivin down, and all of them coming from different sources, he cannot just devote his attention to us. He will be faced with far more urgent matters at hand: survival."

Vega Van-Derveld
Feb 3rd, 2005, 01:38:06 PM
The Lupine arrived within minutes, quick to heed the call. He regarded Lady Vader with a half-smirk.


Lady Vader
Feb 3rd, 2005, 01:58:48 PM
She looked at the Lupine. "I seem to recall that perhaps only a few days ago, you expressed a want to hunt Rivin down?"

She got to the point. "The man has been banished from the Order for his actions in bringing us under the watchful scope of the New Republic, and an anonimous bounty has been placed on his head."

She leaned forward. "While you showed restraint days ago for your fellow bretheren, you no longer have to as he is no longer our brother." She smiled, a smile that vega would be able to read with no problem.

Vega Van-Derveld
Feb 3rd, 2005, 02:23:27 PM
Vega’s eyes met with those of his apprentice for a moment, as the two shared a silent feeling of gratification. Rivin was banished, and so Lady Vader had – in a manner of speaking – released the hounds. “Elders… you must excuse me. I have unfinished business to tend to.” This said, he turned from the group without waiting for a reply and stalked from the room, his pace quickening and his mind already racing with ways to slake his bloodlust.

Je'gan Olra'en
Feb 3rd, 2005, 05:56:26 PM
His new duties as an Elder...well, Southstar and Zereth were plenty competant. He knew he was rationalizing, but he could no more have stopped himself from following his Master then he could have lifted a speeder with the Force.

The living cloak flared out, beginning to whip with the speed of his movement as he stalked along wordlessly beside Vega.

Zereth Lancer
Feb 3rd, 2005, 09:36:42 PM
Zereth sat in silence as he listened to what those before his said. He watch, with a small smile, Vega and Je'gan leaving to attend to their Business.

Though he was interested in going after Rivin himself, He had other, more important, things to do "Does that finish this trial?" He asked as he turned his head to look at Lady Vader.

Lady Vader
Feb 9th, 2005, 06:35:56 PM
"Our hands have been washed of this foul episode, though it is very likely it has not disappeared entirely." She stood. "We can adjern until another discussion matter comes to hand."

With that, she took her leave of the rest of the Elders.

Zereth Lancer
Feb 10th, 2005, 09:45:42 PM
Zereth was next to stand to his feet. He took a look at all the remaining eldars before pulling his cloak around himself and walking out.

Feb 10th, 2005, 10:28:13 PM
Southstar planned on staying where he was to contemplate the effects of the banishment. Things were going to become difficult in the times ahead.