View Full Version : The first to catch up(Azure Regalia)
Dark Lord Rivin
Jan 28th, 2005, 12:25:58 PM
Coruscant: The lower levels, Jim's Junk Yard, 300 floors below the surface
Rivin was not pleased, and Jim, the owner of this establishment will be finding out soon enough, what happen when you Tick off The Dark One.
Rivin kicks down the door to the building, and acctivates one of his lightsabers just in time to block 5 blaster bolts that Jim fired at the door. Rivin then uses the force to wrench the blaster out of Jim's hand, and thrown Jim to the wall.
"Now, now. What is this I heard about you going back on our deal? And then killing my men that came to rework our contract? You know that doesn't make me happy. You will not like me if I'm not happy."
Jim trys to attract Rivin's attention towards him as his Wife and daughter try to escape through the back door.
"Look! I heard about what you did on Chandralla, and I don't want to have any connection to it! I don't care what you do to me because of what I did! at least I'll die knowing I came cleen!"
Rivin arcs an eyebrow as he notices the ladies escaping. "Oh really... Did I say Anything about doing something to YOU?"
Rivin uses the force to pull Jim's wife to him and picks up Jims daughter and throws her to the wall with Jim holding both of them to the wall so they had to watch what Rivin was about to do.
"Now can you live know that it was your actions that caused the slow and painful death of your wife?"
Rivin then goes to careful run his lightsaber down the side of the woman's face, just enough to remove the skin and some chuncks of flesh. The child crys for her mother as she watches, and hears her mother's cry in pain.
"NOO! Wait! Not HER! Take Me instead!"
"You had your chance to stop this. Now you must watch." He says as he strips the woman with the force and goes to move on to shinning the woman's breasts.
Jim can only hope that the bounty hunter that he tiped off shows up soon.
Azure Regalia
Jan 29th, 2005, 04:03:26 PM
The bounty hunter arrived on Coruscant to pick up the rest of the information that had been placed by the orignal bounty (
Shortly afterwards, she had made her way back to her ship, walking down the sidwalk that would take her back to the spaceport. As she was walking, a man came tearing around the corner at a full run, knocking over a few people as he made his way in her direction. She stopped and watched him come towards her, but as he came, he didn't stop his speed. Instead he brushed by her and kept going, turning at the next corner. The bounty hunter frowned. Coruscant had the strangest people.
As she placed a foot out to continue her walk, it stepped on a small thin data strip. She hadn't placed her foot entirely down so had not crushed it. She picked it up and looked it over, then looked behind her where the man had disappeared. Curious, she pocketed it, and made the rest of the walk back to her ship.
In her ship, she inserted the data strip into the computer and read the information therein. It wasn't crypted or locked... as if someone had made it in a hurry.
Bounty Hunter,
I know of the bounty placed on the Dark Lord Rivin. I have had some dealings with him. Recently I had to undo a deal with him due to the recent events on Chandrilla. I fear he may be coming. I will pay you whatever you wish , just keep him from my family.
Jim's Junk Yard, Industrial District, 300th floor from the surface
The bounty hunter leaned back in her seat and pondered the data she had just read. Normally she did not take two bounties at the same time. But seeing as this had to do with the same target, she would consider it one. And the fact she would get paid twice for one target was also a plus.
She moved out of her chair and geared up. Once finished, she put the force-cage on standby, as well as the sip. Then, locking the ship, she exited and made her way for the address given on the data strip. Having downloaded the information into her wrist computer, she calculated the quickest route to the area.
An hour later, she was there, having rented a room in a run-down inn that overlooked the Junk Yard entrance. From there she would watch for the next 48 hours or so to see if any sign of her target appeared.
* * * * *
The present, only moments ago...
Her vigilance had paid off as she saw a figured dressed in black barge into the junk yard entrance.
She quickly gathered what she would need and made her way of the hotel to the junk yard. Rivin was so busy torturing the man's family that he hadn't even thought about the possibility of someone hearing the commotion from outside through the smashed door. As it were, most passerby's scattered and disappeared.
The bounty hunter quickly and silently made her way to a side entrance, but not before tossing a small flash bomb at the main entrance. It was on a timer and would not go off for another few seconds. Coming through the side entrance, and watching from a pile of junk near it's door frame, out of sight from Rivin, she could just make out his lightsaber going for the screaming woman's breasts. At that moment, her wrist computer beeped and she sheilded her eyes despite the goggles she wore. And then the flash bomb went off blinding everyone within the small room, save for her. As the flash bomb disapated she brought up her Force inhibiting bubble. Having been bread to hunt down Force users, this was one of the abilities she had.
Now Rivn was partially blinded and stripped of the Force.
Dark Lord Rivin
Jan 31st, 2005, 01:58:32 PM
Moments before the flash greanade went off and he was striped of the force, Rivin had senced the enpending flash. Just as the flash is going off Rivin spins away from the blinding light, leaving his lightsaber on, and cleaving the woman he was skinning into two peices, just below her neck.
Since he was no longer looking in the area of the Blast Rivin can still see but it is drasticly distorted. and now Rivin is very greatfull that he learned how to use other weapons other than the force and his sabers, even though he could still use his sabers with out the force, it would not be the smartest thing to do.
Rivin dives to the floor after the blast had finnished, and turns off his saber, placing it at his belt as he falls. He goes into a roll when he hits the floor grabbing a small blaster from his boot as he takes a crouched position behind the counter on the coustumer side.
Azure Regalia
Feb 1st, 2005, 05:08:52 PM
The huntress saw Rivin's movement as he dove behind the counter on the opposite side where she was. Unfortunately for the woman the Sith had been torturing, she would not be joining her husband and daughter as they both came out of their blinded crouched and stumbled out the front door.
Rivin seemed to ignore them now that he was suddenly in the attention fo someone who was trying to capture and/or kill him.
She'd get her payment from the junk dealer later. Right now, she had more pressing matters at hand.
She fired her own blaster at the counter and around it, making it, keeping Rivin down. As she did this, she reached for her utility belt, grasping hold of two small orbs. They were slightly sticky, but not so much that they wouldn't be easy to release. Eyeing a crack in the counter that had been chewed through by a rodent, she rolled the orbs through. One made it past to the other side, while the other stuck just at the opening opposite from her.
She continued her wild firing and then pressed a button on her wrist computer. The small orbs popped, spilling a strong, gooey substance that caught hold of the floor, counter, and Rivin... essentially anything it could touch, including Rivin's blaster.
She began to creep forward, keeping items between her and the counter as a shield, trying to catch Rivin unawares.
Dark Lord Rivin
Feb 7th, 2005, 02:03:24 PM
As Rivin keeps squated behind the counter, he sees a small ball roll out from under the counter. He quickly Trys to move out of the way, but can not get away in time to be missed by the Gooey substance, causing his hand, blaster, and left knee stuck to the floor.
Having been caught in the gooey substance, and with blaster fire still raining around, Rivin looked around him for a way to get free. Spotting an old speeder battery, he kicked out his free foot and brought the case towards him. With his saber, he sliced the battery open, and allowed the acid inside it to ooze over the gooey substance, careful not to get it on himself. Within moments, the cerosive acid had eaten away at the gooiness, freeing him from it's imprisonment
Rivin Quickly crawls to the wall as he holds one of his sabers in front of him so that it dose not get in the way of his movment and cuts a hole in the wall large enough to for him to roll through, which is the next step of his plan. Getting out of that building and back to his speeder bike, one floor up on the catwalk above the ally beside this building.
Azure Regalia
Mar 1st, 2005, 05:31:57 PM
The Huntress finished her hail of fire to see if the Sith had been caught in the gooey substance. he had, but not for long. An old battery out of her line of site was dragged to Rivin with his foot, and the acid therein used to eat away at the gooey substance. Within moments, he was relatively free and making his escape.
But she was hot on his heels.
She followed him through the hole he had made, listening carefully for his footfalls. It sounded like he was making his way to one of the lifts that would take him another level higher.
She sprinted after him, fireing at him, though her shots were inaccurate due to the running. It never the less had the affect she wanted, which was to make him duck out of her way behind a large dumpster. She also took cover behind some empty drums, her Force inhibiting bubble still active, keeping him from using the Froce against her.
She needed to keep him distracted. "Tell me, Sith", she called over from her covered spot, working furiously on her next trapping tecnique, "Why is it there are so many bounties on your head?" She unclipped another sphere from her belt, a larger one than the first, hefting it in her left hand. "Seems to me you're pissed off quite a few people to get such attantion."
Dark Lord Rivin
Mar 15th, 2005, 10:37:32 AM
Rivin was not far from the lift when the rain of blaster bolts continued, causing him to dive for the nearest cover, which happened to be a big solid dumpster. His saber was still active from when he cut his way out of the junkshop, and he was pinned down again. He quickly goes to cut another hole, this time in the wall next to him, as the hunter calls out to him...
"Tell me, Sith, Why is it there are so many bounties on your head? Seems to me you're pissed off quite a few people to get such attantion."
at that time Rivin looks up from the freshly cut hole, as he quietly places the chunk on the ground, in order to answer her, but he see the incomming Sphere and desides that he should not bother or else get caught again. so he dives through the hole and rolls back to his feet quickly. He quickly fishes into his cloke ans plants a sonic proxsimity mine at the hole, so that if she goes to follow him by even going near the hole a devestating sonic blast will go of, likely doing much damage to her ear drums at least.
After the mine is set he breaks off at a run through the warehouse that he is now in, moving towards a broken window near the fire escape on the other side of the building.
Azure Regalia
Mar 21st, 2005, 08:02:49 PM
The sphere came to rest beside a few trash bags just past the dumpster, clinking softly against a beer bottle that had been lying on it's side.
Rivin wasted no time in getting the hell out of dodge as he saw the sphere. He would miss what happens next. The sphere wibbles slightly, opening small trap doors on it's shiny surface, letting six thin metalic legs unfurl. It stood up, looking very much like a long legged insect. Another small door opened at the top of the sphere, allowing a 180 degree eye to emerge and scan the area. It beeped softly one time, before making it's way causiously towards the newly hewn hole.
The Huntress waited patiently for the sphere to report back to her after she'd heard no retort from her prey.
The sphere stopped short of the hole, it's sensors detecting a battery powered device waiting in the shadows of the hole. It beeped again, backing up quickly to where the beer bottle lay. Splaying it's legs to adjust for it's own weight and the weight of the bottle, one spindly leg picked the bottle up by it's neck with sharp metalic claws. It beeped again in rapid succession, sending a single to the Bounty Hunter.
Azure read the message that scrolled across her minature screen on her computer gauntlet, and extracted a set of small ear plugs. Once the plugs had been inserted into her ears, she pressed a button on her computer gauntlet, giving the command for the sphere to throw the bottle. It did.
The resounding BOOM echoed through the quiet alleyway, rocking various objects about. Despite it being a sonic bomb, it never the less lifted the little sphere into the air, through it several meters away from it's previous position. While it had been traveling, it tucked away it's legs and eye, once again becoming a ball. It landed with a loud clunk against the opposite wall, bouncing a few times until it finall came to rest near a drain pipe.
Azure waited patiently for the little robot to report the damage to her.
The sphere once again unfurled itself and quickly scuttled to the hole, which was now a caved in mass of plaster. Apparently the sonic bomb had been strong enough to weaken the structural integrety of the wall Rivin had cut through, making it colapse on itself.
With frusterated beeps, the sphere began to look for other means of getting through, finally locating a fire escape around the corner. It sent a signal back to the Bounty Hunter, who was once again up and running. She reached the creaky ladder and began climbing it, the sphere already nearing the top of the small building.
The little robot scuttled to the opposite edge, catching a glimpse of a fleeing Rivin, his cloak the last thing to round the corner of a window he had just jumped through. It beeped excitedly and began to descend the other side of the building, headed for the window.
Azure was close on the trackers heals, and that of her prey.
Dark Lord Rivin
May 9th, 2005, 12:21:26 AM
By the time Azure reaches the fire escape Rivin was already at the stop he wanted, on the floor just one floor above the one they were on and he is now running back towards the shop that the fight started at, trying to get to his speader bike that is parked on this floor near the shop.
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