View Full Version : Shindlers List.
Jan 27th, 2005, 06:45:08 PM
I’m am what you would call a movie snob, well, maybe not what most people think of when they think movie snob but in my own right a snob. Anyway, I’m very picky of the films I will watch and generally the more praise a film gets from any source, I tend too shy away from and never give it another thought. Now normally I’m correct in my thinking look what’s nominated this year, basically crap IMHO. But there are times I’m dead wrong so I decided to expand my horizon. So I had set up a time with my mother to watch films that are more..well I don’t know the word for it, Oscar Buzzy??.
So we had set up a time to watch Shindlers List.
Now keep in Mind I’m no history buff but I know enough to get myself in trouble if I were too argue it, see john Wooden. So I show up at my mothers and of course I’m late, I got off the golf course late, and she had started without me. I get there in what I assume?? Is the middle of the film and all I can say is that the very short time I watched I have never been this disturbed by a movie. Heck, I have seen a lot of vile things and have too a degree done some brutal things but Wow, I still can’t get over what I saw in just the 5 minutes I could bare to watch. Needless to say that 5 minutes is all I watched .
So to get too what I’m asking is, and please bare with me if these questions are ignorant, and I know I’m a little late on discussing it considering it’s, what 10 years old.
Was Shindlers List based on true accounts, I mean I know basically what happened during the Holocaust but was the Movie based on , well I guess Mr. Shindlers accounts ?
Is the Movie worth watching from beginning too the end. I mean just that 5 minutes tore me up, is the movie worth me putting myself through torture too ,well see these poor souls go through torture?
Am I the only one, that this film troubled ?
Jan 27th, 2005, 07:01:49 PM
Oskar Schindler was a real person. The movie is based on fact(very closely apparently). It's the best film ever put on celluloid IMHO.
Jan 27th, 2005, 07:12:41 PM
wow, Pretty strong words there considering there is a film out called The Phantom Menace ;)
I guess it's a go:thumbup
Jan 27th, 2005, 07:16:00 PM
It's one of the most heartbreaking, but ultimately uplifting experiences you'll ever have. Very few people are not in tears at the end.
Jan 27th, 2005, 07:39:01 PM
Yikes! I’ll make sure I watch it alone than.
I guess unless someone can give me a good reason not to, I’ll watch it. But what I’m afraid of is getting so worked up and so mad I’ll not sleep. When I see these kinds of things I take it too heart and it takes awhile for me to get it out of my head. I’ll tell you the truth, I was so upset, mad at what little I saw had anyone spoke German I would have knocked them into another room. Of course I know that the people responsible are pretty much dead or at least very old and it’s not the Germans of today’s fault but for a split second I could have and would have cared less. And I really hate having that much hate towards anyone especially when they are blameless. Oh well, I’ll stop going on about it until I at least watch it.
Telan Desaria
Jan 27th, 2005, 07:52:02 PM
Well this is the wrong place for me then since my family served in the war as members of the Reichsheer.
During the war, Oskar Schindler started out as a profit mongering opportunist. He enlisted the support of powerful officers in the Allgemeine SS and upper echelons of the Nazi party. As time went on, he did in fact develop something of a conscience and did try to save his workers. He is, if memory serves, immortalized in jerusalem in some sort of monument fo his generosity,
He saved on the order of three hundred if I am not mistaken.
And far be it from me to step back from beating a dead horse, but as I am sure you know not all Germans were Nazis and not all Nazis hated the Jews. Being a German Nazi in the 30s was the equivalent of being a democrat or republican - - -since your other choice of the time was to be a communist.
However - - - in the 40s it was a different story. By then the reasons had waned and the excused had run out. I offer no excuse for the horrific actions committed by my countrymen - -I would have shot them myself had I have lived in that time.
But to the point - - -the movie was very real. Very sad and to me, very moving. It is a testament to the cruelty of man and the virulence of life. It was a rotten time to be alive.
Jan 27th, 2005, 08:19:16 PM
What I thought was fascinating about Spielberg's film - is he never really tries to explain what gave Oskar his conscious(other than the girl in the red dress). He just slowly comes to it on his own.
The characters are all very well drawn. Amon Goethe is not just a stereotype..which makes him all the more chilling. If I recall correctly Schindler saved over 1100 people from certain death.
Jan 27th, 2005, 08:47:26 PM
I agree its one of the best films ever put on celluloid. Its very realistic and moving. Close to perfection. A timeless cinematic masterpiece.
Telan Desaria
Jan 28th, 2005, 12:04:30 AM
You're probably right - - -300 just popped into my mind.
Jan 28th, 2005, 05:54:51 AM
I really need to see this again, I caught it the first time a number of years after it initally came out and it was TV. At first I was quite suprised they were showing everything but once I got into it I realized why and just sat back and watched in awe. Incredible movie, worth every second you will spend watching it.
Jan 28th, 2005, 03:50:29 PM
Talen, I really hope nothing I said upset you . My anger was towards those responsible not all Germans, especially those of today. My family owned many slaves back in the day and I would personally hate too have my fore fathers sins put upon my shoulders.
I did in fact watch all of Shindlers List and it is all that CmJ and the rest stated. It is without a doubt the single most powerful film I have ever seen, not the best But it is up there. Shindlers List would have to be considered a master piece by anyone’s standards. Thanks guys for the nudge. Sorry I can't elaborate more but I'm at a loss for words.
Jan 28th, 2005, 04:22:50 PM
After years of dissapointing CMJ, I finally saw SL awhile back. (Thank you DVD!) It's an emotionally draining film, but well worth the effort. Unfortunately, it's not the kind of movie that gets many repeat viewings because it takes so much out of you. Great performances, great script, directing, you name it.
"...beware--we Germans aren't all smiles and sunshine." :crack
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