View Full Version : "Elder's of the Sith Order... [CONTINUED]

Lady Vader
Jan 26th, 2005, 06:23:51 PM
It would seem someone has taken an interest in Rivin's handy work (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=37741). And no doubt that will bring many of those bounty scum to our corner of the galaxy."

LV raised an eyebrow, looking at each Elder in turn. "We must be sure our hightened security measures have been put into effect, and that we ourselves are watchful and midnful of what goes on here on Corellia."

Je'gan Olra'en
Jan 27th, 2005, 03:14:46 PM
Meeting LV's eyes, Je'gan leaned forward slowly, resting his elbows on his knees before beginning to look around. Though his face and Force sense were completely impassive, the cloak he wore - a glossy black stretch of something that wasn't quite fabric - stirred in response to the emotions he felt. A tiny wisp of smoke drifted up from the wooden chair in which he sat as the Shadow carried out his unconscious will to destroy. He hid that, too, before it went so far as to destabilize the chair's structural integrity. When he spoke, it was with not the intense, naive voice of the boy he had been upon his arrival at the Sith Palace. It was, instead, an insidious hiss.

"I am curious as to whether or not we will maintain Rivin as a member of the Order. I know the possibility of expelling him has come up; has a verdict been reached?"

He would not pretend that he was not attached to this issue; indeed, despite one or two successful collaborations, both he and D'lar Rivin had passed the entirety of their Knighthood at TSO in mutual hatred. Je'gan would like nothing better than to personally kill his fellow Sith Knight.

But much as he hated Rivin, he knew that the older Knight was a highly valuable asset at times. And as Malice Draclau had reminded them both not long ago, they were family of a sort. Je'gan had done his best not to let his disgust for his fellow Sith influence his decisions. There were, after all, more important things.

"It is, of course," he continued, "irrelevant on the whole. Either way, we will have the security problem of a bounty hunter influx. The only question is whether to kill those hunters outright...or point them towards their target."

He looked around, and for a moment the slightest hint of uncertainty came to his face. For a moment only - then it was gone, and his black eyes were more piercing than ever.

Lady Vader
Jan 27th, 2005, 06:17:13 PM
"I think," LV looked at each in turn, "that we may indeed need to expell Rivin from our Order, and cooperate, as much as it pains us, with the hunters. Turning them towards Rivin's direction will take their eyes away fro us."

Je'gan Olra'en
Jan 28th, 2005, 12:58:30 PM
Je'gan said nothing, merely let the grin on his face speak for him. A touch of sadism, rare in him from day to day, began to express itself in his facial features. Another tiny plume of smoke wafted up from th wood of the chair.

Jan 28th, 2005, 01:30:14 PM
“To spare Rivin and condone his actions is unacceptable. As much as it pains me to see one of our own turned away as such, his deeds have sealed his fate.” Warlock, half-turning from the gathering, waved one hand in dismissal, a casual almost uncaring gesture. “Be gone with him.”

Jan 29th, 2005, 06:56:25 PM
"Think of the consequences first." He said carefully. "Though I have no love for Rivin, he is one of the few Knights in our ranks. And what about his apprentice?"

Je'gan Olra'en
Jan 29th, 2005, 07:52:15 PM
"We have enough active Knights and Lords," Je'gan said slowly, still with that trace of a hiss. "You, I, Zereth, Drake and Vega. My student Phoenix Whyte is approaching Knighthood. As for Jezreal..."

He sighed slightly, eyes narrowing. He had once counted the girl in question as a friend; as with the larger issue, he had to divorce his feelings on the matter from his recommendations.

"Jezreal has risked her life for the Order. I doubt that she will follow Rivin. If she stays, I am prepared to take her as my own student - if she leaves, though she is our most senior Apprentice, she does not represent a terribly significant loss. We have many strong Apprentices: your two students Ida Knoe and Kathrine-" He said this with a nod of respect; Southstar was producing some top-quality young Sith. "-Lorani T'sava, Jorshal Vuntana and my own brother, Baracc. Though Jezreal Darkshard is an asset, she is not irreplaceable.

"My bias on the matter of Rivin's expulsion is well known, but the facts speak for themselves. It is simpler and somewhat more beneficial to the Order to remove a disloyal Sith Knight than to allow him to remain. Last time I tallied his words, Rivin had made it clear to Lady Vader, to Athena, to Malice Draclau, to myself, to his own Apprentice, to Warlock, and to quite a few others that he has no respect for the Order. None whatsoever. If expulsion had not been already named as the censure, I would recommend death."

Jan 29th, 2005, 09:31:13 PM
"Well let's not be so quick to simply dismiss him, everyone can be exploited." With the conclusion that the clean-up process would easily be taken care of, he was bought on the idea of expelling Rivin. "Obviously we can milk the Chandrilans and not to mention the horde of bounty hunters that should arrive on our doorstep any day now. Not to mention Rivin himself. Rivin's expulsion will be a slight loss, but, there is an oppertunity to make profit here."

Zereth Lancer
Jan 29th, 2005, 09:59:23 PM
Zereth sad silently in his seat. THe hood of his dark robe covering his face and only his glowing red eyes where visible. He quietly pondered all that was being said until atlast he had something of his own to say "Rivin has and could still be a valauble asset to the sith order. But what I fear the most is that his apprentices will end up like him, disrespecting everyone and being trouble wherever they go" He said to those seated around him "An apprentices try to become like their master in order to please their master. Such apprentices as Jezreal Darkshard may become another Rivin and I think that would prove most destructive to the sith order"

Zereth leaned forward and steepled his hands together infront of him "I say either kill Rivin, send him away, or help the bounty hunter's in a way that would allow them to do away with him for us."

Jan 30th, 2005, 04:26:42 AM
Warlock nodded sagely at Zereth’s words. “We must learn from the errors of the past. Many times before, we have allowed those whose loyalties were not fully to the Order to remain within our ranks, and it has brought us nothing but ruin. Many of you present will recall the treachery of Gav Mortis, and I have no doubt that though you did not witness it you will have heard of the betrayal of Lilaena De’Ville. This Order has a history of being exploited- by those who wish to take its members for their own purpose. Let us not fall prey to this creeping fiend again.

If nothing else, then by allowing Rivin to remain in our midst we condemn ourselves in the eyes of the Republic. We must seem apologetic for the Chandrilan episode, remorseful and deeply sadden… we simply cannot seem as such if we continue to embrace Rivin as one of our own. The reasons to be rid of him are myriad.”

Lady Vader
Jan 31st, 2005, 04:29:12 PM
LV had been silent up to this point, her voice softly speaking as she kept herself leaned back in her chair.

"To much has happened to this Order... to much to have it happen again. We established this Order from the tyranny of Marzullo's rule. Yet we survived. We witnessed the destruction of our home, our Palace, at the hands of Mortis. Yet we survived. We underwent the treachery brought to us by De'Ville, and she came close to destroying us. And yet again we survived."

She looked up, her eyes burning with hate. Hate for those that had tried to ruin what the Sith Order had become.

"And now Rivin has joined the ranks of those that would destroy us, that would harm what we have built." Her voice lowered a notch, becoming deadly. "I will not allow it to happen again. I will not allow history to repeat itself. And if his apprentice choses to side with him, then she too will face the fate he now faces."

She fell into a momentary brooding silence, before standing and again looking at each in turn. "Rivin will be banished from our ranks. He will never again set foot within these walls, and he will never again be allowed to sully the name of the Order." Her face was set in a cold expression as she said her final word. "He is no longer our brother."

Je'gan Olra'en
Jan 31st, 2005, 04:49:01 PM
Triumph roared through Je'gan as he sat there, the edges of his cloak swaying in the buffets of a nonexistent breeze. For years this had been his desire - this very action, these very words. Another piece of his life was complete, and he had one more outlet for the Dark Side.

After a moment, allowing himself to luxuriate in the feeling, he spoke.

"Do we have any other business?"

Zereth Lancer
Jan 31st, 2005, 09:16:47 PM
Zereth leaned back in his chair, Rivin was now delt with. The intensity of his glowing eyes eased slightly and he became more relaxed.

When Je'gan spoke again, Zereth's attention perked up. If there was something else that needed to be discussed then he better be paying attention.

Lady Vader
Feb 1st, 2005, 05:37:41 PM
LV looked at each of the Elders before answering Je'gan's question.

"No, we have no other matters to discuss at this time." She paused, looking sidelongingly at Warlock. "However, I want you all to be vigilant for the next few weeks... even month. This action rivin has brought upon us may lead us to exptreme measures. I want us all to be ready for that."

Je'gan Olra'en
Feb 1st, 2005, 06:32:39 PM
"The policy of pretended innocence...it still applies, correct?"

Lady Vader
Feb 2nd, 2005, 01:20:19 PM
LV nodded her head. "That is correct. For now at any rate."

She smiled at Je'gan. "Our time will come when we reveal our true hand. For now, we must continue to keep the Sabacc face."

Je'gan Olra'en
Feb 2nd, 2005, 01:28:07 PM
Je'gan made a face, but nodded again. Though he might not entirely like the survival philosophy of the Order, he knew it had its purpose.

He stood.

"Rivin's about to start babbling. Time to give him the...bad news."

Lady Vader
Feb 3rd, 2005, 01:20:29 PM
LV looked down at the small data screen embedded in a small pillar beside her chair. A small light was blinking.

"It would appear that Rivin has asked for an audience with us. And he is now waiting out our door." She looked up at the large closed doors. "Now's a good a time as any to be rid of him."

She waved a hand lazily in the direction of the doors. They slowly opened, revealing Rivin's cloaked sillouette at the door. He entered, taking a stance in the center of the room to be seen by all, and began to speak (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=37789).