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Parker Proctor
Jan 18th, 2005, 03:58:53 PM

With a dissatisfied hmmm, Parker Proctor looked up from his chronometer. Thirty minutes ago he had arrived at the entrance to the Sith seat of power. Twenty-nine minutes ago the old man Warlock had greeted him, welcoming him as warmly as ever. Twenty-five minutes ago the pair had begun the walk that would bring the Corellian Information Minister to where he stood now. Twenty-four minutes ago he had been left to his own devices, in a room empty save for a single row of chairs. After careful scrutiny, consisting of two minutes inspection of the chairs, he had decided – twenty-two minutes ago – that he would prefer to stand.


In spite of knowing the source and reason for the sudden shrill noise, Proctor looked quickly down at his chrono. He pushed two buttons on the face and smoothed the surface of his jacket. He stepped up to the door of the office in front of him and gave three hard knocks.

“Madame Vader…”

Lady Vader
Jan 18th, 2005, 07:50:11 PM
LV stood from her seta out of respect as Parker walked into her office. As always, he was well kempt and groomed, looking every bit the professional he was, straight down to the musky cologn.

She waved to the seat oppisite her at the other side of the desk. "Thank you for coming, Mr. Proctor. I take it you read my letter in it's entirety aout our plans for you in the very near future?"

Parker Proctor
Jan 22nd, 2005, 12:08:47 PM
“Indeed.” With a reverent bow of his head, Parker took the offered seat. The half-Anzat pursed his lips into something of a smile, though there was nothing cheerful about it. “I must confess, it was most… unexpected to hear that you were considering such a change.”

Lady Vader
Jan 24th, 2005, 04:36:45 PM
"Sometimes changes are neccessary. And sometimes it is warrented to keep our enemies guessing as to what our next move will be." She smiled as she took her seat once more. "There's nothing quite like blind-siding the opposition."

She took on a more serious look, studying Proctor's face for any signs of doubt. "You understand what must be done? We can't have anything go wrong in this, and above all, you must stay inconspicious."

Parker Proctor
Jan 26th, 2005, 12:41:40 PM
“But of course Madame Vader.” Again, Parker formed something of a smile. It was sycophantic and unbecoming of his features, features that were at first glance human but on closer inspection betrayed his alien heritage. “I have spent all of my life practicing the art of being inconspicuous.”

Lady Vader
Jan 26th, 2005, 05:48:53 PM
LV smiled. "Precisely what I wanted to hear."

"We need to get as much information as possible. It seems our group has come into a somewhat uncomfortable light due to a rogue act from one of our members." She leaned forward. 'I need to know what is happening on the inside. I need to know what their plans are to be... even if it's a snipet of information."

She leaned back again. "As it is, I've hightened security here on Corellia and have even begun to move some of our more sensetive and pertenent informations. If worse comes to worse, and we need to move out, I want to take everything and leave nothing behind for those leeches to get their hands on."

She waved a hand. 'But that is all speculation at the moment. We don't know whether they will force our hand or not. And that's precisely why you're being sent in."

Parker Proctor
Jan 27th, 2005, 04:06:34 AM
“Yes, Rivin has attracted rather a lot of attention. In fact, just this morning I received word that an anonymous bounty has been placed on his head.” Folding his hands in his lap, Parker thought on how he detested to be the bringer of bad news, particularly to a Sith. “While you entertain the possibility of you and your Order having to leave Corellia, might I also suggest that you seriously consider the discharge of your errant Knight? And make no mistake, this is a decision you must make with haste, if it is to have any effect in repairing your damaged reputation.”

Lady Vader
Jan 27th, 2005, 11:45:41 AM
LV tapped a claw against her chin. "I think you're right in that we must be rid of Rivin." She stopped the tapping and set her palm down on the deks. "I will make the announcement of Rivin's bounty. Shortly there after I will make an announcement of what is to be done with our rogue Sith."

Parker Proctor
Jan 28th, 2005, 01:33:32 PM
“Bounty? Lady Vader, might I advise caution. If you do not wish the Sith to be seen as the bloodthirsty monsters Rivin would have them seem, then you would do best to simply discharge him from your ranks. I cannot imagine the Republic looking favorably upon a government who openly encourages and even places bounties.”

Lady Vader
Jan 28th, 2005, 02:13:16 PM
LV laughed. "Forgive me, Minister. I believe you misunderstood me. I meant the bounty that has been placed on Rivin's head by a faction outside of the Order."

She shook her head. "I have no intentnion of drawing anymroe eyes to the Order than have already been drawn. Rivin will be banished from the Order, and from thence, whatever his fate may be is none of our concern."

Parker Proctor
Jan 29th, 2005, 06:19:28 AM
Parker matched the laugh. It seemed effortless and sincere, yet at the same time without humor. “My apologies, Lady Vader. I don’t give you enough credit. Now.. with regards to Rivin’s banishment – if you should require any assistance in drawing up a press release on the matter, I would gladly help.”

Lady Vader
Jan 29th, 2005, 04:18:31 PM
She gestured with a hand. "By all means, please do. Draw up the press release, perhaps review it with the Mayor, and set it lose among the media. I want it made clear that we did not have anything to do with Rivin's acts."

She leaned forward. "And I want to be sure this reaches all the way to the Core."

Parker Proctor
Feb 2nd, 2005, 07:06:30 AM
“Very well.” Folding his hands together, Parker had already begun to draft the entire statement in his mind. “Have we any other business?”

Lady Vader
Feb 2nd, 2005, 01:22:07 PM
"At the moment, no." She let a small smile grace her facial features. 'But be assured I will contact you if I think of anything else."