View Full Version : Mind Moving Mater(Jezreal)

Dark Lord Rivin
Jan 14th, 2005, 04:46:55 PM
So She wants to learn Teliknitics does she. This will deffently help her. It will hurt, but I guess pain is the best teacher. Rivin thinks to him self as he sets up the room for his next training lession.

From the celling of the room he has hung a chain with a set of stun cuff that have had the stun setting removed. Around the room he has dumped a number of buckets of metal dibris, rubber balls, glass fragments, chunks on wood, and sand that he has scattered the contents across the floor. He has left a path from the door to the center of the room clear of hazards, and placed a chair in the far left corner of the room.

Rivin sits in the chair, watching the door, and waits for Jezreal. He sent her a message last night telling her to have a well rested mind and meet him at this room in the morning, at sunrise. It is now 5 min to sunrise and everything is ready.

Alexia Sturkov
Jan 17th, 2005, 10:11:20 PM
Jezreal had gotten up very early to get ready for her next training session with Rivin. She was wearing the black robes of the sith without the thick outer cloak. Her lightsabre dangled from her belt and her ruby red hair was tied back in a loose braid to keep it out of her face

She left her room and headed toward the training grounds. She had no idea what Rivin would do today. Jezreal moved through the dark halls until she reached the room Rivin had told her to meet him in. She pushed open the door and stepped inside. Her eyes opened wide at the sight of the room. The ground was covered in junk. There was a clear path that led to the middle of the room where a chain hung from the roof

The sight of the chain sent shivers down Jezreal's spine. She didn't know what Rivin had planned but she guess it wasn't going to be nice. She just now noticed Rivin sitting in the corner "Greetings master" She said with a short bow "I am eager to learn."

Dark Lord Rivin
Jan 20th, 2005, 02:16:41 PM
Rivin stands and jumps from the chair to the center of the room.

"Thats very good. Now come over here while we get ready for today's practice."

Rivin holds out a thick Cloke towards Jezreal.

"You may want to put this on, and please stand over here." He says motion to under the chains.

Alexia Sturkov
Jan 20th, 2005, 11:45:26 PM
Jezreal took the cloak and wrapped it around her shoulders "What exactly will we be doing?" She asked as she moved over to the spot Rivin had instructed.

Dark Lord Rivin
Jan 26th, 2005, 04:05:04 PM
"We will be practicing with Teliknitics. We will start with teaching you defencive tatics with them. I will be randomly grabing objects, and you will have to stop them with your mind. I will be keeping score. Whenever you stop an object from hitting you, you will get one point. Whenever one hits you, 10 points will be deducted if it is a glancing blow i will only take 5 points away. the Cloke is thick enough that none of the sharp objects that hit it will strike blood."

Rivin take one of Jezreal's hands and locks it in the cuffs.

"These will be to make sure that you have to use the force to stop them insted of being able to dodge, or defelct."

Rivin locks the other hand into the cuffs.

"Do we have any other question?"

Alexia Sturkov
Jan 26th, 2005, 10:08:38 PM
Jezreal was slightly suprised when Rivin suddenly slapped the cuffs on her arms. Her gaze wandered around room and now understood the purpose of all the garbage around the room. She turned to look back at Rivin "I have none. I am ready" With that said she quickly gathered the force to her and awaited the first projectile.

Dark Lord Rivin
Jan 31st, 2005, 03:07:34 PM
Rivin jumps back to the chair and stis down closing his eyes. he gets the feel of the room through the force.

"Very well, We shall begin."

Rivin then grabs a small rubber ball with the force and throws it at the back of Jezreal's head. He also grabs a small handfull of glass off the floor and sprays it at Jezreal's lower chest, where the cloke will protect her.

Alexia Sturkov
Feb 1st, 2005, 09:46:12 PM
Jezreal quickly grabbed the ball with the force and spun it around her body to intercept the glass. The first shards popped the ball but Jezreal simply streched it while it deflated to catch more of the glass in its rubber body. A few shards got through and bounced off the thick cloak that Rivin had lent to her.

Dark Lord Rivin
Feb 2nd, 2005, 06:10:44 PM
"Very creative..." Rivin says as he quickly picks up a butter knife and flings it at Jezreal's lower back, followed quickly by a handfull of gravel at a her face, and a metal pipe at her knees.

Alexia Sturkov
Feb 2nd, 2005, 09:19:47 PM
Jezreal stopped the pipe and brought it up to shield her face from the gravel. She senced something comming from behind and she used the deflated ball, that she had made to spin around her, and moved it to intercept the knife

She could't control so many things at one time and all the things she was floating dropped to the floor. She took in a few deep breaths to regain her consentration that she had lost with the strain of holding all the items up and awaited the next volley.

Dark Lord Rivin
Feb 3rd, 2005, 12:42:18 PM
Rivin Smiles as a large pile of sand flys above Jezreal's head a drops down on her, as he also sends a handfull of glass shards at Jezreal's upper pelvis.

Alexia Sturkov
Feb 4th, 2005, 09:53:06 PM
Jezreal feels the something comming at her from behind and she sends a push of force energy, sending the sand backwards and away from her. She used the force to slap the glass shards away from her and back onto the floor from wence they came.

Dark Lord Rivin
Feb 8th, 2005, 11:55:11 AM
Rivin smiles

"Good, good! clearly you have been practicing since our first Teliknitics class."

Rivin then grabs a number of small solid rubber balls from all around the room and sends 3 flying at her backside (Head, back, and bum), 3 at her front side (Head, chest, pelvis), and 2 each flying at her left and right sides (Upper and lower torso). Rivin is interested in seeing how many she can stop. He knows she will likely not be able to stop them all.

Alexia Sturkov
Feb 8th, 2005, 11:38:17 PM
Jezreal saw the balls coming and she knew she would not be able to stop them all. She decided to stop the ones infront of herself first. She used the force to pushed the topmost of the three balls down, cuasing it to bump into the ball below it and then the one on the bottom, which caused all three balls to be knocked to the ground. She turned her head to look at the balls on her right. A small nudge of the force pushed them to the side enough that they would miss her.

She consentrated on the balls behind her. The balls where not right above each other as had been the ones that came at her from the front. She managed to knock two of them away from her before the remaining three balls hit her.

It didn't hurt her but it did make her feel disapointed in herself for not stopping all of them.

Dark Lord Rivin
Feb 16th, 2005, 07:06:18 PM
"Very well done."

Rivin was about to pick up more dibrise and fling it at her when his mind detected that Danger was comming his way. From the council chambers. He didn't know what they were saying, but he could guess that it was about doing something about him. It is time for Rivin to leave TSO.

"I'm sorry, but I have to get going. Something has come up, and I nead to leave. There is a good chance That I will not be able to come back and finish your training. I will arrange for you to have another sith continue your teachings."

Rivin places a card with a contect number on it on the floor at Jezreal's feet, and tosses the keys to the cuffs into the debris on the floor behind Jesreal, and makes sure that they are burried.

"That card will allow you to contact me. It will let you leave a message and I will call back with in a day or two if you request it in the message. The Keys I just tossed to the floor are the keys to the cuffs that are holding you there. Your final test for this lession will be to use the force to free yourself from this room. I'm afrade that I will not be able to stay to see how you do, so you can keep the cloke, as wellas anything else in the room, and I wish you good luck. "

Rivin then goes to leave the room, placing a small cilinder just inside the door as it closes. He then locks the door from the outside. Rivin knows that if she is creative she could get out of that room using the dibris in their to some how get access to the locking mechnisim, or she could figure out how to use the force to effect the inner workings of the lock, but the cylinder had as timmer on it set for 15 minutes, and at that point a knockout gas will be let out into the room.

Alexia Sturkov
Feb 18th, 2005, 12:09:14 AM
Jezreal's mouth dropped open as Rivin walked away from her and out of the room. How can he do this to me? Just leave me hanging like this, and does won't he take me with him? Why must I have a new master? WHY!?.

Her anger started comming off her in thick waves. Almost anyone in the sith palace would have been able to feel it. Never in her life had she ever been as angry as she is now. Her anger fueled her with darkside power and the power swirled around her. She fed the power into her arms and pulled at the chains and using the force to pull at the chains also. In a few moments the chains started to groan as they where pulle at and suddenly they where wretched right out of the roof. The longs chains fell to the ground around jezreal and she quickly ran at the door a threw a powerful force push that blaster it right off its hinges. She steps through without noticing the can, her chains still attached to her arms trailed behind her.

She looked around for Rivin but saw no trace of him. She moved down the hall went through the door that led outside. Her rage quickly faded and left her drained of energy. She collapsed onto the ground. A few words passed her lips "Why?...." and then she passed into unconsiousness.