View Full Version : I was thinking...
Lady Vader
Jan 11th, 2005, 02:06:35 PM
A dangerous passtime at best, and this time is not any different from any toher thinking spout.
I wanted to run this by the elders first to see what they thought, and then from there we could take it to the rest of the Order.
With this new RP line beginning, what with GJO being upsurped, the Empire charging in, the NR going back to hit-n-runs, was thinking perhaps the Sith should have a little go at a deception.
Yes, I know that the NR is eventually coming to investigate/invade Corellia, and while we fight back essentially the Empire will come and whip the NR's <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont> to kingdom come. This will essentially leave Corellia damaged, but the Order will remain intact.
What if, instead of keeping Corellia intact, we make it LOOK like it's been erradicated from Corellia. Essentially the Sith have been driven off to set up shop on Korriban (a much better suited planet for Sith, I would imagine). BUT, it is a decpetion. Yes, we will make Korriban our base of opperations, even to the point of beginning secret construction of a larger shipyard there at this time.
As for Corellia, it will indeed still be populated by Sith. But they will be living in secret and underground... litterally. Beneath the Palace are tunnels upon tunnels of catacombs and hallways, built as protection when the Palace was rebuilt in case TSO fell under extreme attack. I say we use these catacombs to our advantage. Let the Palace fall to ruin. The plans are still kept and it can be rebuilt with the same materials on Korriban.
We will however let Rasha know of this, appeasing her with a promotion to President of Corellia, having rule over the planet. This will allow her to make Corellia a neutral asset, keeping all it has and continueing the commerce it now profts from. But, at the same time, it will also give profits to the Sith, who are hidden on the planet... a way to stay in the Core and have an ear within the Core.
We as ith are deceptive, cunning, and evil. What better way that to deceive the galaxy into thinking Corellia is no longer ours when in reality it still is. What better way to think the Galaxy doesn't nee to worry about Corellia anymore, leaving us free to go about our every day spying and finding weaknesses.
This is just a summary of my idea. I've got a lot more to add to this basket, but I figured one tidbit at a time or your heads might explode.
And, like I said, this is just a brewing idea. I'd like to keep it here first before taking it elsewhere. If we can't find a plaussible way of making this work, then we just let it die here. But if we do find a way to get this rolling and if the elders and members of TSo like it, then we can take it to the rest of the board.
Vega Van-Derveld
Jan 12th, 2005, 10:38:13 AM
What is the point of rebuilding Palace on Korriban, then? o_O We could just say that the Sith were wiped out and leave it at that. The ruins of the Palace are left as a memorial to times gone by, a warning to future generations, etc etc...
Jan 12th, 2005, 11:07:28 AM
Well, we'd still need a base of operations. I'd still like to have a comfortable place to reside in.
Korriban does have old castles and catacombs through a vast network of Sith tombs. We could utilize those as our home.
But Palace aside, what of the rest of the idea? The whole deception thing?
Vega Van-Derveld
Jan 13th, 2005, 09:59:49 AM
But Palace aside, what of the rest of the idea? The whole deception thing?
It sounds fine to me, although it is another step further away from our being "Sith"
Jan 14th, 2005, 12:05:04 PM
Well, ok, how bout this.
We make it LOOK like we've been chased off Corellia (instead of being irradicated), leaving some behind in the Palace's Underground to keep an ear in the Core, with the majority moving to Korriban. From there we can lash out and destroy to our content. And at the same time still keeping Rasha under our thumb, so to speak.
Or, we can just stay on Corellia and lash out from there and just be Sith.
Vega Van-Derveld
Jan 15th, 2005, 05:01:39 AM
I say we stay on Corellia. The way I see it, Rasha is going to squirm and wriggle underneath TSO's thumb as much as she can't. She seems to be making it her lifes mission to make things difficult for us :p So we need to be close by.
Jan 17th, 2005, 04:45:00 PM
Ok, then lets stay... besides, all our assets and defenses are stationed at Corellia. Moving all that would be a job in itself.
And if Rasha gets out of hand, then we find a new person. The way I see it, we helped her to gain the status she has. And from what I understand, she may not be afraid of us, but she doesn't want to get on our bad sides either.
Vega Van-Derveld
Jan 18th, 2005, 03:46:00 PM
Looking at what people are saying in LD's study, it seems like we should be leaving Corellia.
Lady Vader
Jan 18th, 2005, 07:04:59 PM
What do you mean "should"?
Personally, I don't care what other ppl are saying. We'll do whatever we darn please and whatever we feel comfortable with.
Look, as it is, this is what's called "peer pressure". I loathe it. Frankly, I feel somewhat ganged up on, and that makes me even more NOT want to go through with this idea.
Do you know how happy I was when I came up with this idea, how I figured "yay, now they'll get off my case"?, and then you didn't like it much, which was fine (no, I'm not annoyed with you :) ), so I figured ok, then we don't go through with it and we just stay put cause it makes more sense what with all our resources here, and then they start up.
Thoug, have to admit, I'm glad Gav had the guts to finally come out with what ALL of them are thinking. 'Bout damn time too. |I
I feel so torn at this point... not to mention apathetic to any type of RPing in general. Writing is essentially dieing a very slow death at this point for me. And I mourn for it. What I once found fun and a great pass time to get away, I now find as tedious and a burden. I stress over it. I probably have tiny ulcers from it. Everytime I get into any sort of conversation, I get horrible cramping and knots in my stomache.
How stupid and aweful is that? :(
But enough of that. This thread isn't for rants. It's to try to appease the crowds it would seem. Screw what we'd like. Screw what we feel. Lets bend to the will of the masses!
I'm gonna take a break from reading these forums. I'll be back tomorrow... I'm gonna go play WoW... my new fun and unstressful pass-time.
Vega Van-Derveld
Jan 19th, 2005, 03:27:20 AM
Take it easy :) There's no rush for us to decide what we're going to do.
Jan 19th, 2005, 12:13:14 PM
I know. I just needed to vent. Not to mention I think I may be PMSing, so my moodiness is on a wobbly scale at the moment. ^_^;
I did like my idea, though, of moving TSO to Korriban. It is after all a Sith planet. It would only seem to make sense.
But after some thought, I really didn't want to have the Palace destroyed... again. And what of all the work and assests we have put into Corellia? The shipyards? The planetary shielding? The Golom defense satelites? Our ships? Our very successful trade routes, smugglings, and even resort ship? I don't want to lose those as those things bring money in for TSO.
And personally, I don't care if TSO is stationed on a planet that's in the middle of the core. The NR is being scattered, the Jedi are being torn... you'd think now would be the time where we'd REALLY put a hold on our position in the Core to erradicate what NR and Jedi factions remain.
To me, it makes more sense that the Sith would not flee, but rather stay and strengthen what they have. Also, from the Core, they have a higher chance of fanning out and finding the scattered Jedi and blotting them out from the universe.
You'd think the Empire wouldn't stop us from doing that as they want the same thing. Sure, they may not be trusting of any Force user (which I think is a dumb idea seeing as how some of the Imp leaders *coughVicseracough* are Force users themselves. And as long as we keep smooshing the Jedi and those ppl that get out of line, the higher chances the Empire leave us alone.
Ya know... after some consideration, your first gut reaction of staying put on Corellia was the right one. Too bad if some of the other RPers think it's boring or outdated. They're not part of TSO, so it really shouldn't bother them. And for those that may be part of TSO, well, I'm not holding them back from leaving.
But, you were also right in saying there is no rush, regardless of the peer presure some might be inflicting.
Why don't we see if we can possibly perfect this idea? Moving our assests to Korriban, keeping TSO intact, while at the same time containing a hold on Corellia (even if it's a secret one).
Oh, and Jen? Thanks for being a pillar of strength for me. :)
Vega Van-Derveld
Jan 22nd, 2005, 12:04:07 PM
You know, I wish that all these people who have so much to say about TSO would do more than just talk. People complain about it being decaying or whatever but no one seems to want to put the time in to change that, especially not the 'olde guarde'.
Perhaps we could work an idea similar to what GJO had with Yavin, whereby Corellia becomes a second base... over-seen by Rasha Vill (or Parker Proctor, whoever is in charge)... with Korrban being the main seat of power. Just have a few diplomatic Sith in the upper echleons of the Corellian government.
Oh, and Jen? Thanks for being a pillar of strength for me.
:hug :)
Jan 24th, 2005, 04:29:02 PM
Brilliant! Your star shines brightly, Jen-jen!
I like that idea! It moves us to a better place where you'd expect to find Sith, gives us a fresh new look and feel, while at the same time still having a finger wrapped in Corellia's business.
I like it. Wanna do it? =)
(We can leave Rasha in charge, with Proctor as her new assistant/second in command-type-dealy. Rasha deals with Corellia's ppl, while we still have an ear in with Proctor.)
Vega Van-Derveld
Jan 25th, 2005, 10:25:13 AM
Hooray! Finally a good idea, after weeks of nothing! :D Let's go for it.
Lady Vader
Jan 25th, 2005, 05:36:02 PM
Ok, first things first...
1) We need to write out our idea so it makes sense (I was wondering if you wouldn't mind writing this out and I'll tweak it where I think it may need tweaking... you're much better with wording ^_^; ).
2) Once we have it written out, we share it with the TSO members and see what they think... get feed back and stuff, and make anymore tweaks we may think up.
3) Then, once we get good/bad/whatever from the members of TSO, then we can take it to the others where the face-lift for the boards is going on in the Mod forum.
4) And then from there we can impliment our idea and get the ball rolling (I'm actually gonna start doing that now, the transfering of stuffs and all, in a few threads to come... i.e. highetning security, Proctor thread, etc... just to be on the safe side.)
So... lets get to doing #1!
- - - - -
I just realized... this forum is called Elder's vision... and by golly we just had a VISION! And we're moving on it! :D
Lady Vader
Jan 27th, 2005, 11:58:29 AM
Did some fiddling with what the board will look like if the consensus is to move to Korriban:
The Great Tomb (previously The Great Hall)
Where the Sith of the Order gather to discuss important issues that need no hiding from prying eyes.
> Sith Discussion (for TSO members eyes only)
> Here all Sith of the Order may come and chat privately amongst > themselves.
>> Elders Vision (for the Elder's eyes only)
>> Here the Elders of the Order gather to discuss issues and
>> make decisions for those under their care.
The Citadel (previously Sith Palace)
The heavily protected dwelling and sanctuary of the Sith Order, deep within the ancient Sith catacombs on Korriban.
> Training Grounds
> A vast area attached to the Palace where the Sith of the Order,
> Apprentice to Elder, may come to practice their Dark Side arts
> The Sith Library (previously The Databank)
> A vast, ever-growing bank of information, including dossiers on
> the members of the Sith Order.
Customs Outpost
Beings from other sectors and factions are welcome to meet in a secured area with members of the Sith Order. One of the Mayor of Coronet's main offices can be found here.
> Sith Recruitment
> For those that wish to join the growing ranks of the Sith Order
> family. Loyalty and camaraderie are marked above all.
Several shipyards orbit Corellia and the other planets protected under the Order. Discussions on new projects take place here.
Saiatah High Roller
Come one! Come all! Play, dine, shop, and relax to your hearts content! Everyone is a guaranteed winner!!
Corellian Moon Spaceport
Out of character discussions/madness may take place here.
The Ladies Lounge (previously Ladies Lounge)
Home to "The Cat's Meow" cocktail lounge, hosted by Lady Vader, as well as the home for the Sith and Jedi ladies clubs. (Yes, men are welcome, but only in the cocktail lounge.) NOTE: The Ladies Lounge is located on a seperate board from that of SWF. Registering anew will be required to post in the lounge.
Lady Vader
Jan 28th, 2005, 02:16:46 PM
Everything is being set into motion:
Our preperations in securing TSO assets and possibly moving
Readying outrselves for the imminent attention of the NR
Rivin's departure from TSO
*wrings hands together and cackles*
Yes, all is going as planned. >D
Vega Van-Derveld
Jan 30th, 2005, 05:16:55 AM
I'll get around to writing up the idea on Monday night, most likely :)
Jan 31st, 2005, 04:17:22 PM
Okeydokey. the sooner we can get it to the TSO members, the sooner we can throw it in the mod forum.
But don't rush on it. Doesn't look like the board wide change is gonna happen anytime soon. I think ppl are still planning and preping for it.
Salem Ave
Feb 15th, 2005, 07:48:27 AM
Just posting to let you know that I haven't forgotten about this! :)
Je'gan Olra'en
Feb 15th, 2005, 09:20:54 AM
And I think it's a good idea, BTW. Je'gan'll certainly like having spirits to fight mind-to-mind.
Lady Vader
Feb 15th, 2005, 11:27:27 AM
Hey! The peanut gallery posted! :p I was wondering when someone else would show up other than myself and Jen. ;)
And Jen, I know you haven't forgotten. I'm waiting patiently. Besides, we know this whole board-wide idea is gonna take time what with the Senate thread only just beginning. :p
Feb 16th, 2005, 12:08:42 AM
Ok, I want to capitalize off this. As you know I have the Jedi Infiltrator Rayna Eclipse and in one form or another she will sabatoge the TSO. What if she did some major destruction to the palace as the New Republic assult begins? Could create a little extra drama and make things exciting.
So yeah, this whole Empire beats the <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont> out of NR is gonna go down and major events like that, realistically, would throw most of the surrounding areas into chaos. I propose a Civil War amongst the Sith planets.
The Sith will win in the end of course. On top of that I don't think that everything will have to be RPed. Just talking about it in one of those elder meetings that have become so popular as of late. It might be a real cool setting for those in TSO to RP off of and might turn out to be a big success -or- nobody will get into it and in the end it will look like a little unrest in TSO held planets which is alright.
So let me know what you guys think. I want to get a concensus as to whether this would go well with the elders first before I start getting too many ideas in my head.
Salem Ave
Feb 16th, 2005, 05:42:47 AM
That sounds good to me. So long as we all keep each other posted on what we're doing :)
Feb 16th, 2005, 12:01:42 PM
I like it cept for the major destruction of the palace. You have to understand that after it's first destruction and rebuilding, it was fortified to the teeth. I mean, the thing could at any moment come to life and bite you in the <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont>. I don't mind some damage, but major would require some serious backing up to the one infiltrator. And due to the rules on the board, one character can not in all possibility have that much power (hence why we're all wondering what the hell Rivin is all about).
But as to the other idea, I do see it going through. but like Jen said, we HAVE to keep each other informed or it can get very ugly.
As an aside, I know not all the planets will side against us... there are some that will side with us, but hence the civil war thing.
Feb 16th, 2005, 03:14:32 PM
Touche salesman. (Anybody watch Family Guy?) That sounds resonable that Rayna wouldn't pull it off, especially with this whole Rivin thing going on. But I do want her to have some recognized impact, I'll kick some ideas around and get back to you guys on that.
As for the Civil War, I was thinking if we had a sticky in the databank updated with links and possibly the major developments by those who played the major parts.
I don't want to give up Corellia for more than a second and with all the supposed brainwashing we've been doing it's unrealistic that the Corellians would revolt. At the same time I want to try and tie the Civil War in with why TSO relocates to Korriban.
Off the top of my head I would thin Kashyyyk would be one of the first to rebel against TSO. Then I would expect that the Hutt planets (Nal Hutta and Nar Shadda, Ylesia would try to rebel as well as Hutts tend to be shifty like that. I expect that TSO keeps Honoghr, Dathomir and Korriban.
Those are my immediate thoughts, any comments?
Feb 17th, 2005, 04:24:37 PM
Touche salesman. (Anybody watch Family Guy?)
I have the 1st and 2nd seasons on DVD!! :D
As to the rest of yer shpeal, I can swing with it. But also remember even though we have moved to Korriban, certainly doesn't mean we have removed all fingers and toes from Corellia. We need to keep our digits in there, albiet quiet if need be, to have an ear within the Core. That's where Mr. Prime Minister of Information comes in. We keep him there, hell, he can make the Palace a nice summer home, and voila, we have our eyes, ears, and hands in the Core.
Oh, and what with the Palace having some secret underground security bases and such, we can keep some TSO loyalists down there keeping the info organized that is collected while also aiding the Prime Minister.
Hmmm... I say our dear Prime Minister be the next voice for Corellia?
Feb 17th, 2005, 11:10:48 PM
That's fair. Could we make Corellia the political capitol while Korriban acts as the Sith home? I think that would work out.
So as for the Civil War thing, I really don't want to do it unless everyone is on board cause otherwise its going to suck. I think I'll make a thread in the dicussion forum asking for a vote and go from there.
Feb 22nd, 2005, 06:24:33 PM
Originally posted by Southstar
That's fair. Could we make Corellia the political capitol while Korriban acts as the Sith home? I think that would work out.
I like. We can work with this.
So as for the Civil War thing, I really don't want to do it unless everyone is on board cause otherwise its going to suck. I think I'll make a thread in the dicussion forum asking for a vote and go from there.
I'm not to fond of it, but I'll swing with it like I said. Also, I dunno how much time I can spare to participate in the RP (the coming weeks are starting to shape out to be rather busy).
Zereth Lancer
Feb 26th, 2005, 01:34:18 AM
Well, I've been kind of late in getting here. I keep meaning to read this thread but in the end I never get around to reading it. So tonight I sat down and read the whole thing.
I like the whole idea of using Korriban as out hideout/new-base. But Ive noticed that most of these ideas are formed around the idea of Rasha being mayor still. Arn't we planning on killing her? which means we need a new puppet (which I do believe you guys are taking care of) to play the part of being.
I'm sorry if some of my knoweldge is out dated. I've been really busy of late and havn't really been reading everything that comes up. So I apologize if am thinking along old ideas and things that have changed.
But I still love all the ideas that have been going around in here, that included your civil war idea SS.
I do though have a question. Is the civil war going to take place before, during, or after the Imp's invade?
Feb 26th, 2005, 10:06:19 AM
My original thought was that the civil war was going to take place during the Imperial invasion.
Zereth Lancer
Feb 26th, 2005, 09:33:10 PM
Ok, works for me :)
Lady Vader
Feb 28th, 2005, 07:05:13 PM
Rasha will be killed off and Jen's character, the Minister of Information, will be placed in charge. hence we'll REALLY have a hand hold in Corellia.
He'll remain rooted in gathering info, while at the same time holding the title of Prime Minister of Corellia.
As for Mayor, we'll place a lacky (NPC maybe? unless he wants to be mayor) under him for Coronet.
That's where we were going with this. :)
Vega Van-Derveld
Mar 7th, 2005, 10:54:44 AM
Just a note : if people want, we can share the Parker Proctor account amongst multiple people. I have a personality/history/etc laid down for him in my mind, but I have no problem with sharing him.
Mar 7th, 2005, 11:40:56 AM
I'm in favor of allowing you to just lay the personality/history down and anyone who wants to use it can play off of that. Personally I'd enjoy playing with a character that has a pre-set background.
Vega Van-Derveld
Mar 7th, 2005, 12:10:11 PM
There's already a history for him up in the Databank.
^ and that thread should give a pretty good indication of his personality :)
Lady Vader
Mar 7th, 2005, 12:31:59 PM
Excellent. *rubs hands together a-la-Mongomery-Burns*
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