View Full Version : A meeting with Mayor Vill (Rasha, Warlock, closed) [DONE]

Lady Vader
Jan 6th, 2005, 05:09:20 PM
LV sat in her office, with Warlock standing by the window, looking out. She'd been sitting at her desk silently after having summoned Mayor Vill for a meeting. She was deep in thought when a long breath exited from the older man behind her.

She swiveled in her seat, looking at the back of his hooded head.

"What are your thoughts on this entire matter (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=37622)?"

Jan 6th, 2005, 05:15:03 PM
It was a moment before Warlock replied, as he weighed all that had happened in his mind. “If nothing else, it has confirmed my fears regarding Rivin. His reckless ways jeopardize the delicate balance that we have worked to create. While I do not condemn such chaotic practices, I would not say that they are in concordance with the Orders current… attitudes and policies.”

Lady Vader
Jan 6th, 2005, 05:18:55 PM
LV nodded her head slowly.

"It would seem Rivin has shown to have his own agenda from time to time. While he has potential as a Sith, having him as a member could jeopardize what we have worked towards here at the Order."

She slouched back in her seat, steepling her fingers. "I only hope that the explaination Vill has will be to our satisfaction." She half smiled. 'It wasn't easy to get her appointed as Mayor of Coronet, nor be the diplomatic voice of Corellia."

She paused. "It would be a shame to... lose... such an asset."

Jan 6th, 2005, 05:22:37 PM
“If I may be so bold as to suggest such a thing, it would appear that we are a time of crossroads.” As he spoke, Warlock turned to regard his peer and spread his hands apart. “On one hand, we may choose to chide both Rivin and the Mayor for their actions, for the consequences that they may have. Yet on the other, we may abandon all subterfuge and embrace the Sith ideals of old. It would certainly seem that Rivin would favor the latter,” the old man added, with a hint of a chuckle.

Lady Vader
Jan 6th, 2005, 05:27:39 PM
LV smiled. "I will not lie to you, my friend. I too have felt the primal callings of the ancient Sith roots. I too long for the chaotic blood-shed we once knew."

She sighed.

"But times have changed. The Galaxy and it's ways have changed. We have need to change ourselves to continue to survive."

She fell silent again, thinking, pondering... looking into the cold unblinking eyes of the future. She squinted. "And yet, I feel another change coming... something that may very well give us what we all desire to once again have."

She looked up at Warlock and smiled. "We haven't gotten to the status and places we now hold without patience. Age and wisdom teach us this hard lesson. And as un-Sith-like as that sounds, we must continue to be patient or we will undo ourselves."

Jan 6th, 2005, 05:34:37 PM
“Then you have felt it too,” Warlock mused, nodding sagely. Touched by the gift of far sight, the old mage caught glimpses of the future from time to time. As of late these visions had been particularly strong, although their meanings were not clear. His grip on his staff tightened as he gazed, in silence, for a moment longer into its glassy surface. “But you are right.” A smile twisted into his lips. “Patience is a prudent virtue. Let us bide our time now and the fruits of our fortitude will be all the sweeter.”

Rasha Vill
Jan 7th, 2005, 12:08:37 PM
Rasha Walks into the office of Lady Vader, and bows respectfuly to both LV and Warlock.

"Greetings Lady Vader, Greetings Elder Warlock. I can asume that the two of you have spoken to Je'gan already? And the he has spouted out on how he was betrayed by me telling a senator how he was saving babies and elderly people when Rivin was leaving them for dead? How I told them that Rivin was acting on his own, without knowledge and sanction from TSO, and how Je'gan was only attacking those that were attacking Rivin? Or did he forget to mention some of that?

No doubt he also forgot to tell that him threatning my life in the middle of a Jedi Bar likely did more damage to his reptuation than anything I said about him, or that he understands nothing about the below the belt tatics of politics, and had no idea what I was doing."

Lady Vader
Jan 7th, 2005, 03:27:23 PM
LV raised an eyebrow. Vill was to the point and blunt. Not that it mattered. It saved LV the trouble of prying information out of the woman.

"No, he didn't mention some of those aspects of the story."

She leaned forward in her seat.

"We just wanted to hear your side of what happened, and perhaps shed some light into what your plans were during the talks with the senator and the bar."

Rasha Vill
Jan 8th, 2005, 01:03:12 PM
"First of all, I am doing what the two of you told me to do. Or have you forgoten about my assginment of trying to get Corellia to have a few eyes close to the heart of the New republic. If I didn't give them some information how do people Think I will ever get them to trust me. All the information I have given them, are things that they could have found on their own if they just looked, and most of is had nothing to do with TSO. It mainly delt with Rivin's little side projects, that for the most part TSO doesn't know about or chooses to ignore.

As for the bar, I stated the truth. I am loyal to the people of Corellia, Not the sith. I want what is best for my people. Part of the criteria for this job was that I am not afrade of the Sith, so that I would be willing and able to point out things the sith were doing to make live worse for the people here. I am willing to do what ever I can to make people want to stay here. I am not a member of your order, and being loyal to the sith was not a condition of taking your job. So Please tell me, How could I have betrayed TSO when all I can tell is things that they likely already know, aside from giving a few names to faces?"

Lady Vader
Jan 14th, 2005, 04:39:41 PM
LV raised an eyebrow.

"Carefull. Remember how it was you were placed on the seat you now reside on."

She waved a hand.

"That aside, it would appear we have been brought into an uncomfortable light because of these incidents, regardless of whether they were on purpose or by chance."

LV reached into a drawer and pulled out a newspad.

"It would seem that the media (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?threadid=37641#post702686) is about to have a field day with this, and with that, the public will also react, and with THAT, so will the New Republic."

As Rasha leaned forward to view the newspad, Warlock moved forward to read the article. It was very he hadn't seen it yet due to it's recent delivery.

"At this point we need to be quite cautious, and possibly even consider and prepare for the worst. Mayor Vill... Rasha... you will need to keep the people calm." She paused before adding, "I certainly wouldn't put it past the New Republic to attack this planet to get rid of us whom they fear."

She looked at Warlock who gave her a side glance. "It would appear the storm we have both felt is beginning to brew."

Rasha Vill
Jan 14th, 2005, 05:05:53 PM
Rasha nods as she leans forward to look at the Newspad, she says to LV...

"I Understand How I got here, and that still does not change the fact that I am loyal to all the people on Corellia, and not just the sith. Though weather I like it or not, the sith are still people of Corellia, but just not the majority."

Rasha reads the newspad nodding her head.

"I'm not suprised that it has reached this point. Diplomats will do what ever they can to exact revenge when their homes are villoated. Though I don't think it will stop there. This will turn into an ugly mess, Even worse than that of us killing the Drall Leader's Daughter.

I'll do what I can to shelter the people from this, But as only being one person I will do what I can. But I will want to go back to coruscant and see what I can do on that end. That is assuming I have not over steped my bounds enough to be removed from this plain of existance."

Jan 15th, 2005, 05:06:32 AM
Warlock spoke without malice. “I think your time would be better spent with the people of Corellia, to whom you are so vehemently dedicated.”

Rasha Vill
Jan 15th, 2005, 01:51:08 PM
"Oh, I will be dealing with things here, but I would think trying to prevent open war would be a good way to help the people of Corellia"

Lady Vader
Jan 18th, 2005, 07:03:15 PM
"Somehow, I get the feeling the Senate will not budge. Perhaps they wouldn't go to war.. though I'd hardly put it past them. But I could certainly see them sending out a convoy to 'check' up on things."

She looked at Rasha. "I know you will keep the people calm, and I know your aid can handle things here if you must go. But if you must make a trip to Coruscant, make it a quick one. If the dren hits the fan, we can not protect you if you are outside of the planetary shield." It wasn't so much LV was trying to protect the life of Vill, but more along the lines of protecting that which tied them ina good light to the people of Corellia. In a way, through Vill, they controlled Corellia this way without making it look like control.

She looked back up at Warlock. "As for us, I suggest we start prepping our defenses. We need to be sure everything is in working order." She mused allowed. "It might not be a bad idea to bring the Saiatah home for a bit. I'd hate to have that asset taken over by some misguided and vengeful senator. And it wouldn't be a bad idea to have Commander Parr on hand in the event we need another ship commander at our disposal."

Sge straightened in her seat, addressing them both. "I think we have come to an understanding as to what has happened with this 'incident'. We can not undo what has been done, but we can steer it's course at this point."

Rasha Vill
Jan 19th, 2005, 04:57:13 PM
"I understand, and I will do my best for my people. I thank you for your consern and I will do my best to remain safe. Though can I make a subjestion?

I think that we may be able to divert some attention away from TSO if Rivin is discharged from the order. Many of his actions were not approved by the order and the senator's focus for Revenge is on Rivin. If he was removed from TSO, even if it is on Honorable terms, he would be forced to go else where, and likely take at least part of his unwanted attention with him."

Lady Vader
Jan 19th, 2005, 05:07:38 PM
LV nodded slowly. "This action is being taken into consideration. And while this may take some attention away from us, it will not take all of it away." The Sith Mistress sighed. "The sentate is a pack of ranevous dogs who will take the chance, however slight, to be able to control every planet in this galaxy. And if this is one way of obtaining the Corellian system, then they will take it."

LV looked directly at Vill, unflinching, unmoving. "No matter what happens to us, you must keep this planet from the clutches that be that would take it's livlihood away." She was buttering up her words, making it sounded like she cared. All she cared for were the assests TSO had within the Corellian system. Best not to let those go or fall into the palms of the NR. "Corellia acts best when it is independant of the masses that have allied themselves with the New Republic. Goodness only knows how much they'd tax out of the people to finance their fleets... and line the senators pockets."

Rasha Vill
Jan 19th, 2005, 06:59:41 PM
Rasha nods in understanding.

"I will do my best to keep corellia out of the grasps of the Republic. Corellia will not fall as long as her people still draw breath. I will also instruct the people to prepare for the worst, and to be ready to defend their homes should the republic attack and get through the sheild.

Of course I will be passing this off as precaution due to the attack of Drall. Because Of that attack so close to home many people will not even think twice of my request to prepare."

Lady Vader
Jan 20th, 2005, 04:42:18 PM
LV stood and nodded. "Very well, Rasha. Please see to it that the people of Corellia remain calm. But you must almost make your way to Coruscant. We won't know what the senate is planning until you can get your ears there."

She looked to warlock. "In conjunction with rasha assuring the poeple that all is under control, we must begin activating our emergency commands. We need more protectors out on the streets, patroling. The defense stations will be armed and ready, and the shield generators will begin their warm-up cycles."

She hit a panel on her desk, activating a small holographic view of the Palace's security lead. "Captain, begin preperations for hightened security for the Palace's perimeter shields and ground security. Begin the cycle to bring the planetary shields and defense satelites online. Recall our fleets to Corellia and prepare Zeus with a full crew . And see to it the Saiatah begins to make her way home." As an after thought. "Oh, and secure the Corellia shipyards and advice the Imperial laison there of our security status."

She flipped the switch off and looked at the Mayor. "You handle the political end of things, we'll handle the rest. I want Corellia prepared and armed to the teeth if worse comes to worse. Better save than sorry."

Rasha Vill
Jan 20th, 2005, 05:08:24 PM
"Very well, I will work with the people and leave the rest to you. unless there is anything else to say to me, may I get going I have much work to do."

Lady Vader
Jan 20th, 2005, 06:04:15 PM
"By all means. Please keep us appraised as to the situation at hand."

Rasha Vill
Jan 20th, 2005, 06:17:09 PM
Rasha bow to Lady Vader. "Yes, I will Lady Vader.."
Then Bows to Warlock "And Warlock"

She then Bows again to both of them After she opens the door and back out of the room.

"Good day to both of you."

Rasha then hurries off after the door closes in front of her, back towards her offices.

Jan 26th, 2005, 12:44:30 PM
At Rasha’s departure, Warlock met Lady Vader’s eyes in silence. There was much to be done. The two part their separate ways quickly, each to their duties.