View Full Version : MGS3: Snake Eater
Sarr Koon
Jan 3rd, 2005, 09:11:02 PM
If you have a PS2 there is no reason why you should not have played this game... Rent it at least. It is an awesome game and the best in the MGS series.
Sanis Prent
Jan 3rd, 2005, 09:25:07 PM
If it is anything like MGS2 I will not be interested. Elaborate.
Sarr Koon
Jan 3rd, 2005, 09:53:23 PM
You wouldn't like it then...
Sanis Prent
Jan 3rd, 2005, 11:11:39 PM
That's a shame. I have no idea how MGS1 could be so good, and MGS2 could be so horrible. Put three hours of cutscenes and 20,000 needless plot twists into a story full of trite Japanese anime cliches, and you squander everything that was intriguing about the first one.
I guess I was just hoping that it would be more like 1 and less like 2 :(
Sarr Koon
Jan 3rd, 2005, 11:33:27 PM
most of the people on gamefaqs have this in order of their favorites...
1. MGS3
2. MGS1
3. MGS2
Peter McCoy
Jan 4th, 2005, 05:44:29 AM
Charley, if you've got access to a Gamecube, get a hold of Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes - its a remake of Metal Gear Solid from the PS1, with graphics that rival MGS2: Sons of Liberty and include the extra features such as hanging off ledges and hiding bodies. Plus, the cutscenes that have been beefed up and added are brilliant. And its the same storyline as the original which, in my opinion, is much better than Sons of Liberty.
I just love the cutscenes after fighting Ocelot, and the one when you defeat Liquid in the Hind-D.
Sarr Koon
Jan 4th, 2005, 06:28:28 PM
and Snake Eater is much better then Twin Snakes...
Peter McCoy
Jan 9th, 2005, 01:00:21 PM
Depends on your preference. Thats like someone trying to tell me that Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings is much better than Alien. To me, it isn't - Alien is my fave film. From what I've read and heard, I'm sure I'll love Snake Eater, but I love Twin Snakes so much I can't see myself liking Snake Eater more. And I'm sure that if some of the rumours I've heard are true that I won't like it as much as I could.
Morgan Evanar
Jan 9th, 2005, 02:58:26 PM
Originally posted by Sarr Koon
most of the people on gamefaqs have this in order of their favorites...
1. MGS3
2. MGS1
3. MGS2 Most of the people on GameFAQs are drooling fanboys who bandwagon without a clue. The GameFAQs forums are a horrible place.
MGS3 is way too much like MGS2 to be "good".
Sarr Koon
Jan 10th, 2005, 07:52:48 PM
Originally posted by Morgan Evanar
Most of the people on GameFAQs are drooling fanboys who bandwagon without a clue. The GameFAQs forums are a horrible place.
MGS3 is way too much like MGS2 to be "good".
so you're basically saying that every sequal is bad?
Callomas Savoc
Jan 10th, 2005, 10:45:03 PM
No, just Metal Gear sequels.
Morgan Evanar
Jan 11th, 2005, 03:15:11 PM
Where did you pull that nonsense from? That would mean I don't like Thief 2, System Shock 2, or Kagero: Deception 3. Simple nonsense right there.
No, what I'm saying is that most of the people on GameFAQs are fanboys who bandwagon and are dim. From that statement you can then divine that I find that forum's collective opinion to be worthless.
Sarr Koon
Jan 12th, 2005, 10:02:10 PM
you said MGS3 is way too much like MGS2 to be "good".
what i got from that is that you think a game based around the same idea isn't good if it's like a predecessor. i think this is a logical conclusion to draw from your statement.
Dasquian Belargic
Jan 13th, 2005, 03:36:32 AM
I think the implication was more that MGS2 was a bad game, and therefore if MGS3 resembles it, then it's also going to bad. I definetly don't think it's fair to assume that Morgan was applying a sweeping "all sequels suck" generalisation. As he said, Thief 2 was an excellent game, and that was a lot like Thief 1, soooo :)
Aegis Du' Caat
Jan 13th, 2005, 08:42:41 AM
It's a frikkin' video game, lets not have a debate over it. So people like to jump the bandwagon, so people hate sequels, so people only hate MGS Sequels, no one really cares, unless Penny-Arcade says it, then it it must be true.... ;)
Jan 13th, 2005, 09:32:07 AM
I personally did not think MGS2 was bad. On the contrary. I remember at launch when it was still spiffy and impressive on technical level, people were actually buying PS2s to play it. MGS is to PS2 like HALO is for X-box. Its about the first thing I want to play when I get my own PS2. Its up there with Final Fantasy X as games which made the system popular in the first place.
I find it great fun sneaking around, and the cinematic quality feel of the game. Its like being the hero in a high budget hollywood movie. The sound track is excellent btw. I also rather enjoy the hilarity of conversation on the comlink with chinese wisdomwords and whatnot. Ok, you may call it anime cliche, but I like it.
Having said that, I do agree with Charley there are WAY too many and lengthy cutscenes breaking up the action, and the story is not nearly as good as MGS1. They also really messed up on replacing Solid Snake with that gay Raiden for the most part of the game.
But its still great fun. I love the attention to detail. Things like footprints sticking to the floor after being outside in the rain.. sneaking right behind someone for a little hostage situation, knock them down with a fire extinguisher and whatnot, hide them in the closet or throw them overboard, crawling around concealed under a cardboard box etc (try hiding on a conveyor belt!). Did anyone try shooting the seagulls for target practice? There is a spot where there is a lot of them, and if you stand idle, they drop the load on you for revenge.. the resulting comments on the comlink are absolutely hilarious, accusation of animal abuse and what not.
In short; attention to detail. As you might have guessed, I love easter eggs :)
Peter McCoy
Jan 14th, 2005, 08:41:04 PM
I played my mates MGS3 last night and I really enjoyed it, but it still wasn't as good as the first MGS (the PS1/Gamecube version, NOT the original NES version). There are some cool stuff such as being able to hide with camo gear, and I thought having to stay alive by eating snakes and alligators was cool. The healing system, while interesting, was a pain to have to deal with. The main thing I enjoyed was removing Snake's jacket, applying facial camo and snooping round the jungle with an assault rifle Arnie-style. If only they stuck a Predator in there just for fun!
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