View Full Version : Foreign Tongues
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Dec 27th, 2004, 09:33:13 PM
The day had been glorious. First and foremost, not a cloud was in the sky - perfect weather for a day out at the tracks to watch the races. And a perfect day for a little under-the-counter gambling.
s'Il initially had to drag Arya out; the raven-haired woman seemed to have developed a slight aversion to going places with the Lupine. For whatever reason s'Il could hardly guess. But she'd finally managed to do the deed, and was supremely proud of herself.
The cats had run well, and the one s'Il and Arya had put their money on had run a magnificient race. BattleCat, as the trifold had said its' name was, was the one they'd put their credits on, and sure enough the cat had come in first.
With a smug grin, s'Il had elbowed Arya with an unspoken See? I told you we'd have fun look.
And now the two were headed for the nearest tavern, their winnings already deposited in their respective accounts and a lively step in their strides. This day just couldn't get any better, and almost literally throwing the doors open of the establishment they'd chosen, the Lupine motioned for Arya to step in first.
She grinned like a monkey.
"After you, Miss Ravenwing."
Arya Ravenwing
Dec 27th, 2004, 09:42:45 PM
Arya bowed generously, extending an arm to usher the art thief in first. "No, I insist milady. You first. Was your idea, after all." They stood there, on either side of the door, grinning at each other. A sullustian walked through the door between them.
After another moment they both went for the door at once, squeezing through barely, and pushed and shoved each other as they made their way to the bar. Arya pulled herself onto a stool, and pounded her flat palm on the bartop. "Drinks! Drinks!" The bartender looked thoroughly annoyed, but he came over and took their orders. Or rather, Arya's order. She demanded a round of house ale before her partner in gambling could butt in, and then swiveled around to look at s'Il.
"I have to admit - I'm surprised we did so well. Inside tip?" Arya wasn't a stranger to gambling, although she tended to steer towards the Umgullian blob races. As she waited for s'Ilancy's answer, and their drinks, she pulled out a cigarra and lit up.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Dec 27th, 2004, 09:50:21 PM
The Lupine feigned shock, placing her hand on her chest as she too swiveled on her stool to look at Arya. "Dearest Arya, do you really think me so grounded in the underworld's dealings as to capitalise on such an illegal tip?"
Of course the look in her eyes said otherwise, and the grin on her face said everything, but she still put up as good a show as she could be bothered to.
"I'll have you know that I only participate in the most legal form of gambling."
Their ale was set roughly before them, along with two iced glass mugs, and s'Il helped herself to the first pour. She lifted the tankard to her lips, a gleam in her eye as she cast a sidelong glance to Arya.
"And yes."
With that, the art thief helped herself to a healthy swig of house ale.
Arya Ravenwing
Dec 27th, 2004, 09:55:38 PM
Arya nodded knowingly, blowing a smoke ring across at s'Il as the Lupine tipped her pint bottoms up. After a moment of arguing with the 'tender about the thickness of the ale (wasn't thick enough), Arya followed suit.
The frosty glasses slammed down empty on the bar at approximately the same time. Arya looked at s'Il, and s'Il looked at Arya. "Bet I can drink more than you can." The dark haired woman was already pouring her second round. "And this time you don't have a tip to help you decide how much to bet."
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Dec 27th, 2004, 10:02:51 PM
"Oh ho!!"
Hunger in her eyes (though one could call it a thirst to be more accurate), s'Il waited semi-patiently for Arya to refill her glass. The pitcher hadn't even left the other woman's hand before s'Il had it grasped in her own and was refilling her own tankard to the brim.
And just like the cats at the races they'd spent the better part of the day watching, s'Il tipped up her glass, doggedly racing Arya to that empty mug finish line.
Arya Ravenwing
Dec 27th, 2004, 10:08:47 PM
The ale was foul, but she'd had worse. A lot worse. Arya tried to keep an eye on s'Il's progress while she let the alchohol pour down her throat. She swallowed occasionally to help it along.
The cigarra in her left hand burned down, leaving quite a bit of ash on the end. Both women slammed their tankards down almost in unison again, and the ash dropped off onto the bartop. Arya waved over the bartender to refill the pitcher. "Keep it coming. Or, at least, until she falls off her stool. Then I'll just take one more for the road." Arya winked as s'Ilancy spluttered, and took another drag off her cigarra.
She didn't inhale, just swished the smoke around her teeth and blew out another smoke ring that floated over towards the Lupine again.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Dec 27th, 2004, 10:14:09 PM
s'Il rolled her eyes.
"Lady, you've got another thing coming if you think you can actually outdrink me."
Waiting for the tender to refill their pitcher, s'Il hunkered down more comfortable - or as comfortable as one could get - on her barstool. She inhaled the smoke Arya blew her way. It triggered a memory, but the Lupine was damned if she could remember exactly what it was that the smoke reminded her of. She grinned then, sending another look to Arya.
"You know, you're awful confident there, Missy," she reached out to lightly poke Arya's arm, "Perhaps this recent win has gone to your head?"
Arya Ravenwing
Dec 27th, 2004, 10:20:17 PM
Arya tapped off her cigarra in an ashtray the bartender helpfully pushed at her after he refilled the pitcher and their glasses, and rested it on the edge. "Well, you were right. I needed to get out. I figure my reward for putting up with you today has to be seeing you fall off your stool. And no..." she grasped her full glass and brought it towards her lips "...we're not moving to chairs."
She took a deep breath and tipped up her glass again. Her bladder was going to protest in a few minutes if they kept up this pace. However, the quicker she drank the more she could drink before that invevitable trip to the refresher.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Dec 27th, 2004, 10:33:06 PM
Not to be outdone, s'Il made a mad grab for her glass, bringing it to her lips so that she could keep pace with her partner. A few drops were lost in transit, but that did nothing to deterr the Lupine as she chugged for all she was worth. Throat open, she let the alcohol simply gush its' way down to her belly; foregoing the dubious pleasure of actually having to taste the beverage. Besides. House ales were never really known for their taste; just their prices and the speed with which they got one inebriated.
Both glasses pounded down on the bartop at the same time once again, and turning a triumphant, cheshire-cat's grin to Arya, s'Il cracked her kneckles.
"I'm not really that bad, am I? I mean, it's not like you get bored while you're around me, am I right?"
Arya Ravenwing
Dec 27th, 2004, 10:37:10 PM
"Ha!" Arya nearly shouted. "Bored?! Neverrrr" She snatched the pitcher first and filled her glass so quickly it was a miracle the ale didn't spill all over the bartop. She handed the pitcher to s'Ilancy, and made as though to continue speaking, but instead buried her face in her glass, determined to win the bet.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Dec 27th, 2004, 10:44:35 PM
"You sneaky, fnarkin' little - "
Refilling her mug as fast as possible without any major spillage, s'Il tossed the now empty pitcher aside to clatter along the bartop as she once again lifted the glass to her lips. She was bound and determined to not let Arya gain any sort of upper hand, and so she did her best to fix that little problem. She was gaining, but it still wasn't enough. Her tankard hit the bartop a split-second after Arya's had.
She raised her brows at her partner's victorious smirk. "Enjoy yourself now, cause I'll be the one grinning ear to ear while you're hugging the 'fresher god."
Arya Ravenwing
Dec 27th, 2004, 10:56:22 PM
The bartender had already pushed over two more tankards, each with a perfect amount of foam visable. He was openly smirking, and talking to the other patrons at the bar, but the two women were focused only on each other. "For frell's sake, I've never - !" Arya grabbed for her new glass as s'Ilancy went for hers, both neck and neck once again.
The mugs hit the bar again... and again...
On their seventh round Arya was still feeling fine. She grinned at s'Il, who looked a little bloated. "You're shorter, you're gonna fall over I know it."
The bartender came over and knuckled the counter, sending both women leaning back as he leaned forward. "If you don't mind, you'll have to be payin' yer tab now." He grinned lecherously.
Arya turned to s'Il. "Losers pay. So get your wallet out already."
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Dec 27th, 2004, 11:02:01 PM
s'Il looked aghast at Arya. "I don't know what you're talkin' 'bout. I feel great; the bees knees, 'n fact!"
Sending the tender a sour look, s'Il shooed him away.
He didn't move, and his grin only grew wider. "Well ladies?
The Lupine paused then, not exactly sure of what to do next, and she looked to Arya. Eyes just beginning to glass over as the alcohol began to work it's devious self through her system, s'Il leaned a little bit in her partner's direction to deliver a very badly whispered, "I think he wants you ta take yer shirt off."
Arya Ravenwing
Dec 27th, 2004, 11:08:43 PM
Arya was going to come back with a smart remark, but she ended up leaning up on the bar and giggling hysterically. Wiping her eyes, she added, "Maybe we should both strip and fight to the death... again." She dissolved into more, very un-Arya-like giggles.
The bartender winked over their heads at someone else at the bar, and pushed forward two shots. "Tell you what, do these shots, and we'll call the tab even."
Arya stopped giggling long enough to stare bleary-eyed at the whitish brown liquid swirling in the shotglasses. "Whatsit called?"
"Called a Duck Fart." He chuckled, and set to wiping out glasses again. "Tastes about as good as it sounds -"
The smuggler was already wiping her lips after downing the well-named shot. She smiled sweetly at s'Il. "Guess that takes care of my half."
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Dec 27th, 2004, 11:21:10 PM
Making a face in a mimic to Arya's last words, s'Il plucked her shot glass up and downed it just as quickly. She set the glass none too gently on the bartop with an 'Aaaahh' sound escaping from her lips.
"Just like mother's milk," she said with quite the satisfactory tone in her voice. Regardless of the alcohol slowly taking over, the Lupine was still not to be outdone in any form or fashion.
"Tender, bring me two Screaming Imperials, two Mind Erasers, a Krayt Drendipper and a Durracrete Mixer."
Looking as if he'd just died and gone to heaven, the bartender quickly complied, setting the shot glasses in front of the two women.
Carefully - daintily, even - s'Il placed a Screaming Imperial and a Mind Eraser both infront of her and Arya, then the Krayt Drendipper before herself and the Durracrete Mixer in front of Arya.
"Drink up, woman. And if you feel like more afterwards, I dare you to order again."
Arya Ravenwing
Dec 27th, 2004, 11:32:32 PM
It took two tries to get her hand around the first shot, but she was determined to win this bout. Arya saluted the Lupine with her Screaming Imperial, and put it to her lips. With a quick tip back of her head, she downed it and slammed the thick shotglass facedown on the bar. After the Mind Eraser she worked her jaw a bit. Her face seemed to be losing feeling.
Arya looked sideways at s'Ilancy. "Y'know, you should take it easy. You're so small, after all. An' I don't want to have to hold your hair while you puke up all this alka- alka... likker."
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Dec 27th, 2004, 11:37:51 PM
Supremely satisfied with herself, s'Il sat up just a tad straighter, squaring her shoulders.
"You're looking a little *hic* green 'round the gills thar, 'Rya."
She'd kept pace with Arya on both the Sceaming Imperial and the Mind Eraser, but held up on the Krayt Drendipper.
"Just because I'm small," was the sweet, albeit shaky response, "dun mean I canna keep up with you giant-folk.
"Besides, what kinda frien' would I be if I dinna keep you company while yo're in the throes of well... throwing up?"
Arya Ravenwing
Dec 27th, 2004, 11:47:28 PM
Arya smiled, looking rather sleepy-eyed and content. But it was all a part of her plan...
Her hand snaked out, knocking all of her other glasses asunder, and palmed the Duracrete Mixer. She downed it and slammed the glass down before s'Ilancy could react. "HA ha! I won!" She climbed down from her stool rather unsteadily. "And because I... finished firssst..." Arya grabbed s'Il's shoulder for balance as the Lupine gulped her Krayt Drendipper. "Because. Of. That. We. Are. Taking. A. 'Fresher. Break."
"And then... more shots." The bartender grinned as he cleaned up their shot glasses. Arya waggled a finger at him. "And don't be grinnin' we'll pay our tab. Er rather, she will." Arya tugged on s'Il's arm. "C'mon and I'll tell you 'bout the time I fought a Krayt dragon barehanded and pulled it's pearls outta it's stomach with my hands."
She pulled the protesting Lupine towards the refreshers. "My bladder is going to explode but I'm still good for drrrinks." She rolled her R's and purred the last word, and then lapsed into giggles.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Dec 27th, 2004, 11:53:03 PM
At first she protested, trying to argue that she wanted to order more shots, but at the promise that they would indeed be getting more, s'Il relinquished. She allowed herself to be dragged towards the 'fresher in Arya's wake; a devil-may-care grin plastered on her face.
Of course halfway there, she'd become rather receptive to the plan, and soon enough both women were arm in arm, skipping their way towards the back of the tavern like two characters in some ancient holo-sitcom.
Arya Ravenwing
Dec 27th, 2004, 11:58:36 PM
They pushed and shoved their way into the refresher, Arya grabbing the first stall and collapsing into sweet release as her bladder relieved itself. She found herself leaning her forehead against the side of the stall, letting the cool metal linger on her skin. "Mooooore shots!"
Arya pulled herself upright and began tapping her boots on the dirty floor. "More shots, more shots, more shorts, shore mots..." She was mumbling to herself now, trying to figure out which of what she'd just said made the most sense.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Dec 28th, 2004, 12:05:46 AM
Pulled, pushed, and shoved ever so gently into the 'fresher, s'Il waited patiently while Arya did her business.
She sniggered to herself as she listened to the smuggler's mumblings, but fell silent when she heard the flush coming from the other side of the stall door.
Tip-toeing up to the stall Arya was still in, she crouched a little, then jumped. For someone as short as her, it was rather impressive to see her vertical. Hands grasped at the upper lip of the stall door, and she levered herself so that she was hanging over the door, a manic grin glued to her lips as she looked down at Arya who'd just finished buttoning up her pants.
"Is lady-time over yet? You take forrreverrrr."
Arya Ravenwing
Dec 28th, 2004, 12:09:39 AM
Arya nearly jumped out of her skin as the blonde woman appeared at the top of her stall door. She deliberately finished buttoning her pants, and then opened the door, sending s'Il swinging back and forth as she made her way to the sinks.
"Frelling woman, I thought you were more woof than meow." She thought about what she'd just said, decided it made perfect sense, and dried her hands as s'Il jumped down from the stall door. "Didn't you go? What the frell are you made of - sponge?"
Arya tripped as she turned towards the door, boots tangling up in each other as she fell nearly on top of s'Ilancy.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Dec 28th, 2004, 12:15:53 AM
s'Il lifted a finger in the air as if she was teaching a class, and her eyes closed halfway as she lifted her chin. "As a matter of fact, I am. Since I'm a Lupine, I can hold more than you think.
"And in answer to your previous question," she waggled an eyebrow at Arya, "I'm both a woof and a meow."
The Lupine dashed forward then, determined to beat Arya out the door and back to the bar.
Arya Ravenwing
Dec 28th, 2004, 12:24:57 AM
Having regained her balance and her feet, Arya pushed a hand against s'Ilancy's forehead and strong-armed her way through the door first, holding the wiry woman back until her hand slipped. They raced through the tables (mostly empty) to the bar (mostly full) and arrived breathlessly back at their stools.
It took them a few tries to get back on them, however. Arya pulled s'Il down as she got to hers first, and plopped her elbows back on the bar. The bartender walked over, still grinning. He kind of looked cute, now that she thought about it. "Shore mots please." She blinked, and then tried again. "I mean, more shots. Two Hot Frells, Corellian whiskeys, and two Agonizing Randomizers."
His eyebrows rose at the last order. "Agonizing Randomizers? Are you sure -"
Arya slammed her hands on the bar top and leaned up to him, almost nose to nose. "I don't think I stuttered." He had pretty eyes. s'Ilancy pulled her back down to her stool, and the bartender poured their shots. The last two were comprised of all the leftover alchohol that had settled into the barmat and topped off with a spoonful of flaming rum. Arya's eyes glittered in the light dancing off the flames, and she reached for the Randomizer first.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Dec 28th, 2004, 12:35:50 AM
Giving Arya a quizzical look, s'Il steadied herself more on the barstool as their shots were set before them. Following Arya's lead, the Lupine closed her fingers around her Randomizer."
"I thought I was the only one who knew about Randomizers - how'd you happen upon them?"
And before the other woman could answer, s'Il tipped her shotglass up and downed the foul concoction. A devious trick? Maybe. But Arya deserved it.
Slamming the shotglass down on the bartop, s'Il gave the dark-haired smuggled a dirty, smug little leering look.
Arya Ravenwing
Dec 28th, 2004, 12:41:14 AM
Arya blew her Randomizer out and tipped it back, grimacing as she swallowed. "Only one? Only one!?" The smuggler spluttered, "You thought you were the only one who'd ever thought of boosting your ships drive by bypassing the tertiary coils, but I was doing that while you were still in diapers."
She blinked, a little surprised by the string of words that had just come out of her mouth. She punctuated it with, "Frell you. Only one who knows anything. Frelling self important -" down went the whiskey.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Dec 28th, 2004, 12:49:05 AM
Keeping pace, the Lupine smirked wickedly as she listened calmly to Arya's little tirade. When the other woman had finished, s'Il reached out to give her a pat on the back.
"There there, it's ok. Don't let it get to you. Not everyone can be as high-brow and ingenious as me."
The last shot went the way of the previous two, and s'Il winked at Arya.
"It's the "woof and meow" in me."
Arya Ravenwing
Dec 28th, 2004, 11:30:33 AM
Arya sagged against the bar, supported only by her elbows and sheer determination. The last shot was smooth and tasted like chocolate, but it was totally wasted on them. She pushed herself away from the edge of the bar, and shoved a hand in her pocket, fishing out a credit chit. She slapped it on the bar.
"Thanks boyss... it's been great, but now I mussee my lady home safe." Were they having a contest? She couldn't remember. She felt slightly depressed though.
Arya stumbled away from the bar, cursing under her breath, and forgot to wait for s'Ilancy. She pushed the door open, and stood there for a moment. The sun was only just now setting. "Now, that is a new record. Tot- totsally smashed before six standard."
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Dec 28th, 2004, 11:39:08 AM
With inebriated confusion, s'Il dopped her half of the payment on the bartop before scrambling from the barstool and scampering after Arya. Something was wrong - just seconds before they'd been great! Laughing, raking eachother over the coals - but now Arya was sad!
"'Rya!! Wait up!"
She caught up to Arya outside, and wrapping an arm around her, s'Il gave her a little squeeze. She could smell the alcohol on the other woman's breath - or wait, was it her own breath? Hell, at this point she had no idea.
"'Rya, whas 'rong?"
Arya Ravenwing
Dec 28th, 2004, 05:18:25 PM
She stumbled a bit as the other woman threw her arm around her, and then draped her own arm across s'Ilancy's shoulders. "What's wrong is... we's not close enuff to the spaceport. I'm never goin' to be able to get you back to the sheep. Ship." Arya frowned again, and stared for a minute at the back of her hand.
She grinned suddenly, depression forgotten, and turned to s'Il. "'Member when we met? Las' time we drunk togeth - drank together?" Arya laughed, managing to put one foot in front of the other one, but content to let s'Il steer her around the sidewalks.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Dec 29th, 2004, 06:50:52 PM
"Oh don't you worry 'bout me, dahling, I'm sure I'll be alree - roe - right."
With a pat to Arya's shoulder, s'Il continued to lead them around clumps of people. At Arya's reminiscing though, the Lupine cracked a grin. She even let out a little giggle - something she would later swear on her life that she never did.
"Shyeah, I 'member that. I laid you sso flat it took you a week t'get back up."
And ever so slowly, s'Il began putting more and more of her weight onto the dark-haired smuggler. Of course, it seemed Arya was doing just the same, and soon enough both were providing the only support for eachother as they continued to stumble on their way.
Arya Ravenwing
Jan 21st, 2005, 08:00:28 PM
The more Arya leaned, the more s'Il leaned, and by the time they stumbled through the doors to a motel Arya was giggling uncontrollably. s'Ilancy snickered, which only added to the smuggler's giggles, and they collapsed against the counter, grabbing whatever they could to stay off the floor.
Unfortunately Arya ended up with a pen in her hands, and couldn't get her legs underneath her in time. She went down, only to be caught up short. The pen was chained to the counter, and she and s'Il laughed uncontrollably at the sight of her dangling just off the ground.
The motel clerk edged closer, reluctant to draw any nearer to the two inebriated women. "Can I help you... ladies?" He coughed politely as s'Ilancy hauled Arya to her feet and the dark haired woman delicately replaced the pen in it's little holder.
"A room... a room that isn't spinning, please." Arya elbowed s'Ilancy to emphasize the joke.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 21st, 2005, 08:08:33 PM
s'Il put on her most serious drunk-face, and straightened up to stand as tall as her diminutive physique would allow. Which wasn't all that much to begin with.
"Yes yes, a room that is stationary. The last time we came here and got a room, it was spinning horribly."
The clerk looked at her as if she'd grown a second head, still keeping his distance.
"Chop chop, man!! We need a room!!"
The Lupine turned to look at Arya, leaning in to lean her head on the other woman's shoulder in the same motion. "You want one or two beds, Baby?"
Arya Ravenwing
Jan 21st, 2005, 08:14:17 PM
Arya put her arm around s'Il almost automatically, but left it there so she could keep her balance. "Two beds. Last time we shared you scratched up my legs with your toenails." She frowned at the memory. "I had to get shots in case of infection."
She leaned closer to the clerk, who leaned away from her, and whispered confidentially, "Rabies shots..." Arya's whisper was almost as loud as the voice she was using previously.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 21st, 2005, 08:32:36 PM
Rolling her eyes, s'Il leaned forward as well.
"Don't listen to her." Unlike Arya's attempt at subtle whispering, the shorter woman held no such restrictions on what went for propriety when drunk. "She's just too emberassed to admit she has horrible morning breath. I have to keep a gasmask on the nightstand at home."
She winked at the man then, who looked as if he wanted to simply turn and flee.
Arya Ravenwing
Jan 21st, 2005, 08:52:50 PM
"H - here, this is on the second... er..." the clerk fumbled with some keycards, "second floor... Room 212." Never mind that it was only three o' clock standard in the afternoon. They wanted a room for the night.
Arya snatched the keycard out of his trembling hand just seconds before s'Ilancy went for it, and turned and ran towards the stairs, ignoring the turbolift. She grabbed the railing, pulling herself up as fast as her feet would take her. "Last one there is wampa dung!"
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Feb 3rd, 2005, 08:37:00 PM
Taking off after Arya, s'Il sprinted for the lift; hot on the other woman's heels. Unfortunately Arya's headstart had been just enough so that she had anough distance on the Lupine that as the doors to the lift began closing, the dark haired smuggler dove in, leaving her partner having to skid to a the doors closed fully.
Her head turned to the left and right, and surging left, she headed for the stairwell, bursting through the door leading to the stairwell. Taking the steps two at a time, s'Il headed up in a fast-paced inebriated gait.
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