View Full Version : Current proposal in circulation

Morgan Evanar
Dec 24th, 2004, 10:49:04 PM
Basically, this is my idea: We have the Empire return to power in the Fans galaxy.

This I think will introduce a vastly different light on things, making everything much more ICly dangerous. The Jedi could be hunted once more, and smugglers could rise in a blossoming underworld created by a tyrannical galaxy-wide government. The NR would of course need to be convincingly and drastically downsized; relegating them to the Rebels of old, and once more begin their hit and run attacks.

Now this of course, will not be able to happen overnight, and a little planning has to happen to make it adequately believable for the NR to be torn apart and put again into the position of being the smaller force.

In the past, the NR and the Empire have worked together admirably to pull off very successful RP’s (The Battle of Bestine being a prime example), so I have a lot of faith that this particular aspect will go very smoothly, and Lion, Reshmar, and Redic will be more than happy to put forth ideas as well as listen to those that others have.

Another thing that makes this easier to do is the fact that the guys who play the Imperials are a lot different than the ones of old. These guys are more interested in writing a story and making it interesting rather than sit and count ships. Jarek T’chort in particular and Tiberius Anar are very good writers and very open to ideas as well as contributing their own. They are more than happy to work together in order to make things go smoothly.

And as far as the smugglers, I think it’s a given that the fringe society would simply explode with activity – there would be blockades to run and drugs and Jedi to smuggle, not to mention bounty hunting would be brought back to life with the Empire issuing Death Marks and bounties on smugglers, pirates, Jedi, etcetera.

And the Jedi – well, they would be hunted down once more. Mitch has graciously offered Nehantish as a planet to hide, so the Jedi have two places to go; Yavin IV and Nehantish (as far as I know, at least).

Commentary/complaints/additions are welcome.

Shade Magus
Dec 25th, 2004, 12:52:26 PM
Well I had heard mentions of this before and like the concept and looking at this and getting a few more details clear, I think it is a good idea to go back to this. As it states, it would bring forth a lot more roleplaying opportunities. I do have one question though. I've heard that the Jedi won't be the only ones hunted, but rather Force users in general. Is that true?

Morgan Evanar
Dec 25th, 2004, 01:37:41 PM

Rognan Dar
Dec 25th, 2004, 01:43:21 PM
Personally, I love the idea. IC-wise, I think its going to be hard, but also fun. Struggles are a part of life and the Jedi need a little more then the normal things that are going on. One of my biggest questions was what are the Jedi going to do? Sure, just like above, there are like two places now that they could go. But Yavin is, by now, a well known place and people will be looking for it right off the bat, if not sooner. The other qusetion is weither or not we are going to have to split up into the old 'master-apprentice' thing? And if that was the case, then trying to sneak around with five padawans following you is not going to be easy.

Dec 25th, 2004, 01:43:36 PM
Ok. Thanks for the answer, but I have another question I had just thought of. Ok now Yavin IV and Nehantish are going to be the new places for Jedi. Just out of curiousity, will there be actual new forums, or will it be played on these with just a new look or will it be the same? Sorry I just thought of that and was curious.

James Prent
Dec 25th, 2004, 06:02:26 PM
I'm excited, and glad I only have two padawans to 'look after' ;)

Morgan Evanar
Dec 25th, 2004, 07:55:45 PM
Originally posted by Rognan Dar
Personally, I love the idea. IC-wise, I think its going to be hard, but also fun. Struggles are a part of life and the Jedi need a little more then the normal things that are going on. One of my biggest questions was what are the Jedi going to do? Sure, just like above, there are like two places now that they could go. But Yavin is, by now, a well known place and people will be looking for it right off the bat, if not sooner. The other qusetion is weither or not we are going to have to split up into the old 'master-apprentice' thing? And if that was the case, then trying to sneak around with five padawans following you is not going to be easy. Start some sort of cover company :)

Natia Telcontar
Jan 6th, 2005, 11:15:44 AM
I love the idea. It'll be a nice change.

Jan 6th, 2005, 03:01:42 PM
Just out of curiousity, will there be actual new forums, or will it be played on these with just a new look or will it be the same?

I don't think any new forums will be neccessary. We'll use these forums and just change the look of it. (At least that's my gathering from it all... but if anyone wants to add to this to confirm or deny, feel free).

Wei Wu Wei
Jan 7th, 2005, 11:48:46 AM
As it stands, I'm not sure how that would play out with a story arc I've been working on for a while. Although the hunted down part certainly sounds like it might fit well.

Shanaria Fabool
Jan 7th, 2005, 12:23:39 PM
So if I gather things corectly, coruscant will fall to the empire, All force users will be hunted, and the Jedi get split up an scattered across the galaxy. Or will there be another central location that they will be staying at.

On a side note, It would likely be hard for the GJO to all it's jedi off Coruscant, and likely even harder for them to get one of my characters, Leten Snat, off the planet. This has been his home his whole life, and he knows the lower levels of this planet as good or better than most people. would it be plausable that some of the Jedi would stay behind to act as a resistance cell on Coruscant? If so Leten would likely stay behind.

James Prent
Jan 7th, 2005, 07:44:19 PM
That's the beauty of RP - there's always unexpected things happening.

And I think that it's very likely that some Jedi would remain behind - although leaving a padawan behind without his master is very unkosher.

Rognan Dar
Jan 7th, 2005, 10:52:00 PM
I was also thinking about the resistance groups. I was, in fact, thinking of being a part of that, for some time. Maybe to smuggle Jedi off planet that could not get off in the first rush. But like James said, there is always enexpected things going to happen.

From what I can see, the plan for what the Jedi are going to do is hardly anything but a bunch of peoples thoughts. I know planning for something thats in the future, way in the future, may be a little over thinking, but I would like to know what the rest of the mods and council have to say about reorginizing the whole thing after everything is crazy. Is it going to be like Luke, trying to get everyone under one roof when others think they should go out and fight, or are we just going to have to go about this as individuals?

Morgan Evanar
Jan 8th, 2005, 01:09:56 AM
Coruscant is big in many ways. You wouldn't have to get off Coruscant to hide, at least for a little while, anyway.

Dasquian Belargic
Jan 8th, 2005, 06:11:14 AM
Is it going to be like Luke, trying to get everyone under one roof when others think they should go out and fight, or are we just going to have to go about this as individuals?

Something we were discussing was the possibility of the Order splitting down the middle, into sort of you've suggested. So we're left with one pocket of the original Order, trying to regroup and continue as things were, and another more tribe-like half that is actively opposing the Imperial rule.

Navaria Tarkin
Jan 8th, 2005, 01:18:46 PM
which would work well with how the forums are split up.. since there would be two 'factions' of Jedi then.

Angelica Shin
Jan 8th, 2005, 01:27:41 PM

Oddly enough I'm liking this idea (It will help me be more active with Ange as well) seeing as how the Jedi IC have become complacent (I think that's the right word).

I'm ok with the whole thing, and I hopefully will get into the thick of it, which I seem to rarely do. My Last Large RP was when I was Aki and the Jedi attacked TSE!

Ah, I'm rambling. ^_^;

Rognan Dar
Jan 8th, 2005, 11:41:36 PM
I think, weither you 'split' the Jedi up or not, that there needs to be people willing to do both of those. Because we are going to need people to stay and hide and train the padawans that we already have, if not get any more, and we need people to be out there doing something. Not attacking, in a sense, but not sitting on their butts either.

James Prent
Jan 9th, 2005, 07:51:32 PM
I believe that Jedi in both "factions" would be training padawans as they go. Although I believe that there will have to be a fundemental shift in training methods : with more emphasis on 'learning by doing' during the course of regular RPs.

Lion El' Jonson
Jan 10th, 2005, 02:36:23 AM
The New Republic will be rechristened the "Rebel Alliance" once again. We'll be actively waging a guerilla war against the Empire. The Jedi will be welcomed aboard any Rebel Alliance vessel if the need arises, and any Alliance asset that a Jedi requires will be granted to them.

I believe that the Senate-in-Exile will be operating off of the MC-80 Home One, which will serve as the fleet's flagship (once again).

A member of the GJO has sent me a message about (interestingly enough) piloting lessons, which actually seems like an excellent idea to me. After all, the period of the Yuuzhan Vong conflict (although largely downplayed on Fans) saw the rise of Kyp's Dozen, an X-Wing squadron composed entirely of Jedi. Although I think that a Jedi Starfighter Squadron is out of the question, it would still be a good idea for all Jedi to have some experience in piloting vehicles; the resurgence of the Empire means that Jedi can't just book passage on a transport or hitch a ride aboard a New Republic vessel. If your character doesn't have some sort of piloting experience written into their background, it might make an interesting RP if you were given some 'lessons' by NR Personnel at New Republic Fleet Headquarters on Coruscant.

To the person who came to me with this idea, I hope it's alright that I've posted it here. If not, I'll remove it. :)

Kieran Devaneaux
Jan 10th, 2005, 11:08:15 AM
Ooh, boy. This promises to be interesting....

James Prent
Jan 10th, 2005, 11:17:27 AM
The thing is - you can't just have your character take piloting lessons because you know they're going to need it in the future. That's called taking OOC knowledge IC. ;)

Kelt Simoson
Jan 10th, 2005, 12:21:52 PM
I like the idea, its about time Kelt got some fighting action in :)

Shanaria Fabool
Jan 10th, 2005, 12:32:10 PM
That doesn't meen that after this happens the jedi that know how to fly a ship can't teach other jedi How.

James Prent
Jan 10th, 2005, 03:52:51 PM
I just meant that having your character take lessons now might be a little iffy. James doesn't know how to pilot, and she won't just start taking lessons now because I think she'll need to know in a few months. After it happens, then she might start learning how to fly things bigger than a speeder.

Rognan Dar
Jan 10th, 2005, 09:16:49 PM
Your right, it is OOC info IC. But that does not mean that they could not learn anyway, even if it is for a slight insight to the future. Weither it has been wanting to be learned before, but never saw how to put it into story, now, or after, is still a good time to learn. Even if there are a few taking 'lessons' it does not mean that they will be ace pilots when the Imps come.

Morgan Evanar
Jan 10th, 2005, 09:56:57 PM
No, but there isn't any IC indicator of it yet, so if you do it, you're godmoding.

Shade Magus
Jan 11th, 2005, 08:00:57 AM
Ok now here is a little idea that I discussed with Rognan last night and I was just curious what the everyone else thought about and be warned this is just a rough sketch of this:

After reading a Forgetten Realms book it mentioned something about making the battlefield so that you would win. What I am talking about is something they used in NJO. What if after this thing kicks off the NR agrees to give a certain amount of Jedi fighter piloting lessons and then put them with experienced squadrons. Then have them choose fights that they knew they would win so as to get them experience and confidence before just throwing them out there so to speak.

What do you guys think about this idea?

Dasquian Belargic
Jan 11th, 2005, 09:31:59 AM
I'm reluctant to endorse any kind of NR-Jedi mesh. Particularly where Jedi are given jobs that would usually be for soldiers/pilots/etc.

Kieran Devaneaux
Jan 11th, 2005, 03:21:15 PM
This is sort of a Knights of the Old Republic situation, I feel. The Masters preach patience, the young ones want to save the Republic and lead them into war, but it may result in their fall from grace or, worse, their deaths. Let's just hope the Jedi still don't believe in killing prisoners....

Would the re-emergence of the Empire result in another Jedi purge, like in the first one? Just out of curiosity.

Angelica Shin
Jan 11th, 2005, 05:05:40 PM
Or possibly even traitors among the Jedi themselves?


That would be interesting to say the least.

Lion El' Jonson
Jan 11th, 2005, 05:35:21 PM
Indeed. Personally, I'm against any NR-Jedi meshing; that is to say, anything like a Jedi Starfighter Squadron (i.e Kyp's Dozen) that falls under the jurisdiction of the New Republic instead of the Jedi Order.

However, there're many ways to justify one or two people taking piloting lessons. They could have had an interest in it for many years, and now they might feel that they have the time to start training. Perhaps they feel it would benefit them in any mission they were assigned to have some form of piloting experience, in order to facilitate a quick getaway and expand the team's options.

From an OOC side, I suppose it could qualify as godmoding. However, I feel it's extremely unlikely that no Jedi would have piloting experience; if I remember correctly, AB used to fly with Rogue Squadron, and characters routinely roleplay having flown themselves to the Temple in some freighter or shuttle.

If, however, the protests stand, I'd like permission to offer flying lessons after the tables are turned on the New Republic. At that time, some Jedi would likely have boarded New Republic vessels during their escape from Coruscant, and it may be a short time before they could be deposited on the planet where the GJO will be residing (Nehantish?) without attracting attention. I don't know...I hadn't considered the issue of OOC-knowledge-IC.

Rognan Dar
Jan 12th, 2005, 12:25:33 AM
Yes, this does sound a little like KOTOR. But I think the original idea was to have Jedi being able to fly, which many, as far as I know, cant do or are not good at. What. then, would be worse? Having the Jedi just suddenly all pilots and can do whatever, or having some now and then take lessons because they might have always wanted to?

I dont know really what some mean by meshing, but I think that is not whats planned. Does the Jedi have to fall under the NR's command just because they were taught how to fly by them? It could just be a few people that could help other Jedi escape, find new area's to hide or just protect other spaceships. Being that they are Jedi, it would then fall under more of the Jedi council for what they do, and then it would not be soldier like jobs.

Shade Magus
Jan 12th, 2005, 04:56:22 AM
Ok. I'm not sure I made my earlier suggestion clear. What I'm proposing isn't necessarily a meshing of NR-Jedi. What I meant is like Lion mentioned in his last statement a few Jedi take lessons. They don't all have to be for fighter pilots, and those that choose that route would go along the guideline that I mentioned above if that is what they wanted to do. Just because they are taking lessons doesn't mean that there are under the control or orders of the NR. They would still be under the guidance of the Council and taking those orders and when they would they could help out the NR.

This would provide the Jedi with more control to escort goverment officials or even Jedi trasports instead of just waiting inside of the ship and doing nothing.

Shanaria Fabool
Jan 12th, 2005, 11:50:02 AM
Originally posted by Lion El' Jonson

From an OOC side, I suppose it could qualify as godmoding. However, I feel it's extremely unlikely that no Jedi would have piloting experience; if I remember correctly, AB used to fly with Rogue Squadron, and characters routinely roleplay having flown themselves to the Temple in some freighter or shuttle.

FYI: My character Neyasha already knows how to fly a ship, and has her own ship in the hanger. Shanaria also has basic piloting skills, but would be on the verge of useless (Regarding her pilot skills) in a dogfight.

Lion El' Jonson
Jan 12th, 2005, 05:19:31 PM
I understand, but the piloting lessons I'm advocating are more like basic ship control: physics of flight, cockpit layout, charting hyperspace nav courses, setting sublight speeds, obeying navigation restrictions, how to navigate hazards, and the like. An elementary course into weapons and shields would be in there as well, but advanced starfighter training (for people who wish to specialize if snubfighters) would only be undertaken if the subject shows an impressive skill in the cockpit.

Dasquian Belargic
Jan 13th, 2005, 03:25:24 AM
However, I feel it's extremely unlikely that no Jedi would have piloting experience

Neither Dasquian nor Aaron can fly, and Aaron actually avoids it as much as possible, even if he's just a passenger.

This would provide the Jedi with more control to escort goverment officials or even Jedi trasports instead of just waiting inside of the ship and doing nothing.

Well in this case I think the Jedi would be better acting as a guard or accompanying diplomat, rather than a pilot. Like I say, the NR has people trained for years for this sort of thing.

I dont know really what some mean by meshing, but I think that is not whats planned.

Just to clarify: What I mean by 'meshing' is the merging of Jedi and NR duties. The two groups have distinctly different goals, codes of practices/ethics, and so on. A little co-operation between the do is fine, but it becomes a problem when NR operatives and Jedi become interchangable - so you have Jedi flying planes or acting as soldiers, instead of doing what they've dedicated their whole lifes training to do. As Mace Windu said, "We're keepers of the peace, not soldiers."

Lion El' Jonson
Jan 13th, 2005, 07:51:34 AM
Yes. We had a major problem a couple-three years ago as there ended up being almost as many Jedi in the New Republic as actual soldiers, and it became extremely...weird. Force powers were being abused, and roleplaying got lost as Jedi took center stage. It was clear that it wouldn't be fair for people RPing non-force-sensitive characters, and under the current circumstances, there were few incentives NOT to have a Jedi character.

Originally posted by Dasquian Belargic

Originally posted by Lion El' Jonson
However, I feel it's extremely unlikely that no Jedi would have piloting experience.
Neither Dasquian nor Aaron can fly, and Aaron actually avoids it as much as possible, even if he's just a passenger.

Sorry Jen, I phrased that stupidly. I meant that it was unlikely that there'd be no Jedi that would have piloting experience or a desire to learn.

Anuis Ma'artra
Jan 13th, 2005, 03:14:40 PM
I have a few questions:

1. Doesn't our training as Jedi give us knowledge of strategy and tactics, not specifically in warfare, but in general? If so wouldn't it make sense for a few of the more militaristiclly inclined Jedi to have a sort of system of operating as leaders within the Rebel Fleet/Armys?

2. Tying in with the first question, wouldn't the Jedi who are actively resisting Imperial rule more than likely seek out the NR/Rebel military and join up?

3. Considering I haven't done my IC fall and only spoken on it OOC, I was wondering if it would be possible for me to rescind my decision lol. This seems like it would be something very fun and very interesting for the Jedi to do and I would love to get involved.

Kieran Devaneaux
Jan 13th, 2005, 10:13:02 PM
1. You would think so.....if KOTOR is any indication, Jedi have proven to be great generals, and also serve as advisors to generals and admirals....of course, in the KOTOR world a lot of them tended to be renegades (i.e. Revan).

2. Potentially. A couple of us have. (Kieran, Lion, etc.)

3. Why wouldn't you want to fall from grace? :D Seriously, I wouldn't see why not, personally.....since you said it's not even IC yet.

Rognan Dar
Jan 13th, 2005, 11:06:24 PM
Ok, Jen, I get what you mean now. But what I dont understand is the whole, they've been trained to do it, thing. Yes, the NR are mainly famous for their ships and piloting. But thats not all they do. They still do other stuff like ground control, and protecting diplomats and this can all fall under the same thing, if you look at it like that.

Then I look at the Jedi and I think that they are not to far off from the NR. No, they are not soldiers and shouldn't go out for the fight. But you have to wonder about Mace. He said that line in the first movie, yet all the Jedi, and him, went out to fight and rescue Anakin and Kenobi. Doesn't that look like acting like a soldier? Or does that just go under protecting and rescue?

Personally, I think all Jedi should know the basics of flying, weither they start now or know about it from the beginning. Even being able to fly a air speeder and be put under this. Why should the Jedi be stuck to just 'fighting' on the ground and guarding the rich? Dont get me wrong, I know thats what they should do, but that then puts the Jedi into a passive state to where, later on, they will just get killed off because all they are doing is hiding and protecting. And no, I'm not saying we should be attacking either. There needs to be a middle line to were all of it can be put together and then acted on.

Kieran Devaneaux
Jan 14th, 2005, 11:45:35 AM
Not all Jedi are trained to be soldiers, just people like me and Lion. :D But I agree with your assessment: If Jedi aren't supposed to be soldiers, what are Yoda and Mace Windu doing on the battlefield on Geonosis? Especially Yoda. Sounds a lot like a general, to me. And speaking of generals, how does Kenobi become a general if Jedi aren't soldiers?

Jedi fight, yes, but only a select few (past examples: Kenobi, Revan; current SWF examples: me, Lion) become true soldiers/commanders.

Shade Magus
Jan 15th, 2005, 04:34:58 AM
Actually from what I gathered from the Clone Wars, all the Jedi Knights/Masters were considered Generals, I could be wrong though, because strategies and war tactics were part of thier teachings. Not very heavy before the war broke out maybe, but they were schooled in it.

Lion El' Jonson
Jan 15th, 2005, 08:48:42 PM
It was something along those lines, Shade.

I believe that all Jedi had some form of official military rank during the Clone Wars, though whether it was General or lower I'm not sure. However, I believe that the Jedi had the consent to requisition anything they needed on the fly, as long as it helped them accomplish their mission. Jedi could get passage on any ship, get squads of clonetroopers or commandos assigned to them, and things like that. Although I doubt they could call in a battle fleet, they could probably get in contact with higher-ups in the military and alert them to a situation.

It's interesting, because I originally joined the NR (and have gradually taken more interest in it) to offset the slowdown that the GJO was encountering. Now, my primary role will probably be played with the New Republic.

Incidentally, will the Council be requesting Lion's assistance, either my personal service (as a Jedi) or my fleet's assistance (as an Admiral)?

Rognan Dar
Jan 15th, 2005, 09:10:21 PM
Well, if what I think is suppose to happen with the Senate, then I'm sure you and all other NR fleets are going to be shipped out to the Sith base and try and take it out. But I dont know for sure what they are planning and to what scale.

Kieran Devaneaux
Jan 16th, 2005, 06:34:53 AM
Originally posted by Lion El' Jonson
Incidentally, will the Council be requesting Lion's assistance, either my personal service (as a Jedi) or my fleet's assistance (as an Admiral)?

Both is too much to ask? Look at it this way: Would you not be serving as a defender of the peace - basically a prime role for the Jedi - as an Admiral?

Lion El' Jonson
Jan 17th, 2005, 03:24:22 AM
The thing is, I've been trying to distance my NR Military Career entirely from my life at the GJO. Although I may be defending the peace as an Admiral, I'm also not strictly adhering to the Jedi Code's calls for non-agression and such, and in that I must make an important distinction.

I don't really want this to focus on my character at all; this thread should be discussing far broader topics. I think I'm going to hold off on piloting lessons until after the NR's fall is complete, unless somebody makes a special request (specifically, the person who first PMed me with the idea). :)

Shade Magus
Jan 17th, 2005, 04:18:47 AM
Ok here is a question/thought/discussion topic. This is in refrence to something Kieran said about another Jedi purge. Where do the Jedi stand on acts of agression? Something brought to my attention from Lion's post. What would constitute agression? Where would most of the Jedi draw the line?

I know that there is a difference between killing in a fight and killing off the battle ground, but what about Pre-emptive strikes? Say a character gained IC knowledge of something that could only be stopped from killing a person (NPC obviously). Would the Jedi do it? Reading Shatterpoint lately, it showed that Mace knew and should have destroyed Dooku, but didn't. That would have stopped the whole war. If one of you were presented with that choice, of course not of that magnitude, would the Jedi stand by the decision to do it or not?

James Prent
Jan 17th, 2005, 07:16:19 PM
regarding the Jedi purge, I'm in favor of one occuring. I've always RPed as though there were TONS of Jedi here in the Coruscant temple, not just the ones who were RPed.

What could happen is that the NPCed Jedi mostly all get killed, over time, leaving just a remnant - the RPed Jedi.

Rognan Dar
Jan 17th, 2005, 09:25:01 PM
Thats what I was thinking James. Because if there was only as much as those that are RPed, then that is a small force that no one would be to afraid of and try and take them out whenever. Jedi are not all that hard to kill, if you do it right. Just look at the battle of Geonosis(sp?) where almost all the Jedi that went to "rescue" Obi were all killed. Only a handfull remained. So what she said is also good with me.

And Shade...I dont know where the line is drawn. And I dont know how it has been set up here. For me, though, it would be that aggression used in a manner that is just to kill is wrong. It would be like butchering, and I dont like that. But not going out when you have to to stop something from happening (i.e. the world ending) then that would be wrong too. It is a Jedis' role to do what is thought to be right, and do it in a manner that is not of the Dark Side: fear, anger, hatred, etc... Thats my thoughts.

Kieran Devaneaux
Jan 17th, 2005, 10:37:03 PM
This will also be similar to KOTOR 2, where civil war has wiped out the Jedi Order and there are only remote pockets left....of course, we wouldn't be fighting amongst ourselves. I hope. :D

Wei Wu Wei
Jan 18th, 2005, 12:53:27 PM
That would be a nice thing. Purging NPC Jedi and leaving only the ones that RP left. You have no idea how hard it is to RP in the Living Quarters at any given time of day whenever you're trying to guess how many stories the place has and how many people of X number are out and about, in rooms, or whatever.

Kieran Devaneaux
Jan 18th, 2005, 03:25:18 PM
Makes sense to me. When do we start? :D

Rognan Dar
Jan 18th, 2005, 09:55:18 PM
Whenever the NR go and hunt down the Sith. But it will be quite the oppisite of that.

James Prent
Jan 19th, 2005, 03:14:41 PM
Originally posted by Wei Wu Wei
That would be a nice thing. Purging NPC Jedi and leaving only the ones that RP left. You have no idea how hard it is to RP in the Living Quarters at any given time of day whenever you're trying to guess how many stories the place has and how many people of X number are out and about, in rooms, or whatever.
Amen to that!! I just BS my way through the LQ, making up hallways and etc etc and padawan rooms and classes that don't exist and ... ^_^; well you get the idea. If we're going to be a decimated force that's on the run, it would make sense to only have the Jedi who are actually RPed to 'survive.'

If there were some RPed Jedi who wanted to accidentally be "left behind" on Coruscant, they could have with them some NPCed Jedi who get butchered by bounty hunters or something to make things interesting without actually sacrificing any characters. ...when we scatter everyone just assume you've got one or more NPCed Jedi with you and along the way they just get wasted.

Shade Magus
Jan 19th, 2005, 05:53:18 PM
Originally posted by James Prent
If there were some RPed Jedi who wanted to accidentally be "left behind" on Coruscant, they could have with them some NPCed Jedi who get butchered by bounty hunters or something to make things interesting without actually sacrificing any characters. ...when we scatter everyone just assume you've got one or more NPCed Jedi with you and along the way they just get wasted.

Like this idea

Shanaria Fabool
Jan 19th, 2005, 07:25:28 PM
Leten Will be doing his best to coordanate a number of hiding places in the lower levels. He likely already knows of a few.

I know this was mentioned a long while ago, when I last mentioned my intentions to leave Leten behind on Coruscant, about a master not leaving their padawan behind, I thought I should just mention that I still have yet to get Leten a master Since Xazor was banned, so he has been learning from any teacher that comes into Open Training threads that he posts.

So it's not like he has a master that can pull him allong with them, and Leten has spent most of his life exploring and living in the lower levels, so it is only lodgical that he stays behind to help Coordinate the Jedi that remain.

But I like the Idea of a number of NPCed Jedi getting wiped out on the first pass. But what about the kids like valora, vista, and the other younglings? What will happen to them?

Kieran Devaneaux
Jan 19th, 2005, 10:30:57 PM
Either they will die or be hidden somewhere where the Sith cannot find them......take your pick.

Shade Magus
Jan 19th, 2005, 11:24:50 PM
Could do something like they did in NJO with all the apprentices and put them in hiding with a smuggling friend of the Jedi.

Rognan Dar
Jan 19th, 2005, 11:32:50 PM
I'm sure we will have plenty of time to try and get a few people off of the planet before the Imps make a direct attack on Coroscant. But if not, then the younglings, and any other NPC younger people would be the first to leave. But I'm not sure that hidding them on a ship would be a good spot for them. Even though it would be a safe place, they will still need someone to start training them, to be the next generation of Jedi to come.

I also like the idea of having a kind of wipe out of the Jedi when the first attack does come. Weither it is just some that are in the Order or ones that are trying to fight off the enemy. But I would still like to have a good number of NPC Jedi around, and not just for cannon fodder. I have been thinking of leaving Rog on planet and try and save as many Jedi as possible. Because not all would be able to get off in time and then it would be a matter of waiting for someone to pick them up or sneak off somehow. But whoever stays is going to have the hardest time. And maybe not even get off for a long long time.

Lion El' Jonson
Jan 20th, 2005, 05:35:35 AM
Originally posted by Shade Magus
Could do something like they did in NJO with all the apprentices and put them in hiding with a smuggling friend of the Jedi.

You mean Booster Terrik and his Errant Venture?

I've always wondered whatever happened to good ol' Booster and his Red Star Destroyer. :lol

I think that the apprentices (and most of the GJO) are relocating to the world of Nehantish, which is where Sejah hails from. That will become our sanctuary. I agree, however, that it would be interesting to have a roving headquarters, much like the Jedi Order's Chu'unthor.

James Prent
Jan 20th, 2005, 02:22:54 PM
Does the GJO have any capital ships, and would the NR have any to spare? The answers to these questions, I believe, are no.

And I believe that the Imperial attack will come as quite a surprise. They might even target the GJO temple initially (by accident or not), blowing away a large chunk of it... That would clue the Jedi into the fact that they need to leave the immediate area.

Plus, anti-Force user sentiment will soon be whipped into a fever pitch, and the Jedi would have to start making their get-away fairly immediately, or else they won't be able to make their way off planet without endangering many lives (those that would try to stop them). The Jedi who make it off planet (probably a lot of NPCs still living at this point) would run to Yavin IV and meet up with the Jedi already there. Then they'd start making long term plans, because Yavin wouldn't be safe for long. (it's possible that some Jedi would also volunteer to remain behind on Yavin IV, hiding out and protecting their assets there, or... whatever. Possibly also with NPCs who can be cannon fodder when the Imps or bounty hunters get there).

J'ktal is planning on offering his estate on Nehantish for the Jedi to live in (135 or so rooms with a 'you break it you buy it' policy) but I assume that it would be wisest for the Jedi not to all converge on Nehantish at once. So we could break them up and send them to Nehantish by way of other systems which exposes you all to the threat of bounty hunters etc, and makes life interesting.

Each group could have their NPCs in it, and therefore we can RP Jedi being killed without having to sacrifice any actual characters.

As far as the younglings, that's a silly question as far as I can tell, because they'd stay with their moms or dads or whoever their caretakers are. They're kids, after all.

Jan 20th, 2005, 04:28:31 PM
I think we'll be keeping Yavin for a bit too, for some Jedi to also relocate to... or am I wrong in thinking this?

James Prent
Jan 20th, 2005, 05:08:59 PM
It's not a matter of "we're keeping it," I see it as a matter of "everyone knows that the Jedi are on Yavin IV as well," so it's only a matter of time before bounty hunters start raiding it, and possibly the Empire will send some ships to "wipe them out. All of them."

*shrug* Maybe that's too logical ;) :mneh The same goes for any known stronghold of Force users, Corellia included, imo.

Shanaria Fabool
Jan 20th, 2005, 05:11:15 PM
Corellia can hold it's own, and I don't think The bounty hunters will be well recevied there.

Kieran Devaneaux
Jan 20th, 2005, 05:15:47 PM
Originally posted by James Prent
Does the GJO have any capital ships, and would the NR have any to spare? The answers to these questions, I believe, are no.

What about Home One? That's where we have the Senate, last I checked...

James Prent
Jan 20th, 2005, 05:20:58 PM
Actually the Senate is on Coruscant. The descriptions in the NR forums are not accurate any more.

Kieran Devaneaux
Jan 20th, 2005, 06:27:21 PM
Oh. In that case....no, the GJO to my knowledge does not have ships, but you might have one or two ships under the command of a Jedi, NRV Skyrider (a task force command ship under Lion) and NRV Republic (currently undergoing final trials). Mine, naturally. :D Of course, Lion could pitch in, he has an even bigger ship than I do - big enough to fit the remainder of the Jedi Order after the great purge. If he has the ships to spare, that is......the battle for Bestine (the fleet in general) and the testing of the Republic (me in particular) may cause a bit of trouble there, because we'd be in battle with the damn Imperials. Bloody totalitarians.....

Rognan Dar
Jan 20th, 2005, 09:15:57 PM
I would assume that not all the younglings caretakers would be able to offer their protection to them when they would not really need it and where it could be used else where. But it should not be to much of a problem, I think.

And isn't there some weird Jedi trick used to protect Yavin IV from enemys? I remember reading it somewhere, where the Jedi masters that were still there were casting some kind of illusion that hid the moon from everyone that did know how to find it. Could this then be used for a little while, even if others are looking for it, untill we are able to get, then, everyone off there and to some other location?

Kyle Krogen
Jan 20th, 2005, 09:24:56 PM
Well, I'mn not sure what I'll be doing during the Imp take over. I might have Kyle stay on planet and do stuff from there, From what I've heard/read there are several Jedi that are staying on coroscant for awhile

I do though have an idea of my own to put by you guys. One of my characters, Former Jedi Padawan Tony Maxwell, Is the president of a large droid factory on Naboo. His factory origanaly produced service droids when Tony's father ran the business but Tony produces battle droids. When the IMPs attack Tony could offer the NR droids to fight against the IMPs

His droids are better then the Trade Federation Battle droids (In Ep. 1 & 2) and he had recently released a new model of droid. The X7-JK guardian droid (Which for you who know my other character, Ragnarok, is an advance droid of this model) built to be a personal guard rather then a mass produced war droid. The X7 could easily be fitted with war tactics and could either be part of groups of normal war droids or be more like special ops droids (Like Lando's droids during the Vong invasion)

Using droids would cut down on NR casualties. The only problem I see is that the IMPs might catch on to this and blow Tony's factory up. I am still working on this idea and any thoughts from you guys would be appreciated.

Kieran Devaneaux
Jan 20th, 2005, 09:32:30 PM
Interesting idea....let's try not to make this a Butlerian Jihad situation, though. Explanation for those who have never read the Dune novels by Frank or Brian Herbert: the Butlerian Jihad was a war begun by humans against the thinking machines that had essentially taken over the civilized galaxy. The machines, of course, were created by human hands, and they went out of control....

Shade Magus
Jan 21st, 2005, 01:32:34 AM
Originally posted by Kyle Krogen
I do though have an idea of my own to put by you guys. One of my characters, Former Jedi Padawan Tony Maxwell, Is the president of a large droid factory on Naboo. His factory origanaly produced service droids when Tony's father ran the business but Tony produces battle droids. When the IMPs attack Tony could offer the NR droids to fight against the IMPs

His droids are better then the Trade Federation Battle droids (In Ep. 1 & 2) and he had recently released a new model of droid. The X7-JK guardian droid (Which for you who know my other character, Ragnarok, is an advance droid of this model) built to be a personal guard rather then a mass produced war droid. The X7 could easily be fitted with war tactics and could either be part of groups of normal war droids or be more like special ops droids (Like Lando's droids during the Vong invasion)

Rather than using the advanced droids as war droids, they could be used as bodygaurds in a way. They could be purchased and used as sentries for the new Jedi hideouts.

Rog, yeah there is a trick, but I'm not sure what it is.

Lion El' Jonson
Jan 21st, 2005, 08:02:01 AM
As I understand it, the Senate will be relocating to Home One as soon as we are ousted from Coruscant. It is a symbolic move, but more than anything else, Home One is still one of the largest, most heavily shielded vessels that the New Republic operates.

Unless, of course, you include the Mediators and Viscounts. :D

Lion, as commander of 2nd Fleet, will likely be running around like mad striking and counterstriking the Imperial Divisions on all fronts. If the Jedi Order requests it, I could deploy a small detachment of vessels from one of my taskforces to guard Yavin IV; as everybody knows the Jedi are there, deploying the vessels to that area does not do anything to compromise its location, and those ships would be useful for assisting in the evacuation of Yavin IV.

James Prent
Jan 21st, 2005, 11:09:59 AM
If your (kyle) factory on Naboo is churning out war droids and they're going to the NR and the GJO, don't you think that would immediately put Naboo in danger of being overrun by conquering Imperials?

Not to mention that Naboo is actually an Imperial planet.

Kieran Devaneaux
Jan 21st, 2005, 11:28:55 AM
Naboo is Imperial? I didn't know that.... (Which faction? Sovereignty?)

Kyle Krogen
Jan 21st, 2005, 09:15:59 PM
Yes, I do realize that it would put naboo at risk. Tony could build a new factory at some hidden place where the imperials wouldn't think of looking (Hoth maybe?)

Rognan Dar
Jan 21st, 2005, 11:40:24 PM
But how long would that take, to build such a factory? And that would have to be done after everything goes crazy because you wouldn't have a need to build it there untill then.

James Prent
Jan 22nd, 2005, 04:01:21 PM
You have to also realize that Hoth, Yavin IV and even Dantooine are all places that the Empire knows that the Rebel Alliance used to have bases at. It would stand to reason that they'd look there first.

Dasquian Belargic
Jan 22nd, 2005, 05:21:31 PM
why do we want war droids...?

James Prent
Jan 22nd, 2005, 06:14:32 PM
(just say no ;))

Kyle Krogen
Jan 22nd, 2005, 09:38:46 PM
I never said you guys had to take the droids. I was just offering an Idea. just give me a yes or no answer and I'll be happy :)

Morgan Evanar
Jan 23rd, 2005, 09:01:48 PM
Not everyone knows the Jedi are on Yavin, but the Empire will know after they hit Coruscant and look at some records. It will show that the Yavin project is small, and it will probably be a low priority target.

Rognan Dar
Jan 23rd, 2005, 11:16:00 PM
Would we really have records of everything we do? I'd think that after a few times of having this messed with and such that we would learn not to do stuff like that.

Morgan Evanar
Jan 23rd, 2005, 11:41:31 PM
We're getting some support in terms of occasional supply shipments from Coruscant to Yavin, and Morgan and Figrin aranged some things. It's not public, but if you dig some you could find out. Yavin is safe for something like 2 weeks after Coruscant. After that it becomes a matter of what the Empire wants to prioritize.

Rognan Dar
Jan 23rd, 2005, 11:45:26 PM
Alright, that makes sense. I guess they could just not think of looking for stuff like that until its to late and we will be long gone before they can do anything.

Do you think that there might be a way to like, wipe out the Archives? To delete everything in it? Because it only seems to come back and haunt the Jedi when they leave big files of info on Jedi and other such things. Maybe we could do a mass cut and paste thing and then there wouldn't be to much for them to find...except for small things like what you said Morg, things that would seem not so important.

Dasquian Belargic
Jan 24th, 2005, 11:31:45 AM
I don't think we'd want to delete the Archives, would we? I mean, if nothing else it's going to give more fuel for the RPing fire if the Imperials have background info on Jedi ops etc. I'm not sure it would be possible for us to take the Archives with us though, given the size as they're shown in the movies... the library would just be too large to get out of the temple and off Coruscant before someone intervened...

I think :huh

Shade Magus
Jan 24th, 2005, 12:35:40 PM
True, but we could always just take a few data ships and holocrons.(sp?)

Dasquian Belargic
Jan 24th, 2005, 12:56:09 PM
I think Holocrons aren't as common as most people think they are. The only Holocron that I know for certain we possess is a Sith Holocron - and obviously we'd take that with us.

James Prent
Jan 24th, 2005, 06:59:32 PM
It would stand to reason that some of the Jedi would take as many datapads/books/files as they could carry - but we'd have no warning really.

We could, however, pack up everything or nearly everything that's stored on Yavin IV once we got there.

Rognan Dar
Jan 24th, 2005, 09:30:10 PM
Ok, so maybe we wont wipe the archives. But we could play it out that some Jedi were trying to get some of the good info away and deleteed before the Imps come. And then we could have a few of them die there while others got away with some of the stuff. I know there is no way to take all that is there, but surely we could like erase, or in the processes of, deleting some of the bases that we might have or where we go to alot and stuff. But in the end they would get just about everything.

Kieran Devaneaux
Jan 24th, 2005, 10:39:05 PM
They did the last time they took over the damned galaxy. :D

James Prent
Jan 25th, 2005, 01:31:41 AM
To erase the archives would delete one of the largest libraries that I know of in the SW galaxy. It would be foolish to do so, imo.

Lion El' Jonson
Jan 25th, 2005, 07:27:42 AM
It depends on if we take the archives along in their physical form, or in their virtual form. If I remember the "Star Wars: Essential Guide to Technology" correctly (and I'm not totally sure on this), a cluster of data droids can store as much data as hundreds of thousands of volumes of books (or, in the case of Star Wars, flimsiplast).

It stands to reason that much or all of the archives would have been recorded into a digital form, in which case it would not be very difficult to transfer that data to any of the various transport ships that would be busy evacuating the planet. I think the real impossibility would be in taking the physical data with us, or in destroying it in a timely manner. This way, we get a double-edged sword: we get to keep our archives, but the Imps get the physical archives, and all of our data as well.

Then again, it has been a loooooong time since I read up on the Jedi Archives or on Data Droids, so this isn't exactly accurate knowledge. However, I recall that aside from the Jedi Archives, the Empire (and by extension, the New Republic) operated a massive information archive center deep under Coruscant, where everything was double- and triple- duplicated and saved to hundreds of data droids; easy enough to disassemble and take with them, but with tremendous storage capacity. I think that the Jedi Archives would have something similiar in place.

James Prent
Jan 25th, 2005, 11:08:47 AM
It would make an interesting RP, however, if we had to sneak some Jedi back in to Coruscant to get the Archives....

Dasquian Belargic
Jan 25th, 2005, 11:13:42 AM
Originally posted by James Prent
It would make an interesting RP, however, if we had to sneak some Jedi back in to Coruscant to get the Archives....

Yes it would! The way I see it, the more difficult we make this for ourselves IC, the more fun its going to be OOC :D

Kieran Devaneaux
Jan 25th, 2005, 01:44:10 PM
Perhaaaaps......then again, it might be more of a pain, both IC and OOC....

James Prent
Jan 25th, 2005, 03:50:40 PM
Well, we'll already have some Jedi on the planet, right? So it'd be a matter of contacting them, and then arranging to get them off planet, or getting someone else in and out... possibly via the new Force User Underground Railroad... >D

Rognan Dar
Jan 25th, 2005, 09:08:03 PM
This I like a lot. What I was going after with the Archives thing was what Lion said, about getting the info somehow like that, not everything that would be in their. That would be to hard with close to no time at all.

I would like to keep the Archives, and be able to have it where ever we choose to stay. My thought, though, is how would they contact people that were left behind and how would they, then, get them off? No doubt the Imperials are going to keep a tight lid on things. And I dont think comlinks work very far distances, but this I'm not sure.

Is there always a underground railroad? Oh course, what a silly question.

Shade Magus
Jan 25th, 2005, 09:19:11 PM
Getting them on and off planet via that railroad would. Send one or two back and then have them try and locate the others, of it possible try and set up sleeper agents or little rebel cells.

Rognan Dar
Jan 25th, 2005, 09:22:38 PM
But surely they will think, or know, however you want to do it, that there are Jedi still on planet. Now, if I knew that there were Jedi on planet, then I would get the best means to track them down and kill them. How is it that Jedi are going to get back to there without have a loooong time past so that the Imps are not so strict on space passage and the like?

Jan 25th, 2005, 10:21:18 PM
True, but there will always be ways on. Look at Shadows of the Empire. Some of the most wanted Rebels were able to get back on Coruscant and cause the leader of the Black Sun's place to go down. Now I'm not suggesting something that big, but just to point out that it is possible. Also to go back in so soon after would have an element of surprise to it. The Imps would more than likely be expecting s to fall back and regroup. Just my thoughts.

Kieran Devaneaux
Jan 26th, 2005, 10:20:02 PM
You may have a point there.....we can try it, I suppose.

Dasquian Belargic
Jan 27th, 2005, 11:18:01 AM
Am I the only one who sees things like this as wonderful oppertunities to RP some real adventures? :| Of course the Imps are going to try and hunt us down, stop us leaving/getting in, etc... but it all just adds to the fun. Right? Please, someone back me up and tell me I'm not the only one thinking like this.

Natia Telcontar
Jan 27th, 2005, 01:10:32 PM
You aren't the only thinking like this. It opens up new doors to new storylines.

James Prent
Jan 27th, 2005, 01:28:35 PM
Originally posted by Dasquian Belargic
Am I the only one who sees things like this as wonderful oppertunities to RP some real adventures? :| Of course the Imps are going to try and hunt us down, stop us leaving/getting in, etc... but it all just adds to the fun. Right? Please, someone back me up and tell me I'm not the only one thinking like this. The others can just put their RPing heads in the sand, I'm with you!

Anuis Ma'artra
Jan 27th, 2005, 01:52:20 PM
I'm excited damnit, look this is me excited! :|

Kieran Devaneaux
Jan 27th, 2005, 09:41:57 PM
Smile, dammit. :D

Shade Magus
Jan 27th, 2005, 11:57:45 PM
With ya 100%

Lion El' Jonson
Jan 28th, 2005, 08:36:31 PM
Originally posted by Dasquian Belargic
Am I the only one who sees things like this as wonderful oppertunities to RP some real adventures? :| Of course the Imps are going to try and hunt us down, stop us leaving/getting in, etc... but it all just adds to the fun. Right? Please, someone back me up and tell me I'm not the only one thinking like this.

You (and Natia) are not the only ones thinking this. :)

James Prent
Jan 29th, 2005, 02:27:27 PM
I think we should stop trying to figure out how to lessen our losses/keep the Archives, whatever. Just let it 'hit the fan.'

Rognan Dar
Jan 29th, 2005, 11:39:46 PM
Yes, but I was just trying to think of some ideas to do. I'm with everyone. I can't wait for this to happen! I wish it was now. All I can say is: Bring it on!!