View Full Version : Baracc Olra'en - On the Shoulders of Giants

Baracc Olra'en
Dec 23rd, 2004, 10:57:18 AM
Name: Baracc Olra'en
Race: Human
Age: 19
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Black
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 175lb
Rank: Apprentice
Birthplace: Varunda IX
Languages spoken: Basic, Francais (native)
Strength: Telekinesis
Weakness: Lightsaber combat.

Baracc and Je'gan Olra'en are identical twins. Their parents - low-level civil servants - had trouble conceiving; the twins were conceived in vitro. They only wanted to deal with one baby at a time, however, and left the embryo that would become Baracc in suspended animation. He was born two years after Je'gan.

The problem with this is that, more than any place else in the galaxy, Varunda IX hates clones. Their heritage of genetic diversity ensures it. But Baracc and Je'gan are identical and two years apart. Baracc has always born a bit of the stigma of being a clone.

After their parents died (see Je'gan's bio) Baracc dropped out of school and began working at a fast-food establishment while teaching himself basic telekinesis and physical enhancement. The incidence of TK accidents - flying utensils and appliances, and one incident involving the draining of a public pool - was a prime motivator in learning to control his fledgeling Force abilities.

After Je'gan left, Baracc remained in their apartment, living by himself. Life became interesting when a gangster moved in downstairs, and overnight, Baracc found himself well-versed in the criminal mind, but he remained somewhat naive.

While passing through a particularly dangerous section of the city, Baracc made a stupid and fateful mistake. A kingpin named Alghieri had recently lost a shipment of spice to a Varundana DEA sting, and had issued a kill-on-sight order against DEA officers, who wore long black coats. Baracc was wearing a long black coat. He was ambushed, but managed to escape with minor injuries by judicious use of the Force.

The gangster under his apartment becoming more of a problem, Baracc contacted Alghieri and joined his organization. A deal was struck whereby Baracc would teach those of Alghieri's organization that the kingpin believed to possess Force potential. Two, Guillaume Merchall and Michel Torentin, actually did. Around this point in time, Baracc began to use focus objects to increase his power, notably staffs and wands. He has since rejected them.

When Je'gan returned to Varunda IX, he and Baracc got into an argument that culminated in Je'gan calling his brother a clone and being introduced head-first to a lightpost. As Merchall took an unconscious Je'gan to Alghieri, Baracc was confronted by a mysterious albino girl with a grudge against Alghieri: Choir Aztaroth. She took him hostage and entered Alghieri's base, where Je'gan was just awakening.

What happened that afternoon, and on another afternoon some time later, isn't entirely clear. What is certain is that from that day forward, Aztaroth and Torentin obeyed any order given by either of the Olra'ens or Alghieri. Baracc found himself with an uncompliant third apprentice, one instilled by Je'gan with physical enhancement and mentalic abilities.

Baracc served as backup to Alghieri during the kingpin's short-lived membership in the criminal coalition of Jacen Dantarno. With him came Aztaroth and, at his invitation, an accountant named Irreantum, a member of Alghieri's organization. Baracc bore the unenviable duty of telling Alghieri that Aztaroth was pregnant, father unknown.

Some time later, Baracc was contacted by Je'gan to help with Kes'La Bardo's first training mission. Working with Rivin, he impersonated a Jedi.

He was called on again teach a lesson of sorts to a man named Micheal Wondo. He, Merchall and Torentin (Aztaroth being well into maternity leave) descended on the restaurant where Wondo had been sighted and proceeded to beat him up telekinetically despite the intervention of a TSO Apprentice.

Baracc joined TSO at Alghieri's behest, and went Masterless for some time. He managed to earn the enmity of fellow Apprentice Kathrine. Some time later, Je'gan agreed to train him - more out of a sense that he needed guidance than anything else.

Baracc Olra'en
Dec 23rd, 2004, 01:13:42 PM

Reaching Personal Potential – Works with Alghieri, encounters Aztaroth (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?threadid=33723)

Warriors of Chill Repute – Guards Alghieri during the Dantarno affair (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?threadid=35445)

Ice Sculpture – Fights Kes’La (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?threadid=35741)

Dinner for Two – Fights Wondo (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?threadid=35847)

Stretch the Sky (OOC) – Joins TSO (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?threadid=36172)

Gaining One’s Bearings – Meets Lorani and Kathrine (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?threadid=36315)

Young and Naïve – Begins a feud with Kathrine (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?threadid=36602)

Character transferred to my little sister

In Arms – Training session with Je’gan (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?threadid=37241)