View Full Version : Shift of Power on the Boards - Discussion

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 16th, 2004, 07:01:30 PM
I don't think I need to remind people that what is said in a private forum stays in a private forum.

But, I said it anyway.

Moving onward: it has been talked over by the group board moderators to instigate a power shift on the boards. Namely, the Empire coming back as the largest and most powerful group on the boards, retaking Coruscant and blasting the NR back into the Rebellion.

Everyone so far agrees that this is a cool idea, the Imperial forums are trying right now to figure out how exactly they could go about doing this and being fair to everyone.

What I'd like to know from you guys is your reaction to this. Like the idea? Hate it? It'll open up a WHOLE lot of RP opportunites for smugglers and bounty hunters, because we (the board) is also considering having the Empire put bounties on Force users heads. Especially the Jedi, but Dark Jedi and Sith as well. They'd of course be tolerant of some Force users, and use some, but generally they'll be trying to 'wipe them out. All of them.'

Personally, I'm really excited about this. And it wouldn't take place all at once, it would be carefully RPed out, with much OOC discussion.

Nathanial K'cansce
Dec 16th, 2004, 08:47:31 PM
Mmmm, upheavle.

I want to be wanted.

Dec 16th, 2004, 08:59:26 PM
Figlet already mentioned this to me - I don't think it will affect many of my characters (Esp. Dae and Hana). Kyashi is under the radar (mostly) and Trric is just starting, so, I don't really care what happens

Dec 17th, 2004, 12:18:08 AM
I believe this would be a good idea. It would be like a breath of fresh air to the boards, and as LD said open the way to many more RPing possibilities.

And as a side not it would be nice to be wanted for something other than sneaking in the fridge...which I haven't done recently...^_^;

Han Fernua
Dec 17th, 2004, 12:21:06 AM
Well, you already know what I think on the matter. But for those that dont, I love the idea. I think it would be a good change to finally get people off of their lazy boy chairs and really do something for a change. And I mean this mostly at the Jedi. They are all comfortable doing nothing and everyone else is letting them. But the same could be said about the sith, and you know what, how about everyone? WE just need a change, something to get us going again.

Salem Ave
Dec 17th, 2004, 05:31:10 AM
Ah cannae wait :D

Dec 17th, 2004, 08:55:28 AM
I'm not objecting. In fact, I'd be helping by now if Tear hadn't dropped off the radar...*grumbles*

Dec 17th, 2004, 12:13:31 PM
Doesn't bother me.

Kyzer Rayne
Dec 17th, 2004, 02:23:31 PM
I think the whole idea rawks! I can't wait!

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 17th, 2004, 03:17:36 PM
and I've already heard from Silus and Gav on the matter... :) so far it looks like we're okay with it.

Silus Xilarian
Dec 18th, 2004, 02:47:59 AM
LD didnt like it at first, but i told her to shut up =)

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 18th, 2004, 12:09:50 PM
More like *made* me. :verymad

edit: Any thoughts on your own contributions to a galaxy mostly controlled by the Empire?

This is for the Master/Apprentice groups. LD and her apprentices will most likely stay on Onderon, just staying below the Imperial Radar. If the Empire comes to Onderon and wants it, we're going to let them have it - with the promise (ha!) that the original government stays in place. Here, we have the perfect cover. LD is advisor to the king... and any apprentices she has can be made into her aides. We would have diplomatic immunity, technically, should the Empire get Onderon, but if we were found out as Force users... dun dun dunnnnn.

Silus would be... well I'm not sure what he's going to be doing. James and I talked about him being our little agent in the Empire, as he was a General in the balmorran Empire before he left them. Did I say "little" agent? I meant "large" ;)

So, anyone else got any ideas for what their characters would be doing? Remember, we're not a group IC like TSO, so we don't all have to stay in one place, or even know or like the other members IC.

Nathanial K'cansce
Dec 19th, 2004, 06:54:57 PM
I honestly have no clue. For Nate/Snack, I'm prolly just going to have him wandering about the galaxy. Or, have him stay at home on Cayss... He'll most likely run into the Empire at one point or another. Whether or not they'll find out or know that he's the self proclaimed Dark Lord, and whether or not they view him as a huge threat or ally, that's up for them to figure out.

Yeah, I really have no clue.

Silus Xilarian
Dec 19th, 2004, 09:43:43 PM
Im not exactly sure how it will play out at this moment. But im pretty sure force users will be hunted once again, with the Empire taking a "with us or against us" attitude (sorry fence riders).

Personally, I plan to keep Silus' force powers as quiet as possible, and only give information that will benefit me.

Dec 19th, 2004, 11:20:21 PM
I have no idea - I guess whatever happens with the Cabal or Gav will affect Kyashi.

Salem Ave
Dec 20th, 2004, 05:55:01 AM
I'm not sure what the Empire's views on vampires will be, but I'm going to guess that they will hate them and want to destroy us - or capture us for doing tests and experiments... so I'm not sure where Salem will end up

Daria... I can see her ending up as some Imperial inquisitor :D though I suppose she will just go with Silus/Naj

Dalamar DeSang
Dec 20th, 2004, 08:56:02 AM
I see Dalamar as a weapon always have. Don't know if the Empire would use him as such. If he would join such an alliance? He's a survivor. But don't know if the person in charge would be respected enough by Dalamar or even Salem for that matter. To deign to work underneath him. Some vampires are a stuck up bunch. :rolleyes

I imagine he would submit his service's to be a Jedi Hunter. Thats what he's been in the past. Don't see any reason for it to stop if the management accepts him as such.

Dec 20th, 2004, 10:23:26 AM
Gash wouldn't have a clue that the KA had splintered in the first place, and if Salem told him he'd probably forget. Our resident giant lives in his own little world.

Which could get funny.

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 20th, 2004, 12:23:38 PM
well, we haven' splintered, technically. Ok, I guess it's technically we have, but not practically. ..now I've confused myself.

LD and Silus still have ties to Salem, Razielle, Gash, Gav, ..whoever joined while we were still on Onderon. The others have simply chosen to return to where they're from, while keeping things amicable (for the time being) between them and those on Onderon still.

If that changes, that changes, but that's how it is at the moment... I think.

Silus Xilarian
Dec 20th, 2004, 05:02:09 PM
Originally posted by Salem Ave
Daria... I can see her ending up as some Imperial inquisitor :D though I suppose she will just go with Silus/Naj

Ms Jenny. We need to talk =D

Somara Ave
Dec 22nd, 2004, 08:44:27 AM
Sounds like mass chaos and bloodshed, so I'm fairly excited. :)

Raz will follow Gav hither and thither. But she'll always wind up on Kirrek if the Empire decides to go on a mass Vamp slaying..LOL

Dalamar DeSang
Dec 22nd, 2004, 08:53:05 AM
Maybe this could be used to explain my joining of the Cabal Organization. The need for survival? lol

Dalamar always (Well, in my mind anyway) was like Darth Vader with teeth. With just a tad more mysticism in his past. Somara shame on you. Any one that hunts me. Will find a nasty guerilla fighter in there midst. We are Vampyre's we infiltrate, and destroy from within... Evil is we, cunning say I.

SO yes!! I think it would really Rock!! I could see Dalamar brought before the Counsel in binders. Judgement execueted. Alas, poor DeSang we knew him well...

Miranda Dunleavy
Jan 1st, 2005, 11:54:25 AM
Well...no idea where I will go ^_^ prolly disappear like I always do unless the vamps make me follow them =P~

Silus Xilarian
Jan 1st, 2005, 01:39:26 PM
The fun will be rping as we always have. Your basic rp has always been 2 people, then whoever else pops in. Once the shift is over, it will be 2 people, with a good chance of the Empire sticking its nose in things.

Han Fernua
Jan 1st, 2005, 03:35:08 PM
Well, anyone thats a Force user will have to try and be a little more careful. Or just be stronger and smarter then the bounty hunters. BUt over all it should be interesting to see how the Imperials will handle the whole thing.

Kyzer Rayne
Jan 9th, 2005, 09:30:32 PM
Will the Imps be attacking Kirrek?

Dalamar DeSang
Jan 11th, 2005, 08:43:50 AM
How long until this happens. I hear there talking about it but when is it going to be done. Or is it still in just the discussion stage. Oh and Kyzer don't be afraid of Fluffy. He will take it easy on you. lol...

Have you figured out what where going to do. Are we going to do or defense like a group or scatter in twos like quail?

Oh and sorry for not posting so much lately been busy... darn that rl getting in the way..

Silus Xilarian
Jan 11th, 2005, 07:29:10 PM
The way ive always looked at it, the Empress teta system (Kirrek and Koros) pretty much sit in the core's shadow, in such a way that its very conveniently overlooked. I doubt you guys have anything to worry about at home, unless you approach the Empire OOC with an idea. I cant say anything for sure at this point, just my opinion.

Also, we're still in a planning phase, but plans are moving along nicely, and a few members of the Imperial board are already making subtle preparations I believe.

Once things go into effect, the projection is something along the lines of 2 RL months of RPing for us to go from a galaxy fully led by the NR, to a galaxy fully led by the Empire.

Han Fernua
Jan 12th, 2005, 01:23:58 AM
Taking over the galaxy in two months? Sure, it can be done, but I'm sure there are a lot of systems that are not going to want to be rules, once again, by the empire. In my opinion, there might, or should, be a lot of fighting for territory and that would take a long time to do. Even if the Imps had a huge fleet, it would still take a long time for it be switch powers in such a way. Not to mention everything would be in chaos, and nothing will be as it shoud have been. But thats the whole fun part about it. its like legos; half the fun it putting the thing back together and the other half is playing with it and breaking it again. :)

Silus Xilarian
Jan 12th, 2005, 04:07:54 PM
Two real life months.

Razielle Alastor
Jan 13th, 2005, 05:22:41 PM
Originally posted by Miranda Dunleavy
Well...no idea where I will go ^_^ prolly disappear like I always do unless the vamps make me follow them =P~

Ahem. Is it my go, or do I need to beat up Jenny?:rolleyes

Silus Xilarian
Jan 14th, 2005, 11:06:54 PM
I think Jenny may need a footprint across her ass. >=]

Salem Ave
Jan 15th, 2005, 08:36:21 AM
Many footprints :p

Miranda Dunleavy
Jan 22nd, 2005, 11:14:57 PM
Jenny's turn :p

Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 31st, 2005, 11:17:22 AM
I was thinking... if using the Force becomes outlawed, and if Onderon is 'asked' to come under the Imperial banner, we'd have to outlaw it here too.

...but secretly we'd be harboring Sensitives, as a sort of haven for Users who aren't more powerful than LD and Silus (wouldn't want them taking over ;))...

Han Fernua
Jan 31st, 2005, 11:30:43 PM
Well, I guess that all falls under who is running the planet? Are the KA now ruling the planet or not? If not, then you'd have to RP out what the...(king? Queen?)...would do. But all in all sounds fine. We need to do something as a group after all this happens. To really show that the KA are something you dont want to find or mess with. But not do something in such a scale that the Imps would be coming after us.

Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 1st, 2005, 10:44:34 AM
Don't be silly little boy, of course the KA is 'practically' running the planet. The 'king' listens to everything LD tells him. But he wouldn't even have to know about it.

Silus Xilarian
Feb 1st, 2005, 10:20:21 PM
Actually the king listens to everything Silus tells him. And Silus listens to LD on occasion. ;)

Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 2nd, 2005, 12:25:01 PM
oh shush you :)

Han Fernua
Feb 2nd, 2005, 11:48:07 PM
But even if you, both, have influence over the King, would he still listen to you when the Imps are knocking at his door and threatening him or something? I know you could threaten just as well, but you know what I'm saying?

Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 3rd, 2005, 01:19:10 AM
well, he's my NPC, so he'll do what i want him to do. :mneh Actually, he's supposed to be RPed, but... that didn't happen.

Dalamar DeSang
Feb 5th, 2005, 10:14:47 AM
Hey we have a King so do we unoffically work for him? Does he know about us? Whats his name and powerstructure or has that not been rped out yet..

I doubt that Lileana rps to the minutest detail... :D

Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 5th, 2005, 11:03:22 AM
Are you purposefully trying to piss me off?

The thread where we take over Onderon was never completed, thanks to Silus and Gav. We could still complete it, but it's really not worth it.

Check Storytelling - Mortal Gods: The Demon Moon.

Dalamar DeSang
Feb 5th, 2005, 11:48:24 PM
No Lil that was a compliment. I was saying your very thorough and don't leave out anything. Something that I am not good at.. I am never never trying to piss anyone off. So never think that is my attitude. It is never by inflection, by words, by rp my goal. I only want to rp...

So if you feel that I am trying to piss you off. Forget it. You are use to people being subtle. Or manuerving on the boards. I am straight out. Feelings on my shoulder. If I was mad at anyone on this board they would know it. I don't play games on or off the board. So if you feel that way I apologize.

Now that you know that I luv ya. Smile.....

Ohh and those where Valid questions. I don't know nothing about the Heirarchy of the K.A. Remember I asked these questions before... Thanks.. I wasn't being a smart ass about any unfinished threads because I didn't even know about the thread.

Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 6th, 2005, 02:33:45 AM
no that was me expressing my angst at Silus and Gav for leaving me holding the bag with yet another thread. If Charley was here he'd be geting a tounge lashing as well.

Sorry about that - it's just hard to tell when people are joking in text and I've been pretty on edge lately due to work and my neck being so sore and stiff I can hardly move.


Ruled by a king - King Giran, who was helped into power by LD, Silus, and Gav Mortis. We helped the Mandalorians who lived on this planet outside the City walls to take the City, and kill his bad sister who was poisoning his father, the former king. She was planning on being queen, but we took off her head.

Alas, her father the king died as well, leaving Giran the ruler. LD had beaten the leader (Mandalore) of the Mandalorians in combat, and so was the new Mandalore. The Mandalorians now supplement the homeguard and Beastriders of Iziz City (I didn't name it) and answer only to LD. She effectively controls the city, because who would want the Mandalorians to kill them all?

Giran "employs" her as his chief advisor, and she generally lets him do whatever he wants, because Onderon isn't highly populated, and plays no factor in any politics off world whatsoever. They're ignored by both the NR and the Empire(s). For now. So she lets him rule the way he wants, with some exceptions, and he lets her do what she likes as well. Which includes living in the Palace and arranging for apartments/houses for apprentices in the City. And garrisoning the Mandalorians.

Gav Mortis
Feb 6th, 2005, 12:07:45 PM
Originally posted by Lilaena De'Ville

The thread where we take over Onderon was never completed, thanks to Silus and Gav.

Sorry. Wrong. I'm not the most reliable person when it comes to replying to roleplays but I'll only take blame when blame is due. I was waiting for Silus to reply to me as our characters were in conversation. Despite what we talked about the other night, Gav is not a schizophrenic and doesn't talk to himself.

So if I'm going to be put in bad light at least do it for something of which I am deserving.

Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 6th, 2005, 02:14:05 PM
:p ok fine, I blame Silus then.

Sorry, I wish I could take it back. And no, I don't really blame Silus either, I think I just have some "Never completed RP" leftover frustration.

Gav Mortis
Feb 6th, 2005, 06:47:40 PM
My roleplays hardly ever get finished. It's everyone's fault, really. It's just the way things are generally on the forums. In fact, the only roleplay(s) I've ever finished are usually the ones with you in.

Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 6th, 2005, 07:28:53 PM
That's 'cause I'm mean.

And, an ass.

Han Fernua
Feb 6th, 2005, 10:03:21 PM
Thats because you cracks the wip out and gets everyone to post. I've hardly finished any threads as well. Makes me really mad sometimes because I want to finish it and I usually dont. In fact...I can't remember a RP thread( in the RP section) that I ever was in that finished.

And she is mean, so that might help.

Dalamar DeSang
Feb 7th, 2005, 09:01:56 AM
I always finish. If I have anything to say about it. lol...

Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 7th, 2005, 01:20:39 PM
Dalamar - if we take that totally out of context....

Then every man finishes.

Gav Mortis
Feb 7th, 2005, 05:26:52 PM
Jealous? :smokin

Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 7th, 2005, 06:05:40 PM
A little, yeah. :p

General Devious
Feb 7th, 2005, 11:14:17 PM
Gav I finish many posts with:smokin

Now they know why.... lol