View Full Version : Back in bar line Again (Open)
Rasha Vill
Dec 9th, 2004, 01:46:45 PM
Rasha's second time on the planet, and her second time at this bar. She liked this place, and since she missed her flight off planet she thought that a good way to relax after speeking to Jedi Dar and Senator Thareena at the senator's office earlier.
The B&G was filled to capacity, with people comming and going all the time, and Rasha Finaly got to the bar where she could order her drink.
"You finest Corellian Ale, please!" Rasha calls to the bartender over the noise.
The bartender replies "It may take a little while! I'm a little short staffed, with four people calling in sick, and with it being some sort of a party here today, I'm a little over worked"
"That alright I can wait!"
So Rasha Waits, with her back to the bar watching everybody doing their thing. The person sitting next to her passes out and falls to the floor, and shortly after that some people help the man out of the bar, and the seet next to her is filled with a new person quickly.
Je'gan Olra'en
Dec 9th, 2004, 01:54:17 PM
"Kefir," the young man ordered sharply as he sat. The harried bartender made a gesture near his ear.
"Kefir," Je'gan said again. "Think bubbly drinking yoghurt, and you're on track."
The bartender nodded tiredly and moved away at a brisk pace. Je'gan watched him go for a long moment before turning to face Vill.
"You frequent this establishment, Madame Mayor?"
Rasha Vill
Dec 9th, 2004, 02:11:33 PM
Rasha faces the new man that sat next to her. She reconises him as Sith Knight Olra'en from TSO. Though she know who he was she had never really met him.
"Greetings Sith Olra'en, It is a pleasure to finaly meet you face to face, though I must admit I would not have expected you in a Jedi Bar and Grill. I only come here when I'm on planet, which this would be my second time. So I would say that it would no be a place you could find me offten."
Je'gan Olra'en
Dec 9th, 2004, 04:10:34 PM
"We've met," Je'gan said, as both his drink and Vill's were deposited in front of them. His kefir, non-alcoholic but smelling of yeast nonetheless, slopped on the sides of the glass as he picked it up and drank deeply. His Force signature was masked - he enjoyed a certain amount of adventure, but only on his own schedule, and only on his own terms.
"Briefly, at least," he continued, "during the planning of the Drall expedition. I quite understand your not remembering me; my old Master, Southstar, must have quite monopolized your attention." He stifled a smirk at this: during the incident in question, a somewhat...irritated Southstar had attempted a flying tackle on Vill across a boardroom table.
Rasha Vill
Dec 9th, 2004, 04:23:58 PM
Rasha thinks for a moment then recalls that Je'gan was there. She picks up her drink and takes a sip.
"Oh yes, I forgot that you were there. If I recall you were rather quiet durring that meeting. As for my attention being monopolized, it was more the project at hand that was doing that, not your master. Your master is simply a difficulty that tends to get in the way of me running a planet. Southstar and Rivin are the worst at getting in the way."
Je'gan Olra'en
Dec 9th, 2004, 04:58:47 PM
"Southstar has been more than helpful to you. I should think you'd be grateful."
Rasha Vill
Dec 9th, 2004, 06:37:17 PM
"As he has been helpful, with his efforts in the talks with Drall, It was not for him killing the drall leader's daughter in the first place, We would not have had to take those extencive resorces and the kind of time we did in to getting Drall to talk with us again. Also he has been responable for a number of killings of governmental officals that were used as dummies for him training his students.
I admit he has done more than Rivin has in the way of helping out, but he still is a nusance to the opperation of that planet."
Je'gan Olra'en
Dec 9th, 2004, 07:37:37 PM
About to make a comment to the effect that anyone who took the reins of a planet chock-full of Darksiders was asking for such trouble, Je'gan shrugged and chose instead to take another gulp of his kefir.
"That's twice that that name's passed your lips in as many minutes..."
Rasha Vill
Dec 10th, 2004, 07:30:04 PM
"Is it a problem that I mentioned him twice? I was talking about Sith that were getting on my nerves. Wouldn't he be on the top of your list for that?"
Je'gan Olra'en
Dec 11th, 2004, 09:08:55 AM
He snorted amusedly.
"Yes, indeed. But then again...he hasn't caused you that many problems in the past, from what I recall. What's he done now? Enough to warrant a diplomatic visit, perhaps?"
Rasha Vill
Dec 14th, 2004, 05:21:49 PM
"Everything that he does to harm the people of Corellia causes me problems. Most of the things that he is doing, nobody sees, and thus I can't prove it is him. Plus, any thing that would touture a helpless child for no reason other than they find it fun, I don't want within spitting distance of Corellia let alone living on it. If Helping the New Republic get Rivin off my planet is what it takes, then so be it. Plus I though the sith wanted to be on better political terms with the NR?"
Je'gan Olra'en
Dec 14th, 2004, 05:44:53 PM
Je'gan stared at Rasha, wide-eyed. The forgotten glass thudded on the bar beside his left elbow.
"You seem to have a streak of independence, Madame Mayor. That's probably a bad thing." His voice went from casual to quietly urgent in an eyeblink. "What did you use to root him out? The Chandrila affair, perhaps?"
Rasha Vill
Dec 15th, 2004, 01:23:51 PM
Rasha nods and the mention of Chandrila
"One of the order's servants informed one of my staff about your conversation with Rivin regarding Chandrila. I simply imparted some of that knowledge to the Senator from Chandrila."
Rasha takes another sip of her drink
"As for the independance comment, I am and will always be deticated to the people of Corellia. I was given this job because I was a person the people could trust, and I was skilled enough to do the job. My task givin to me by Warlock was, As Mayor of Corellia, it is my job to do what I think would be best for the people, and make them want to stay on Corellia..."
Rasha's voice has been slowly getting louder and louder. By this time she has atracted a few people's attention, and the crouded room had gotten quieter.
"... Some People think that the Sith are controling me, Some People think I am nothing more than a puppet being pulled upon by the Sith Elders, But the truth is I'm still free! I will always be free! And I'm am not afrade of what you sith will do to me, Because I am not afrade of dieing for doing what is right for my people!
If you think that I am one of these people that will bow down and kiss the ground you walk on just cause you are SITH, then you are Wrong! I didn't get to where I was by kissing butts, and submitting to what other's think! I got there by fighting every core of the Corellian political System to be come the only female political leader on the planet I call home! I am Not and never Will Bow down to the Sith! They are people just like Me and all the other people that live of Corellia! You and Every Sith on that planet can't change that! So If you don't like the fact that I am willing to help the republic bring a man to justice that just happens to be causing trouble of Corellia, has ransacked a planet in Republic space, kidnaped jedi, and who knows what every where else, Then you can take me outside and Kill me! At least then I will die doing what is right!"
Most of the Bar was now quiet and looking at Rasha. She looks back at them and and gracefuly finishes her drink and walks to the door. and starts to colect her blaster and boot knife that she left there.
Je'gan Olra'en
Dec 15th, 2004, 04:14:55 PM
That will be quite enough.
Je'gan hadn't stirred from his languid seat by the bar, but he was still watching her with a predatory fire in his eyes. His telepathic voice stopped her cold - with that much Compulsion woven into it, it would have stopped anything short of another Knight. Not the best he could do, but Rasha Vill didn't require his best.
You've betrayed Rivin. Fine, more power to you. You betrayed the Order, for which I'm not going to say a word or raise a figurative or literal hand. That judgement rests with Lady Vader and company.
But I think you can guess the identity of one other person you've turned over to the Republic, Vill. Can't you?
He knew, though she might not have said it, that his identity had been revealed to her companions in conversation, and that left him boiling mad. A subtle shift in the web of Force Compulsion had long since prevented her from speaking or voluntarily moving a muscle. Je'gan, swallowing against the kefir's aftertaste, slid off his stool and approached her. He stopped a handful of metres short of the doorway and the frozen Mayor of Corellia.
Congratulations, Vill. You're nothing.
Rasha Vill
Dec 15th, 2004, 10:52:15 PM
Rasha could say nothing due to Je'gan's intervention with the force, but she could still think and she knew that Je'gan would hear it.
I did not betray the order, or you Je'gan, Yes I mentioned that you were there but I also said that you were there helping the innocent escape, and only attacking those that attacked you and your fellow member of TSO. You should have nothing to fear. I made it clear that Rivin was acting on his own accord, and that TSO does not approve.
Now unless you know all the inner working of every little part of my thought patern, and can take over all diplomatic responceablilties of opperating TSO's worlds, and keep up everything in your busy life, then I would recomend that you leave the diplomatic battle ground to me.
If you want to report me to Lady Vader and Warlock and the rest of the Elders, then be my guest. I do not fear you, I do not fear death, There is nothing you can do to change that. And unless you want a sea of Jedi on you I would think that you would want to let me go.
Rasha pauses, as she let her thoughts sink into Je'gan's head.
And Je'gan, you should tell me something I don't know. I have been nothing for a long time.But I am a slave to the people of Corellia, Not the Sith.
Senator Thareena
Dec 16th, 2004, 12:04:39 AM
One of the patrons turned a page on his book as he sipped a cup of caf. He glanced with casual curiosity at the scene happening, but as things quieted down he returned to reading.
Imbedded into the spine of the book, a holocam recorded everything.
When the Mayor had unexpectedly dropped in on Senator Thareena earlier that day, her aide had called in two security guards as a precaution, in case things got out of hand. As it appeared the Mayor was not going to be leaving the city-planet right away, the Senator had dispatched her operatives to trail the Mayor. Thareena was most interested in finding out where she went, and who she talked to.
The Chandrilan secret service agent turned another page in his book, and sipped his caf.
Je'gan Olra'en
Dec 16th, 2004, 09:29:28 AM
Not a bad bluff.
He frowned; something was whispering to him. His danger-sense was his greatest strength, and had once or twice managed to tip him off to Farseeing or remote observation. The sense he was getting was similar - not identical, but similar. He, specifically, was under observation other than people simply watching. That there were Jedi present wouldn't account for that peculiar sensation. A camera, maybe, being used with harmful intent? Yes, that might do it.
Not releasing anything of his fading control over Vill's motor systems, he stalked the rest of the way to the door and obtained his weaponry: lightsabers, rapier, dirk and holdout blaster. In the time it took to receive each weapon and buckle it onto his belt, he extended his sphere of influence, trying to narrow down the location of the subtle threat. It did not, however, work, or at least not to the effect of telling him who and what was watching him so closely. Frustrated, he stalked out the doors and into the street, passing the frozen Mayor on the way and releasing the last of his hold on her.
Vill was going to suffer for what she'd done, whatever her intentions. Unfortunately, that couldn't take place under direct observation. Je'gan's black eyes flicked from establishment to establishment, searching for cover enough to do something rather violent.
Natia Telcontar
Dec 16th, 2004, 10:27:16 AM
*Natia was sitting in the B&G near the door, cloaked so as to keep her identity a secret. She'd watched and listened to the entire encounter between Je'gan and Rasha, in more then just one way*
You've made some powerful enemies Mayor. You best tread your ground carefully.
*Natia says before taking a sip of Ale that was left unnoticed throughout the entire encounter*
Rasha Vill
Dec 16th, 2004, 02:00:46 PM
Rasha was greatful after Je'gan let her go, and looks towards the lady near the door as she finished getting her belongings from the door guard.
"The ballance of Enemies and Allies is all part of the political battle ground. That man just knows nothing about Diplomats, and how to move A political mess to the advantage of their people. Likely something you know nothing about ether."
Rasha goes to walk out the door at that point, and turns in the direction away from the way Je'gan went.
Je'gan Olra'en
Dec 16th, 2004, 03:19:04 PM
A twisted smirk manifested itself as Je'gan implanted a simple illusion in Rasha's mind: his own retreating back. Meanwhile, invisible, he walked unhurriedly after her, rubber-soled boots silent against the ground. 'Unhurried', of course, was all relative: he was moving somewhat faster than Vill, and by the time she reached the next intersection, lo and behold, there was Je'gan with arms folded and a very ominous look in his eyes.
"Your life's just one big stupid mistake, isn't it? There will be no advantage for the people out of your ill-advised actions. None, Vill. You've wasted yourself. Even your death will serve no purpose."
Natia Telcontar
Dec 17th, 2004, 11:52:21 AM
OOC: Je'gan, please wait for me to post. I've talked with Rasha and she wants the posting order to be Rasha, Je'gan, Natia. And if others want to pop in for what ever reason, if it's just one or two posts here and there, go for it. If you want in for the main part, well, first come first serve so if you're first to post after Natia, then you post after Natia and so on and so forth.
*Natia stood up from her seat after quickly downing her glass of ale and strides to the door where she picks up her lightsaber and clips it to her side. She wishes to have a few more words with Rasha Vill, Mayor of Corellia. As she steps out into the night, she uses the Force to pull the shadows around her, hiding her from everyones sight.
She walks along behind Rasha for awhile, preferring a more quiet spot to talk with her. When Je'gan shows himself to Rasha, she slows her pace and watches*
Rasha Vill
Dec 17th, 2004, 12:27:56 PM
Rasha stops and roles her eyes.
"Je'gan, why don't you just go and worry about your own problems and let me worry about mine. Your taunting meens nothing to me, just as you mean nothing to me. You don't know what I'm planning and you likely would not be able to understand half the things going through my mind even if you were to search my mind. So unless you are going to do anything, Just go and take your snide remarks with you. Why don't you go and tell Lady Vader or Warlock what I've done, at least when I talk to them they have the guts to admit they could be wrong and the brain capacity to listen to reason."
Je'gan Olra'en
Dec 17th, 2004, 12:43:28 PM
The sight-masking didn't fool him: there was a danger-nexus behind Rasha, corresponding to a Forcewielder of insufficient power to challenge him. He didn't even bother looking for Natia, merely kept his eyes on Rasha.
"You have no idea what you're saying, fool. You had your own problems. Then you betrayed me to the Republic, and you became my problem. At what point did that not penetrate your skull?
"Ah well." The danger-nexus was still moving, albeit slowly. One of his own Apprentices - just promoted to Knight, actually - was capable of wrapping shadows around himself. This felt quite similar, in a Light Side sort of way.
"Perhaps all you need is the ability to see something beyond abstract factors. Your imminent demise, for example. I'm sure you don't understand the finality of death yet. In fact, I don't believe you've ever been in combat. Have you." A wicked idea was taking form in his mind - a highly amusing idea. He just hoped the 'hidden' Jedi would cooperate.
Senator Thareena
Dec 17th, 2004, 03:03:25 PM
The agent in the bar and grill had remained where he was when the Mayor left, still sipping his caf and turning the pages in his book. Outside the bar and grill, another agent picked up the Mayor, not recording, but simply keeping an eye on her.
As she progressed through the city, she was kept in view by the Chandrilans.
Natia Telcontar
Dec 19th, 2004, 10:40:22 AM
*Natia frowns slightly as she listens to Je'gan as she positions herself slightly between, but off to the side of Je'gan and Rasha. If Je'gan tries to harm Rasha, she will try to stop him*
Rasha Vill
Dec 19th, 2004, 02:11:06 PM
"I Don't know what the heck is going on in that thick head of yours Je'gan! I did not betray you! Unless you call saying your name, and telling them that you were saving children that Rivin was leaving for dead as betraying! I was making you look like the hero! YOU would be doing yourself a favor if you just SHUT UP AND GO AWAY."
Rasha trys to direct her thoughs towards Je'gan, knowing that he is almost always looking to pick up loose thoughts.
Rasha didn't really know that they were being watched at all, but they were out side a Jedi Bar, and likely with her rant inside there would be at least one Jedi watching them, as for the agents, she had just had a feeling that she has been watched since the office. She was good at watching her back, and she trusts her gut instincts.
James Prent
Dec 19th, 2004, 03:13:04 PM
ooc: um, you wouldn't be able to tell about the agents, Rasha, sorry. They're not bumbling idiots who let the person they're following know they're there. I call godmoding to your warning. Up to the moderators here, though /ic:
Rasha Vill
Dec 20th, 2004, 08:40:43 PM
OOC:My logic is that is you have a diplmat is living and working with sith all the time, they would be skilled with watching their back, and would likely be catching on to the people following if she had been followed all day.
Though just for the sake of not causing a fuss I'll Edit it so that she is guessing that she is being followed.
Je'gan Olra'en
Dec 20th, 2004, 09:12:48 PM
That they might be under observation, by someone other than the Jedi who apparently believed herself unnoticed, surprised him. Then again, it shouldn't have; in that regard, at least, Rasha Vill's logic tracked clean. And perhaps she didn't know the full extent of Je'gan's actions on Chandrila - but the Jedi did, and the Republic.
While she'd betrayed him, in other words, it was possible that she hadn't meant to. He sorely wished he could spare the concentration it would take to delve back into her memory and verify that one more time, but with a Jedi this close he wasn't sure that was a good idea.
He still wanted vengeance, but to some extent his better judgement was kicking in. That sense that he'd tentatively identified as a covert camera was no longer present, meaning that his idea wouldn't work out as well as he'd hoped.
"Perhaps you didn't betray me on purpose," he said evenly, ignoring the too-close presence of the Jedi - and that amusing line about being portrayed as a hero - and keeping more than half his attention on his danger-sense. "I'll accept that, and leave the more far-reaching charges to the discretion of the Elders, at which point I, personally, will expect you to disgorge the contents of your mind once more. What I don't want to hear again is your idea of an insult, Miss Vill. You're obviously out of sorts, which is the one and only reason for your continued presence among the sane."
Je'gan's head turned, slowly, to face Natia. He smiled fleetingly and kept his hands in plain sight - although perhaps not for the reason a watcher might suspect.
"Certainly not because you're there."
Natia Telcontar
Jan 4th, 2005, 10:55:57 AM
*Natia remains cloaked in her shadows, not worried that Je'gan know's that she's there, but she keeps a close eye on him as she stands to move slightly, making it a bit harder to detect her exact location*
Rasha Vill
Jan 4th, 2005, 11:35:56 AM
Rasha Roles her eyes.
"What ever you say, oh mighty and powerful Sith." She says in a sarcastic tone.
"If you had not forgoten, I answer to the elders, not you, and I will answer to them when I get back to Corellia, and intill then I will continue to do my job here. Also when I get back I will be reporting YOUR conduct to the elders as well."
Je'gan Olra'en
Jan 4th, 2005, 02:08:57 PM
The Sith Knight's gaze tracked Natia as she moved and as he continued to speak to Rasha.
"And what conduct would that be?"
Natia Telcontar
Jan 5th, 2005, 10:05:12 AM
*Natia keeps moving silently, wrapped in the shadows, listening to Je'gan and Rasha*
Rasha Vill
Jan 5th, 2005, 12:12:14 PM
Rasha Smiles.
"If you can not see how you have steped out of line then, I will not be the one to inform you. I will take this up with Lady Vader and Warlock when I get back to Corellia, but now I have work to do here, And if you don't like how I do my work then take it up with the elders and let them deal with me."
Je'gan Olra'en
Jan 5th, 2005, 12:43:47 PM
"Bad choice. They won't be nearly so merciful to you as I would have been."
Turning on his heel, Je'gan walked away.
Natia Telcontar
Jan 5th, 2005, 12:49:42 PM
*Natia drops the shadows which are hiding her, when she's right behind Rasha after Je'gan walked away*
I take he has something against you.
Rasha Vill
Jan 5th, 2005, 12:56:12 PM
Rasha sighs, and waits till Je'gan is out of sight.
"I would not be suprised if he had something against everybody that doesn't see things his way. He is blind with loyalty to the sith, and does not understand that everybody that lives on corellia is not as loyal as him, or not loyal at all."
Natia Telcontar
Jan 5th, 2005, 12:58:53 PM
*Natia walks around to Rasha's side as Rasha is speaking*
If you don't mind me asking Mayor, why do you put up with the Sith??
Rasha Vill
Jan 5th, 2005, 01:35:34 PM
Rasha smiles and laughs.
"When you live on Corellia, Home of TSO, you have no choice but to 'put up with them'. When you run a planet that Sith own, you have even less of a choice. I may run the planet but they still have a controlling interest in the planet's assets. I get to make the plans of what to do but they hold the money that funds it. If the sith were to leave tommorow and take all they have with them Corellia would be broke. My job is to make the people of Corellia want to stay on Corellia. Because the sith frighten many of the people that live there I have to do what I can to give them other reasons to stay.
But in the long run, the sith still hold most of the money, But are now unable to change laws without my say. They are kept in line by me, and they keep me in line. small spats like what you saw are rather common. The trick is to stand behind what you beleave in and do not back down, even if it costs you your life. When you work with Sith, you need to not fear death, or you will be dead."
Natia Telcontar
Jan 5th, 2005, 08:58:59 PM
If you work with Sith, or against them, you can not fear death. If you do, you'll be dead.
*Natia starts to walk slowly*
Please, walk with me Mayor Vill. I'm not powerful enough to deal with most Sith, but I can make sure that you aren't troubled by the locals.
Rasha Vill
Jan 5th, 2005, 11:22:55 PM
Rasha goes to walk with Natia.
"I'm asuming that you are one of the Jedi Here. Why do you want to talk with me?"
Natia Telcontar
Jan 6th, 2005, 11:20:19 AM
I'm a Jedi Padawan of the GJO, so your assumption is correct. As for why I want to talk with you, well, it's not everyday I get to talk to a politician. And besides, I don't think it would hurt to have a Jedi walk around with you in case the Sith decides he wishes to try to do something to you despite his saying he'll leave it up to his Elders.
And I'm also wondering how an obviously intellegient women as yourself got caught up in the political mess of being a politition. You don't have to answer if you don't want to.
Rasha Vill
Jan 6th, 2005, 12:22:04 PM
"My Father was the leader of Coronet when the Sith first hit Corellia. He was a great man, and the only political leader they let live. He taught me everything I needed to know about running a city, and I got a job as his assistant when I was 13 years old.
After he died the person that took his place started to ruin everything my father had worked for. So I killed him, forcing a new election and I ran for the position.
Things were looking bad for me, because Corellia's Political leaders were all ment to be men, so it really didn't give me much of a chance. But for some unknown reason Lady Vader went to talk to all the people running agienst me, and they all ether backed out of the running, or vanished, thus causing me to win by the fact I was the only person still running for the job.
When it came to the sith steping down from leadership the sith came to talk to me about how the sith needed to change inorder to win back the people of Corellia. I told them that they needed a person with a strong will, not afraid of the sith, and knows the people and their needs. By the end of the talk I was nomonated for the job. Though I think the election was also riged since all the other people running ageinst me were sith, and promising to make live of people a living hell if they are elected.
Does that answer your question?"
Natia Telcontar
Jan 7th, 2005, 01:03:56 PM
Yes, that answers my question. It's very interesting actually.
*Natia says as she continues walking, a thoughtful look on her face*
Are you enjoying being a Mayor??
Rasha Vill
Jan 13th, 2005, 10:16:00 AM
"I Enjoy being able to make the lives of the people on Corellia better than what they had before."
Natia Telcontar
Jan 18th, 2005, 11:04:39 AM
That's always good.
*Natia says as she looks up upon hearing Poledra coming. She raises her hand and Poledra lands on her arm, hooting happily*
Rasha Vill
Jan 20th, 2005, 01:15:17 PM
Rasha watches Poledra land on Natia.
"That's a pritty owl. I didn't think there were any non humanoid animals on this planet."
Natia Telcontar
Jan 20th, 2005, 02:31:18 PM
There's a whole variety of creatures on this planet. Poledra travels with me as my companion. There's granite slugs and corridor ghouls in the lower levels which you need to be careful of if you go down there.
Depending on where you go, depends on what animals are there. Poledra is not native to Coruscant. She came here with me.
Rasha Vill
Jan 21st, 2005, 12:10:11 PM
"Well ether way, weather she was brought here or is native, that doesn't change the fact that She is very beautiful."
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