View Full Version : Change of Pace, Change of Place (Council, Aaron Belargic)
James Prent
Dec 9th, 2004, 02:19:52 AM
James fidgited outside the Council chambers, waiting until she was given the signal to indicate she could proceed inside. She'd made an appointment to speak to the Council about... certain matters that she'd recently been made aware of. She glanced sideways at Aaron, who was leaning against the wall of the passageway. Not quite lounging, because his eyes were watching her like a hawk. As though he were afraid she might disappear, or turn into a wampa.
The knight swallowed hard, and forced a tiny smile in his direction. Once he'd heard her news, he'd insisted on coming to see the Council with her, as moral support. She wasn't sure how he'd help, but decided that it wouldn't hurt. After all, he already knew the worst and hadn't turned away. Aaron noticed her look, and came up off the wall, attentive.
"The Council will see you now." The Jedi outside the doors with them gestured them both towards the chambers. He'd already scanned them, and they were cleared for entrance, so the only thing that remained was... walking through those huge double doors. James squared her shoulders against the questions she knew would come, and almost stalked across the threshold, Aaron on her heels like a guardian angel.
The Council members turned almost as one to watch the pair walk into the room, and James' step faltered. Regaining her hold on confidence by spotting Master D'an's face, ( don't look sympathetic frell you, I don't want to cry again! ) James made it the rest of the way to the center of the room, and waited for a Council member to speak first.
Jubei SaDherat Vader
Dec 11th, 2004, 12:10:43 PM
The first to speak, Jubei acknowledged the pair with a nod.
“Knight Prent, Padawan Belargic… how may we be of assistance?”
James Prent
Dec 11th, 2004, 06:43:23 PM
James met Knight SaDherat Vader's eyes, and swallowed. "I - I have a petition to make..."
Navaria Tarkin
Dec 11th, 2004, 07:05:28 PM
Navaria wasn't sure if James had stopped out of respect to the Council for her to proceed, or if she was apprehensive in doing so. She went to coax her further, hoping it was the former. "Please then, proceed with your petition."
Wei Wu Wei
Dec 15th, 2004, 12:17:36 AM
Wei looked up bleary-eyed from a datapad full of important information from the topics discussed so far. Reading was good, but the material was all frightfully dull and so full of complicated language. It was good to listen to something expressed in ordinary words colored by human emotion.
The Knight leaned forward in his seat and waited with eager patience to hear what James had to say.
James Prent
Dec 16th, 2004, 12:29:22 PM
James swallowed hard, and plowed forward. "Certain things have come t' my attention recently, and as a result, I'd like t' spend some time on Yavin IV t' clear my head. I - I need some time t' spend in meditation before I feel that I would be fit to take my first padawan learner.
"If I would ever be fit to do so." James' hands were folded together, icy fingers clutching each other under her long sleeves.
Rognan Dar
Dec 16th, 2004, 09:40:30 PM
Rognan sat quietly in his chair. This was a new spot for him. To be in a place and position to decide and do things. Though, this power was not what it use to be in the old days, and even then it was not much considered power as it was a position of wisdom and understanding, neither of these he thought he had.
His mind was drawn back to the James as she continued her petition. He saw nothing wrong with what she was asking. There was times when you needed to have a break, and right now it looked like she could use it. But being the newcomer to the council he waited for the others to decide before he burst out with his best wishes.
Aaron Belargic
Dec 18th, 2004, 06:14:59 AM
“If the Council is willing, I would like to accompany Knight Prent,” Aaron added, before the Council could speak. Looking into the faces, he found that the structure of the Order’s leadership had changed a fair amount since he had last been on Coruscant and was surprised to see that his brother and Kelt Simoson were no longer among those looking back at him.
Navaria Tarkin
Dec 19th, 2004, 04:35:28 PM
Her eyes drifted to Dasquain's twin brother. She had not seen the Padawan in quite some time and it was curious as to why he suddenly had taken an interest in James.
"I would ask your reasoning behind your request, Padawan. Not many go to Yavin without good reason." The Knight was convinced that something kept James from explaining the completely truth to the Council. She had a feeling that Aaron did...
Wei Wu Wei
Dec 21st, 2004, 11:56:48 PM
Wei was halfway to giving his permission when Navaria's question stopped him cold. Rest and relaxation on James' part was a good idea. The poor woman had been through a great deal of mental and emotional stress from all the business with Jax.
However, his former master's question had Wei curious about Aaron too. He kept his mouth shut, and watched Aaron intently for his answer.
Aaron Belargic
Dec 22nd, 2004, 04:51:41 AM
The Padawan’s interest in James was by no means sudden, but Aaron had come prepared for such questions and answered them sincerely. “I believe it would be beneficial,” Aaron began, “for both James and myself, for me to be there. While I believe that James would appreciate the support of her friends in this time, I also think that my traveling to Yavin would be helpful in my personal studies. In my own, self-taught training I have been conditioning myself to path-find and track through the Force... a purpose to which I see Yavin as being better suited than Coruscant.”
Rognan Dar
Dec 22nd, 2004, 12:14:38 PM
Rognan looked from Aaron to the other council members. He could see that they agreed with Aaron's reasoning. And so did he. But it looked as if there might have been a little something more to it all. A more personal relationship between him and James. But that was not his business. And once again he waited for the others to proceed.
Wei Wu Wei
Dec 24th, 2004, 01:34:54 PM
"Uh-huh," he said, allowing his voice to trail off on the last syllable.
"Well, you kids behave. I'd hate to have to send a chaperone." He winked, and smiled widely to let Aaron know he was joking.
Navaria Tarkin
Jan 1st, 2005, 12:25:16 PM
"James?" She addressed her fellow Knight by her first name, "Do you wish for Padawan Belargic to join you on Yavin?"
James Prent
Jan 22nd, 2005, 07:54:03 PM
She nodded, "Y- yes. I haven't traveled a lot, and never by myself... I could use a friendly face." James avoided looking at Master D'an, focusing in on the other council members who didn't know.
She had to tell them, she just couldn't figure out how.
Jubei SaDherat Vader
Jan 26th, 2005, 12:46:52 PM
Nodding slightly, Jubei sat upright. His eyes narrowed somewhat.
“...Something troubles you, Knight Prent?”
James Prent
Jan 31st, 2005, 01:34:15 PM
James was looking down, at her feet, but she lifted her eyes to Knight SaDherat Vader's face, and slowly nodded. "Yes. I... I've been struggling with fear, and anger. I need this time away from the chaos of Coruscant so I can center myself again. Padawan Belargic has offered to accompany me, so that I will have support. I... I'm afraid I might lose myself if I am not careful."
She took a deep breath, and blurted it out. "The darksider De'Ville is ... is my sister."
Wei Wu Wei
Jan 31st, 2005, 02:13:47 PM
Wei stifled a whistle. "So I take it you two are somehow linked through the Force? And you fear that she might try to somehow influence you to the Darkside?"
James Prent
Jan 31st, 2005, 03:13:52 PM
Knight Wei confused her, and she frowned. "Actually, that never crossed my mind... Could she do that?" James' face whitened a bit, and she put out a hand to steady herself. Aaron caught her hand, and subtly held her upright as she tried to collect herself.
Wei Wu Wei
Jan 31st, 2005, 10:13:37 PM
Wei shrugged and looked over at Navaria. Wei knew vaguely of Dalethria, Navaria's "twin" as it were. It was also not uncommon for people of very close relationship--biological or otherwise--to share a connection between one another.
"I'm not an expert on these things, but I have heard of people holding such connections."
Rognan Dar
Jan 31st, 2005, 11:07:22 PM
"Such a connection could effect in this way. It all depends on how strong that connection would be and how hard she might be trying to use such a thing. Connections through the Force are a strange thing, and I dont think anyone knows how deep they go or all that can happen with and through them."
Rognan, also being a twin, had a connection with his sister. Their connection was small and weak. As time went by, and the more they were around eachother, the stronger it became. He could feel his sisters emotions sometimes, even when he is not close to her. So to say that someone might be able to use such a connection to turn someone to one side or the other may not be as far fetched as some would think.
Aaron Belargic
Feb 2nd, 2005, 06:48:18 AM
Much like Rognan, Aaron experienced something of a shared consciousness with his brother when the two were in close quarters. Even at a great distance, the Belargic brothers had a knack of knowing instinctively if their counterpart was in trouble. Yet for all Dasquians strength as an empathy, his own emotions had never directly affected Aaron’s. Then again, the Padawan doubted that his brother would have ever tried to accomplish such a feat. James’ sister, on the other hand, could not be accounted for and thus it seemed even more important that the newly risen Jedi Knight have some kind of emotional support.
“The link has not been exploited to this day, has it?” Aaron questioned quietly, trying to see some positive light to the situation, perhaps somewhat naively. “And surely the stronger James grows, the harder it will become for De’Ville to affect her – if she can affect her at all.”
James Prent
Feb 2nd, 2005, 12:34:04 PM
James turned wide eyes to Aaron, and shook her head. "N-no, I've not felt ...her... at all. But... we're not twins. She's much older than I am."
Navaria Tarkin
Feb 5th, 2005, 11:59:59 AM
As someone being an expert on such matters like Aaron, Navaria spoke up calmly, "As James has said, they are not twins and I highly doubt such a link even exists to be exploited. Not all siblings that are Force sensitive develop close attachments to forge such bonds."
She nodded to Aaron, "But in some cases, the links are already established as with twins and even clones in my case."
Wei Wu Wei
Feb 5th, 2005, 01:06:32 PM
Wei nodded. "Ok. Then there's no need to worry about that. I cannot imagine what sort of shock that kind of news has carried for you, James. But I do understand a need to take time out to sort your feelings. It is understandable that you want to face this challenge alone. But as you face it, do not forget your friends and fellow Jedi."
James Prent
Feb 5th, 2005, 01:53:58 PM
She nodded slowly, "Yes... I mean, no, I won't forget." James paused, and then added, "Does that mean we have permission to be on the next scheduled supply transport to Yavin IV?"
Rognan Dar
Feb 6th, 2005, 12:16:03 AM
"That it does, James. I wish the best of luck to whatever you are hoping to achieve. You should be safe there, and with the other Jedi there you will not be alone. Whenever you are ready you are more then welcome to come back."
Wei Wu Wei
Feb 6th, 2005, 02:58:04 PM
"Go take your break. You need it. We'll be waiting to see you return safe and of sound mind."
James Prent
Feb 6th, 2005, 03:55:32 PM
She bowed respectfully. "Thank you very much." James looked at Aaron as he also bowed, and then they both made their way back out into the hallway.
She was happy that she would get her chance to sort everything out in her mind - but also a bit wary of what <a href=>Yavin IV</a> might hold in store for them.
Rognan Dar
Feb 6th, 2005, 09:43:23 PM
Rognan watched James go and waited a moment before finishing his thoughts with the other members of the council.
"I did not want to say this before James, because she seemed to have enough on her plate, but I can't help but thinking that there might be a little more to this bond then we are letting on. Sure, they are not twins and, therefore, dont have a direct link to one another but that does not mean that there is none at all.
Even within familes there can be a strong bond. It might be possible, however small this bond is, that she could be found through it; have a kind of tracer on her. If they both know that they are related, James' sister might try and do something with her. So, would it be safe to say that we should not worry about this, and to let her go to be alone, where very little will be able to help her?"
Jubei SaDherat Vader
Feb 9th, 2005, 08:33:26 AM
“You forget that Masters Evanar and Mystt make their home on Yavin. Knight Prent and Padawan Belargic will not be without help.”
Rognan Dar
Feb 10th, 2005, 12:04:34 AM
"Even so, we do not know what forces this sister of hers has. I dont want to say that something will happen, but sith usually dont let things like this pass them by. My words are only those of consurn."
Wei Wu Wei
Feb 10th, 2005, 08:58:07 AM
Wei leaned back in his chair and stretched his legs out, crossing them at the ankles.
"I understand, Rognan," Wei said, putting his hands over his head and stretching and bending backwards over his chair. "But..." Wei pulled himself back to sitting position and sat up straighter in the chair. "I'm afraid there is little we can do for now. I have learned from experience that trying to press these issues can cause more harm than hurt. For now she has only to deal with her feelings. It would be unwise to make her or anyone else deal with a threat that is not yet there."
Rognan Dar
Feb 10th, 2005, 09:31:47 PM
"But to say there is no threat, and then it happens, what then? We will then be unprepared to do anything about it. But I understand what you say, and I will take your wisdom in the matter."
Jubei SaDherat Vader
Feb 12th, 2005, 05:48:43 AM
“Knight Wei speaks true. James is not the only Jedi to be possessed of family who have fallen from the light. We cannot coddle and cosset them all. Least of all James, when we have just invested so much faith in her through bestowing her with the rank of Knight.”
Navaria Tarkin
Feb 12th, 2005, 11:40:30 AM
"As I have stated already, the chances are slim for they are not twins, nor are they close. The possibility that it could occur should be kept in the back of our minds, but our main concern is helping to do all we can for Prent to deal with the knowledge that De'Ville is her sister. And we have.
We gave our blessing to Knight Prent to leave for Yavin for she thinks it is the proper place for her to mediate upon what has happened. Evanar and Myst shall keep us awares of how she is doing."
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