View Full Version : New Senate RP coming soon
James Prent
Dec 8th, 2004, 06:39:12 PM
I just wanted to give whoever is the Jedi Liason to the senate a heads up, as we will certainly need them to be in attendance.
I can't remember whether it was Morgan or Figrin. ^_^;
Also, the military liason should be there as well. I believe this is Lion?
Figrin D'an
Dec 8th, 2004, 08:03:04 PM
Originally posted by James Prent
I can't remember whether it was Morgan or Figrin. ^_^;
Either or. We've both set up our characters with ties to the Senate, so whomever will work best.
Rognan Dar
Dec 8th, 2004, 11:53:10 PM
Senate thread? I think I know what its for. And I can't wait to see what comes of it. :D
James Prent
Dec 9th, 2004, 02:09:53 AM
You might be called upon as well JEDI DAR, so keep your commlink on. ;)
Rognan Dar
Dec 10th, 2004, 08:12:20 PM
Of course. I'm not going anywhere...yet. Though, I'm not sure I want to be there. Though I might just in case I'm needed and also to watch the show.
Lion El' Jonson
Dec 26th, 2004, 12:02:06 AM, if I knew what this thread was for, I'd definitely be there. ^_^;
Can somebody give me a heads-up?
James Prent
Dec 26th, 2004, 02:29:42 AM
it has to do with a motion to investigate/invade the Corellian system.
James Prent
Jan 18th, 2005, 03:32:56 PM
Figrin - feel free to post something in the thread that has been started (Senate: The Corellian Problem). Something along the lines of leading up to the meeting of the Senate, laying the groundwork for both motions being brought (rumors, stuff like that).
If you have any questions lemme know on AIM or PM. :) Lion, if you want, you can post as well. It'll be opened up as soon as we call the meeting to order, but you two can post now if you want.
Kieran Devaneaux
Jan 18th, 2005, 05:48:04 PM
What of me? I am one of Lion's commanders. Surely I may be needed if we invade Corellia.... :D No, just kidding, I've got enough on my plate as it is. :D
Rognan Dar
Jan 18th, 2005, 10:32:01 PM
I was thinking, how long after the senate thread would it take for the NR to get all ready and go out for the fight? And wouldn't it be a bad idea to put a time on it? Because if the Sith somehow find out about it then they will be watching for them and maybe even have some traps for them. Like the Imps. But I was just wondering on how long it might take to finalize the attack and such.
Kieran Devaneaux
Jan 19th, 2005, 10:04:40 AM
We're not sure, Rog. It would depend on whoever the hell's running the show, Reshmar or Lion (Reshmar has recently returned, so he might be the boss)....
James Prent
Jan 19th, 2005, 03:10:57 PM
In RL time, who knows. Probably not very long, as they've already got troops mobilized for the Bestine battle, and they'd just need to divert a few ships for this one.
Rognan Dar
Jan 19th, 2005, 11:24:49 PM
Understandable. But just a few? This is the sith after all. And I'm sure, if it was just the sith and the Imps didn't help out, then they would have other on planet help.
Ok, here is another question as far as the attack would go: Would it just be a bombard ment of their 'base/order'? Or would there be a little ground assult to make sure they got them all?
Lion El' Jonson
Jan 20th, 2005, 06:05:05 AM
Let me put this into perspective. The New Republic, RP-wise, maintains a fleet of over 25,000 Mon Calamari-class vessels (collectively, the MC-80, MC-80b, MC-90, ISD, ISDII, Mediator, Endurance, Republic, and Viscount-class ships). There is an even larger number of support vessels beneath this: literally hundreds of thousands of frigates, light cruisers, picket vessels, interdictors, light carriers, corvettes,etc.
The problem is, the New Republic spans well over 250,000 worlds. This means that at any given time, we have perhaps one vessel available for each planet; not a very effective way to defend our member systems. What we've done is organized the Sector Fleets. Each sector (collectively, a group of between 25-350 systems, with exceptions) has one (or a small group) of planets that have agreed to accept New Republic Naval Facilities. These become the Fleet's sector bases. In some cases, these bases are above uninhabitable systems; for example, Sector Fleet Pacificus is based in orbit of the uninhabitable giant moon of Tanith Magna. Most fleets are station ed around major worlds; for instance, Sluis Van, Nar Shaada, Pembric IV, etc.
High importance worlds (Coruscant, Mon Calamari, Kuat, Fondor, Bilbringi, and several others) are allotted additional protection. These worlds have fleets that can be several times larger than a traditional sector fleet (Kuat alone maintains 60 Capital Ship-class vessels at any time), and these worlds also have the priviledge of being able to produce their own vessels; Mon Calamari's large Mon Cal Cruisers often drift out of their shipyards and into the Mon Calamari Defense Fleet.
Our most important world, Coruscant, is protected by the "Gateway Worlds"; that is, those worlds that lie along the trade lanes to Coruscant. No major fleet can pass into Coruscant's Local Space without bypassing at least one of these worlds. These planets are heavily fortified, maintain large fleets, have sophisticated hyperspace scanning and interdiction equipment, and serve as the barriers of entry to Coruscant. Although a small fleet can bypass these worlds, anything of sufficient size is prevented from entering Coruscant space simultaneously by the presence of several natural and artificial mass shadows. In this case, they must either deactivate the artificial mass shadows or go via one of the Gateway Worlds.
Then there are the New Republic Fleets, Battlegroups, and Taskforces, which are not tied to the defense of any one world. There are a number of fleets in the New Republic, and each of them represents a massive number of ships, personnel, and military facilities. The Fleets usually stick together, but some parts are broken off to form battlegroups and taskforces under the fleet. There are hundreds of Battlegroups in the New Republic, each the size of a sector fleet or larger. Lord Admiral El' Jonson, for example, commands the entire 2nd Fleet, but he delegates the day-to-day operations of 2nd Fleet to lower officers while he commands Taskforce Implacable. Admiral Reshmar commands Taskforce Orishma.
As you can see, the New Republic has an intricate defense system in place. The problem is, everything only works if it sticks to its assigned role. Mobilizing a small fleet to retake Bestine required countless man-hours transferring fleet assets, prodding beaurocrats, and the like. Mobilizing a force large enough to bombard Corellia (invading it is a different story altogether) would likely take at least a week, or maybe longer. General Garm Bel Iblis, for example, needed more than a week to mobilize a fleet large enough to hit Yaga Minor; Corellia's fortifications rival or exceed those of Yaga Minor (which was, at the time, the Imperial's most heavily defended system, as it was an Ubiqtorate Base).
So, can we invade Corellia? Yes. It might take a while, however. That's why the Senate RPs are so important to the New Republic's storyline. ^_^;
James Prent
Jan 20th, 2005, 02:25:47 PM
Well, we're not planning on 'bombarding' Corellia at this point. It'll be up to what happens in the Senate thread, which is, at this point, going to be opened up today.
Kieran Devaneaux
Jan 20th, 2005, 06:31:34 PM
Originally posted by Rognan Dar
Understandable. But just a few? This is the sith after all. And I'm sure, if it was just the sith and the Imps didn't help out, then they would have other on planet help.
Oh, I'd wager that the Imps would pitch in, provided they have anything TO pitch in.
And bombarding Corellia at this point would be foolish - the system's almost as impregnable as, say, Coruscant.....
James Prent
Jan 21st, 2005, 01:38:44 AM
Yeah of course, technically the NR doesn't know what defenses they have at this point.
edit: the thread is open now to all Senate members and Lion and Figrin.
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