View Full Version : Dash to the Wire (Complete)
Telan Desaria
Dec 1st, 2004, 11:14:41 PM
Just Outside the Imperial Border - - Near Hilari
After the Initial Battle of Bestine...
" Time?" demanded Captain Mikell Waroen, steward and master of the Illustrious-class Fast Attack Cruiser Vigilance.
" X-plus five minutes," came the executive officer's reply.
Captain Waroen was pleased - all things were proceeding as planned. He was glad indeed that they were, his pre-deployment briefing still fresh in his mind. Rear Admiral Toxim had been most thorough in given as detailed information as he could to the assembled officers, displaying particular attention to each and ever assignment. Despite the varying natures of those orders there was one underlying message every officer present understood - the need for speed.
He stood from his captain's chair and looked out the port viewports arrayed neatly from floor to ceiling. Another three like-modeled cruisers sat off the haunches of the Vigilance. Three small frigates were scattered around the bunch, every vessel pointed at the small mass of Farliqon Prime.
" Sir, we are receiving a transmission from the planet."
Waroen was snapped from his enjoyment of Imperial perfection and back into his command role. " Put it through."
The Captain moved quickly to the communication officer's station, the bridge of an ILAC without the typical crew pit of famed design. A humanoid face filled the screen with what appeared to be a rather plus office behind. Several other humanoids could be seen milling in the back, doing their best not to mutter amongst themselves.
" This is Prelate Domis Kann, Senior Adminstrator of this facility. You are in violation of space owned by the Kojan Corporation. Remove yourselves at once."
The Imperial let his upper lip curl into a sneer, though it doubtless appeared as an arrogant smile on the other end of the holo-transceiver. Placing his hands at the small of his back in all-too-common Imperial fashion, Captain Waroen straightened himself. " I am the commanding officer of the 12th Attack Squadron. Under Mandate from Imperial High Command, this system is annexed and its assets seized for reasons of strategic security. Anyone wishing to depart may do so once arrangements have been made with the Political Kommissariat and they are cleared by Intelligence. Do you understand?"
The alien administrator blustered. " You cannt just barge in here and expect..."
Waroen silenced him quickly, fearing a slip to his timetable. " we expect nothing. You will comply or you will be destroyed. Being Imperial citizens is good thing - you should be thankful not to have to deal with the Republic's chaotic democracy anymore. Now, will you comply and stand down?"
" Never!"
" Very well." The Captain signaled the tactical officer who nodded understanding. Seconds later, a rather fierce barrage pulsed from the barrels of the turbolasers on each of the ILACs. An unihabited region of the barren-planet's surface was raised to the ground, rocks smashing apart and many turning molten for the fury and intensity of the resulting blasts. Barely a minute passed before a hundred kilometer square had been systematically levelled.
Waroen saw from the corner of his eye the alien administrator issued orders to his fellows, a resigned look on his face as a report came in. His tactical officer then bellowed the joyous news that the small defensive shield over the main colonly had been dropped.
" Excellent. Deploy the garrison battalion and order the frigate Amoura to remain on-station until relived by follow-up units."
The Captain glanced at his wrist chrono. X-plus fifteen. We're ahead...
Telan Desaria
Dec 3rd, 2004, 12:00:03 PM
Simultaneous with the Occupation of Farliqon Prime
Calithat bristled with weapons of war. Cruisers long and slender drifted lazily above an orb laced with white and blue. Groups of winged fighters shot to and fro, a group of them making a distinct attack run in the direction of the world's primary moon. Targets had been erected in their path, and in no time at all a squadron of E-wings was fanning out to engage their targets.
The entire system looked peaceful and serene, totally oblivious to what awaited it.
Commander Hax Grundum let a smile cross his face as he watched Calithat slumber unaware. Taking one last look, he nodded to the control officer who detonated the Viper Probot relaying said images to the bridge of an Imperial warship.
" All units report ready, Captain."
Grundum took a great deal of pride in hearing his title bellowed by the communications officer, being only a commander but also master of a Seydlitz-class Cruiser was no mean feat. Only a dozen of the ships had been completed by the Corellian yards and the assignments to lead them went to senior officers - and the best officers. He was truly honoured to be among the elite of the Imperial Navy.
" Raise shields immediately after microjump. All weapons - concentrate on the cruisers. Deploy Defender Squaronds 2 and 3 - - have them engage the enemy fighters. After the destruction of the cruisers, all craft may fire at will. We have ten minutes to dispatch this garrison - let's make sure we do it right. The jamming field will remain in effect so they cannot get out a distress call so all ships are on your own. Helm - jump!"
Redic Scott
Dec 4th, 2004, 11:28:14 PM
Admiral Doniz stared out into the dotted blackness of space and was lost in thought. He was a Naval veteran and was closing on his retirement. Everything had been going so well that the 68 year old Admiral, husband, and father of 4 had picked this time of peace to leave the service and spend time with his family.
He had been given this command just over 5 years ago and had come in swinging, so to speak. The command structure was a mess and the people coming in needed more training. The whole sector fleet was in need of discipline and a lot more training. The High Command had noticed the problem but it had been too late and they had sent Doniz to fix it.
After years in the military and years in battle, he knew the value of making a fleet into a single fighting entity. Each commander should be able to count on his crew and every crew had to trust and respect their commanders. After this was achieved, training would make the fleet a unit. No ship would fight alone, but be part of a whole and would always have support.
This was achieved with none stop training. Many Captains were demoted or transfered out when it showed they were lacking in skill. Junior officers who deminstrated brightness and great ability were premoted and tested. They were nurtured like children and blossomed into great leaders.
Now here he was, at the edge of what might turn into a war. Heck, inside his mind, they were already at war. The Imperials had stopping playing nice and had invaded the NR. While the NR haddn't yet responded, Doniz knew that they would. There was no way they could just let the Imperials take the planet. What would stop them from taking another and then another after that? It wouldn't. What would happen is that many smaller planets would start to move away from the NR, once they see that planets like theirs are just given away. No, the NR would retaliate and it will do it hard.
The only problem was that while the senators at Coruscant were talking, his fleet was almost at the front line. Admiral Doniz had kept training and had kept his fleet on alert ever since the taking of Bestine. He knew the Imperials would not stop until they were beaten back and he had been right. On his chair was the report from Farliqon Prime, stating that it had been attacked and was on the edge of being Annexed.
In response he had sent out a small task force to gather information near that system and be ready to respond. Without information Doniz didn't not want to act. If it was a trap, he would loose many ships and men. This he wasn't going to allow. He would wait and see where the Imperials were going with this, and try to predict their actions in order to crush them in an ambush if he could. He had sent a request for more ships, since his forces were already stretched, but didn't have the slightest clue on when they would arrive.
He needed to figure out if this was a full blown offensive or a small action launched to show the Imperial strength in the region and scare it into falling apart. If it was a new offensive, their primary target would be Devanon since it was the main world inside the sector. He could ships there, but that would mean not having enough ships to protect the rest of the sector and letting it fall to the imperials. Doniz knew he couldn't allow either to happen, but he also couldn't stop both at the same time. To prevent this, he would wait and get more information. In time he would know when to act.
Telan Desaria
Dec 5th, 2004, 05:21:34 PM
Orbit of Tallz XIV
Z-Plus 36 Minutes...
" Send that off to High Command."
Extending a cryshac to his adjutant who accepted it and departed, Commander Krafft turned towards the officer who stood above, silently starring into space. He wondered if he should disturb his superior, but alas he had a duty to perform. He had little choice but to interfere in the tall man's reverie.
" Yes, Commander?"
Krafft stopped halfway through his brief journey in the crewpit, annoyed and not a little discomforted by Rear Admiral Toxim's Thrawn-like ability to see things happening while his eyes were elsewhere. He was thusly not the only officer on the crew of the Imperial IV-class Star Destroyer Nepharus who wagered some sliver of pay that the Admiral had some latent Force power.
" Sir, reports have come in from the 14th Assault Squadron as well as Task Force Foxtrot. All together, Farliqon Prime, Rexill, Hamoud, and Yetri have been annexed - Calithat and Iorra are under assault."
" Time?" asked the flag officer.
Krafft turned to the nearest screen where in red numbers the offensive-clock ticked into history. " Z-plus forty-one minutes, sir."
" Excellent. Things are proceeding as planned. Well - - we can't expect the cruisers to wait for us, can we? Lay in a course for our next target and engage at maximum."
Tallz lazily spun below the impressive bulk of the Imperial war machine, its two thousand meters glistening a polished grey in the darkness of space. Engines glowing a bright blue and giving off a terrible roar, the prow of the Nepharus moved forward and onward with a steadily increasing tempo. A clustering of cruisers and light frigates joined around the wedge-shaped titan, two of its smaller Victory III-class peers falling in on its haunches.
Rear Admiral Toxim gave one final order before his command disappeared into the void of hyperspace, a single probe droid remaining in orbit. Below on the redish-brown orb, a billion civilians looked up and considered themselves lucky, eyeing the deployed garrison with a extremely cautios eye. They dared not murmur out of place, however - - four levelled cities at the base of the Addoric Mountains gave silent testament that the Imperials meant business. The world of Tallz Prime was full of loyal citizens of the Empire now, not one of them willing to incur the wrath that had smited a half-million of their brothers.
Telan Desaria
Dec 7th, 2004, 11:05:31 PM
Z-plus Forty-six minutes…
Commander Grundum grimaced, his right hand instinctively reached out to brace his lean frame as the bulk of his cruiser rocked underfoot. Looking forward he watched with pride the mighty Bellephron fire a withering cannonade into the aft-end of a nearby corvette that had been unlucky enough to withdraw slowly. His pride, however, could not compensate for the pain that shot up his arm. A surgeon-droid had done its best to patch the debris-shredded limb, removing the metal fragments therein: he was left weak and wounded but in full control of his faculties.
“ Captain, the last enemy ship has made the jump to lightspeed. Their rear-guard is gone.”
Grundum nodded, the best he could smile a failed attempt – the meaning was clear, though. His executive officer gave a bow in turn before he himself tended to soaked bandage hastily applied to a hemorrhaging hand.
The battle had been a costly affair, as vicious as it was abbreviated. Only the Seydlitz-class Heavy Cruiser Grundum had lead into battle remained, flanked by two resilient but heavily-scarred pickets. A veritable swarm of fighters milled nearby, the home-ships for most of them reduced to floating hulks beyond. Several assault shuttles lucky enough to make it from the launch bay of the fleet carrier Kiaga formed as best they could and admirably so, their pilots being mechanics and technicians apt enough to see their ship’s end near.
The Republic fleet, now rushing away at flank speed, was no worse off for the affair, at least four cruisers and as many smaller vessels could be written off the roster, five squadrons of E-wing fighters felled at their sides. Those that fell were in good company, three battlecruisers and five Imperial frigates having paid a steep price in blood for victory, Pyrrhic though it might have been.
“ Send word of our victory to High Command but inform them of our losses. We will remain on station here at Calithat – this squadron is, for the time being, off the order of battle.”
With that, Commander Grundum allowed his legs to give out and collapsed on the steel decking at the rear of the bridge, his last cognizant vision being the boots of two Fleet troopers rushing at him.
Telan Desaria
Dec 9th, 2004, 01:05:38 AM
Z-Plus One Hour, 19 Minutes…
Captain Langston sat in the low battle lighting on the bridge of his command-ship and scowled. Things were quiet. Things were far too quiet. As a veteran of a previous if not all-too brief war with the New Republic, Langston knew that any local commander they put in the field would not just abandon Fyttorius. While it was the only deposit of chorizite in the entire sector, that metal’s importance in quadranium armor notwithstanding, the system was likewise at the junction of four hyperspace lanes. Any graduate of any military academy would defend it with something – anything – lest such a prize fall into enemy hands without a fight.
If the General Staff officers at Imperial High Command had any appreciation of the system’s strategic importance, so too would the New Republic – a notion that made the Captain edgy. Five minutes had passed since the reversion of the 7th Squadron of the Line into the periphery of Fyttorius and still nothing opposed them. Scopes were clear, giving the distinct impression that the enemy had fled. Many officers, Langston at their head, were not fooled.
Acting on orders relayed from the squadron commander, the helmsmen on each of four heavy cruisers, three frigates, and six pickets decelerated. Tactical officers called up maps of the system and searched frantically, Intelligence officers at their sides recalling reports on enemy dispositions – both struggling against time to locate a waiting opponent.
“ Captain! Ahead - - two E-wings!”
Finally – some action. Langston quickly gave orders for pursuit, a Scythe-class gunship responding and moving forward, guns firing at extreme range. Blast after neon blast rang out as the small picket drove on, the fighters fleeing ahead.
“ Incoming!!!”
“..six – ten – twenty missile tracks!”
Captain Langston turned, the sudden announcement of his tactical officer ringing fresh in his ear. Glancing at the heads-up tactical display on the arm of his command chair he could find no source for a missile barrage. But still his officers carried on.
“ Brace for impact!!!”
Sure enough, in-bound projectiles detonated one by one against the shields of the Abolisher II-class Heavy Cruiser Bushido, her globes humming lively. Other missiles found homes in the clouds of flame along the flanks of the two Fire-class Frigates running on the haunches of the command ship.
“ Source? Reverse track those missiles and fire at will!”
Turbolaser turrets rotated on their mounts towards the coordinates given across the squadron comm channel, the mighty cannon belching green bolts into the space around a nearby asteroid. Following a disciplined and well-defined grid fire pattern, the guns traced a path across the starscape that lit no enemy targets. Laser cannon in casements added their fury to the dance of destruction but still nothing was hit.
“ Tracks in-bound; twenty missiles. Bearing 176 mark one-niner-eight.”
Langston screamed at his squadron communications officer. “ Mark that track and fire at will!!!”
The rearward cruiser, an aged but diligently refitted Carrack-class vessel, rotated slightly on its axis and let loose an impassioned cannonade towards the launch point of the most recent salvo, its target the trailing frigate. The green lancing energy made a violent noise as it sizzled through the debris given off by the shaking frigate now violently ejecting chunks of its hull. Again, no hits were registered by sight, monitor-droid, or even those long range sensors whose intuitive reach was at the point where the blasts of ionized energy began to wane and disappear into space.
Though he could not show it to his men, Langston panicked. The 7th Squadron of the Line had sauntered into an ambush.
Telan Desaria
Dec 10th, 2004, 12:20:57 PM
Republic Syren-class Gunship Winged Avenger
Z-plus One hour, 23 minutes....
Colonel Matthias Baldrick allowed himself a tight smile. What transpired before him was by no means laughable for men were dying, but given the information at hand, it was considerably ironic. No more than fragments had poured in for the previous hour telling a brief but sure picture of lightning Imperial assaults from their border towards the Core. A dozen systems had fallen from what the Colonel and his Intelligence staff could gather, a few able to put up resistance to some degree but all with a forgone conclusion – Imperial victory. Their tactics were superior, their training thorough, and their ability to improvise renowned down to the lowest subaltern. That said, Colonel Baldrick was quite proud of himself.
Looking down from his observation point, he watched volleys of missiles and torpedoes fly straight and true into the heart of their attackers, once pristine hulls now laced with fire and ash. Two of the enemy cruisers had already been beaten into submission, two frigates joining them though the Republic had been less successful in dispatching any of the gunships, the one kill it assumed turning out to be commanded by a stern captain with an able engineering staff.
“ Colonel, the Waltrus and Devaron are running low on missiles.”
Baldrick cursed under his breath, ready to explode before he remembered that given what he had, his command had done an admirable job. The request for reinforcements he sent had to be transmitted via courier given the jamming field in place and was doubtless only now being read at Sector Group command. That notwithstanding, he had four cruisers lying in wait and another eight gunships ready to pounce. So far, he bloodied the Imperial’s nose at a cost of only two squadrons worth of E-wings and another of slower and older X-wings.
Using the small asteroid field around Fyttorius’ primary satellite as camouflage, Baldrick had been able to hide two small missile-cruisers from the prying eyes of his enemy but now their stocks were low as they had fired a good ten salvos into the Imperial formation. He was fortunate he had not been like the garrisons at Calithat or Madrid, each caught either preparing for battle or totally unready for combat.
“ Dispatch orders to Captain Harriman - - move out from the moon’s shadow and engage at will.”
Aegis Du' Caat
Dec 10th, 2004, 05:18:22 PM
It was open space, no planets, no space stations, nothing but the blackness of the vaccum.
That would change...
Warning klaxons were firing off from all directions on board the Apollos, the bridge of the NR Light Cruiser seemed to be illuminated by a red strobe light.
"Helm report! What's going on?"
"Our hyperspace drive has failed sir, the damage we sustained caused a leak in her containment field. Engineering is completely flooded with radiation."
"Krasst!," Cmmdr. Green barked. He was a mess, his uniform was stained in blood, that came from a wound just above his left eye. His silvery grey hair was desheveled. He looked disoriented by the lights and sounds surrounding him.
"Do we have sub-light power still?"
"Yes sir, we can continue at full thrust."
"Then make it so. Send for Lt. Achimendes."
"At once sir."
A young blond haired man made his way quickly to the bridge. He approached Green and saluted.
"You called for me sir?"
"Yes, the Apollos is crippled and it will only be a matter of time before the Imperial task force that just hit us finds us. Some one needs to warn Sector high command. I would simply send out a distress call but that would allow the Imps to pin point us almost immediately."
"Then what do you want me to do Sir?"
"I want you to take the four best pilots you know and take the remaining fighters we have left and do your best to make it to sector command. Give them this."
Green handed the blond man a datapad.
"Tell them all hell is breaking loose and I think this is just the start. My entire report is on this pad. Tell them this is all we know."
"Yes sir."
The blond man saluted and turned to leave.
"Yes sir?"
"May the Force be with You."
The blonde Lt. nodded his head and rushed off the bridge. No sooner had the hangar reported that all fighters were away then did 8 Lancer frigates exit hyperspace a few kilos off the Apollos'
starboard bow.
"All hands to battle stations. These Imperials might win this fight, but lets make sure they know we were here."
Redic Scott
Dec 13th, 2004, 04:03:21 PM
"Sir, Yellow Squardon is onboard and has initiated repairs." Called out one of the officers.
Or what's left of them. Thought Line Captain Jerald. Yellow squad was conducting patrols at the edge of the system when the Imperial Squadron dropped right on top them. The whole squadron was caught with their pants down, so to speak, hadn't stood a chance. Only four X-wing XJs had made it back in somewhat of one piece.
A courier was instantly dispached with the number and types of imperial ships and requested help from Sector Command. As the Captain looked at his displays he could see the Imperial force coming closer and closer. Small fighters were forming up around the larger ships and the Captain knew they wouldn't be able to hold the Imperials off for long. Messages were relayed to the planets government and earged them to leave before the planet was taken. These requests were denied. The government was earging the people to take arms and resist the Imperial threat.
As a show of support, Captain Jerald sent most of the troops on his ships toward the planet, to reinforce defenses. He would try to buy them as much time as he could, in the hope that reinforments would be sent soon. If the Imperials had attacked here, he knew they had probably attacked somewhere else as well. If that place was more important, reinforcements would be sent there first.
Out in space, was his fleet. His command ship, the Legendary , a Bothan Assault Cruiser hung in the middle the formation. Flanking it was a Corona Class Frigate and a Belarus Class Medium Cruiser. Directly under the Bothan Cruiser was a lone box shaped craft. It had been added only a few weeks ago, but could come in to play a big role. The small Corellian Missile Destroy sat motionless. It emited no electronic noise and was too close to the large Bothan ship for the Imperials to pick it up. It would be a New Republic surprise in the fight.
Ahead of these larger ships stood 2 Ranger Class gunships and 2 Warrior Class Gunships. They held a tight box formation and faced the enemy threat head on. Last, but not least, was the force's 5 Fighter squadroons and 1 K-wing Bomber Squadron . These were backed up by a ground based bomber squadron, 2 E-wing Squadrons, and 1 XJ squadron, and 1 A-wing squadron. These were spread out to cover the whole fleet group.
Everything was going according to plan. "Here they come!!" Called out a sensor officer. As they looked out the view port, light flickers of light could be seen. Those were the Defenders streaking it.
When the time was right the Captain leaned from his seat and said, "Initiate."
Instantly orders were relayed through laser links and firing coordinats were feed into Heavy torpedos. 20 of them exited the Legendary's torpedo tubes, aimed straight for the Gunships in front of the defense force. As this happened, the whole forward of the formation reversed, The mass of fighters up front flowered out and let the gunships speed past. These flew into the mass of TIE defenders, doing the job they like, killing fighters. The Gunships plowed through the target rich environment with the Torpedoes trailing them. The Gunship box opened up quickly, allowing the Torps to pass through on their way to the lead Cruiser. Behind the gunships and the torpedoes came the fighters. They attacked any Defender around the gunships and behind them. Before the Gunships turned, their ships glowing from turbolaser hits, they let loose 24 Concussion missiles towards the Cruiser as well, to fly in behind the 20 Heavy Torpedoes.
Once this was completed, the gunships could manvuever and started making themselves harder to target. One of them, however, had taken lots of hits was burning in places. It was still in the fight, but just barely. They headed back and started taking up defensive positions around the fleet, keeping the fighters away.
The K-wings did their job quickly since they weren't built to fight for a long time. They let loose with around 100 Heavy Torpedoes per squadron, in a single Mass salvo against the 2 next biggest ships in the Imperial formation. Some of the Bombers fell to Defenders but a good part of them made it out of the combat zone and unto the Bothan Cruiser.
Where there was once peace, now there was fire, dead, and war.
Aegis Du' Caat
Dec 15th, 2004, 09:49:26 PM
"Fighters are abandoning the Apollos sir."
"All turrets lock onto those fighters, don't let them escape."
The Lancer frigates commanded by Lt. Cmmdr Henson opened fire on the scrambling fighters. The black of space was suddenly illuminated by the bolts of florescent green light.
"Sir the Apollos is attempting to intercept us. She's powering starboard weapons."
"All shields to the fore, ignore the Apollos for now, all that matters is that those fighters don't escape."
It would normally be unusual for the squad leader for a team of Frigates to disregard a crippled enemy cruiser in their pursuit of a few lone starfighters, but this situation was different. The Sovereignty's blitzkrieg depended on the fact that the Republic have as little information as possible about the Imperial Forces pushing through their space. Those fighters do doubt contained information on task force size and make up. The Apollos had somehow managed to survive two of the battles, but her wise commander knew it wouldn't survive the third and was not making a last ditch effort to get his information to high command.
Henson touched a button on his command chair and opend the comm throughout his vessel.
"All hands brace for impact."
As the lead vessel in the formation Henson's vessel took the brunt of the Apollos' starboard batteries. Her shields held, but the fire power was impressive.
"Shields at 65% sir."
"Transfer all auxilliary power to the forward shields. I don't want to die today."
"Transfering power sir, shields at 83%"
A shudder was felt throughout the vessel.
"Make that 70%"
As the Lancers moved under and around the cruiser, their fire caught to of the fighters, sending their pilots to the afterlife.
"2 bogeys down sir, 2 remain.."
"Excellent order the rest of the squadron to create a firing arc convergent on that lead fighter."
Another shudder was felt.
"Sir ships shields are at 25% and falling."
"Order Lt. Casey to move closer to us and share their shielding with us."
"Aye, Sir"
The lancer squadron tightened their formation as they began to overlap their shields. As they did another fighter fell from their barrage.
"Sir we've got multiple friendly inbound jumps. Looks like the calvary has arrived."
As the sensor operator spoke, two Seydlitz cruisers appeared just under the starboard port of the Apollos They were flanked by a pair of Illustrious class cruisers on either side and a small Escort Carrier was bringing up the rear.
"Launch all bombers"
Commander A. Teuton of the Seydlitz heavy cruiser Oppulent barked his orders to the Escort carrier bringing up the rear of the task force. A swarm of Scimitar class bombers poured from the belly of the Carrier like hornets from their hive.
"Lets give those gunners something to fire at. All weapons lock on and fire on the Apollos, engage at will."
A full salvo of warheads, turbolazer turrets and torpedos screamed from the hull of the Oppulent and her sister ship. The shielding of the Apollos flickered as it failed. As the shielding failed the first wave of bombers entered their run. It seemed as if perhaps the attack from the Seydlitz and Illustrious cruisers had knocked out the Apollos anti-fighter weaponry as the NR cruiser remained silent as bomber after bomber delivered their payload into their exposed hull. Small micro-explosions began ripping chunks from teh Apollos hull.
As the Apollos died, the remaining fighter was scrambling and diving while the pilot waited on the nav computer to calculate the jump.
"C'mon, c'mon...." Then a light flickered indicating that the hyperspace calculations had been made. The NR pilot reached for the ignition switch.
"Gotcha Rebel scum." One of the lancer gunners grunted as he locked onto the last fighter and poured the contents of his weapons feroucious firepower into the X-Wings engines.
The fighter exploded just as it prepared to go to hyperspace.
Telan Desaria
Dec 16th, 2004, 02:38:37 PM
Engage they did. Four light cruisers and as many gunships made a graceful arc around the dark-side of Fytt, rays of the system’s sun bathing each battered hull and the crew concealed within. The cruisers were of Mon Calamari design, modern but not state of the art – after all, the Krethis Sector, before the Imperial offensive, was not a priority sector. The escorting vessels were of a newer design being the latest class in the growing fleet of Republic Warrior-class gunships.
The warships took advantage of the blossoming plumes of debris and destruction sown by the final salvo from the concealed missile destroyers to swoop down upon their enemy. Gunships in the fore, the Republic ships entered weapons range at near-flank speeds. As the range markers counted down, bow laser cannon and turbolasers opened up. Red-orange blasts of energy quickly were in the company of their neon counterparts, Imperial captains and gunners quick to respond. While sensor officers and dismayed tactical liaisons wondered from where the winged craft had come, men stripped to the waist on the battle decks served guns belching energy into space.
The Republic vessels passed through the Imperial formation allowing more than a few blasts aimed thereat to fall on friendly vessels. Turning in a wide loop, they came upon the rear of the enemy grouping and fired once more, strafing as they passed over what was the Imperial’s dorsal flank. Explosions dotted the grey and white attackers, TIE Defenders giving a furious but futile chase while pouring shot after shot into reinforced aft shielding.
Colonel Baldrick was feeling the jolt as his shuttle docked with one of the four remaining gunships escorting a small and raggedy convoy of transports to the edge of the system’s gravity. Around the moon of Fytt came his angels of death who took up positions at the rear in case the Imperials came at them. They, however, were too busy licking their own wounds. He read Captain Harriman’s report, sent via tight-beam transmission: two gunships lost to enemy fire, one cruiser heavily damaged and under tow. Another enemy cruiser and frigate were seen to explode during their heady charge bringing the engagement’s butcher’s bill to an impressive tally: three cruisers and three frigates dispatched to a loss of only two of his own. Despite losing the planet, Sector Group command could count on its first victory of the day’s action.
Redic Scott
Dec 16th, 2004, 10:12:50 PM
The battle had unfolded quickly, with the New Republic Defense fleet scoring the first hits. Almost half of the initial salvo of concussion missiles and Heavy Torpedos had gone through the intense anti missile defenses put up by the Imperial ships. The first wave pieced the heavy shields of the Victory V Destroyer and some slammed into the forward section of the large ship. This was followed with the impact of more missiles against the unshielded hull. Bright explosions bloomed over the fore sections of the Victory Destroyer, sending parts of the hull floating off into space.
The K-wing assault had left one of the frigates smashed and broken in half. It was floating in two sections with fires still raging as the atmosphere was consumed. Sensors had picked up zero escape pods from the warship and it was assumed that all hands went down with the ship. At the other end of the Imperial formation another frigate of the same class was cratered and burning, but still in the fight, although just barely. The onboard crew worked furiously to keep the ship from dieing and contributing to the battle.
The Imperial response, however, was swift. They were well trained and losses didn't slow them down. With the outnumbered Defenders clearing the way, the Victory had closed and opened up with its heavy turbolasers, slaming the shields of the Bothan Cruiser.
The whole bridge vibrated as the Legandary was battered again and again by the larger Imperial destroyer. Its massive shields held, but were wearing down. Jerald sat in his command seat and gave out orders. They way things had went, he actualy thought they could win this battle. His ship was holding strong and shields were regaining charge quickly. As the two ships exchanged fire, the other Belarus and Corona were fighting against the Imperial frigates. Only two were left, with another just barely in the fight. They Imperial ships had the shields, but not the firepower to keep fighting the NR escorts and were getting hammered.
"Sir!!! Missiles incoming!" Shouted a bridge member and pointed to the display. Here the Captain could see 160 missile emerge from the Victory V and speed toward the Bothan Cruiser. There was no way the cruiser could withstand that sort of attack without suffering heavy damage and the Imperial Captain had moved his ship close enough that Jerald wouldn't have time to maneuver.
He was about to call out an action were collision sensors blared. "Sir, the Landow is moving into position to shield us..." The XO stated with a surprised look on his face. Both the captain and the XO knew that the Belarus couldn't survive the attack.
The comm cracked and the Belarus's captain's voice came through. "Keep up the good fight my friend. Concider that favor repayed. May the force be with you."
With that the 400 meter cruiser moved ahead of the Bothan ship. Escape pods jettisoned from all sides, but none from the bridge. The only thing Jerald saw was the cruiser's shields blink blue white and a brilliant light envelope the ship. The force of the blast pushed the ship back and caused it to slowly rotate. Without mercy the imperial Victory Destroyer continued to batter the Belarus with heavy turbolaser blasts, ripping and melting chucks of what remained.
As the ship spun around, Jerald couldn't help but look away. The whole starboard side of the ship was gone. Most of the hull plating was absent and you could see into the ship itself. The bridge section was destroyed and fires continued to burn throughout the ship. It was now another piece of debris to add to the battle.
"Helm, bring us under the Landow and feed targeting data to the Missile Destroyer. Lets give the Imperials a surprise."
"Yes, sir!" Called out the officer and the Bothan cruiser lerched forward as its massive thrusters ignited.
The massive Bothan Cruiser emerged from the Belarus debris field and angled up towards the bottom of the Victory. This action exposed the Missile destroyer to a lovely target and in seconds the first wave of 26 torpedos left its launchers. It was followed a second later by another and another. They slamed into the belly of the destroyer and exploded. The forced waved over the shields and dropped them, allowing the second wave to slam into the hull, just ahead of the hanger, opening a huge hole.
The Imperial ship angled down, making the next volley slam into the bow, destoying the forward edge and cuting off the nose of the mighty warship. The Imperial captain, however, had another card up his sleeve. Almost at once a squadron of eight Skipray Blastboats emerged out of hyperspace, close to the NR formation and raced towards the fargile Corellian missile destroyer. Captain Jerald tried to reposition, but it was too late.
The blastboats were scalpel precise. They cut through the fighter screen and attacked the missile ship with ion cannons first, opening up the shields and with missiles right after. It didn't take a lot to set off the massive Torpedo storage rooms. The destroyer ripped open like an envalope. The force of the blast so close to the rear of the Bothan Cruiser that damage couldn't have been avoided. The destruction tore through the weak aft shielding, since most of the shields had been tansfered up front, and took out the large cruiser's thrusters. With them gone the Bothan ship floated motionless, forward batteries firing none stop at the also damaged Victory Class Destroyer.
Seeing they couldn't know win, Jerald wanted to save as many ships as he could for the next campagn. "This is Captain Jerald. All ships capable of making hyperspace, withdraw to preplaned areas. I repeat, withdraw to preplaned area. I'll stay her and hold them off. Good luck to all of you. Out."
He staired out as the Victory continued to pound his ship. To the left side a gunship tore open as the Victory caught it with a broadside. Out of his squadrons 5 were left, with just a little over 2 squads of the Imperial fighters. The Corona gathered what remained of its fighters, but the squads belonging to the Legendary refused to leave their ship behind. Firing its engines, the Corona accelerated out of the battle. Two Ranger gunships flanked it as the small group sped away, chased by two of the remaing Imperial frigates.
It didn't take long for the NR ships to move out of the battle and jump into hyperspace. The Bothan cruiser was left on its down. The Captain got up and moved to the forward viewport and explosions bloomed over the hull but were stopped when the shields came back up. "Bring it on!!!" Jerald screamed.
Just as he did, 120 missiles raced out towards the Bothan Assault Cruiser.
Telan Desaria
Dec 25th, 2004, 05:46:37 PM
Imperial Command Ship Nepharus
In Orbit of Glindeen
Z-plus Two hours, ten minutes...
The deck vibrated slightly as yet another salvo was loosed from one of the flanks of the mighty Imperial IV-class Star Destroyer. Cheers went out across the bridge as the gunnery officer relayed the successes of the prot gun decks. Even the Commander stood with a smile on his face as a recalcitrant world underwent the punishment exacted for refusal to join the Empire.
The exhuberence of iminent victory did little to lighten the spirit of Rear Admiral Toxim who sat with a crumpled flimsiplast flopping atop the catwalk. A report had just reached him of the Imperial Victory over Fyttorious, a system the High Command needed desparately if the attack was to go any further than a day of rapid expansion. After all, it was the hub of several hyperlanes and a significant administrative hub possessing the local HoloNet relay post.
That victory had come at a price. Though the civilians offered no resistance and in fact expressed gladness at being rid of Republic overtaxation, the garrison of Rebel soldiers there putup a stout and stoic defense. Six warships were lost, relegating the 7th Squadron of the Line to defensive status. The garrison base itself on the moon had been completely evacuated and riddled with booby traps.
Glancing at his wrist chrono, Toxim knew not all was bad. Fourteen systems on the border had been taken and the assault formations were licking their wounds, each one preparing for the second phase of the assault. The Rear Admiral would soon be ready.
A yeoman made his way through the cheering officers and crewers to deliver a new message to Toxim: Task Force Hammer would arrive at Allzoc in one hour thirty minutes. That brought the first glimmer of joy to the Admiral's eyes - with the exception of the Nepharus and four VSD Vs in the 8th Squadron of the Line, that Task Force held the true hitting power of the Second Fleet. Twelve ISDs, IIIs and IVs, were at that formation's centre.
Toxim sighed, overhearing the communications station receive the call of surrender from the five-thousand soldiers below, having obviously endured all they could of the shelling. Joining with his men, he let loose a hearty cheer. The casualty list was expansive but the first phase of the assault was successful with the reduction of Glindeen.
Redic Scott
Dec 26th, 2004, 06:13:29 PM
The Imperial fighter squadron screamed through the valley towards their target. It was a laser emplacement that had claimed two other patrolling fighters only fifteen minutes before. That targers location made only this approach viable. With that New Republic shield covering the area, orbital bombardment was out of the question. The only way of getting at the laser cannons was through this narrow mountain pass.
As they came within range, the lasers opened up. The first volleys missed as the Imperial craft darted around the beams in what little room they had. A few shields were nicked, but it wasn't until one of the lead fighters exploded that the Imperial fighters realized their danger. Little did them know, however, that danger wasn't from just the laser cannons on the ridge if front of them.
Without this knowledge, the fighter flew on. When their targeting circle glowed red they fired. Torpedoes and laser bolts raked the mountain ridge, shattering rocks and causing an explosion. Where the laser emplacement once stood, there was only a pile of smoke and debris. Thinking their mission was complete, the leader sent word to the captain in charge.
No sooner had the signal left and the Squadron commander switched to squad frequency, rocks on top of the ridge moved, to the left and right New Republic troopers appeared with something on their shoulders.
"Trap!!" Shouted the leader. Before the words could spread a line of missiles flew from the launchers and his sensors screamed. He pulled up and left, away from the incoming projectiles. His fighter jerked violently as a missile went off against his shields, sending the fighter spinning. The leader faught the fighter and brought the nose up, but not before smashing into the wall of the canyon they flew through.
What the man failed to witness was that the missiles hadn't just come from the front, but also from the rear. Two anti-air tanks had been stationed on each side of the vallay conceeded against the rocks had waited for the Imperials to pass before opened up on them. Their first wave of missiles was followed by laser blasts, Out of the initial 12 fighters only five made it out of the ambush.
In his underground bunker, stood the General of the New Republic Soruuam IV garrison. He looked at the display and allowed himself a small smile. They just litely blooded the imperials, but he knew that soon they would come for them. Sooner or later the Imperials would start landing their troops and advanced toward the places they expected the New Republic troops to be. General Gorin's only hope was that it was later reather then sooner.
His troops were still digging in and preparing their positions. What made the 57 year old general's blood boil was the how quickly the planets governing body had surrendered. They had put up little fight, even though the planet maintained a decent civil army of their own. Some company's of the army had not taken the surrender of their planet well. They had dified their orders and joined with the New Republic garrison, which under military law was not commanded by the planetary government. The NR garrison answered only to New Republic military command.
Much needed supplies were sent to the NR troops from nearby military bases and civilian outposts. They fight had not ended and soon the Imperials would find out. They NR troopers would fight and die with the hope that soon Military Command would send reinforcement so that the Imperial aggressors could be beaten back from this planet. In the mean time, the troops on planet would prepare for the inevitable assault while the few special operations troops available destroyed any instillations and building of use to the imperials.
"Sir, new ships arriving in orbit." Called out a man seated at the sensor station.
The General watched the screen and knew his question was now answered. The Imperials could come sooner after all. "Send out the alert Captain. Prepare all positions. It looks like the fight is only beginning."
Telan Desaria
Jan 3rd, 2005, 03:22:04 PM
Orbit of Keldren
Z-plus Three Hours, fiifteen...
The Nepharus pointed like a dagger at the planet of Keldren. It was indeed only one planet, lost many eons before when some obscure star imploded. Now it sat amid the space lanes adrift but inhabited. Six palatial cities had grown from the cold surface, a suprising byproduct from a very successful mining operation. That very success had brought doom to them, however, as the duranium ore removed from the planet had been deemed essential to the Imperial war machine.
Rear Admiral Toxim looked at the bluish orb as it hung imobile in space, feeling a tinge of pity for the those in the two cities who's protective domes he had been forced to open to the vacuum. The planet's recalcitrance to surrender ended nearly a hundred thousand lives before the government saw sense. He did not want to do what he had, but his hand had been forced. Now, though, the fools were gone and peace reigned over the smoking ruins of the gravimetric dome.
Phase One had been completed ahead of schedule, all the assigned targets taken. The victory had come at a price, however - two squadrons, one of the Line and one a cruiser unit, were now in the rear licking rather grevious wounds. Phase Two had commenced primarily when the 4th Planetary Assault Squadron arrived with its four Victory IV-class Star Destroyers and two Broadsword-class Siege Monitors over Soruuam.
Toxim was pleased and so was High Command juding from the praise-laden communique received from Thyferra. The Rebels were on the run and he knew it - but he also knew they would counter attack shortly - that they were only biding their time. He had brought up his reserves, just in case.
Now, he turned to the helmsman.
" Warrant Officer Lambret, lay in a course for the Atzerri Colonly of Nesptit XVIII."
Telan Desaria
Jan 9th, 2005, 07:10:47 PM
Reports continued to tricle in from Bestine, reports of partisan activity and subterfuge from what Rebel elements remained behind. Toxim took a perverse pleasure for himself when he thought of their plight, scurrying from hole to hole evading the watchful eyes of the Imperial Guard corps station on the planet. Nearly two hundred thousand Imperial ground troops had been landed and with them the Supreme Commander of the Imperial Army. It would be tough going indeed.
" Rerversion to realspace, Admiral."
Toxim was snatched from his reverie, turning from his dreary gaze at the deckplating to the forward viewports and the transition from hyperspace beyond. Blues and whites played a colourful symphony on the bridge before all gave way to white-dotted blue and a wide planetary system.
" Admiral, I recommend we sent in our TIEs first - the Atzerri aren't the best soldiers in the galaxy but they have had this system for sixty years - they are also renowned guerillas."
The flag officer nodded, deciding to heed the advice to his first officer. " Very well. Deploy Squadrons N-1 and N-2. All other ships, form up and prepare for system entry."
Telan Desaria
Jan 18th, 2005, 06:54:48 PM
Nespit loomed like a dark ball before the arriving Imperial ships, each one ready to do its part. An entire flotilla of freightors and transports waited beyond the void in a staging area to bring against the enemy the full weight of an Imperial invasion. The Atzerri colonly, all knew, would not fall like the others before it.
So ended the second Phase of the Imperial assault. Another, the most difficult of them all, waited close by. For now, the road got much harder to travel. Now, the Republic had awoken.
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