View Full Version : Sharp (Zereth Lancer)
Lucianus Adair
Nov 27th, 2004, 02:58:03 AM
When Phoenix Mars Whyte had first came to the Order, he had encountered Zereth Lancer. A worthy opponent. Then, Mars had been entirely reliant on his physical combat skills, and in that time they had sufficed. He held his own against one who had been considered to be of menacing status in skill. That had only went so far before interruption.
Funny, how things change. The one responsible for that disturbance was now not only his master, but Lancer's also.
This evening, Mars was out for a rematch. One that was long overdue, by a couple years. Had it truly been so long? Anyways, he left a message with Zereth to meet at the training grounds, to have another go at it.
"Lancer, my friend... Oh where couldst thou be?" He whispered, pacing along the borderwall of the area. A deep, intentful grin spread over his face. This would be a pleasureable experience, to be sure.
Zereth Lancer
Nov 28th, 2004, 11:16:02 PM
"I couldst be right here" A voice came from a shadowy area near Mar's. Zereth stepped out of the shadows dressed in all black with his Katana straped to his back "I got your message"
He moved forward and tilted his head back slightly to look up at the face of the tall young man "What kind of fight will we be having today?" He grined and as his glowing red eyes watched Mar's face.
Lucianus Adair
Nov 29th, 2004, 06:03:24 PM
Phoenix let this immensly dark grin slither across his features.
"You know we cannot decide that. I am just thinking how amusing our master would find it to observe us at this place again in combat. It has, after all, been a few years since the first time."
The hilt of Mars' oversized katana poked up past his left shoulder, pointing to the darkened sky.
"Interesting how circumstances have changed since then, Lancer. I do beleive you had sworn vengeance on him for interrupting our fun. Ah, innocence."
Je'gan Olra'en
Nov 29th, 2004, 07:42:46 PM
And don't worry...I'm not going to interrupt this time.
Je'gan faded into sight some few metres from his two Apprentices. Force-wise, Whyte knew more techniques, but Zereth had more sheer power. Personality-wise, they were each well on their way to being full-fledged killers. Blade-wise...
He hadn't the foggiest.
Please, proceed. I'm interested to see how this turns out.
Zereth Lancer
Nov 30th, 2004, 12:11:23 AM
"Yes, I did indeed swear vengeance against Je'gan and I fought him and tried to kill him but he was victor of that battle" Zereth said as he glared at Mars "And I find it funny how both of us who hated Je'gan so much ended up being his apprentices" His eyes moved to look at Je'gan "It wouldn't supprise me if he chose us to be his apprentices because of that fact"
His gaze returned to Mars "Lets start this battle already. I'm up for fighting with any weapon and to the death if you decide so."
Je'gan Olra'en
Nov 30th, 2004, 09:28:42 AM
Afraid I was wrong: I'm going to have to object to that. TSO rules as well as mine. One of you kills the other, I kill the victor.
Feel free to beat each other to a pulp, though.
Lucianus Adair
Nov 30th, 2004, 11:17:28 PM
"My primary intent was never to slay you, Lancer. You have not filled my requirements to qualify for that treament yet."
Phoenix grinned, glancing at Je'gan. He had expected as much that his master would come to observe.
"Now. The age-old question: Blades or Lightsabers? I leave this choice up to you, as the decision does not matter to me."
Mars did just as well with either weapon. In the case of blood spilling, cold steel was preferable. It did not cauterize.
Zereth Lancer
Dec 1st, 2004, 03:09:46 PM
he decision did not take a second for Zereth. He didn't have a lightsabre but even if he did he would still rather wield a blade of steel "Blades are my choice" He said as he reached over his shoulder and smoothly pulled his Katana from its sheath and held it in his right hand with the blade pointed at the ground.
Lucianus Adair
Dec 1st, 2004, 07:33:51 PM
"Very well then. It is fortunate you make a worthy opponent, or perhaps I would not have offered the choice."
Phoenix reached over his shoulder to the footlong hilt of the oversized katana, and drew the weapon slowly. The blade was somewhat in excess of four and a half feet in length. Always sharp, always ready.. A blood and rust free blade helped Mars maintain this conditioning.
Mars took a semi-sideways stance, and distributed his weight evenly. Knees slightly bent, and his blade was set for him to draw from the start from this placement required speed, of which he had plenty.
"The first move is yours, Lancer."
Zereth Lancer
Dec 3rd, 2004, 12:58:20 PM
Zereth stood there for a moment. looking at every detail. from how level the ground was around him to the way Mars'was holding his weapon. Zereth shot forward. He shifted his body as if he was going to jump but ducked down instead and moved with force inhanced speed toward Mars and was planning on slashing at the young man's legs if he got close enough.
Lucianus Adair
Dec 4th, 2004, 08:21:15 AM
Simultaneously, Mars drew his blade and backed off into a crouch, blocking Zereth's slices with the oversized katana when the older man came close, then pushing forward physically, and letting off a harsh push in the Force, to knock Lancer several meters away. The push also ripped into the ground, creating a trail with his opponent's flight. He then sheathed the long blade, and drew a regular sized one, to be on the level with Zereth.
"Tsk, Tsk. Only trying simply will not do, mine ally. Be brutal. Use your every resource."
Zereth Lancer
Dec 7th, 2004, 08:26:44 PM
Zereth slid backwards while still on his feet. the friction cuased his boots to heat up but he cared not
If only I had all my weapons with me. a few shurikens would take him out in a second Zereth thought as he started getting angry. And some people knew that with that anger came a strength to be reckoned with
Zereth moved forward again. but this time even faster then the first. He fliped high over Mar's head and landed behind the young man. He stabbed his blade, at lightning speed, backwards at the back of Mar's lower torso.
Lucianus Adair
Dec 8th, 2004, 10:37:26 AM
Mars sidestep/twisted out of the way of the blade, bringing his blade around with him, and swinging it down with a sharp whoosh onto Zereth's, pushing it harshly downward to the dirt. As the blades went down, Phoenix swung a hard sweepkick at his opponent's legs, with near-inescapable forcespeed, with the intention to knock the man on his posterior.
"Harder. You must desire to see my essence water the ground! Give me a challenge!"
Zereth Lancer
Dec 10th, 2004, 08:12:59 PM
Zereth pulled his blade away from mar's and back fliped away from the kick. Zereth then charged forward with force enhanced speed. He went right up to Mars and unleashed a volly of lightning quick slashes at the young man.
Lucianus Adair
Dec 21st, 2004, 10:05:14 AM
Mars flipped back to his feet when Zereth made his short retreat. Then when the slashing came, he erected a powerful force-shield. Not a single attempt made its way past. Whyte posed his katana on his shoulder, and watched Zereth with devoted attention.
The older man had nearly scraped himself across the shield. "Good Day, Lancer." He grinned darkly. This was a small taunt. Phoenix had been training with the same intensity as always, and his shields were far stronger than before. Than the first time. "How is the weather over there?"
Zereth Lancer
Dec 27th, 2004, 02:37:47 PM
Zereth eyes now burned brighter then a fire. it almost looked like a faint aura of red light surounded his body. He moved forward. a took slow steps and his eyes stayed fixed on Mars "You have awakened the Demon A voice sounded in Mar's head
Zereth moved dashed forward. His movements so fast they his body seemed to blur around the edges. Zereth darkside Rage was at its peek. most people could not control themselves once raged but Zereth had an uncommon ability to control himself while raged
He reached Mar's and faked a left slash and spun around bringing his Katana around for a right slash with the power of the darkside behind it.
Lucianus Adair
Dec 27th, 2004, 09:48:37 PM
What rage...Most impressive.
A deep grin stuck to Mars' face, and he dropped the shield, allowing the attack to come to him.
I fear no daemon. Consider your prowess and power matched.
The younger of the contendors, Phoenix drew a long dagger, wielding the sharp edge in line with his knuckles. He had pre-sensed the fake, and was making his move to block the real attack. With his katana he blocked, touching the stabbing point to the dirt, and sinking it in a short few inches, Zereth's katana clashed harshly against his own. With the dagger he made a deep and agile slash to Lancer's throat, one that would be highly difficult and near impossible to escape without some injury coming to the one on the recieving end of this Force-drenched attack.
Zereth Lancer
Dec 31st, 2004, 11:22:51 AM
Zereth gritted his teeth as his sword was knocked away from its target. He looked up and saw the dagger coming toward his throat. He focused the force around his throut into a physical shield, just as Mars had done earlier.
Lucianus Adair
Jan 8th, 2005, 08:52:17 PM
After having his dagger blocked by the Force Shield that Lancer had erected around his thick neck, Phoenix growled, and withdrew quickly, then turned back to Zereth and jumped at him with a Force-fueled spinkick to the head, with the dagger following close behind, to prepare at the last glint of a nanosecond for planting it into his opponent's chest, and a clean landing if all went as swiftly planned.
Harder, Lancer. This testing is a sad tease.
Zereth Lancer
Jan 9th, 2005, 09:14:20 PM
Zereth ducked under the kick and saw the knife coming as he stood up. He jumped back but not fast enought. The dagger cut through his chest. The cut was not deep but. Zereth took a few steps back while looking down at the cut and then back to Mar's "Very nice" He said before rushing forward. He raised his left hand and sent a blast of force energy at Mars and then griped his sword in both hands and slashed out at Mars.
Lucianus Adair
Jan 10th, 2005, 10:20:37 PM
Zereth's speech-pause gave Mars ample opportunity to land himself and adjust to his opponent's next attack. A
Force Blast, which was easily taken care of with Phoenix's counter-attack of dodge and slice. To one side he quickly avoided the attack and swiftly advanced at Lancer, taking a hard slice at his side, going for a clean cut. If successful, the intent in real battle would be that his opponent was ...beside himself.
Ha. Ha.
Zereth Lancer
Jan 11th, 2005, 10:05:00 PM
Zereth barely got his Katana in place to deflect Mar's fatal blow. The force of the attack knocked Zereth's weapon from his hand. The Katana flew to the side of the combatants and landed on the ground with a clang
Zereth backflipped away from Mar's before the young man could launch an attack at the weaponless Zereth. He landed and pulled out his long knife from its place on his belt. He held it out infront of himself for protection while he reached out his hand and sommoned the force to pull his fallen weapon to him.
Lucianus Adair
Jan 13th, 2005, 11:01:41 AM
Phoenix eyed Zereth while the man pulled a long knife from his belt.
Smart man. You know I will not wait for you to recover from an attack. The young predator half-grinned, full of intent. He never prepared an attack in would allow for his opponent to read him far too easily, and in battle that could be ultimately fatal. Immediately after his previous attack, Mars bolted at the older man full speed, and slid low on his feet, slamming a slice at Lancer's legs.
Zereth Lancer
Jan 15th, 2005, 11:04:16 PM
Zereth's Katana had almost reached him when Mar's came charging at him. Zereth backflipped above and away from the attack and landed on his feet a slight distance away. He reached out his hand and pulled his Katana the rest of the way and back into his hand.
He moved forward, jumping high into the air and bringing his weapon down hard on his oppenent as he fell back towards the ground.
Lucianus Adair
Feb 7th, 2005, 12:50:01 PM
Just as Zereth neared the ground, Mars rolled away, and when his opponent landed, the young sith gave Lancer a slamming, flat-footed boot to the behind, before flipping to his feet.
You pick attacks that are far too easy to evade. This only serves to test my patience...
Zereth Lancer
Feb 10th, 2005, 09:47:32 PM
Zereth turned around slowly to face Mar's. His eyes wher glowing so bright that Mar's could no longer see any part of his eye besides the glow. The room darkened slightly and the shadows around the room started to waver. He just stood there. His Katana held loosely in his hand at his side and his other hand sat idle at his other side. He just started at Mar's with his glowing eyes.
Lucianus Adair
Feb 13th, 2005, 08:49:55 PM
Mars matched the intense gaze, standing hard in place. His voice was a bare, heavy-toned whisper. A growling one.
"Is that all, Lancer? Does it end here?... I would surely hope not, for I could have sworn I knew you better than to just leave it hanging."
He flipped his katana over in his hand, the blade pointing back behind him. Then, he brought his hilt-filled fist up near his chest area, bending his knees a little.
"Is there any answer you wish to provide?"
Zereth Lancer
Feb 13th, 2005, 10:43:30 PM
The darkness increased and the walls of the training room disapeared in the dark. Zereth took a step forward "Here, it only ends for you" He said before the shadows moved and wrapped around his body and he disapeared into the darkness.
A few moments passed. Nothing moved. And then suddenly Zereth appeared from the shadows behind Mars, His Katana swinging verticaly at the young man's back.
Lucianus Adair
Feb 14th, 2005, 09:57:33 AM
Phoenix sensed the attack on the bare lip of its arrival. He flopped and rolled just in time to avoid the blade, and hear it make contact with the hard, cold ground. He then flipped to his feet, and slammed a pointed attack with his normal katana at the older man's side.
"Nothing ends here for I, Zereth Lancer." Mars was on the small and unoticeable side of impressed. That trick Lancer just pulled was something he had never witnessed.
Intriguing.... He would have to look into that later.
Zereth Lancer
Feb 14th, 2005, 09:26:29 PM
Zereth's blade moved with lightning speed and blocked Mar's incomming attack. He pushed it away and then stepped backwards and disapeared into the shadows.
In truth Zereth Lancer was no longer aware of anything. He was completely blinded by his rage and his rage can activated his shadow illusions in a way that Zereth had never done before.
Nothing moved for a minute or two and then suddenly Zereth appeared infront of Mar's, crouching low and swinging hiw Katana at the young man's knees.
Lucianus Adair
Mar 24th, 2005, 09:48:15 PM
Mars completely avoided this attack quite well, by flipping over the older man's head, and with one hand grasping the hilt, and the other grasping a point on the blade, he swung this at Zereth's neck, like a horizontal guillotine while in mid-flight.
Zereth Lancer
Mar 25th, 2005, 10:02:34 PM
His blade missed Mar's and in the process threw him off balance. He fell to the side that his blade had moved over to, cuasing him to move out of the way of Mar's blade. He rolled along the ground, careful not to cut himself on his katana, and rose to his feet. The deadness of his eyes seemed to lessen a little as he raised his hand to the side of his neck. He brought his hand down. There was blood in his fingers. Mar's blade had not missed completely. It had managed to nick the side of his neck. It wasn't a bad cut but at the sight of his own blood the dark rage boilded away and the real Zereth returned.
The rage had taken all his energy and some. Zereth looked around at the vast shadowly illusions his rage had created. Then his eyes rolled back and he collaped onto the ground. The illusion vanished and the walls and ceiling became visible again.
Lucianus Adair
Mar 26th, 2005, 10:20:52 PM
Phoenix had landed with a thud that shook the ground in near proximity. Then he watched as his opponent became aware again. Then Zereth collapsed.
Mars looked to his master, who was still silently watching.
"Either he could not stand the sight of his own blood or the rage consumed a large percentage of his energy. Either way, he still lives...." Mars gestured to the nick on the older man's neck.
"He still bleeds."
Je'gan Olra'en
Mar 28th, 2005, 03:05:51 AM
"Not for long."
Je'gan's hand lifted from his side and pointed at Zereth. A line of black hissed out from his fingertip, touching the wound on the older man's neck before recoiling like the tongue of a chameleon. Smoke rose from where it had touched. The wound was cauterized, and it became clear which one of Whyte's assertions he was talking about.
"And," he said quietly, "it's the rage one. Powerful man, Zereth Lancer. Not enough self-control."
His eyesbrows came up as he sighed dismissively. "Good job nonetheless."
Zereth Lancer
Mar 29th, 2005, 09:44:05 PM
Zereth's body moved a little when Je'gan sealed the wound. But other then that it lay still. Zereth was unconsious and when he would wake was anyone's guess.
Lucianus Adair
Apr 2nd, 2005, 10:06:08 PM
Mars crossed his arms, and stood looming over Zereth, looking down on him. The exhaustion made this normally dangerous man look disgustingly peaceful.
"I am sure he would prefer to wait out the time until regaining conciousness in his own quarters, but the temptation with one being your opponent, is to leave him there to...'rot', so to speak."
Je'gan Olra'en
Apr 7th, 2005, 04:18:24 PM
Je'gan smiled.
"Consider this, Apprentice mine: we bring him to his room, tuck him into bed, and leave him. His reaction? Humiliation - which, I might add, is an excellent teacher. Zereth needs to learn self-control, and if I've judged him correctly this will be the perfect impetus for that changed."
He shrugged. "And if we're really lucky, he will realize that we only did it for his own good, and won't hold a grudge."
Leaning down, he picked up the considerably bulkier man and draped him over his own shoulders. Physical enhancement removed much of the load; Je'gan could probably run for some time under these conditions.
"Care to be my wingmate? We have a bit of a Sith Brat problem, as you may have noticed: call it a bit of impromptu training, but I'd like you to make Zereth and I invisible."
Lucianus Adair
Apr 9th, 2005, 11:50:17 PM
Phoenix listened attentively as his master spoke his plan, and also took the opportunity to sheath and set his weapons back into position on his large frame. Meanwhile, Je'gan had gathered up their older colleague, and appeared ready to go.
"Invisible. Sith...'brats' .. I understand. Your mind is rather devious, Master Olra'en."
He'd never experienced the so-called 'wrath' of these 'brats'. But he was not one to question his master.
"Very well." For a brief moment, he took in the form of Je'gan and Zereth together, then nodded. In mere instants, they were enveloped in the stealth Mars provided. "Shall we?"
And he started walking as if he was returning to the complex from a solitary training session.
Je'gan Olra'en
Apr 11th, 2005, 06:39:39 AM
Carrying Zereth on his shoulders, Je'gan made his way into the Palace and towards the older man's room. His enhancement lasted the trip, and did so quite well. He finally stopped outside what he vaguely recalled to be Zereth's room and tapped in a universal code - a 'master key' - taking care to shield it from view with illusion. The door hissed open, allowing Je'gan to move inside and deposit Zereth on the bed.
"That's that," he said quietly, dusting off his hands by reflex. "Nicely done, Whyte. I couldn't feel the illusion flicker at all."
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