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Dago Ni
Nov 21st, 2004, 11:23:11 AM
OOC: Open if you ask before joining.

Flight A-13806 from the Pacanth Reach, Outer Rim, lumbered towards Coruscant, its passengers and crew eager to escape the cramped and claustrophobic confines of the tiny civilian vessel they found themselves in. Being that the craft had departed from a relevantly quiet corner of the galaxy, it would have been logical to assume that there were no more than a handful of people on board. The truth, however, was quite the contrary. Thanks to a number of stop offs on the way to the hub, the shuttle had picked up a motley crew of passengers, all hoping to hitch a cheap ride to the center of the universe.

There was at least one, though, who had been there since the beginning. Sandwiched between a restless Ugnaught and a family of Wookiees, Dago Ni had travelled all the way from Bunduki, having been the first to board the then empty ship a little over two weeks ago. In spite of the long length of his journey, and the poor conditions he had been subject to, he was no less enthusiastic about his journey than he was when it began. It seemed like only yesterday that he had packed his bags and set off to Aslaja spaceport.

Many had said that he was foolish to leave. A student of the art of Teras Kasi, Ni had studied under a handful of the finest warriors that Bunduki had to offer, yet was not content with his lot in life. To him it appeared that his studies alone were fruitless. For all he and his peers were capable warriors, their talents were rarely used. Instead of turning their hands to deserving deeds, they spent their time with their heads buried in books, memorizing stance after stance, technique after technique.

Finally, Dago decided he’d had enough. As a child, like most young boys, he had heard stories of the Jedi Knights and their exploits throughout the galaxy. It seemed to him that they above all others had found a worthy purpose in life. After acquiring a small number of texts on their history, and devouring them in no time at all, he had made the decision to travel to Coruscant to the now only known temple of the Jedi Order.

“Good afternoon, this is your Captain speaking. If all passengers could please secure their safety belts for landing.”

Jostled back and forth by those on either side of him, Dago struggled to clip his restraint in place. Once secure, he sat back and returned his gaze to the view port ahead – the window that looked down on Coruscant in all its glory. He had heard so many stories of Coruscant, of the veritable melting pot of people and cultures that it was, that he was eager to see the city for himself. His thoughts moved on then, as the shuttle rocketed down through the planets atmosphere, to the pristine white spires of the Jedi temple.

As he and the other passengers filed out into the busy spaceport, his heavy travelling bag slung over one shoulder, his thoughts returned to the present. Looking around, he saw all manner of alien species, each more unusual than the last. There was no native culture on Coruscant, though, so in the end everyone – even he himself – looked alien. Now and then, he could hear snippets of conversation, over the din, and many of them were in languages that he could not understand. Luckily, however, one voice speaking in Basic stood out. Pushing his way through the crowd, past a party of Bothans, he found himself face to face with a well-built humanoid in leathers.

“Excuse me.” Dago, while able to speak perfect Basic, did so with a slight accent. “Do you know where I can find a map? I’m looking for the Jedi Temple.”

Vishan Korogoth
Nov 21st, 2004, 12:39:06 PM
A week had passed since he was last at the spaceports and he wasn't happy being here today. If he had his way, Vishan wouldn't be here because of the incident that occurred last week that involved the Sith. His mind was still recovering from the mental onslaught, but he was a man of his word. The supplies he ordered for the Jedi would be picked up today and brought back to the Temple. The skiffs were being loaded as he and another human finished the transaction.

The human Vishan was talking to was fair skinned with mousey brown hair and dressed in comfortable overalls. Obviously a dockworker. The pair was walking towards one of the warehouses nearby the port. "Whoa! Jedi pay good, no?" Dapp commented with a stupid grin on his face. He faced the transfer pad towards the Padawan so Vishan could see.

Vishan grinned, "Well, tha's what happens when ya do ah good deed. Ya get paid well, doofus."

“Excuse me.”

Vishan blinked and wondered who the hell this skinny guy was in front of him that barged into his conversation. He was apparently human with long black hair. The accent was unfamiliar.

“Do you know where I can find a map? I’m looking for the Jedi Temple.”

Dapp laughed, "Look no further den dis guy right here." He flipped at the lightsabre that hung at Vishan's hip. "Padawan learner here, mate."

He slapped Dapp's hand away and glared at him, "Stop bein' so childish. An' don't touch th' sabre. Now," Vishan regarded the stranger and put on a friendly smile. "Dapp here is right. Ah'm ah Padawan of th' Order. Ah kin take ya there if ya want. Be better then any map, right?"

Dago Ni
Nov 25th, 2004, 02:44:28 AM
Though Dago tried as best he could not to entertain such concepts as fate, it seemed highly coincidental that the first man that he should approach to find information on the Jedi would be a Jedi. Then again, for all he knew the population of Jedi on Coruscant could rival that of non-Jedi. His knowledge on the sect was far from expansive. One thing he did know, however, was that anyone who carried a lightsaber had to have received Jedi training, as it would have been impossible to get hold of such a weapon any other way.

“If you don’t mind,” Dago nodded curtly. He then lifted a balled fist, tapping it to his chest twice in successful, before extending an open hand to his newly acquired guide. “Dago Ni.”

Vishan Korogoth
Nov 25th, 2004, 07:39:08 PM
Vishan had seen many different ways of greeting another being so Dago's unique way of doing it didn't bother him in the least. He took the strangers hand and shook it, "Vishan. Friend here is Dapp. Rough around th' edges but a'right guy."

"Ha!" Dapp gave Vishan a slap on the shoulder and shoved at him in good jest. "See ya later when you need something else."

The Padawan pointed to the entourage of skiffs and speeders behind him loaded with various sizes of crates. "We'll head on in wit them since they're takin' all these goodies ta th' Academy."

Dago Ni
Nov 26th, 2004, 06:48:42 AM
Again, he gave a brisk nod. It seemed that this Vishan character was taking a shipment of some kind to the Academy. Dago presumed that was where the training of the Jedi was conducted. To be able to travel there so soon after arriving was quite fortunate, although a lingering tiredness was beginning to creep into his mind and he suspected that it wouldn’t be long after he arrived that he’d have to go in search of some temporary accommodation.

“Do you think it would be possible for me to get some rest at the Academy?” he inquired, as they approached the squad of vehicles, with Dago not entirely sure what he should be boarding or if Vishan expected him to be able to drive one of them.

Vishan Korogoth
Nov 27th, 2004, 06:41:17 PM
He went around the back of the lead speeder and lept over the driver side to get into his seat, "Well, depends on what'cha there for, Dago. They wouldn't turn away someone in need an' would find ya suitable quarters till ya get settled."

Vishan started the engine and was ready to get going, except that Dago had not entered the speeder. He lifted his arm that was resting on the passenger seat expectantly, "Um, ya comin?"

Dago Ni
Nov 30th, 2004, 06:26:34 AM
With a faintly apologetic smile, Dago nodded and took the passenger seat. As he fastened the seat belt, checking it once then twice (a habit he had developed due to his general distrust of most things mechanical), he asked: “Would it be fair to assume that they provide free accommodation for apprentices training at the Order?”

Vishan Korogoth
Dec 2nd, 2004, 08:11:48 PM
He shook his head and chuckled, "Uh... yeah. Kinda goes wit tha' whole Jedi t'ing. It's like ah family an' all, so they provide shelter, food, clothin' an' trainin' at th' Academy."

The speeder lifted off the ground with little indication that it had done so, and in a blink of an eye, they were off into the Coruscant traffic. It would seem very dangerous to be flying in this sort of congestion, but Vishan took to the skys like a pro. "Ah take it ya wanna join up considerin yer question an' all."