View Full Version : Shadows and Dust (Mara)
Aranor Xometh
Nov 19th, 2004, 10:29:25 PM
Not much time had passed since his rather hasty departure from Kashyyyk, giving him time to consider his options. The band of darksiders that had attacked the Wookiee planet and forced his hand at leaving had gone their own way, with an open-ended possibility of another meeting in the future. At present, he had no intentions of joining any particular group, though there was nothing that would keep him isolated forever. He would never learn to strengthen his abilities alone.
No, the time had eventually led him to another outlying planet, one in which the rougher types were common and attention was more difficult to garner. Or so he had been told. All he had to go by was the old information left in the computer on his fighter. Information that would hopefully aid in his abilities, and his ability to defend himself. The vibroblade that he carried was all well and good with his blaster, but even he understood the strength of a superior weapon like that of his master.
Most of the information was a bit vague, meaning that he would have to work for anything that he gained in the process, which was likely part of his master's plan. Informal training and usage of his existing powers to help solidify them.
Unknown to Aranor, was the fact that his master had continually updated that which was left in the computer system, coinciding with what his pupil had learned to that point. He would not lead his student into something that he could not truly handle. Sure, it would be difficult, but not impossible.
With the HLAF-500 starfighter docked in one of the spaceports, Aranor stepped down from the cockpit and set foot on the dusty floor of the hangar bay, his first step in the city known as Mos Eisley. Even in the shade, he could feel the heat from the sun-filled sky overhead, and thus his hood was left down rather than pulled over his head as he preferred. One last glance to the ship and the young dark-cloaked man headed towards the docking bay door, and the corridor that would lead away from the hangar.
Mara Jade
Nov 20th, 2004, 11:48:33 PM
Mara stepped off the Jade's Fire and sighed. Not something she did often. She was always sure of herself, but she began to question her motives for coming to this planet once her boots hit sand.
Tatooine. She disliked this planet immensely. It should have been the place of her most glorious achievement in service to her Emperor. The sarlak pit should have been the sight of Luke Skywalker's demise, but Jabba sent her away before she could assassinate the rough Jedi Knight. Palpatine was forgiving, foreseeing Vader's Son coming to him, but it didn't change the fact that her failure had caused her Master's death.
She weaved between the crowd, pulling the hood to poncho over her head. Discrestion was necessary considering that her newest client was a Hutt. The meeting was suppose to be on Nar Shadaa but due to personal reasons, it was switch to Tatooine, seeing as it was the closest planet. Mara had to bite her tongue and agree favorably to the sudden change. She needed the money to upgrade the Fire's engines. The patchwork job she did to keep them running was only going to last for so long. Which made her wonder how Han kept that damn YT-1300 working, yet falling apart at the time.
A hand came up to cover her eyes, as she gauged the twin suns position. Would be a good two hours before her meeting. Would give her enough time to find the nearest tapcaf so she could calm nerves.
Aranor Xometh
Nov 21st, 2004, 09:14:48 PM
The Dark Jedi gave one last glance to his ship before stepping through the hangar door, listening to the solid sound of the steel doors closing tight. A brief moment of pause and thought prompted him to pull the hood over his head anyway, despite the heat of the planet. There was enough shade in the corridor to help keep him relatively comfortable. The rest was simply a mind over matter and after some of the things he had done during training and after, this was child's play.
The last few dusty steps from the hangar led him past a couple of figures who were likely either looking for someone or looking for anyone. Neither of them gave him a second look, though, which was just as fine for him. He preferred not having to deal with any of the rabble in this spaceport, though it was nearly inevitable that he would have to. At the very least to get himself a drink at the cantina.
And while he had never been to this city before, the cantina was easy enough to find. Just follow your nose and it will lead. Not that he particularly cared for the odor, but such was life. Inside the cantina itself did not grant much of a relief from the heat since there were a good number of patrons already inside and already, one minor brawl was going on just to his right. Not his concern though for a brief moment, he pondered ending both of their lives in one quick motion. Then again, that would only gain him attention which was something to be avoided. Attention garnered questions and he wasn't feeling particularly talktative, at least not to any of these.
Thankfully, a pair of Twi'leks was vacating a booth not far from his present position and he was able to make his way to it, suggesting to another patron that this wasn't the seat of his choosing. And not that he was a heavy drinker, but what was the harm in an ale or two? No harm that he could find. After the past few weeks, he deserved at least one drink.
Mara Jade
Nov 25th, 2004, 08:15:43 PM
She stepped inside the cantina and raised a brow and almost laughed at the sight that greeted her. A Rodian had just tackled a Trianii to the ground, which was an amazing feet considering that the Trianii outweighed him by at least 30 kilograms. Everyone was more interested with the scuffle and taking bets then notice the her arrival. Even a table had cleared and Jade took the invitation before someone else noticed it. The hood slipped away from head and she shook out her hair before sitting down.
Eventually one of the human waitresses came around to take her order, which was whatever was the local ale of choice this week.
Mara snapped her head to the left just in time to see the cantina's owner shoot the Rodian dead in the chest with a blast rifle. The Trianii looked dumbfounded at the dead body at his feet while the rest of the patrons slowly went back to drinking and forced conversation to avoid the ire of the owner.
Aranor Xometh
Nov 25th, 2004, 10:43:32 PM
Oddly, it wasn't the barfight breaking out that had garnered his attention, but rather the sense of another at least similar to him entering the establishment. Fancy that. Hood still drawn, his gaze followed the woman until she sat down, though he could still sense her presence close by. Perhaps a couple of booths away, though the walls kept her from his actual vision.
The waitress came over with his drink, one that he would savor for a short while before continuing on with his business. Business that would likely take a good amount of time to complete since at present, he hadn't much of an idea how to accomplish it. Not that he was helpless, mind, just that it was still a little different being on one's own. At least when he had been on Kashyyyk, he could secret himself away from the inhabitants unless necessity dictated otherwise. He wondered now if necessity would dictate things once again.
The warnings he had heeded from his master about overstepping the limits of his training, and how being too foolhardy would only bring him to ruin. And while power was something that the young man did crave, he knew that it was useless without the ability to harness and control that power. With luck, the current quest that he was on would help in that capacity. With greater luck, he would stumble across one willing to fine-tune his abilities for a short while before he headed off again.
Lifting the glass to his lips, he allowed the liquid to gently swish around in his mouth a few moments before finally swallowing it. Allowing himself to savor the taste of the beverage. After a couple of more moments, he decided that this present drink was not one to be savored in such a way.
Mara Jade
Dec 3rd, 2004, 03:07:23 PM
For the next fifteen minutes, Jade was left alone to her ale and small appetizer of fried cheese and bread. The trip through hyperspace didn't quite make her famish, but she was uncertain when there would be time to have dinner once the meeting with her potential employer would be over. Last thing she needed was to negotiate on an empty stomach.
Every now and then, the red-head would get a few stares directed at her for the usual reasons. Curiosity mainly, but there was the occasional male that had lust in his eyes and tried to walk towards her table. A simple suggestion planted in his head to order more beer at the bar was enough to keep them away. Their minds were weak, hazed with alcohol, so it wasn't hard.
She looked down at the chronometer upon her wrist. Still another hour before she had to go and her meal was almost finished. That gave her enough time to look over the agreement that the Hutt was offering. Dealing with their kind, one needed to have the terms of the deal fresh in their mind or you could be easily swindled.
Ordering another drink, this time water, Jade proceeded to do just that.
Aranor Xometh
Dec 8th, 2004, 12:29:41 PM
He continued to wait, smirking a bit to himself as several other men had tried approaching her table though seemed to have second thoughts at the last moment. Having pondered his own options over a couple more sips of his drink, the dark-cloaked man finally decided on at least one. Leaving the glass on the table, Aranor slid out of the booth and slowly made his way towards the woman's table, his gaze moving about the room.
A few murmurs came from a nearby table, from one of the men that had opted for another drink over conversation with the lady. No doubt, he was betting with his men on whether or not Aranor would get there. Of course, most of the men were too simple-minded to understand why they had changes of thought, though after seeing several attempts and all of them changing their minds in the middle, one had to figure that something was altogether normal.
The humdrum of the patrons managed to drown out the heavy sound of the cloaked man's boots as he approached the woman's table. Now, the decision that could very well determine the outcome of this initial meeting, was whether to wait to be recognized or rudely just take a seat. He opted for the former, waiting just at the end of the table, and in his mind, he knew that she was aware of him before he even came into view.
Mara Jade
Dec 13th, 2004, 08:41:06 PM
She wondered what it was wrong with the drunks tonight. It wasn't as if Mara was the only female inside the cantina, but they all had a one track mind seemingly.
In the middle of drinking her water, she cursed, sensing another approach her table. He wasn't quite into view but his thoughts were directed towards her.
Go back to the bar. You're thirsty and want nothing to do with me.
The thought brushed along Aranor's mind and Mara blinked in surprise. This one was not going to be so easily swayed. She could sense that there was some strength within it.
Slowly her hand under the table, ready to go for her blaster if necessary, as she put down the glass of water when the stranger made it to her table. She said nothing, merely glared up at Aranor, trying to read his body language for his possible motive.
Aranor Xometh
Dec 18th, 2004, 01:02:07 PM
"There's no need for that," he uttered softly, no doubt indicating her hand lowering to the blaster. He stood there quite calmly, hands hidden within his cloak though his posture suggested that he was simply standing there. No intent to draw a weapon as there was no reason to. "At least, not yet."
He continued to watch the woman for a few more moments, though allowed his senses to stretch beyond the table. Thankfully, most of the others in the bar were still paying them little mind, which was most fortunate.
"And you can save your suggestions for the weak-minded and the drunks. I am neither. May I?" he asked before seating himself across from her.
Mara Jade
Dec 19th, 2004, 04:12:12 PM
She was not so foolish as to withdraw her hand and looked about the room to see if this man had truly come alone. No new eyes were directed at her table that Jade had not seen before.
Her left eye raised, not pleased that he decided to take a seat anyway, but perhaps this man was a contact of her potential employer. It didn't seem logical since most Hutts were wary of Force sensitive beings. "You gave me no choice." Her reply was curt and to the point. "What do you want?"
Aranor Xometh
Dec 19th, 2004, 11:40:29 PM
"A great many things, but the better question is what will I find on this forsaken rock." Which did not do much at all to answer her question, though it was apparent that he thought she may be useful. Had he known about her pre-arranged meeting, he could have played the part beautifully. As it stands, he must play things very carefully.
He was alone, or working alone in this place. Even after her look around to make certain of that, no other attentions would be felt in their direction.
"There is one thing that I am seeking, though, that you may be able to assist in. It may also be of interest to you, considering certain characteristics that we both share. Beyond that, I find that you are the only one worthy of my attention in this place and time passes more quickly when one can converse with another."
Mara Jade
Jan 1st, 2005, 11:44:40 AM
She locked down her data-pad and slid it to the side before leaning back in her chair, considering his words. Jade was not impressed by his compliment, only weighing her options. There was already one job that would require her attention, but it wouldn't hurt to see what this man was after, even if it was just to know what he was after. Knowledge was a high commodity.
"I will listen. As you said, this place lacks anything of interest." She smiled thinly, remaining on guard with this dark individual.
Aranor Xometh
Jan 9th, 2005, 01:31:32 PM
"Given our similarities, I do not think that this would be a waste of your time, as I know that it is not a waste of mine. So long as my information is correct. Are you familiar with the Ankarres Sapphire?"
No point in wasting time. This was something that he would be after regardless of whether he went alone or had help, but help would always be useful. If she was as adept as he was sensing, she should have at least heard of the crystal. It was very possible that she had come across one in her travels.
Mara Jade
Jan 22nd, 2005, 06:02:04 PM
Jade actually was taken aback by what this man was looking for. Oh yes, she had heard of the crystal in passing but didn't really take much note of it. Nothing in her studies had proven its existance. "Yes. It has come to my attention once, though you're more then likely on a fools adventure searching for it. No one has found it."
Aranor Xometh
Jan 31st, 2005, 05:24:32 PM
"Be that as it may, the last rumor that I heard was that it had been on Tattooine, not far from here. This may very well be a hoax or a fool's quest, but it is worth the risk."
At least it was to him. He was certain that there would be something there, else his master would not have left any information regarding it. A test, perhaps, though any test was rewarded with power. This would certainly be power, though what lengths would he need to go to in order to acquire it. Only time would tell on that one.
Mara Jade
Feb 12th, 2005, 10:15:47 AM
"Not far from here?" She questioned further, wishing to get more information from this stranger just for curiosity sake. "Why would someone wish to bring it here, or are they merely passing through? Considering the state of the galaxy and how ...popular this planet is, I wonder if you were just taken in by a bed time story. This is truly the last place you would wish to bring something of great value like the crystal unless ...."
Her green eyes narrowed in thought. If there was some merit to this man's rumor, perhaps the crystal was being brought to a potential buyer. Jade smiled and shook her head, I can't believe I am wasting so much effort in thinking about this. "Even if I was interested in this little venture, I do have matters that need attending while on Tatooine. Matters that cannot be dropped on a potential hoax." She continued to keep it vague, not wishing to advertise that she was here on behalf of the Hutts.
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