View Full Version : Imaginary Friend (open)

Blade Bacquin
Nov 18th, 2004, 01:59:25 PM
A cloaked stranger entered the bar he held the door open for a couple of seconds behind him as if holding it open for someone. He made his way to an empty table again he held a chair away from the table as if waiting for someone to sit in it then neatly pushed it back in as if that person where sitting in it. He sat down across from the open chair and smiled at the invisible person.

The man's face was not visible through the cloak so the crowd couldn't see him. A Driod came for his order and again he smiled at the nothingness as he turned to the droid.

"I would like a steak dinner and the lady can have what ever she wants."

The Droid looked confused and finally just turned and headed back to the Kitchen. The man seemed a bit angered as his fist slammed down on the table.

"Rude dam droid didn't even take your order. You should have blasted the dang thing Dalethria."

In his mind she sat across from him not saying much just mostly smiling and shrugging. She was weirdly silent this night whatever night it was. Blade had lost track of time after he had his final encounter with Vega. He didn't even remember how him and Dalethria had met up again. Even more so he didn't realize it was all just in his head made up after he had told Vega to tell her he was dead.

"Your right master best to keep a low profile in this place."

The crowd gave him odd stares but he didn't seem to notice to caught up in his mind's creation. The sith lord was lost with out someone to guide him so his mind made him the only guide he wanted.

Devon Russels
Nov 18th, 2004, 10:26:20 PM
Devon sat amoungst the crowd, his eyes scanning the place for anything weird. It had been the first time he had ever visited Coruscant, much less the Bar & Grill, yet he was certian that there was word that one could catch a Jedi roaming through. The whole concept of finding a magical, oddly blessed being in a bar was quite hard to grasp, but he had decided that it was his destiny as soon as he had overheard the news about the place.

So, he waited. Watching from the dark, lonesome table that was admist the crowd. There was an eerieness that was surrounding something in the room, however, that was troubling him, even in his solitude. The problem with it was that he couldn't precisely place his finger on exactly what it was, but there was something out there.


Then, suddenly, an arise of odd looks were suddenly darted at a cloaked figure at the side of his eyes. The man had done something to catch the full attention of drunken and commoners at their leisure. Something...maybe magical?

There was very little time between the thought and reaction for the young man. He quickly took to a stand and headed over, looking down at the cloaked figure, his eyes gleaming as he gave the man his best greeting smile. Slowly and carefully he stretched out his arm, seemingly aiming for a handshake.

"Im Devon...and you?"

Blade Bacquin
Nov 18th, 2004, 11:51:49 PM
Blade glowing orange eyes peered out through the cloak up at the man that called himself Devon. A low snarl could be heard coming from his mouth. Blade didn't know this man what was he doing interupting his conversation. He was probably some loser jedi curious about the dark power had senced.

"What is it you bothersome Jedi. Can't you see me and my lady friend are about to have dinner."

Blade pointed at the empty seat across from him. He then spit at the mans shoes to show his dislik for Jedi. They always came calling when true power in the force arrived at there barfly infested eating establishment.

"Have you never seen sith before?"

Devon Russels
Nov 19th, 2004, 12:03:21 AM
Devon eyes trailed down his body, slowly, and cautiously. The motion of his head as though he going to nodding off to sleep, seemingly awakening as the gleaming mucus was revealed to truthfully be smeared about his old, but once well-polished, boots. A frown came to his face at the image before him, looking down at the glowing-eyes. He hadn't expected such disgust at a welcoming smile and handshake, but it was no matter, he had dealt with such problems before.

Quickly, he reached forth, grabbing one of the cloth ornaments on the table and cleaning off his shoe. There were women inside the place, it would look stupid to be walking and talking around with spit on your shoes. Yet, the recollection of the matter was hard to even grasp.

This fool thinks imma Jedi, hah!

The mere thought of it was laughable, and because of it there was no need to hold the laughter inside. A chuckle escaped his lips as he almost fell into a bent, slapping his knee. It seemed quite sarcastic to say the least, but somehow....some way...it wasn't.

"Im not a Jedi...now, lets try this again. My names Devon, and you are?"

Blade Bacquin
Nov 19th, 2004, 03:01:54 AM
"I'm the lord of chaos, my name is of no importance anymore. It belongs to a dead man. So you can just call me Chaos if you wish."

This man was curious person he didn't seem to have much fear, either that or he didn't know he had just stared into the eye's of a sith lord. Also he didn't even seem to notice the woman sitting across from him actually no one seemed to notice her now that Blade thought about it. Odd none of the Jedi could sense a sith master and sith lord in the room.

"If your not a Jedi then why seek me out. You could sense me here could you not or perhaps you sensed the woman across from me?"

Of course, there was no else at the table except Devon and Blade. Blade turned to the woman he saw in his head. He then looked around the room to see if there where any prying eyes.

"Your right perhaps he has potential."

Devon Russels
Nov 19th, 2004, 07:13:24 PM
An awkward look struck Devon's face at that. There was a clear confusion upon his face as he watched on as the situation unfold. Cautiously glancing over at the seat across "Chaos" he found nothing, to his suprise. Devon had never seen such weird behavior his heart, even on the port he was birthed.

Devon cocked his eyebrow as he looked down at the glowing eyes behind the cloak, puzzled by the whole statement by the man. Shrugging it off, he placed his hands, which were still out for a handshake, back into his pockets. That had become a habit that he couldn't phase, along with his hand movements when he was talking about dramatic subject.s

"Sooooo," he began, "What are ya doin' in here...all alone."

Blade Bacquin
Nov 25th, 2004, 12:32:18 AM
Couldn't he see her, couldn't he see clearly that he was not alone. His master the woman he loved was across from him. In his mind she was really there next to him speaking to only him, keeping silent to all those around. Her only focus was Blade and she was his only thing that held what sanity he had left intact.

"I came here to eat and maybe pick a few jedi potential's minds. I'm far from alone though Devon; my companion is a master of the force so if she wishes not for you to see her then you will not see her. Such are the powers of the dark side. If you are not Jedi then what brings you here alone?"

Navaria Tarkin
Dec 2nd, 2004, 08:19:15 PM
A voice so familiar spoke up behind Blade, "I think you should leave now, please. As you have yet to cause any trouble, I give you this warning."

She was not afraid of this Sith, who had apparently gone mad thinking he was with someone, and her words were spoken with conviction. As a member of the Council, it was her duty to protect her fellow Jedi from the likes of his kind if they happened to stray into Yog's, a duty she took quite seriously. There was no telling what games a Sith could do to a Padawan who was not well trained.

Blade Bacquin
Dec 3rd, 2004, 11:55:12 AM
He knew the voice it was the same one that spoke to him in his but he also knew Jedi where good at the mind tricks. He looked at the imaginary friend across from him and just smiled.

"Stupid Jedi."

He then turned to gaze into the same eye's he saw sitting across from him. He could sense a lighter tone to this one though his orange eye's both showed a confused look and an angered one. This had to be her the one he was sent to destroy he quickly turned to imaginary one sitting across from him.

"Is this the fake? No! Oh, how interesting a Jedi perhaps we can use her?"

He turned back to Nav with an innocent smile on his face. He slowly pulled back his cloak to reveal his face a face of a rogue with shaggy brown hair. He kicked out a seat beside him at the table, as his gesture for her to sit done.

"Join me Navaria Tarkin, Jedi knight."

There was a slight evil undertone in his voice. Then there was the fact that these too had never met yet he seemed to know her name. A name that had only been uttered to him once by Dalethria Mal Pannis.

Navaria Tarkin
Dec 3rd, 2004, 03:57:54 PM
A thin brow raised due to his knowledge of her. She was at a disadvantage, "You know my name, yet I don't have the pleasure of knowing yours ... " Her eyes drifted to the chair that the Sith's had pointed at. "Or your companions. Indulge me in that and then perhaps I might take that seat."

This man was unstable and she was going to have to play along to figure this out, but she felt pity towards him. Long time ago when she was a child, she too had an imaginary friend that helped to keep the bad things away that hurt her. Unlike most imaginary friends, her's took on a life of its own.... That did not necessarily mean that this person had similar situation, but for him to be acting like this, some sort of mental trauma had to have occurred.

Blade Bacquin
Dec 9th, 2004, 05:06:14 AM
"I only have a name that Belongs to a dead man. Though you can refer to me as my rank with in the dark arts and that is Chaos Lord."

He looked to his companion for her permission to give her name. She spoke to him telling him not to give her but rather an alternative so that Nav might understand who she is. He nodded to her with a smile and turned back to nav.

"My companion is one who wish her name to be silent. Yet you know her better then any for she was a slave to your mind always there yet not always able to speak. She is and was your darker half you know her name but please keep it silent."

Navaria Tarkin
Dec 13th, 2004, 08:57:48 PM
Navaria didn't know if she should laugh or cry at this poor man's delusions. "Whether I speak her name or not does not matter." Out of concern for a mind that was once as fractured as her own, she sat down. "I can always sense her. Always. As she can towards me. I say to you know, Chaos Lord, that there is no one there to sit beside you."

Her voice lowered a few notches and she tried to convey that she was speaking the truth by looking at him directly in the eyes. "Only I sit with you at this table."

Blade Bacquin
Dec 16th, 2004, 07:06:18 AM
with out a word blade made a motion with his hands the tingle of the force could be felt by an force user in the room. All of a sudden Navaria could see the figure sitting across from and only her and Blade could. The Figure of Dalethria sat silent across from the both of them. He had opened up the block he had put on himself so none of the the Jedi could read his thoughts and had open a channel Navaria so she could see what he was seeing.

"The one you feell and the one that feels you is not your sister of darkness but rather an imposter. The one you see now before you is the true queen of the dark throne."

Navaria Tarkin
Dec 19th, 2004, 04:43:33 PM
She felt a deep sadness for the Chaos Lord. The image that Navaria saw was merely a reflection of his own madness. True, Dalethria was alive and breathing, three dimensional with substance. The image was so vivid that it reminded of the child Dalethria that comforted her when her Grandfather died on the first Deathstar. Even the Lord's mind had become so fractured that he had convinced himself that the Dalethria within his mind was real.

"Well, M'Lord....how can you be so sure? I can confirm that the Dalethria I know and myself are the only ones left from the original clones." Logic was probably not going to work, but she had to try and snap him out of his delusions. As a Sith he was already dangerous, but now his mind was unstable and would make him that much more deadly.

Blade Bacquin
Jan 2nd, 2005, 08:39:05 AM
"It's simple enough with the technologies and the abilities of the force. The other dietarian the fake could be a master of the sith Magic's and transformed herself to look like dalethria, maybe full body reconstruction, or the least likely it is possible to clone a clone.

As for your connection to Dalethria that is simple to explain, there are things in the force called Chains that bind you to another. These chains just like real chains can be severed and reconstructed to another. How you so sure this isn't the real Dalethria?"

Blade's eyebrow rose a bit at the end of his question. Logic would not work logic was always defeated with more logic. His mind was shattered but his mind always constructed elaborate wall of lies and possibilities to make him believe what he saw was real.

Navaria Tarkin
Jan 7th, 2005, 08:54:01 PM
"Because I sense no one there." She pointed at the empty chair. "I know she is quite real to you, but believe me when I tell you that you are quite alone. It's only you and me at this table M'Lord."

Navaria moved to sit down, but feared that this man was beyond hope. Soon this imaginary figure would take on a life of its own and control him. A path she was all too familiar with, "How can I let you see I speak the truth?"

Blade Bacquin
Feb 4th, 2005, 01:00:25 PM
"A Jedi can't tell the truth they are always hiding behind a lie. The lie of who they really are hiding certain emotions yet still claiming to be themselves. All Jedi are liar and hypocrites."

That was Blade's answer to weather she could ever convince him of his insanity. He didn't trust Jedi they always twisted things and then claimed it was the sith who twisted things. There views on the good in the universe was blind to the darkness.

"So quit lying Jedi I'm not alone and if you keep saying that I'll have to cut you down."

His voice began to raise as the rage began to seethe up in him. Why couldn't they see her and believe him that this was the real Dalethria. Maybe they where all blinded by the fake one that they couldn't feel the real one anymore.

Soolin Anjhurin
Feb 4th, 2005, 02:19:58 PM
Originally posted by Blade Ice
"So quit lying Jedi I'm not alone and if you keep saying that I'll have to cut you down."

"I don't think so."

:: The voice was familiar to Navaria, but not to the sith. It was calm, yet deadly serious. Soolin stood a few feet away, ready to react to the slightest change in breath from Blade ::

Navaria Tarkin
Feb 5th, 2005, 11:37:30 AM
Navaria had found herself caught off guard, but not by Blade. Inside she was smiling knowing that Soolin was here. She was also surprised because she had thought her friend was on leave from the Order. Apparently she had just returned and with good timing as well.

She took note of the stares of concern and fear directed towards them and felt it even more so through the force. This situation needed to be dissolved quickly but how can you reason with a madman...

"If you are as close as you say you are with Dalethria, then you know I do not lie. She always went on about how proper and boring I am... how much she despised my innocence. It's not in my nature to lie or harm anyone, much as it is her nature to do quite the opposite." The Knight was hoping to calm him enough so he wasn't quick to act out his aggressions.

Blade Bacquin
Feb 24th, 2005, 04:48:38 AM
Blade's glance quickly shifted to the new comer. His Orange glowing eye's ate through her like acid. He could feel her coldness and loss of emotion, that allonw was enough to bring a malice grin to his face.

"Shut up jedi this is private conversation and I don'tremember inviting you!"

He turn back to nav catching the surprise on her face knowing instantly she knew the new comer. It really was no surprise that nav knew her but Blade did think it kind of strange the surprised expresion on her face.

"I knew Dalethria but I'm starting to think you don't. Then again I can see how the Jedi teaching would cause you to become blind. If you and your new found jedi friend wish to destroy me then so be it, if not I'll be going. This place grows with Jedi stench."

Navaria Tarkin
Mar 3rd, 2005, 03:06:10 PM
"We will not destroy you. You are free to leave." She said simply, knowing tha anymore attempts at trying to help would only prove more volatile. Her eyes did convey her sadness, knowing what Blade was going through and wishing he could see past his fear in order to find the peace he needed.