View Full Version : Early morning run (Jame)
Shade Magus
Oct 31st, 2004, 11:23:47 PM
Shade walked outside of the Yavin Temple and smiled. The sun was just rising and the dew settling as he looked across the forest that was stretched before him. He was waiting on his Padawan Jame to join him. He had decided to split up her and Sarr's training and help Jacali as much as he could for the first week and then during the second week he would work with all three of them together.
He took a deep breath feeling the life around him flourish and reach for him. This would be a very intriguing jog indeed.
Jame Kaman Dar
Nov 9th, 2004, 06:34:32 PM
Jame showed up in track pants, a sleeveless top and a pair of runners she'd purchased no more than a month previous.
"G'morning Shade. Nice morning, isn't it? Gosh.. I just find all this vegetation so amazing. This place is great." She smiled.
Shade Magus
Nov 9th, 2004, 06:44:16 PM
Shade smiled and closed his eyes, taking another deep breath. He opened them and looked at Jame.
"Before we begin, I think we should begin with a meditation to get ready. Do you know about the levitating meditation?" He asked as he sat cross legged in the dirt and grass.
Jame Kaman Dar
Nov 9th, 2004, 06:49:03 PM
Jame sat down in the grass with him. She crossed her legs, folded her hands in her lap, and gave him an answer.
"Nope. Nothing. I seem to be the rare breed that knew zip about the Force and all that when I came here. But go on...I'm interested, of course."
Shade Magus
Nov 9th, 2004, 07:02:22 PM
"Ok well then, let's start at the basics. I want you to reach out with the Force and draw it inside of you. Like you did back on Coruscant, but instead of reaching into another's mind I want you to clear yours and just let the Force flow through you. Relax and feel the life around you. Once in this state, you will be able to slow or speed your heart rate or pulse, flex and release your muscles, and slow the flow of your blood through your viens allowing you to hold your breath for much longer. You will feel like you are asleep, but you will be aware of what is going on around you."
He paused for a small breath before continuing.
"Once you are in this state, I want you to imagine that you are as light as air. Rely on the Force completely. If done correctly, you will raise off the ground, until your concentration is broken. But don't be worried if you don't do it on the first try. Some take years to learn this."
Jame Kaman Dar
Nov 14th, 2004, 05:26:53 PM
Jame had listened attentively, quietly. She nodded to acknowledge that she understood, then went to put it into practice.
"Ok. Lets see how well I do..."
She closed her eyes, and took her breathing to an even, calm and light pace. Next, to make her mind clear, to still keep the state of calm associated with her empathic filtering, and go to a deeper level would be something she hadn't attempted before on any occasion. But she would make her attempts.
In her mind, it was like swimming through a school of get past any emotions that were coming to her even from the wildlife, to the the flow of the force. Eventually she got there. Everything.. she could see everything.
Ok... Now...This is good so far... Now...
To float...A feeling of weightlessness. To her, it was to liken it to the memory of one time when zero-gee was initiated after one of the boys on the crew had screwed up. She had been floating then, for a good five minutes, until the error was corrected, and THUMP... Back on the deck. Jame ripped out of her trance with a start, feeling a sharp poking in her behind. She leaned over and rubbed it.
"Shade? How'd I do that time?...Ohh... Mmph. Remind me to check for sharp rocks next time."
Shade Magus
Nov 14th, 2004, 06:29:53 PM
The Jedi chuckled.
"I must say that I am impressed. You actually managed to lift a few inches off the ground, a feat that some Knights I know can't even do. Which means that you have a good thing going for you right now. For a lot of Jedi it takes a long time to learn to clear their minds and emotions for a true meditative trance. You did it on your first try, even though not for that long. As you practice it though, you will become better and learn of your own variations of meditations. For myself, I use the principles of the levitation exercise because it makes you clear everything and rely truely on the Force."
The Jedi walked around to stand directly in front of Jame.
"Now. I want you to try it again, but this time you don't have to go all the way. Get to a point to where you can focus on everything around you, kind of like a radar screen through the Force. Then I want you to narrow your field of vision, until you are only focused on me. Try to synchronize your breathing and heart beat with mine. Once you do, I want you to slowly open up your senses and let them wash over me. I'm going to try a Force Meld with you. If you do it correctly, you should be able to sense what I feel and even pick up on my thoughts. It will be as if we are just two parts to a whole."
Jame Kaman Dar
Nov 25th, 2004, 06:43:35 PM
Jame smiled.
"Ok...Sounds good."
Jame took the same route as before. She took the gateway through the calm of her empathics, down to the warm and somewhat semi-omnipotent site of centralizing in the Force. Once again she could see everything. She like this place, seeing life really at work. Then sifting through everything, she sought out Shade, and focused solely on him.
Hello there.
She could see how he felt at that point, as she always had been able to do with everybody. She could feel the calm of his breath and the heartbeat. Focusing a little on that, she went to match. It was a little more difficult, but eventually, she managed. Jame then felt him completely out in the Force, and after sitting at that point for a minute or so, getting comfortable there, small thoughts began to trickle from him.
Shade Magus
Nov 26th, 2004, 08:04:10 AM
Good, very for a little test. Just let go and follow through the Force. Don't try to think about what is happening, just go with it. I'm going to send thoughts to my body telling it to move like I normally would. I want you to take those thoughts and allow them to move through to your body as well, he said to her through thier thoughts. He took a moment and then raised his hand. It wasn't anything flashy or complicated, but it was something just for starters.
Jame Kaman Dar
Dec 28th, 2004, 10:33:29 AM
Almost immediately, Jame picked up on those thoughts, and found her hand raising as well. It was an odd experience, almost like being controlled.
Hehe. That's funny. It feels....funny.
Shade Magus
Dec 29th, 2004, 10:18:56 PM
If you like that...just wait for this next part. Lay back and enjoy the ride. Let the Force flow over you and fall into its embrace.
Shade stood up slowly and hopped in the air a few times. Letting Jame get used to this. Let me know when you are ready. Try moving your hands yourself and I will respond in the same manner.
Jame Kaman Dar
Jan 11th, 2005, 11:02:40 AM
Jame remained seated, and listened to Shade, then followed his instructions.
I can feel you hopping.... She thought, while lifting both arms to the sides, and facing the palms outwards, stretching.
Shade Magus
Jan 13th, 2005, 04:52:24 PM
Shade's own hands moved in response. There you go. Take a few more minutes if you need them and then we'll start going.
Jame Kaman Dar
Jan 15th, 2005, 09:51:10 PM
Jame stood, and did a few more stretches, both physically and mentally.
I'm ready when you are.
Shade Magus
Jan 20th, 2005, 01:50:28 AM
Shade smiled as he brought his leg up to stretch his hamstring once more. He dropped his foot and turned to her.
Ok we are going to stay side by side and go through a little jog. Alright here we go. Remember to just relax and let the energy flow through you. Don't try and fight it and just go with it.
He turned back towards the jungle and started off at a slow jog. He wanted the run to last for awhile so that she could get used to it and learn to use the meld to her advantage.
They passed rocks and limbs, swerving in and out of brushes. Soon they were coming up on a fallen limb. Shade didn't know how good, Jame was with acrobatics, but with the meld it would enhance her natural abilities so he hoped it would be enough for her to jump over the log. The Jedi himself, jumped on top and had barely landed when his left foot was pushing him forward in the air. He turned it into a somersault and landed a few feet from the log. He stopped and relaxed, sending his energy to Jame. He looked back to see how she would fare.
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