View Full Version : Terms of Release: Final Stages
Marga Alton
Oct 14th, 2004, 09:54:15 AM
Marga's not happy. She's been unhappy for quite some time now. First Vista gets kidnapped, and then she has to turn to her homeworld to get the ransom money, then she has to deal with ppl from her homeworld, now herself, Rognan, Navaria, and Wei are on a ship, heading to the drop spot. It's been several days since they got the message from Rivin, and she's been worried ever since.
Soon now, soon Vista will be back with them where she's safe.
Wei Wu Wei
Oct 14th, 2004, 11:07:38 AM
Wei Wu Wei sat in the rear of the bridge, head bent and eyes closed. He was asleep. The Knight had offered to help Marga and Rognan with this venture only because he had dealt with Riving before, and wanted to make sure the Padawans didn't get into more trouble than they could handle. But there was no trouble right now, only a long ride in a shuttle. So Wei did what he did best: nothing.
He trusted he would be woken up if he was needed.
Rognan Dar
Oct 14th, 2004, 04:22:00 PM
The time of late could not have gotten any worse. Well, it could, but it was always best to think that it couldn't be, for when it was, then you had something to look up to. Nevertheless, this trip was hoped to be a quick and easy trade. Hardly does such things happen that way. There is always someone that wants someone dead or just wants to cause more problems then there needs to be.
While on the shuttle Rognan found no rest, no comfort. Ever since he got the message from that scum called Rivin he had nothing more on his mind then getting Vista back. For his carelessness was what took Vista away. He had taken her in on good will and felt that it was his duty to do so when she came to him. But when he did not provide the proper attention and care, watchfullness and caution, it seemed like he let her go. That thought tormented him as he walked back and forth through the shuttle, trying to find something to take his mind off of it. Just go, drop, and pick up. Simple, yet complicated. I just hope that Rivin keeps his deal.
Navaria Tarkin
Oct 14th, 2004, 04:57:13 PM
Navaria was keeping herself occupied by playing a game of chess on the holo-table against the computer. She was definitely of the opinion that the computer was somehow cheating, which was absurd. It was only on medium difficulty and she wasn't that out of practice. She had noticed that Rognan was pacing back and forth. His thoughts consumed with what brought him to this point in time. His pacing did not bother the Jedi Knight, it was his restlessness. It would do him no good.
"Would you care to join me?" she asked, looking up as the computer took brutally took one of her pawns by clubbing the poor rancor over the head. In a way, it was rather comical and caused Navaria to laugh. "Seems the computer has something against me."
Marga Alton
Oct 15th, 2004, 10:07:31 AM
Marga takes a deep breath and goes to calm her mind by focusing on her breathing. She then speaks through telepathy to everyone on the ship.
We're g oing to be coming out of hyperspace soon. Are the credits ready to go?
Marga asks.
Dark Lord Rivin
Oct 15th, 2004, 10:52:37 AM
"Sir the ships are ready to deploy, The girl will be packaged once the money has been collected."
Rivin was standing on the Bridge of one of his Corellian Corvettes stairing out at the deep space when the officer interupts him with the status report. He turns to the officer that just spoke to him.
"Very well. Have the suprises been prepared at the girl's departure point."
"Yes sir! everything is ready!"
"Good... We don't want to make this easy for them do we?"
"No sir! we don't sir!"
"Leave me now. I want to be ready when they arrive at the Nav Buoy."
The officer turns and leaves the bridge as Rivin goes back to looking out the main viewport, off towards the distant Nav Buoy. too distant for them to see him, but the force can see farther than the eye.
Rognan Dar
Oct 17th, 2004, 08:10:06 PM
Rognan turns to Navaria as she asked him to join her.
"Sorry. I couldn't possible right now. I wouldn't be able to get the consintration to play very well when we aer so close to finishing our goal."
Nevertheless, he did go and sit down across from her and watched her and the computer play before speaking up again.
"I know you must think that I am over anxious, and clearly angry, but I dont know how to stop myself. I've tried. The sooner this is over the better."
Just then he heard Marga's thoughts in his head. He looked around for her but did not see her directly, but he could feel that she was not far off. He didn't know much about the credits that she asked, though. He knew that she had gotten them from somewhere and that they were delivering it now. He looked to Nav with a look that also asked about the creds.
Wei Wu Wei
Oct 17th, 2004, 10:14:58 PM
Wei suddenly jerked awake from his sleep, only barely keeping himself in his chair. "Sure. Hey, be careful, ok? Let's not rush into this. There's Darksiders involved here. Always expect some kind of double-cross, or a trap of somekind. Keep yourself on alert."
Navaria Tarkin
Oct 19th, 2004, 04:58:16 PM
She switched off the console and held up a hand to calm Rognan, "Do not worry. The credits are in a safe place. Marga has them on this vessel inside a container according to Rivin's specifications. Once we know Vista is all right, she'll provide the access codes and he'll be able to check that the money is all there to appease him.
After that," Navaria nodded towards her former Padawan, "We keep alert. Who knows what is planned for us."
Marga Alton
Oct 24th, 2004, 10:51:15 AM
Marga sits as calmly as she can until the ship comes out of hyperspace, minutes after she asked about the credits. The nav bouy was there where it was supposed to be. With a couple of quick words, the pilot of the shuttle starts moving closer to the nav bouy. When they get close, she speaks through telepathy again to everybody.
We're here. Could somebody please eject the container of credits.
Dark Lord Rivin
Oct 26th, 2004, 10:25:10 AM
Their here. Rivin thinks to himself. He smiles as he walks over to the comm unit, and transmits on a short range, wide band frequence. But before he talks He uses the force to see if he can reconize any of the force signatures of the people on the ship. Then he goes to talk, letting his voice come over any active communicator.
"Hello Miss Alton, Jedi Rognan, and Jedi Wei. I'm sorry for not reconising the other lady on board your vessel, but I welcome you as well. Can I asume that you have the 520,653 Credits? If you do have them, please launch them towards the nav bouy."
Rivin stands by at a distance on the bridge of the Corvette. He knows that they can not see him with their eyes, but he is not trying to hide himself through the force. Though they can sence him, it is unlikely that they could pin point him at this distance. It's also unlikely that they could trace his call, since the short range communication is, as far as they can trace, comming fron the nav bouy.
Wei Wu Wei
Oct 29th, 2004, 12:43:09 PM
Wei stood. "Well, I see we're in the right place. He's around, no doubt lurking around somewhere waiting on us to make the drop and leave so he can pick up the money. That, and he's probably waiting to see if it looks like we have set a trap for him."
Rognan Dar
Oct 31st, 2004, 12:12:53 AM
Rognan heard the comm come through as he went to the bridge to keep a eye on things. It mad him mad that he just greet them like it was just a gathering and a time for tie and a chat. And he knew most of them here. That worried hm. Rog wasn't the only one that has been getting in his way.
"Lets make the drop and be done with this place and Marga?"
Navaria Tarkin
Nov 1st, 2004, 05:05:53 PM
Navaria scooted between Rognan and Marga, taking a seat in the shuttle's co-pilot's chair. "Well, it's good he doesn't know me. Might be throwing his plans off." The Knight turned the sensors on low and expanded her senses outwards for any sudden signs of danger. Rivin already was a dark spot in space, but there could be more. "All though that it is a big maybe."
Marga Alton
Nov 2nd, 2004, 11:20:47 AM
Marga nods slightly, not happy in the slightest about this situation. She does a couple of movements, and the credits in their container are ejected out of the ship, towards the nav bouy.
Dark Lord Rivin
Nov 2nd, 2004, 12:33:37 PM
Moments after the container was launched, a small transport comes out of hyperspace and pick up the container. The people on the transport then go to hyperspace, moving away from Rivin's location. They cut the the bottom of the container off and go to empty the container that way, just so that the don't get caught by any traps on the box, then they had the money to some droids that quickly count the money and check for tracking devices. After that is complete Rivin is contacted that it was all there.
Rivin turns to his lead commander. "give the orders to drop the girl in the given location."
The man nods and goes to off you give the orders, as rivin goes back on to the Comm unit, now 35 minuites after the money was droped.
"Thank you very much for going along with your part of the deal." Rivin hits a few buttons "You should now be picking up another Nav bouy on you sensors, about a 30 minute sublight ride away. She will be there in 2 miniutes. She is alive, for now. Her life is now in your hands. She is in a minimum heated box keeping the tempeture at negitive 10 degrees Celsius or 14 degrees Fahrenheit if you so chose to look at it that way. She is not awake, but I can not say for how long. If she stays out, then she will have 2 hours of air, but if she wakes up who knows how much air she will have left.
And just to keep things interesting her box has been placed in the center of a laser mine field, at the one point where the lasers will not shoot, so if you chose to use the force to pull the box out of the field then, she will likely be blasted and vented to space.
Thank you for your donation. You can see that I am a man of my word. She is being delivered to you still alive. It's now up to you to keep her that way. If you have any thing you wish to say to me I will leave this line open for another 2 minutes. Her 2 hours start now."
Rognan Dar
Nov 2nd, 2004, 09:34:12 PM
Rognan reached forward and shut off the comm unit. He had nothing left to say to that scum bag, and he was sure that no one else did. They had all that they needed, in a way, and just had to find some way to pick her up.
"Lets go then. Is there anyway of getting to her fast then that thirty minutes he was talking about? Can we make a micro jump or something?"
Wei Wu Wei
Nov 2nd, 2004, 10:06:48 PM
Wei whistled. "Is that right?" he asked no one in particular.
Wei thought over his options. "If the cold doesn't kill her, the lack of oxygen will. Hey, how well does this ship maneuver?"
Navaria Tarkin
Nov 4th, 2004, 04:35:27 PM
"Do we have anything on board for a space walk?" She asked, locating the child through the Force. "If there is enough time to reach her, it could be less dangerous then manuvering this ship around."
Rognan Dar
Nov 5th, 2004, 04:37:23 PM
"Couldn't we just blast those mines into pieces? Or how about move the mines around enough to open up a gap to pull Vista out?"
Wei Wu Wei
Nov 6th, 2004, 01:01:21 AM
Wei shrugged. "We could do it. Is this ship equipped with all that? What are its shields like, and it's guns? Does it have an electromagnetic pulse cannon like Y-wings? We can't do anything if we don't know what we're capable of."
Marga Alton
Nov 15th, 2004, 10:13:13 AM
Marga remains silent as the others talk, and when they stop talking for a moment, she pipes up through telepathy.
We have two forward mounted laser cannons, a belly mounted anti-infantry turret, and one concussion missle launcher rear mounted. Unfortunately, we only have three missles for it. We have good shields and good armour.
Marga looks around at the others, keeping silent about her backup plan if things don't go well with just them.
As for equipment for a spacewalk, we have one EV suit for external repairs. Downside with that is it's not built for humans. It's built for a Verpine.
But we don't need an EV suit for this. He said that if we try to pull Vista out with the Force, the mines will shoot the container she's in. So it would be safe to assume that if we moved the mines, then the mines would fire at the mines and by so doing, we clear a path to Vista and then we use the Force to pull her inside through an airlock.
And I'm assuming we could do a micro-jump to get over there faster so we have more time to work at getting Vista out of there.
Marga looks at the others to see if they are in agreement on this.
Navaria Tarkin
Nov 16th, 2004, 04:30:03 PM
"I wasn't suggesting to pull her out with the Force, just merely to retrieve her physically, but the point is moot since we cannot fit into the suit. The only concern I have with blasting our way there is if Rivin wasn't telling the truth and the other mines will go off.... the microjump would help to expedite matters." Time was ticking away. The child was still safe. Navaria could sense her lifeforce and it was still strong. "Can we possibly manuver around her when we jump and use this ship as a shield incase we do set off the mines by accident?"
Wei Wu Wei
Nov 16th, 2004, 10:46:30 PM
The Jedi Knight rubbed his temples. There had to be an easier method to this whole predicament. Nothing was ever as complicated as it appeared at first glance. Wei knew that from listening to his grandfather's wisdom.
"What is the simple way?"
Rognan Dar
Nov 17th, 2004, 06:08:45 PM
"Well, lets just get there and have that part done and worry about the rest when we are there. Her air is running out and who knows how much air there really was in there. It cant be much."
Wei Wu Wei
Nov 18th, 2004, 01:29:52 PM
"He said those things shot at whatever entered the field?" Wei asked out loud. "Hmm..."
Wei had an idea.
Marga Alton
Nov 19th, 2004, 11:38:03 AM
Marga nods her head in responce to Wei's question as she handles the controls to start the shuttle moving towards the indicated location on where Vista is. She doesn't care how they get Vista back, as long as they get her back still alive.
Navaria Tarkin
Nov 19th, 2004, 04:40:19 PM
"By all means, Wei." Navaria coaxed her former Padawan to speak up, "What is your idea?"
Wei Wu Wei
Nov 20th, 2004, 09:15:06 AM
He chuckled. "I have a small skill with illusions. Very tiny. But I don't know if the sensors on the mines would pick up the illusion."
Wei paused. "But if we only need one mine to be triggered to set them all off, then it would be worth it. Maybe we could turn a mine into a big red rubber ball."
Dark Lord Rivin
Nov 23rd, 2004, 01:21:33 PM
Rivin was pacing back and forth on the bridge of his ship looking out at the mine feild, wondering why they had not yet done a micro jump near here. Rivin was getting bored, and wanted to see some action. He turns to one of his officers.
"launch a missle into the Mine field, We will see how they like the Idea of some thing exploding in there."
The officers call up to one of the YT-1300 transports that are hiding on a near by floting ball of rock, and gets the transport to fire one missle into the field. From where the jedi are the should be able to see a number of lasers fire off and a small explosion.
Marga Alton
Dec 3rd, 2004, 02:38:28 PM
Illusions won't work because it's a machine and it's sensors will see right through it.
Marga goes to respond even more, but a look of outrage appears on her face as she sees a small explosion in the distance, about where the mine field is.
I'm gonna kill him. If that was Vista, I'm gonna kill slowly and painfully
Rognan Dar
Dec 4th, 2004, 06:22:49 PM
Rognan could feel the anger flowing off of Marga. That feeling was all to familiar. He looked at her and saw what must have been what he looked like when ever he had some kind of dealing with Rivin. And he shared her feeling. He could not bare the thought that Rivin might have just blown up Vista just because they were not reacting soon enough.
"Marga, I know how you feel. But dont give into that feeling. You dont really know where it might take you. And Vista is alive...I can still feel her."
Wei Wu Wei
Dec 15th, 2004, 12:14:51 AM
"Marga, slow down. Ok, so maybe the illusion will not work. Do you have a plan for rescuing Marga?"
Wei did not want to turn this rescue mission into a lesson on anger management and maintaining a steady head, especially since Marga was not his Padawan. Her quick temper was beginning to rub him the wrong way.
Marga Alton
Dec 15th, 2004, 11:00:34 AM
Marga takes a couple of deep breaths, knowing full well what she can do when she's angry and she does not want it to happen again.
From what I understand, if we can use the Force to move the mines themselves, that should cause them to fire at the mine that is moved.
Vista Alor
Dec 15th, 2004, 11:13:08 AM
Vista stirs slightly as she comes to. She's hurting, got broken bones, her hair's gone, her horns have been grinded off. Numerous cuts and bruises. She goes to stretch, wincing in more pain, but finds she can't.
"Let me out."
Vista yells, not knowing that she's in a small box out in space and no one can hear her. Slowly, she starts to panic as she realises how cold it is in the box.
Rognan Dar
Dec 15th, 2004, 07:26:22 PM
As the conversation continued on what to do next, and as the ship got closer to the location, Rognan began to feel something through the Force. He winced and started to bend over. He looked up at the questioning faces that were now staring at him.
"Vista...she's...she's hurting. And she is awake now. We must hurry. There is something wrong with her. She is...panicing. We must decide on something right now before she uses up all her oxygen!"
Navaria Tarkin
Dec 16th, 2004, 11:39:02 AM
She lay a hand upon Rognan's shoulder, letting the Force flow between them to calm the Knight. "Marga. Do the jump. We have little choice now."
Wei Wu Wei
Dec 16th, 2004, 07:15:30 PM
Wei's mind was focused razor-sharp. "Let's get this over with."
Marga Alton
Dec 22nd, 2004, 11:00:53 AM
Marga nods her head slightly as she focuses on the controls and uses the navcomputer to plot a micro-jump to just past the mine field, that way if they over shoot, they won't come out in the mine field. After the course is plotted, she pulls the lever, jumping them to hyperspace and a short while later, she pulls them out, ignoring everything else that is going on in the shuttle.
Rognan Dar
Dec 22nd, 2004, 12:22:29 PM
Rognan strapped himself in for the small jump. And once out of hyperspace, he unbuckled and stood up, just to fall down on his knees. Vista's pain and emotions was coming to him stronger now. But after looking over his own body, Rog knew that it was not his own pain that had come over him. He sat down where he was and opened himself up into the Force. He then let that connection he had between Vista open up great, and even more emotions and pain could be felt. But instead of just feeling the pain, he used the Force to draw some of the pain away from the child. He also sent back the assurance that help was on the way. She slowly eased up on her own panic and just layed there, waiting.
Marga Alton
Jan 3rd, 2005, 10:49:58 AM
Marga quickly looks over at Rognan as he falls to his knees after they come out of hyperspace. She then goes to turn the ship around and head towards the mine field.
Quickly now before we get to the mine field, what are we going to do about the mines. Move them so they shoot each other, or move them just to get a path to Vista?
Wei Wu Wei
Jan 3rd, 2005, 08:17:03 PM
"Why not both?" he asked.
Dark Lord Rivin
Jan 4th, 2005, 01:41:42 PM
"Sir! The ship has done the micro Jump, Just as you predicted!"
"Very good. Call the others, and tell them to ready the attack. Once the Child is on board send them in. I want them all Dead."
"Yes Sir!" The officer says as he goes to carry out the orders.
Navaria Tarkin
Jan 7th, 2005, 08:06:14 PM
"I agree with Wei." She felt a sharp shiver run down her spine and sense of danger. "Something is going to happen soon. We need to get Vista out of here now and leave immediately."
Rognan Dar
Jan 7th, 2005, 11:25:19 PM
Rognan did not make a sound. He was to focused on the connection between him and Vista. He could not stop her feeling the pain. All he could do was take some of the feel of hers, and drag it to himself so that she might live long enough for them to get her.
Marga Alton
Jan 11th, 2005, 11:36:59 AM
Then do it.
Marga says as she raises the shields of the ship and continues to pilot the ship into the mine field, as the other Jedi start moving the mines out of their way.
Wei Wu Wei
Jan 12th, 2005, 04:11:07 PM
"We need to keep it controlled to some extent," Wei said as he began working on the task at hand. We just can't have the whole thing go up all at once--it would be too risky, and could possible be bad for Vista. So we need to move just enough mines to let us get to her, and we need to do it at a pace where only a few go off at a time. This is space, people. Gravity is not strong out here. Any shockwaves or impacts will have significant effects on Vista's position. The last thing we need is to blow her out into deep space."
Dark Lord Rivin
Jan 14th, 2005, 12:30:58 PM
Rivin watches as the ship gets closer and closer to Vista. It really dosn't suprise him that they are getting there so fast, and he really doesn't care. This will all be over soon enough anyway. I moment they will be over top Vista's box and then after she is on board the trap will be set.
"Lower the tempture in the childs box. We want them to hurry now don't we." he says to one of the officers. who nods and goes to access the remote controls to the temp system on the box lowering it to -20 degrees Celsius
Vista Alor
Jan 18th, 2005, 08:09:46 PM
Vista starts to calm down as Rognan goes to help her, though after a bit, she starts to shiver even more, and starts to panic again.
Navaria Tarkin
Jan 20th, 2005, 04:03:56 PM
Navaria had sensed a disturbance in the Force and looked towards Rognan, thinking that he was the cause. His face held pain and she tried to get a sense of what was happening with him. There was a strong presence of the Force surrounding him that extended out of the ship. The Knight wasn't quite sure what he was doing, but she presumed it was in keeping Vista calm through her ordeal.
That still didn't settle her nerves. Something malevolent still awaited them. The danger was still too overwhelming and it wasn't because of the mines. There was something more...
Marga Alton
Jan 28th, 2005, 10:17:03 AM
Marga slowly navigates through the mine field and then comes to a stop when they are over at the container that Vista is in.
Could somebody please go and bring Vista aboard. The sooner she's out of that container, the better it will be for her.
Wei Wu Wei
Feb 5th, 2005, 02:20:57 PM
"Ok," Wei said. "How do we get out there without a suit? Well, we have one, but didn't you say that no one could fit in it?"
Wei stared out into space at the place where he figured the little girl would be.
"None of us have such a command of telekinesis that we could keep any kind of atmosphere gravitated around us. The cold would surely be enough to break even the strongest Master's concentration.
Rognan Dar
Feb 5th, 2005, 11:45:36 PM
Rognan opened his eye's to what Wei was saying. His link between Vista and himself was still connected, causing him to seem as if he was the one in pain.
"Is there a small docking arm or hatch that we could open up to at lest get her on the ship?"
Wei Wu Wei
Feb 8th, 2005, 08:38:49 AM
"Or what about one of those wierd gravitational beams that some of those ships have to grab onto other smaller ships?"
Navaria Tarkin
Feb 12th, 2005, 09:31:16 AM
"And if we do have such capabilities, we need to be careful that the container that Vista is in and our ship are air tight. We do not want a catastrophe by overlooking that. Marga...What do we have? You told us of the weapons on this ship beforehand... do we have what Rognan and Wei suggested?" As she spoke, the Knight was moving towards the back towards the most likely hatch that would be used to bring the child on board.
Marga Alton
Feb 15th, 2005, 01:12:45 PM
Marga's silent for a moment before smiling.
Yes, there's controls for a tractor beam here so I'm guessing we have one. Using that we can pull Vista's container on board. Could somebody please work the tractor beam controls from the co pilots seat
Wei Wu Wei
Feb 16th, 2005, 04:16:07 PM
Wei was sick and tired of wasting time talking and decided that it was about time to get down to business. Leap-frogging over the back of the chair, he sat down and looked at all the controls on the panel.
"So, what does what?"
Marga Alton
Apr 22nd, 2005, 02:52:57 AM
Marga quickly gives Wei some instructions on how use the controls through telepathy. Shortly after that, the container that Vista is in, is on the shuttle in the small cargo bay used for storing items needed on trips. She then goes to start piloting the shuttle away from the nav bouy.
Dark Lord Rivin
Apr 22nd, 2005, 03:11:46 AM
"Sir! They have the girl!" the sensor officer calls to Rivin.
Rivin looks out of the bridge window towards the mine field
"Send in the ships. Kill them all."
"Yes Sir!"
Moments later two corellian corvettes exit Hyperspace at the mine field, one on ether side of the field and Rivin's corvette exits Hyperspace good distance behind one of the other two. Also a squad of Ugglies (X-wing/Tie combo) exit hyperspace with the forward Corvettes, half a squad with each front corvette.
The uglies start to pilot into the mine field towards the shuttle, but for some reason the Mines are not shooting at the ugglies.
Rivin comes back on to the Comm Brodcasting a message to the shuttle, not trying to hide which Ship it is comming from.
"Well Thank you for doing co-oporating with me and as I promised I would not prevent you from getting the child unharmed more then she already was. But I an deeply sorry that your departure was not part of the deal. Goodbye."
Wei Wu Wei
Apr 24th, 2005, 10:04:50 PM
"Well, that wasn't too hard," Wei said as he sat back int he chair and spun around. "Let's get out of here, ya? I don't like being out here in the open like this. Turn this bad boy around and let's make a jump back to civilization."
Rognan Dar
Apr 27th, 2005, 11:10:43 PM
Rognan was waiting in the front of the transport for Wei to get Vista. The process didn't take to long, and he was relieve for that moment when she was abored. But then the thinkable happened.
How could they have thought that Rivin was just going to let them go? Rog should have known something like this would happen. But he did know, but there wasn't anything he could have done about it.
"Pilot, get us out of here. Now. Give this piece of scrap everything its got."
Targets were starting to appear on the screen. And by the looks of them, they were not there to help them. This was going to be quite a ride...
Navaria Tarkin
Apr 28th, 2005, 02:32:08 PM
"Rognan?" Navaria asked over the intership com, "Do you need any assistance with Vista?"
The Knight was still sitting in the co-pilot's chair, inputing the data coming in as possible enemy ships appeared on radar.
Marga Alton
Apr 28th, 2005, 06:24:01 PM
Marga frowns slightly as she sees the ships coming out of hyperspace.
Rognan, I can't jump us out of here while we are still in the mine field, but I can bring in my reinforcements. Oh, and could somebody else please take the helm, there is no way I can pilot this shuttle while we are under attack.
Marga then closes her eyes and focuses her thoughts on the groups small reinforcements, Neyasha and the Audrie X-4.
May 7th, 2005, 01:25:38 PM
Neyesha picks up the telepathic signal that marga told her to be looking for, and springs into action.
"Audrie, restore systems to full power and and bring us in on the vector 233-564-765, I want to be armed and ready when we get there, enter attack padern 325 omega when we get there."
"Neyasha, you do know that will bring us out on top of the rear corvette."
"I am aware of that. Talzen's master is on that ship. I want him dead if I can. If not he will at least pull the fighters back to gard his own ship, he may even pull back one of the other corvettes."
Audrie sends neyasha an afirmitive on her request and moments later Audrie was riding up the tail end of Rivin's command vessele, opening fire with the 2 space bombs, 3 missles, and all 10 of her retractable TIE class laser cannons, and her 2 sets of quaded A-wing class lasers mounted on each side of the vessle.
As audrie is coming around for a second pass Neyasha sends a comm transmition to the Jedi shuttle.
"Thank you for allowing me to act as back up, and strech Audrie's legs. It has been some time since she has been fully useds in her intended manner." She says in her emotionles tone. "Set your course towards section 22341 mark 6 and try to aviod the corvettes. And one more thing, Master Wei, Isn't it supose to be that Master saving the apprentice... "
Dark Lord Rivin
May 8th, 2005, 10:40:17 AM
Rivin was watching with great glee as his fighters close in on the shuttle, soon the jedi will be dead. Or at least that is what he thought untill all of a sudden his danger sence flares up and his corvette shutter with the contact of the warheads and lasers.
"Report! where did that come from! What is going on!"
an officer speeks up as he rushes from station to station on the bridge.
"Our sensors our not picking up any hostile vessles other than the shuttle! Visual sensors are picking up an unidentified craft off the aft, ventral, port side coming around for another pass! aft Sheilds are down by 40% and we are reporting that aft hull intrgritiy in the engine room has been comprimised, No breach reported!"
Rivin reaches out with the force to sence Neyasha and the others. He gets up and moves to the weapons station on the bridge and force throws the officer curently in that seet out of it.
He then activates a small modifacation which allows him to send targeting data to the droid gunners on his ship and starts ploting Audrie's path with the force and inputing it into the system for his droids to target.
"Recall all the fighters to us and instruct the mines to lock on to the Shuttle and manuver towards it, with the instructions to open fire with it's laser unless it contacts the shuttle, then explode."
The officer nods and the fighters shortly there after quickly turn around or fly past the shuttle with a few pot-shots on the shuttle as they pass over it and start to get ready to attack Audrie.
Rognan Dar
May 10th, 2005, 08:36:24 PM
Once Vista was secured into the shuttle, Rognan left the cockpit to get her. He makes his way to the cargo bay and finds the small coffen shaped box in the middle of the floor. He runs to it and drops to his knees. He then goes about trying to figure out how to open it. After a short while he does manage to find a release button and watches as it slowly slides open.
Wei Wu Wei
May 11th, 2005, 07:19:26 AM
Wei shook his head and chuckled. "I'm going to assume that was you making a joke, Neyasha. Good job. You've much improved. You will soon learn that when help is offered it is good to take it. Especially in situations like this one. Give them hell, girl."
Navaria Tarkin
May 11th, 2005, 04:23:32 PM
Navaria takes the helm without saying a word. A look of determination set within her face as her body relaxed. Quickly her mind was immersed within the Force, guiding her hand to pilot the ship out of harms way through the mine field. It would take some time before they would break through to empty space and she was trying to keep the ship steady until everyone was strapped in.
The deflectors were taking more damage then they should, but only because the Knight did not want to toss Rognan and Vista around.
Rognan. Get Vista and yourself to a safe position on the shuttle so I can get us out of here.
One of the mines got too close and Navaria had to punch the shuttle quickly downwards to avoid a collision. They were safe but the mine exploded behind them.
The sensors confirmed what she had already sensed was happening. The mines were heading right for them in a suicide run.
Vista Alor
May 11th, 2005, 05:00:08 PM
Vista's shivering and crying when she's brought on board, and is still shivering and crying as Rognan opens the box up. As the box opens up, Rognan can see that she is covered in bruises and cuts, her horns have been grinded off, her hair removed, and it looks like she has several broken bones throughout her body.
Rognan Dar
May 11th, 2005, 11:50:36 PM
Rognan was horrified at the site of Vista's brutalized body. He almost broke out into tears at the site. But he had no time for crying for the ship was going into evasive menuvers, sending lose things flying all over the deck.
Taking off his robe, he carefully picks Vista up and raps the cloak around her naked body. Getting to his feet was difficult and he almost fell over several times. He didn't know if this shuttle had anything resembling a med-bay and he couldn't just go walking around. So he found the nearest seat with restrants and placed Vista in one and himself in one right next to it.
We are secured. Get us out of her Navaria. I dont know if Vista is going to last.
May 12th, 2005, 10:36:22 AM
"Neyasha, Incomming fighters at 11-o-clock, two waves of 6, first wave will be on us in a few moments, the other wave is passing through the mine field un hampered by the mines"
"Make a copy of the fighter's IFF, and if you feel that we can finish the first wave quickly divert course accordingly and dispach them otherwise focuse on the corvette."
With that Audrie changes her course so that she is pointing up at the fighters and sends a large spray of laser fire into the fighter formation and quickly calculates how the fighters in this first wave will scatter, and mannages to destroy 5 of the 6 fighters. the 5th fighter is badly damaged and goes to limp away from combat towards a hyperspace lane.
Audrie goes to finish off the lone fighter but Neyasha thats the controls and turns her back towards the corvette.
"Are you alright Neyasha? you don't normaly leave loose ends."
"That pilot is not our target, and does not deserve to die. He is fleeing combat and thus is no longer a threat."
"I understand that, but that's just not normaly you."
Neyasha does not respond to Audrie's comment but does tell her to dissarm a long range missle and prepair it for an IFF transfer. And she brings Audrie around to pass by the corvette again.
Dark Lord Rivin
May 12th, 2005, 02:53:21 PM
"Sir half our fighters are gone, five dead one going to hyperspace!"
"Pull back, and keep shooting at that ship! Tell corvette 2 to pull back and try to draw this ship off of us! corvette 3 is to advance into the mine field to Engage that shuttle! I WANT THAT SHUTTLE DEAD! Tell the captian of Corvette 3, that if shuttle escapes, his wife and daughter will be sent to our ground troops for their entertainment for the next two weeks!"
The officer gets a look of pitty on his face as he relays the message to Corvette 3, and starts to turn rivin's corvette around for their fighting withdraw.
Corvette 3 then starts to enter the mine field sending two missles towards the shuttle as he moves to get himself into turbolaser range.
Marga Alton
May 17th, 2005, 08:28:49 PM
Marga moves out of the way as Navaria takes the pilots seat. She seats herself in the seat that Navaria vacated and buckles in.
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