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Jun 16th, 2004, 03:09:45 AM

So You Want To Join The Sith Order

Thank you for taking an interest in the Sith Order. Before you begin role-playing here, there are some important things you should read. The first of these is the board wide FAQ (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/misc.php?s=&action=faq). This should answer the majority of questions you may have about role-playing at SWFans. Once you have read the FAQ, and the information below, please take a short while to ‘lurk’ around the boards. This means that you do not do any posting, but simply read other threads. This will give you a good idea of how role-playing at SWFans works, and help you avoid any unnecessary stress should you accidentally do something wrong. If you have any queries that aren’t covered either in the board wide FAQ, or the information below, please post them in our OOC forum (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=124).

How To Join

Joining The Sith Order is a simple process. To join, copy and paste the application form below. Fill in the details needed, then post it (as an entirely new thread) in this forum. Each of the questions is fairly self explanatory. If you are struggling to think of something to write for the questions, perhaps you should rethink your character. When you are joining, you should already have a good idea about the workings of your character, so completing the form shouldn’t be too hard. The Skills area is one which we understand may be somewhat confusing – some examples of what could be given here are electronics skills (slicing/hacking), mechanical skills (repair/construction), combat skills (basic training in a martial art or weapon proficiency) and so on - as always, try to be creative.

Once you have posted your application (as an entirely new thread), it will either be accepted or rejected. If you are accepted, you may begin posting at the Sith Order. If you are rejected, the reason for your rejection will be explained. You will have the chance to, if applicable, make changes to your application and re-submit it. This, however, still does not guarantee you will be admitted.

Please be patient when applying. Do not contact a member of the group asking if and when you will be accepted. Patience is an important part of roleplaying as a whole, so showing some when you are just joining is important. We look forward to reading your application.


Title of thread should read:

APPLICATION: [character name]

Body of thread should contain:

Character name: Your characters name or alias which they go by.

Character Profile: Your characters personality, general demeanor and attitude.

Character History: A history of your character. It can be as long as you like, but please make it at least a paragraph long. Having a good background for your character is important, because a persons past affects their present and future a lot. If you know where your character has come from, it is much easier to imagine where they’re going and how they would realistically react to certain situations.

Character Motivations: Why your character wants to become a Sith. Try to be creative and think outside of the norm – there can only be so many people in the galaxy who want vengeance for the death of their father/brother/dog who was killed by Jedi.

Character Skills: Current skills that your character possesses. There are some examples of these types of skills in the rules.

Why should we accept you: Tell us why you think your character would be a good addition to the Sith Order. Everyone who joins must be loyal to their Master and the Order, so this is not a viable reason.

Roleplaying example: This can be a thread with the character you intend to play at the Sith Order, or another you have at SWfans. Which thread you submit if your choice entirely. The thread will be used to see if you can meet an acceptable level of grammar/spelling and are able write something conducive to the story.

Do you understand that your application can be rejected: Simple question.

Have you read the rules: If you have read them, you’ll know what to write here.

Jorshal Vuntana
Nov 20th, 2005, 09:24:51 PM
A voting system has been put into place by the Elders which requires three out of three votes on the part of the applicant. This number is subject to change as the number of Elders is likely to fluctuate.

The following is a list of eligible voters.

Jorshal Vuntana
Yurza Magus
Zereth Lancer
Baralai Lotus

If you are neither the applicant nor a voter, you're post will be deleted from the application.