View Full Version : Application Submission Thread (Must Read for all New Characters)

Figrin D'an
Jun 3rd, 2004, 08:39:36 PM
As of today, recruitment into GJO is reopened. There have, however, been significant changes made to the admissions process. These new rules must be followed by all characters seeking membership into GJO from this moment forward. Failure to comply will result in you being unable to join GJO.

All those seeking to join GJO must fill out an application, which can be found below. This application form consists of questions regarding the applicant, both IC and OOC. This form must be filled out (all areas/questions must be answered), then be submitted to this thread. Each application will be reviewed by the Council, and either accepted or rejected. Each applicant will receive an Private Message, indicating either acceptance or rejection. If accepted, the applicant can begin to roleplay the character as a member of GJO. If rejected, reasons for the rejection will be given. In some cases, an opportunity will be given to rewrite the application and resubmit it (if this is the case, it will be explicitly indicated in the PM. Do not assume that you may do so automatically.)

Decisions on rejection are not up for debate. Any posts made complaining about being rejected or about the recruitment process will be deleted, and those who write such posts may be banned if they persist in such actions.

Once an application has been approved, the applicant character becomes a "Jedi Initiate", can post in the IC forums, and begin to train with other Jedi. That character's name will also be placed on the list for padawans looking for masters. Once a character is choosen for an apprenticeship, he/she becomes a "Jedi Padawan."

(As a note, the Initiate Classes are now defunct, and are no longer required for all new members.)

Remember, the application must be done FIRST, before you being to post RP threads in the Recruitment forum or elsewhere at GJO. Posting before an application is submitted and/or approved will only hinder the process, and is likely to get your application pushed to the bottom of the pile.

If you have questions about the Application or about the application process and how it ties into becoming a Jedi, please see the GJO FAQ (http://www.thegjo.com/faq.htm), or contact a member of the board staff. Also be sure to reference the FAQ for all information on admittance and training policies.

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Application Form

Instructions: Copy and paste the questions below to your post, and replace the question descriptions with your information. Fill out all sections and check for mistakes before submitting the post.

Character Name: Your characters name or alias.

Character Profile: Your characters personality, general demeanor, attitude and vital statistics.

Character History: A history of your character. It can be as long as you like, but please make it at least a paragraph long. Having a solid background for your character is important, because it gives insights into the character's personality. It can dictate how he/she might react to certain situations, and can be an indicator of what will happen to him/her in the future.

Character Motivations: Ask yourself "Why does this character wants to become a Jedi?". Be creative and different. An all-too common response is "My character or his/her family was wronged by a Sith or Dark Jedi, and he/she wants justice and to defend others from the same fate." This is a superficial reason at best. Dig deeper, or come up with something unique. A character doesn't have to be a total good guy to become a Jedi, and his/her motivations may not be completely honorable (at least at first). For example, a character can join for selfish reasons, then end up changing as he/she go through training.

Character Skills: Current skills that your character possesses. These can be things like piloting, slicing, repair/engineering, weapons proficiencies, basic martial arts, and so on. Be creative, and try to assemble a set of skills that combine well and makes sense for your character.

Why should we accept you?: Tell us why you think your character would be a good addition to the Jedi Order. Everyone who joins must be loyal to their Master and the Order, and must follow the Jedi Code, so these are not viable reasons.

Roleplaying example: Show us a RP thread involving your character. It can be either at GJO, or at SWFans.net itself, and can be off your choosing. Simply provide a link to the thread for the application reviewer to follow. This will be used to judge your writing abilities, so make sure it's a thread with which you are happy with your grammar, spelling and writing technique.

Do you understand that your application can be rejected?: Simply answer "Yes" or "No", and take it to heart that you can be rejected.

Have you read the rules for application, as well as the GJO FAQ?: Answer "Yes" or "No". Don't shortchange yourself by not reading the FAQ. It contains a lot of useful information, and will answer most of your initial questions. If you ask someone a question that is answerable by the FAQ, they're going to tell you to go read it, so you might as well do it right away before you submit your application.

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Kieran Devaneaux
Jun 3rd, 2004, 09:18:09 PM
Character Name: Kieran Devaneaux

Character Profile:
Age: 23
Height: 2 meters
Hair: White
Eyes: Left eye is blue, right eye is white/blind
Distinguishing Feature: Scar down right cheek and across right eye

Character History: Kieran is an enigmatic individual, a self-made wanderer who makes his wares by offering his services as a mechanic in exchange for transportation. Where, he didn't care. He has no memory of his life before the age of sixteen, and the only two memories he has left are the jeweled silver ring on his right hand and a holograph of himself at about eleven years of age. He has travelled quite a bit for the past seven years, and he has not called any one place home.

Character Motivations: Kieran has two major reasons for joining the Jedi order. The first is his odd ability to heal people, as he did when a fellow mechanic onboard a Corellian freighter sliced open his hand, and Kieran - only meaning to apply external pressure while he grabbed bandages - grasped the man's hand. The pressure, for some reason, caused the wound to heal - not completely, but enough. The second is related to his inability to recall his past, and he believes that, perhaps, the Jedi could help him.

Character Skills: Kieran is a self-trained starship mechanic. He often says that he does not know the physics of a hyperdrive, but give him the parts and he can fix it as best as he can, though he admits that his skills are no match for a true engineer. He is also skilled with most types of melee-weapons, even though he is blind on his right side.

Why should we accept you?: Kieran has a natural want to help others even at the expense of himself, and he feels the Jedi Order is the best example of this.

Roleplaying example: http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=35715

Do you understand that your application can be rejected?: Yes.

Have you read the rules for application, as well as the GJO FAQ?: Yes.

Yulis Romanov
Jun 3rd, 2004, 09:28:04 PM
Character Name: Yulis Romanov

Character Profile:
Age: 14
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Homeplanet: N/A
Personality: A little shy at first, Determined, quick learner, moraly strong, quick thinker, has great inginuity, good sense of humor, kind, caring

Character History: Yulis is only 14, but he has been through a lot in the past months, even spending time in a bacta tank when a hover truck ran him over. He has searched for his parents, but has only found trouble and hard times. Not remembering anything of the galaxy, he has wondered into many dangerous places and has always made it out alive. Something he is able to do scares him, such as throwing objects without touching them. He can do this sometimes when he isn't even thinking about it. When he is in trouble, it just happens. He is also able to achieve great aim with a blaster, as he found out when he was chased by some gangsters.

The most amazing trick that he didn't even understand, was surviving a shuttle crash. He was the only one out of 25 to survive. He remembered rolling into a ball and closing his eyes. When he opened them, flames and broken pieces of the ship were all around him, but made a sphere around him, as if he had been covered in a shield. The rescuers were amazed and had told him that maybe had the force.

Yulis had no idea what this ment, but had taken a trip to a library to find out. He read some about it and learned that it was what the Jedi used for their source of power. It binds everything and everyone together. At 14 he was amazed with this concept. He had to make his way to the center and become a jedi, if that was possible. The only way to get a ticket however, was to pay for it and he didn't have the money. A repair show had taken him in and the owner put him to work as a sweeper.

One day some mechanics failed to show up so the owner needed help, in a matter of weeks Yulis was helping fix ships, speeders, computer system, power units, and everything in between. For some unknown reason everything came quickly to this boy. He had an inate talent for it. Finally he worked off the ticket and the own reluctantly let him go.

Character Motivations: His first motivations were to find his parents. He didn't want to go to the police because they might take him away and put him into a orphan home. People have told him the jedi might be able to help him. Having powers himself, he had read up on jedi's at the library and was amazed with them. Their honor and will to do the right thing was intriging to him. He feels that this is the right path for him. He also wants to be able to control his powers and use them when needed. If the jedi can not help him find his parents, his goal is to train until he can do that himself. Other than this, he wants to help people that are less fortunate because he knows what it is like to have nothing and have very few people help you.

Character Skills: Yulis is young, but he has pilots skills, as well as some hand to hand combat skills, picked up from the underworld. He also has blaster skills. His greatest skill, however, is that of mechanics and fixing things that are broken.

Why should we accept you?: I have played a Jedi for over a year at other RPG and I feel like I can be a benifit to the jedi order. I am a skilled rper who will follow your rules and hopefully progress quickly through the ranks. I also like being a jedi and really want to have this opertunity on Sw-Fans to be one.

Roleplaying example: I have a few characters so I'll give you some different examples. Yulis is new, so he only has one thread:

My other charry is an NR commander, redic:


Do you understand that your application can be rejected?: I understand completely that it is upto the council to reject me. All I ask is a reason. Since the order is yours, you have every right to pick and choose who gets in. The Jedi order is a selective group and not everyone should be able to get in.

Have you read the rules for application, as well as the GJO FAQ?: Answer "Yes" or "No". Yes

Jun 4th, 2004, 01:48:52 PM
Character Name: Daerlayne, nicknamed "Birddog"

Character Profile: Likely older than most of the others that would try to join the GJO. Roughly seventeen years old. 5'10 in height with a slightly above average build due to his current job as a dockworker.

Character History: Daerlayne's exact birthplace is not known by him. His memories are of a dreary environment on Corellia. As much as he knows, his family moved there shortly after he was born.

Daerlayne's mother died during the birth of his younger brother, Nicky, and his father is just a slight bit better than dead having had troubles dealing with the loss of his wife. Drinking himself into stupors a great deal left Daerlayne to work the streets to make ends meet, be it by stealing or thugging. He could pick up odd-jobs as an errand messenger from time to time, but nothing that did much more than keep them alive.

He met Cassandra during one of his outings while he was part of a small street gang. The two became quite close and he took on a protective roll over her. This continues today.

Recently, they arrived in Coruscant to start new lives, in hopes of getting a bit above the poverty of their lives before. It has been difficult at best, with his job as a dockhand at one of the spaceports where he has also helped with minor repairs, yet still stuck being involved in a gang on the lower levels. It's not what he wants, and he has slowly been getting away from it.

Recently, he has been plagued by what one would call Force-sensitivity. He does not understand it, and in truth, it worries him. He has found himself reacting differently to people who use the Force, generally just a tingly feeling throughout his body. On two occasions, he has found that he performed actions not normally possible just by concentrating on that action. He is worried that left unexplained, it may result in harm to Cassandra. He has heard the stories of the Jedi, but knows little about them, and only speculation has left him to wonder about Force-sensitivity.

Character Motivations: While protecting Cassandra is one of his main life goals, he seeks the GJO to seek either confirmation or denial that he is Force-sensitive, and if possible that he be trained to use and control the Force, not to let it control him.

Character Skills: Daerlayne has taught himself most of what he knows, but is quick to pick up a skill when it is presented. That, in itself, is one of his best qualities. He has learned how to survive on the streets, be it scavenging, self-defense or minor repairs on ships and dwellings. A scrapper, he is better than average at hand-to-hand combat, as well as with small arms - generally knives and shivs.

Why should we accept you?: He has a knowledge of the underground and many of the dealings associated with it. His current knowledge and ability to repair things and learn will enable him to contribute to other facets of the GJO. Namely, he can help with maintaining equipment, vehicles, etc.

Roleplaying example: Learning new things: the Beginning (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=35964)

Do you understand that your application can be rejected?: Yes

Have you read the rules for application, as well as the GJO FAQ?: Yes

Navaria Tarkin
Jun 4th, 2004, 06:05:59 PM
Alex's application because apparently I can frelling read >_<

Before I start, I'll give you a link to the bio I wrote up for Alex a few days ago. It probably makes most of the application moot, but I'll fill it in anyway.


Character Name: Alex

Character Profile:
Above all things, Alex is a child. He was abandoned as a baby, and has the usual abandonment issues. He grew up thinking that being a thief was a perfectly normal thing to do. However, he reached an age where he realised this wasn't true, and has, since then, begun to hate himself. He desperately wants to change, and he desperately wants to feel like he's at home, and he's loved.

Character History:
When Alex was little more than a few months old, he was abandoned by his parents in the darkest depths of Coruscant. Alex should have died. However, he was found by one of the many creatures of the night, and adopted into a life of crime.

Alex was kept alive for a simple set of reasons. He was a baby. Babies grew into children. Children were small. Children were full of energy. Children could go places that adults could not. Children instilled sympathy. And, most of all, he was a blank slate. His new family could turn him into whatever man they wanted him to be. For them, Alex was a gift...the underworld's dream come true.

To say that Alex was unloved would be like saying that falling onto an ignited lightsaber would be painful. Alex was used his whole life. He was kept alive, but only barely. Every day of his life, he was involved in crime after crime after crime. As a baby, he would be used as a lure, his cries attracting innocent passers by into dark alleys, where muggers lay in wait. As a young child, he would pretend to be lost, and draw security forces away while his "family" comitted the crime of the day. As he grew, his wirey frame was used to go where the others could not, squeezing through vent shafts to unlock doors. The sad thing was, Alex new no better.

As he became a teenager, Alex was allowed up to the "surface". On the first day he stepped into the sunlight, he realised what he was. He had been raised as a bad person. He could see how inferior he was to each and every person that passed him by. He realised that he hadn't been abandoned because he had to be. It was because he wasn't wanted. There was something wrong with him. Something that no one could ever love.

In that one excursion, Alex changed. Instead of being a criminal because that was all he knew, he became a criminal because that was all he was good for. And because of what he was, he needed crime to go on living his worthless life: he stole to survive.

One day, that all changed. It was a normal day, at its outset no different from any other. However, it was the one that would end his life of shadows. While fleeing from Coruscant security, Alex did something that most would find impossible. He leapt from the highest floor of a shopping mall, and landed at the bottom, totally unharmed. He ran faster than any normal humanoid could have. Were it not for the interference of a Jedi, he would have escaped. However, one did interfere. Navaria Tarkin had watched the whole scene, and apprehended the fleeing Alex. However, she didn't turn him over to the police. Instead, she offered him answers, and a better life; a life with the Jedi. All it involved was a choice.

It wasn't exactly a hard choice. Within an hour, Alex's path had changed. He began down the road towards becoming a Jedi, not because he had to, but because he chose to.

Character Motivations:
Alex's main motivation for becoming a Jedi is his intense desire to stop being the thief that he has been for the last 17 years. He was abandoned in Lower Coruscant. He has no family. He has no real friends. The Jedi, for him, offer a chance to be part of something greater than himself. Maybe, if he works hard enough, he might be able to make up for what he was.

Character Skills:
Alex has been a thief for the past 17 years, more or less. His Force abilities only manifested themselves very recently, so in the past, he has never really benefited from them. His stealth, evasive skills, and thief's instincts are all born out of extensive practice. He has also picked up a few basic skills along the same sort of lines as thievery. From his jayriding days, he has learned to drive (or rather, pilot) a Speeder. He knows enough about computers and security systems to bypass basic functions. He knows how to hotwire a speeder, and the best ways to break in to various buildings on Coruscant. He has also, in an abstract way, learned how to climb and absail, and has become fairly nimble and acrobatic.

Why should we accept you?:
I've been an RPer for nearly 4 years now, so I have a fairly good grasp of what I'm meant to be doing. I like making myself apparent when I RP...usually by trying to involve as many people as is possible and sensible in my story arcs. I'd like to think that my arcs are well thought out, and enjoyable, but I can't really make an impartial comment on that. I haven't been at SW-Fans for very long, but in the time I've been here, and from all the posts and such that I've read, the Order looks by far the most entertaining and engaging. Seeing as I RP to enjoy myself, for me, it is the perfect match.

Roleplaying example(s):
Dog Eat Dog (Navaria) (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=35722)
Sweet dreams aren't made of this (open) (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=35951)

Do you understand that your application can be rejected?:

Have you read the rules for application, as well as the GJO FAQ?:

as of right now.. I split this thread. Hence the boo boo.. All questions about recruitment are to be PMed to the staff and/or Council

:) thanks

Jun 8th, 2004, 04:26:13 PM
Character Name: Lord Andúril

Character Profile:

Age: 17
Eyes: Pale Blue/Grey/Green/Hazel
Hair: Dark
Homeplanet: Unknown
Personality: Andúril seems to come across as one whom has seen much for one so young. He is slow to smile, and those who see it are often curious, for a light comes into his eyes that seems to come from somewhere else. He has a great sense of honour, and of duty, and will fulfill his purpose, even unto death.

Character History:

Andúril was born into a very isolated family in a system named Trinity. His was a small family, and very isolated. The planet he was living on was deeply forested and was not one of the safest places in the galaxy. There isn't much to tell about his time there actually. It was mainly peaceful, apart from a few unfortunate situations with the Garou tribes that were settled around his home. For that reason his father taught him the art of the lightsabre. He left Trinity and went to Coruscant at the age of 15. That was about 2 years ago. Encountering a few Jedi on my travels, he grew in awe of them and decided to come here. He stayed for a few months, but had a feeling that there was trouble at home.

Without warning he was forced to leave coruscant, and return to Trinity. When he arrived, he found the land desolate, his home deserted. Wandering the galaxy without much purpose, he finally made his way back to coruscant to pick up on the training he was forced to leave. So much has changed here since he last saw this place, though he recognises some of the faces.

Character Motivations:

Andúril asked himself this question many times before. Mainly he has asked himself questions he couldnt answer. He did not know why he had been given these lightsabres, and he knew not of the jedi until his father spoke of them to him, as he was given them. He learned that in his ancestory the jedi was prevalent, but his father knew but a little. His curiosity grew, and though he walked down other paths the idea had always been there, at the back of his mind, gnawing at his subconcious.

Soon he learned of a place where the Jedi trained, and he was drawn by something that he couldnt explain, ever wondering in his mind, what his future could hold. And thus he arrived, at a place, where he could sense a real sense of purpose. Something he had never before felt in his time.

Character Skills:

Andúril has various skills in survival, tracking, hunting, as well as excellent perception and reactions. However his true art was in combat. As a child, his sister taught him martial arts, and ways to defend himself, lest he fall into a dangerous situation. He also trained in sword combat, not only with one blade, but two. Thus he is not entirely ambidexterous, and can use both lightsabres very proficiently.

He also has the ability to read the emotions of many different minds at once, regardless of distance. Finally, he have a strange gift, if it is a gift. It is not somehting he is comfortable about, however; he has been told, that he has the ability to see into the future. He can only see random images, and cannot act upon them until they have happened. For this reason, it is something he uses seldom."

Why should we accept you?:

Andúril does not understand his reasons for wanting to join the jedi. He knows it is a hard life, but that is little different from what he is used to already. All he years for is some sort of purpose, and the peace that he felt in this place as he came here has filled him with a sense of purpose. He wishes to live a life that will mean more than a normal life, and live in a way that might give him a fuller sense of who he is, and who he is meant to be.

Roleplaying example:


Do you understand that your application can be rejected?:


Have you read the rules for application, as well as the GJO FAQ?:


Jun 11th, 2004, 05:24:50 AM
Character Name: Roj'yor'nuruodo (Jyorn)

Character Profile:
Species: Chiss
Age: 17
Eyes: Red
Hair: Black
Skin: Blue
Personality: Jyorn is a thinker, and would just as soon observe an altercation as jump right into the thick of it.

Character History: Jyorn was born on the planet Yshauvhu to two Chiss scientists after an exploring mission went awry and caused them to be stranded. His father was killed when their ship crash-landed His mother died of unknown reasons when he was two years old. He was raised by the Prophetess, Valara Saar, a priestess of the light side. She tutored him in the ways of the light side. Being a priestess, rather than a warrior, she steered him away from his primal instincts of aggression and violence.

When he was sixteen, the prophetess revealed to him the true nature of his race. She taught him about the Chiss, and how they had isolated themselves in the unknown regions. His tutelage was nearing its end when she was murdered by a rogue group of warriors, loyal to the Chiss and wary of aliens.

Beside himself with grief, Jyorn stole a ship and flew to Coruscant. The problem with his rash action, was that he didnt actually know how to land. As a result, he crashlanded on Coruscant, losing all his worldly possesions except his lightsabre and the clothes upon his back.

He joined an underworld group, his special powers thrusting him into the spotlight. He did not know of the Jedi, or the sith and so could not answer their surious question ... Are you a jedi? He questioned them about these mysterious Jedi. Their knowledge was limited, but was enough to stir an intense curiosity within him. When he got near the Jedi temple, he began to sense the other Jedi, and decided that he wanted to join them.

Character Motivations: Jyorn wants to join the Jedi because of a homesickness that cannot be appeased even by returning home. He has some training in the force, but has very few skills pertaining to the use of the force.

Character Skills: As his teacher was not a jedi, she did not have any knowledge of the Jedi arts. She did know how to levitate, both her self and other object. She trained Jyorn to be a master at levitation. Jyorn has an incredibly deep connection to the force. This was from years spent mediating on it.

Why should we accept you?: I believe I would be an asset to the GJO forum, having RP'd for several years at other forums before coming here. My character, while being unique, is not massively powerful, and so should not create any friction with those of existing forum members.

Roleplaying example:

Do you understand that your application can be rejected?: Yes

Have you read the rules for application, as well as the GJO FAQ?: Yes

Trunks Alvein
Jun 16th, 2004, 04:27:30 AM
Character Name: Trunks Alvein

Character Profile:
Age: 7
Species: Human
Hair: Purple
Eyes: Crystal Blue
Personality: Far beyond the mind of a child. Speaks and acts like, and in some cases is more mature than, an adult. Spends most free time reading and studying about things like, machines, alien races, psychology, and most of all Jedi teachings. Trunks cares more about others than he does for himself. He would risk his life to save anothers, and has on more than one occasion.

Character History:
Trunks possesses a holocron given to him by his mother when she passed away while they were in transit to Coruscant. His mother was mortally wounded while escaping a gang seeking to kidnap Trunks for his "Talents with magic". His talents aren't really magic, they are abnormally strong ties to the force. The holocron will only reveal a little about his past, once each year, on his birthday. So far it has been revealed that he has no birth father, this is still unexplained to him .He was on the planet Ruin before leaving for Coruscant, while there most of his memory was erased. His strength in the force is often more than he can control, which is why he has studied the Jedi in hope of somehow taming it.

Character Motivations:
Having uncontrollable powers has helped Trunks develop a strong sense of justice. He knows with such strength its possible to harm and control people. Yet he has chosen to devote his life to helping people, and serving the greater good. Its not something hes learned as much as who he wants to be in life. When a problem faces him he doesn't rush to anger or impatience, he puts thought, and incite to the situation, forming a rational conclusion. Even on his last birthday when the holocron had told him about the gang that killed his mother he diddent get angry, or even upset. Trunks has done pretty well by himself the last few years, but recently his powers have become to much for him to handle. Even more recently he has begun to have visions of the future involving him, and his destiny of striking evil from the universe. Though he fears if his talents in the force aren't focused with teaching and knowledge he may soon lose control of himself, and maybe even fall victim to the darkside.

Character Skills:
Highly proficient with building, and repairs to mechanical devices, Trunks believes he could build his own ship if he had the parts. Intuitively skilled with hand-to-hand combat due to the force, though better suited at parrying attacks rather than actually fighting. Having never held a blaster he has no skill in shooting, though he'd rather keep it that way. He believes himself best suited for swordsmanship, and carries a child size sword with him at all times, and has taught himself very well how to use it. Force abilities known to him are, projectile force waves, moving of objects, the ability to plant suggestion in others minds, heightened agility and dexterity, self-induced accelerated healing, and the ability to jump several times his own height. He can, and has on more than one occasion, see visions of the future, but only of himself facing off against some impending evil.. Whether this is a force ability or something else entirely is unknown.

Why should we accept you?
Trunks has the potential to become a great Jedi. Also a genuine compassion to help other people, and fight for what is right. He truly believes that the path of a Jedi is the correct path for him, and without training he may soon become to powerful for his own good, and the good of others..The path to the darkside is not one he wishes to travel, yet he fears there may be no avoiding it if he becomes more powerful, and isn't properly trained. Trunks believes he can prove a great asset to the Jedi and there quest for good, and is thankful for this opportunity.

Roleplaying Example:

Do you understand your application can be rejected?

Have you read the rules for application, as well as the GJO faq?

Jun 16th, 2004, 11:11:08 AM
Character Name: Dekkland Haell (a.k.a. “Dekk” )

Character Profile:-

Race: Human
Height: 6’3”
Age: 23

Dekk always came across a quite child, often a whole conversation could pass without him mentioning a word but when he did it was always worth it. Since his first words, Dekk always had a profound touch of insightfulness, he rarely spoke his mind but when he did it normally summed things up in fewer words then a wise man could. Cool and collected, Dekk never suffered from a short temper, in fact he a rarely ever losses his temper; although the lack of aggression was slightly worrying as his foster parents where concerned at his lack of sporting activites.
When he hit his teens he came out of his shell a bit. Becoming far more active and talkative but still withholding that glimmer of wisdom. Since he was about 6 years old, he had a knack for getting on top of problems and fixing them very quickly; it made him naturally confident and a gifted engineer.
From 15 years of age he had been an apprentice for a great scientist, a Jedi Artificer by the name of Khorin Belle. After his foster parents past away, he stayed with Khorin until he summed up enough money and mind to go and join the GJO order himself.
He may not be quite as you as some initiates but he makes up for it with a little bit more confidence and experience.

Character Motivations: Dekk’s curiosity for alien technology extends to a passion. Dekk would like the choice to become a Jedi, not only for the noble reasons Khorin instilled in him as a youth but also for the knowledge and exploration. Inspired by the Jedi Artificers cause, Dekk longs to study archae-xenotechnology as far an wide as he can.
More specifically, Dekk currently studies the interactions between the force and technology. He hope that some day his efforts will be put to good use as the GJO can utilise his research to make their Jedi just that little bit safer.

Character Skills:
Dekk is an exceptional technologist. Engineering, sciences, electronics and computing are his playground. He is also a gifted pilot and his combatative skills are proficient as he had a good technical knowledge of weaponry as well as biology and martial arts. His actual physique is developed but he is no fighter, just about proficient enough to defend himself. He knows plenty of languages but only in theory and as such doesn’t really count it as a practical skill so much as an academic point.
He has a strong awareness off the force but it is virtually all manifested in empathy (mind and especially machine).

Why should we accept you?:
The GJO seeks to hold order; whether it be political, social, industrial or military, the GJO needs to be on top. For this, they need the best people with the best tools available. It is the job of Jedi Artificers to research current technology, seek out alien and invent new technology to further increase the effectiveness of the GJO’s presence in the universe.
Hey, someone got fix your speeders every time you crash them right? :)

Roleplaying example:
So far just a little monologue (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&postid=669886#post669886).

Do you understand that your application can be rejected?: Yes

Have you read the rules for application, as well as the GJO FAQ?: Yes.

Jun 20th, 2004, 03:23:07 PM
Character Name: Buliwyf, son of Thrydwulf

Character Profile:

Race: Human
Height: 6’5”
Weight: 260
Age: 26

Background: Buliwyf comes from a warrior culture. His homeworld is rather backwards technologically, but they are socially sound. The culture is feudal in nature, with the strongest warriors leading the people. Protection of family and clan is of the utmost importance.

Character Motivations: Personal honor is one of his greatest motivations. On his homeworld, a strong and honorable fighter is praised above all things, so Buliwyf also strives after these things. As with most of his people, there is an almost built-in desire to journey to a new place and test their skills there. Though it is uncommon, it is not terribly rare for this call to lead off-planet. So, after catching one of the few transport ships that come to his planet to barter, Buliwyf leaves to seek his quest. His quest leads him to the Order.

Character Skills: Because of his upbringing in a warrior culture, he is proficient in fighting and the martial skills. As well, he possesses a high degree of physical strength and endurance, though not supernaturally so. Owing to both his culture and his own personal makeup, he has an extremely strong will and is nearly impossible to force to back down. He would quite literally rather die than be forced to retreat.

Why should we accept you?: I already have several characters in the GJO, like Akrabbim, Mr. Dust, Draken Chakara, and Ezekiel Frost. As well, I'm mainly creating this character for a single role play, but I'd like the option to keep him just in case.

Roleplaying example: http://sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=36141

Do you understand that your application can be rejected?: Yes

Have you read the rules for application, as well as the GJO FAQ?: Yes.

Baduna Ciodaru
Jun 22nd, 2004, 10:07:29 AM
Character Name: Baduna Ciodaru.

Character Profile: Laid back. Although dosnt like loosing so can loose temper. Trying to control my anger, makes me want to learn, therefor making me a good learner. Age: 31.

Character Presentation: Just short of 6ft. Black hair, down to the waist. Both eyes blue, with a kind of 'boxer' nose. Usually wears a large, black over coat. T-shirt and jeans.

Character History: Leaving his parents at just 12, Baduna has relied on no one but himself. Due to his 'rejection' Baduna isnt really a sociable person. But Baduna likes to meet new people. Not being around people he can trust, he likes to have a free role, but feels this allows him to show his anger, which makes him... want to calm down. Baduna would take his oppertunity well in the GJO and would like the chance to have someone to tell him what to do, because his parents never really cared. Although Badunas' dad wanted him to be a Sith, Baduna never really liked to 'attack' people. He would much rather prefer to protect people.

Character Motivations: Baduna wishes to help people. Although Badunas' dad made him bully people, he always protected them from other bullys. From the age of 9, he stood upto his dad, so Baduna was sent through a series of pain. This made Badunas' mum walk out on them. On the night of Badunas' parents divorce, Badunas' mum commited suicide. In turn, Baduna wants to help people, who are put in the same possition by the sith. Alot of anger is shown when this happen's, but hopefully, Baduna can learn to control his temper.

Character Skills: From being able to walk, Baduna had nothing but trouble from his dad. He was sent through rigerous training. His ability to run at exeptional speed, means that his agility is poor. But Baduna is extremly skilled in vibroblade arts.

Why should we accept you?: I think being accepted, would help Baduna in his confidence, to meet new people, and to prevent him from turning into the monster his dad was. Baduna wishes he was old enough to help his mum when they both needed each other. But Baduna let himself down, and feels that helping people who need it, is the only way for forgiveness.

Roleplaying example: Here (http://sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=36113)

Do you understand that your application can be rejected?: Yeah.

Have you read the rules for application, as well as the GJO FAQ?: Yes.

Rhea Kaylen
Jun 23rd, 2004, 03:32:57 AM
Character Name: Rhea Kaylen

Character Profile: Rhea is a humanoid Imrani (original race) female. 27 GSY, 5'2'', brown eyes, black/white striped hair. She is a generally quiet, hardworking woman with little specialized skill; she therefore often works at low-end employment while living on Coruscant. She is regretful about having never married or borne children, so she often throws herself into missions of mercy to help other people. In particular she takes special interest in children and their well-being, and likes helping anyone in need. She can be very acerbic and pessimistic, and usually judges herself too harshly. She is also clumsy, forgetful, and verbose, means well but often screws up, and is a little naive. Typically for her people, Rhea loves to learn and is a faithful study of whatever she sets herself to.

Character History: Rhea was born to Jedi parents in a slum section of Coruscant. Just before her parents were killed for their ties to the Temple, young Rhea was sent back to her family's home planet of Imran. There she was raised by her grandparents and uncle, and as her grandparents were also veteran GJO Jedi, she was taught much of how to use and control both the Force to which she was sensitive and the lightsaber that once belonged to her mother.

At the age of twenty, Rhea returned to Coruscant but decided not to join the Order herself. Instead, she moved back to the slums in a slightly over-optimistic attempt at doing some good in a bad part of town. She had some small successes with younger ghetto denizens, but at the age of twenty-six, with a new lack of needy children and a growing threat to her life in response to recent contacts with the Temple, Rhea commissioned friend and astrogator Corias Bonaventure to fly her back to Imran. Along the way, the two were caught up in a maelstrom of political intrigue and war when their ship was lost in the Veil and captured by the native Fyrokkians.

When they finally managed to escape with their lives, they had brought a new companion with them--Tayadhara Ramanuja, a Force-sensitive young Fyrokkian female. She accompanied Rhea to Imran and returned with her, some time later, to Coruscant, whereupon they both planned to join the Greater Jedi Order.

Character Motivations: Rhea realizes that she has basically hit a dead-end in her life. Returning to the largely-criminal ghetto is not an option now that she is a known fraternizer with Jedi. She has no real place in Imrani society because she is not a wife and mother, and because she has had no training in any particular trade to support herself. She could stay there and live with her uncle and aunt, but she knows that she would be of no real use to anyone in that capacity, and she wants to help people if she can. She also knows that her parents' careers as Knights put them in a good position to serve others and to see the galaxy, something Rhea secretly would enjoy doing. Most of all, joining the Order would give her a purpose, something to do with always a goal in mind, and Rhea desires more than anything a reason for living.

Character Skills: Like many of her people, Rhea is a tinker. Though not nearly so proficient at this as some other Imrani, Rhea does know a great deal about mechanical things, especially weapons. Otherwise, she's never really tried her hand at anything more complicated than menial labor, though she shows promise at a number of small things, like cooking and caring for children, and she is good with her hands. She already possesses rudimentary Force-ability and to that end is slightly empathic and has a truly excellent long-term memory.

Why should we accept you?: Rhea is of a race of people known for loyalty, intelligence, and good work ethic. As a Padawan, she would be a willing and uncomplaining student, and she would be ready to perform any task asked of her, regardless of how insignificant. She is generally patient and knows her own shortcomings. She would also be an excellent teacher herself, once becoming a full Knight, of younger initiates--while she naturally connects well with most living beings, she has particular strength when it comes to relating with and caring for children. She can work well with almost anyone and doesn't really care if she always works in the background of other people.

Roleplaying example: http://swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=34460

Do you understand that your application can be rejected?: Yes

Have you read the rules for application, as well as the GJO FAQ?: Yes

Slayn Cloak
Jun 29th, 2004, 11:55:20 AM
Please reply to this account :)

Character Name: Lain Essuana

Character Profile: Lain's cheerful, and polite on the surface. Anyone who looks deep enough might notice an odd level of detachment. At 5'5'' and 103 lbs she's not in anyway intimidating... (16 yrs old )

Character History: Lain is a native of Coruscant, the only child of her parents; who are fairly successful droid engineering duo.Saying she's the only child is only true to a certain degree. The Essuanas thought of every creation of theirs to be a child.Lain was reluctant to get involved in the family business but nevertheless excelled at it;She wanted to be praised by her parents. She's always harbored a great resentment toward machines, and felt that they stole her parents attention, especially her father.

Character Motivations Lain wants to be different, one of the few. She's seen Jedi around the city, and has always been impressed by their valor., and nobility. She see joining the academy as her way to start her life.

Character Skills: Being a pretty girl in bad places teaches you how to fight; Lain has no formal training but can hold her own against your adverage gang member. She is very proficient at both the creation, and maintenance of droids. She's not a slicer by any means, but knows a few tricks.

Why should we accept you?: Lain is dedicated to everything she has done, whether or not she's enjoyed it. She a very resourceful girl, and has the type of mind that's easily appreciated. Most of all, she's still young and impressionable.

Roleplaying example: http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=33670

Do you understand that your application can be rejected?: yes

Have you read the rules for application, as well as the GJO FAQ?: yes

Keira Sparrow
Jun 30th, 2004, 12:48:13 AM
(If possible, please IM me with the response.)

Character Name: Keira Sparrow

Character Profile: She is intelligent, calm, intoverted and extroverted (depending on the situation or her surroundings), she's kind, loyal, honest, and determined to do well and not fail in anything she does. Her weakness is sometimes admitting when she's wrong.

Character History: Born on the busy, fast paced life of Coruscant, she was born to a Jedi father and a force sensitive mother. Because of unknown complications (at this time), her mother was forced to separate the twins and give each to two totally different families. One on the doorstep of a politician and the other on the doorstep of a diner owner.

Not aware that she has a twin, Keira grew up a lonely life in a mediocre family with a ''father'' Besalisk named Yarin who owns a diner in the mid levels of Coruscant. Keira helped him throughout the years get out of trouble while pursuing a talent she came across a slicing disk which was used in payment since the customer had nothing else of value. Keira learned the art of slicing at the age of eight.

As an intelligent young girl, she had always been curious of her past and her real family. She had often asked Yarin about her parents, but he had responded that when the time came, he would tell her everything that she needed to know.

That day came soon after her 18th birthday. One day she had been in an abandoned warehouse slicing the networks trying to find information on her past. The Coruscant police had locked onto her signal, mis interpreting it for a terrorist. She had fled and ran to Yarin's diner, explaining her situation. He had told her everything, and gave her the lightsaber of her mother which had been left with her Mother's body and her as a baby.

Keira, realizing and assuming that her mother had been a Jedi, had immediately sought to become a Jedi.

On her way to the Temple, she had encountered a Dark Jedi by the name of Yurza Magus who had given her a little trouble, wanting her to join him instead of the Jedi. She had told him she only wanted to seek out her past, while actually hoping to become one (if she had the potential that her parents had).

So here she is, with stary hopes of following the footsteps that her mother had taken.

Character Motivations: Keira's first intention of contacting the Jedi Order was to solely find out about her past, nothing more. But now that she's thought about her past relations to two force user parents, she's become more curious as to what a different life may be like.

Character Skills: Hiding in the shadows (ie: being able to remain hidden when not wanted to be seen), computer repair and slicing skills that she acquired at the age of eight.

Why should we accept you?: Keira would be a great asset to the Jedi Order because not only is she loyal and honest, she is also resourceful (she can adapt to various situations quickly), and she's always ready to learn and help others.

Roleplaying example: Posts 197 and 198 are some good ones.

Darkness of Lower Coruscant (Keira's first posts) (http://sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?threadid=34960&perpage=20&highlight=lower%20coruscant%20levels&pagenumber=10)

Do you understand that your application can be rejected?: Yes.

Have you read the rules for application, as well as the GJO FAQ?: Yes.

Quay'Na Rakai
Jul 10th, 2004, 09:24:20 AM
Character Name: Quay'Na Rakai

Character Profile: Since finding out she has a son on the way, Quay has become more down to earth and responsible. The once short-tempered and sporatic twenty-one-year-old, has settled down into a much more calm and well-mannered female. She wants what is best for her son and herself and knows there is no other place to find that than within the GJO.

Character History: Quay lost her grip with the Order after she was drugged and date raped by Brent Yagher. It made her feel unworthy of being a Jedi and she was ashamed.

Helenias had been Quay's last mentor of the GJO, she left the GJO the very night after the Padawan delivered her master's child, Arwen. Before Helenias, Quay always seemed to have trouble keeping a master and often struggled with loss or abandonment issues. That was when she turned to Marcus Telcantor as her newest mentor.

Marcus helped Quay learn that she was a worthy person and was going to become a mother. He gave her strength, when she didn't believe she had any and he gave her wisdom. The aged mentor also gave her the greatest gift she could ever want or need. He gave her the chance to have this child, by spending thousands of credits and a trip to Corellia to have a special surgery done. Quay will miss Marcus deeply.

Quay also was adopted by Jerib and Jenesca Rakai (who was killed)at a very young age. Later on while at the GJO, she found out she had an identical twin sister named Yasmin Le'Kray as well as her birth father, Cordell. Since, she has become bonded with them. She also has a younger sister with her adopted parents, named Cheyanne, whom she is very close too.

Character Motivations: Quay had become part of the Lost under Marcus Trecantor, nearly four months back. She enjoyed being under his charge, but one thing constantly was on her mind.

The lying she had to do while in his charge. The secrets she had to keep to remain unknown. She couldn't tell anyone of the Lost or what she was doing or where she was. Quay didn't like being dishonest, but she continued keeping Marcus' secret. Now, being six months pregnant, the secrets had become just too much for her and she broke away, leaving the Lost and everything about to her past.

Quay wanted more for her child as well as herself, she didn't want him to grow up living in secrets. There are no secrets living as a Lightside Jedi, a place where Quay can be open and honest again and truthful to herself.

Character Skills: Quay is an excellent pilot, since her adoptive parents were both flight instructors on Corellia. She was taught to fly at the age of seven if not been taken on by Master Ira at fourteen, would've become a fighter pilot.

Quay also is experienced in mechanics, she's very resourceful and can usually figure out problems in that area.

Her main characteristic of being a Jedi is, Quay can communicate with animals as well as control them, that was how she came to be part of the Jedi in the beginning.

She can sabre fight with two sabre's and has general capabilities in telekinesis, mind control and healing of animals.

Why should we accept you? Quay's loyalty and resourcefulness has always been part of her. She's always done her best to do what she thought was right, even though she has made her mistakes. Quay is a good person at heart and will stop at nothing to prove herself as a good asset to the Jedi and society.

Roleplaying example:


Do you understand that your application can be rejected? Yes.

Have you read the rules for application, as well as the GJO FAQ? Yes.

Jul 12th, 2004, 12:41:09 PM
Character Name: Iauraearien (Iaura for short)

Character Profile: Iauraearien is just over 17 years of age. She is both fairly short and slim, and has dark hair and green eyes. She is somewhat reserved around people she doesn't know, but will be loyal and trusting to those she considers friends.

Character History: Iauraearien has no memory of her past; she remembers nothing of her childhood, her home, or even her family. This is why she has such a shy personality. She has travelled to Coruscant alone, not really knowing why until she arrived.

Character Motivations: Iauraearien didn't realise that Jedi trained at Coruscant until she arrived there; although she had, of course, heard of the Jedi on her travels. Once she discovered this, she realised that it was why she had been drawn here by the mysterious something that she couldn't explain. All she knows is that this is where she should be, and what she should be doing.

Character Skills: Living alone and without memory for so long has been hard for Iauraearien, but she has learnt from it. She has the knowledge and wit to survive in unfamiliar environments, and knows how to protect herself, making good use of her sensitivity to her surroundings, build and fast reactions.

Why should we accept you?: Iauraearien only knows that she belongs with the Jedi. She doesn't know why, or how she knows this. She does know, however, that it won't be easy for her. Not only the training, but being around people again, and trusting them. But she is willing to do her best to overcome this, because she knows it is her fate.

Roleplaying example: Here (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=36349) (Erm, sorry if I shouldn't have posted there, I'm still slightly confused. >.<)

Edit: RP example from another board found here (http://www.minastirith.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=11&t=000468&p=).

Do you understand that your application can be rejected?: Yes.

Have you read the rules for application, as well as the GJO FAQ?: Yes.

Keira Sparrow
Jul 26th, 2004, 11:54:28 PM
I don't want to seem pushy, impatient or anything, but I am curious about something...

Why are only two of the applicants listed recorded and approved?

The others are all recorded (except for the newer applicants), but I'm wondering does that mean the ones that are only recorded aren't getting into the Order, or... what? Please, any of the Council Members or Masters answer this. Me and others I'm sure are curious about this.

Aug 7th, 2004, 05:02:46 AM
Originally posted by Keira Sparrow
Why are only two of the applicants listed recorded and approved? [...] The others are all recorded (except for the newer applicants), but I'm wondering does that mean the ones that are only recorded aren't getting into the Order, or... what?

I am very new, and I don't pretend to be anything else, but just reading around I've seen that people who are only recorded are posting, and so must have been accepted.

Figrin D'an
Aug 15th, 2004, 06:59:01 PM
Originally posted by Keira Sparrow
I don't want to seem pushy, impatient or anything, but I am curious about something...

Why are only two of the applicants listed recorded and approved?

The others are all recorded (except for the newer applicants), but I'm wondering does that mean the ones that are only recorded aren't getting into the Order, or... what? Please, any of the Council Members or Masters answer this. Me and others I'm sure are curious about this.

You'll know you've been accepted/rejected if you get a PM saying so or if you have spoken with a Council member about it. Don't necessarily go by the "status" listed in this thread. It isn't always kept up-to-date. All you need to worry about is watching your PM box.

Devon Russels
Nov 18th, 2004, 09:23:35 PM
************************************************** ***

Application Form

Instructions: Copy and paste the questions below to your post, and replace the question descriptions with your information. Fill out all sections and check for mistakes before submitting the post.

Character Name: Devon Russels

Character Profile:

The shaggy and nonchalant Devon can be characterized by his ungroomed, but somewhat attractive young looks. The eyes of the young 17 year old bare the pains of many inconcievable problems that shattered the innocence in his life. Now, with a tattered face, he tries to look to the future, above the crowd with his tall 6'2 frame.

Character History:

Devon was born to an engineering mother and an unknown father. The subject of a "daddy" was very few times conversed, seeing as the life commoner on a space-based hot spot was filled with numerous father figures. Engineers, Captains and pardons provided for the single parenting Eve Russel.

Even in his young age he showed signs of abnormal behavior. How he grew mentally was far faster than that of any other baby human on the whole spaceport. At the tender age of 5 he was tinkering with ship engineering units and drawing detail pictures of children and fellow pardons on the port in his leisure. However, the process slowed and he became more and more jumbled into the crowds of boys that were running about the port, though his naturally artistic, creative and intutive abilities never seemed to whitter away.

In his adoloscence he had grown popular along the port for his pazaak, sabaac abilities. Even though scorned and frowned on by his mother and even Captain Collado, who he considered his biggest father figure, it was where he found his new friend, Maria Maurkiso. An little older fellow who had seen much in Devon, beyond the popularity and looks. So, she sat down and played Devon at a game of pazaak. She saw no flaws, as she did at other ports and catinas along the galaxy, in his game. Even though she lose, that day wasn't soon to be forgotten by Devon. It was only a week later that he bumped into her again. From there they carried out the beginning a strong friendship that in the end turned into the shattering of Devon's innocence.

In her he saught a rebellion against all that he was raised. He ran off with her, robbing, pirating and smuggling. The deeper connection was becoming stronger and stronger as the days past that they were together and only became unbreakable when he found that she needed help in her family issues. The day before her death he had kissed her for the first time, confessing to himself and her that he loved her. She returned it.

That was the last time that she would.

Character Motivations:

There are a number of them.
1) The final straw on his back of encouragement was the death of his close friend who had been smuggling some items in for his family that was being enslaved. She was hoping to provide some help in the process of smugglings goods and items that would allow her friend's family to revolt and create a revolution on the thorougly enslaved world. In the inability to save his friend he felt that he had failed. From what he had heard of Jedi he felt they were always in control. Always knowing of how to do the right thing.

2) Well, obviously, he has been touched by the Force and is able to use it. A rarity in his family tree, seeing as no one but very distant cousins have shown any abnormal traits.

3) The Captain of the ship he was born to. Raised on the space-base he learned much about tinkering and working. However, what he learned more about the Captain was that he saw alot in him. Even though at a young age encouraged by Captain James Callodo to be a captain as he, the man saw much more for him. So, one day, James placed an antique lightsaber. Though unable to be used at the time by any other, Devon managed to have it working. It wasn't much later that James began speaking more and more of tales of Jedi and how honorable they were when he came in contact with them.

Character Skills:

Well, he is quite skilled in all forms of the artistic realm. From sketching, from all forms of creative painting. He can also pilot ships quite well, something of which he learned at a young age. Yet, because of his interaction with numerous species he has a nice comprehension of others, however can not truly speak much of the languages other than Basic.

Why should we accept you?:

I feel my character can provide even more oringinality to this already enormously creative organization. The complexity of my character is quite realistic and I have a detailed plan about who and what he is from the start and where I want to take him.

Roleplaying example:

Im a Villian (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=37303)

2) Imaginery Friend (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=37299)

3) Between Hope and Despair (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=37312)

Do you understand that your application can be rejected?: Yes
Have you read the rules for application, as well as the GJO FAQ?: Yes

************************************************** ***

Feb 21st, 2005, 04:35:29 AM
Character Name: Steath hunter

Character Profile: Peaceful yet has quite a temper, tries to keep the peace where passable.

Character History: Born on naboo and raised as a trader until became self sufficient and left to join the Jedi.

Character Motivations: Steath wants to join the Jedi for only one reason... power, he has always wanted to be a Jedi, since his father told him about them but deep down inside all he wants is power and respect, and as this gives him great motivation its his greatest down fall.

Character Skills: Steath has great negotiating skills, but not many other things, he's not bad in a fire fight and can move fast.

Why should we accept you?: I think you should accept Steath because he has an unpredictable attitude

Role-playing example: I am present on a warhammer forum with the address of Html://www. invisionfree.com/warhammerforum. Under the name of jinty and if you require I will do a demonstration.

Do you understand that your application can be rejected?: Yes

Have you read the rules for application, as well as the GJO FAQ?: Yes

Torn Dlo
Mar 3rd, 2005, 09:53:00 PM
Character Name: Torn Dlo

Character Profile:
Age: 23 standard years
Height: 2 meters
Hair: N/a
Eyes: Black with silver pupils

Character History: Torn was born on the planet Dorin and since his birth he has stood out from his peers. At first it was his eyes as he had uncommon silver irises, which among Kel Dors, set him apart as being highly Force sensitive. Torn was later enrolled in the Kel Doran Gaurdian Academy where he excelled in every subject. He seemed to be able to soak knowledge up with little or no effort. As he grew older, the elders of the Academy turned thier eyes towards the young Kel Dor and even went as far as to invite a Jedi ambassador to Kel Dor where he tested young Torn without his knowledge. Soon after the elders gave Torn the choice to continue his training as a Gaurdian, or travel to Coruscant where he would train as a Jedi. Told only to chose with his instincts, Torn chose to become a Jedi.

Torn is a very average Kel Dor. He sees life in black and white and believes there is no Gray. When an act of injustice has occured, he tries to resolve it then and there and serve what he would consider just justice.

Character Motivations: Torn is a very outgoing and just person. He has rarely traveled off of Dorin and give his choice to train as a Jedi he jumped at the opportunity, figuring it would let him see the galaxy and prove his worth among some of the galaxy's greatest warriors.

Character Skills: Formal martial training, limited telepathy, and limited danger sense

Why should we accept you?: Torn's life mission is to see justice done and he feels that being Jedi will help him reach that goal.

Roleplaying example: New Beginnings (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&postid=709628#post709628)

Do you understand that your application can be rejected?: Yes

Have you read the rules for application, as well as the GJO FAQ?: Yes

Axyolian Ja'Unister
Apr 4th, 2005, 06:42:21 AM
Charachters Name: Axyolian Ja'Unister (Axy for short)

Character Profile:
Age - 18
Height - Usual size for an Iktotchi
Hair - No hair
Eyes - Firey Red
Distinctive Features - Not only does he have well developed horns, but he has a scar from his eye to his mouth, caused by an explosion of some sort.
Axyolian can be grumpy at times, but usually he is jovial and intent on what he is doing.

Character History:
Axyolian was born an Iktotchi, on the raes home planet of Iktotchon. Born into a family of rich mechanics, by the age of 10 Axyolian had a rather good knowledge of most of the high speed ships, his father regularly repaired. Taught in the ways of his fathers own brand of mechanical skills, Axyolian started to set up his own business, to make a little bit of money, to buy his own high-speed ship. Through a series of misfortunate events, his father ended up in debt, and was murdered by his creditors. His mother committed suicide through the loss of her loved one. But Axyolian averted his feelings of his parents deaths, through working on ships. After a few years of pented up emotions, Axyolian had a breakdown and caused an explosion in his work which badly scarred his face. By 14, Axyolian was travelling the universe looking for the answer to why his parents had died. After 2 years of travelling he decided that he would never find out why, and that indeed the universe was created on a lot of controversy. Returning to his home planet he buried the bodies of his parents, next to their home and left his home to pursue a life of helping out. Axyolian then lead a life in which he did odd jobs for money and travelled from planet to planet. After befriending another Iktotchi, from a different part of the universe, they spent a few months in the the company of each other, and at the age of 17, the pair grew very close. But this closeness also lead to arguments and threw an accident, Axyolian killed his friend, all due to greed. Through sorrow Axyolian travelled, and now he realises he must do good for his sins, and his so-called weaknesses.

Character Motivations:
Basically, Axyolian has committed the wrongful sin of murder, and wants to eradicate his sorrow, by protecting the good and the honourable, for he wants to become one of these. Also, he wants to offer his skills that his father taught him, to help the Jedi cause.

Character Skills:
Due to being taught at a young age, Axyolian possesses skills of mechanical repair and engineering, but he also has a telepathic mind which plagued him through troubled times. Finally, he is also quite a good pilot, as he spent many hours being taught had to pilot high-speed craft.

Why should we accept you?:
You should Axyolian as he has a knowledge of high-speed craft to a high level and he wants to offer good to a universe, that can be troubled and evil. Also, throughout his time, Axyolian will always be loyal to the order, his master, and any other elders.

Roleplaying example:
This is not my current charachter but one i used quite a bit ago:
http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=35401 - and is the Byr Genar-Hofoen charachter.

Do you understand that your application can be rejected?: Yes

Have you read the rules for application, as well as the GJO FAQ?: Yes

Apr 29th, 2005, 03:10:01 AM
Character Name: Bandage.

Character Profile: A male human, approximately six feet four inches in height, one-hundred ninety pounds who suffered massive trauma in the form of large-scale burns on well over ninety percent of his body. As as result, he has difficulty feeling things, for some of the major nerve endings were damaged in his accident. The mere fact that he is alive and breathing, let alone moving about normally, is an amazing feat. Prefers to be reclusive at times and is occaisonally prone to being callous and bitter from his losses, but is still striving to rebound from his accident.

Character History: Bandage was once a doctor, specifically a burn specialist in several of Coruscant's hospitals. During a late night at the offices, he fell asleep and an accident occured, in which his lab and offices were destroyed in the following explosion. Somehow ejected from the hospital, the blast itself landed him into a water reservoir nearby. He was caught up on the edge of the reservoir, where he was transported to an emergency room in another hospital. While very few staff were killed in the explosion, no one put two and two together to realize just who Bandage really was, and his looks and natural methods of identification were altered by the trauma. His belongings were soon taken into custody by a missing persons unit. While identification can be done by a DNA scan, somehow, Bandage’s old samplings were deleted, but whether it was a cover-up, or merely a coincidental accident remains a mystery to all. Furthermore, unidentifiable as he was, Bandage was listed as a "John Doe," thus stripping him of his very identity. Somehow, Bandage awakened from the coma of his trauma, and after a quick study of his own charts, he found that he had went into shock twice, once in which he died for three minutes. Somehow, as resussitation failed, he began to breathe and recirculate blood on his own. Feeling that the midi-chlorians were responsible, he further checked the charts, to find that he had a rather high MC count. Instead of continuing his treatment in the hospital, Bandage simply covered up, gathering some nearby clothing, and simply disappeared. With no home to go to, no living relatives to turn to, no place in particular to go, Bandage simply disappeared into the lower sections of Coruscant's slums. With the thought of his midi-chlorians on his addled mind, Bandage felt that perhaps the Greater Jedi Order may be able to answer his questions, and possibly advise him on his next steps.

Character Motivations: Perhaps with training as a Jedi, Bandage can learn just how he could have survived such a traumatic injury and somehow recuperate, helping him to grow and possibly become an active member of society once again, instead of the sulking, reclusive monster that he had become. With further training, Bandage would be able to prove that even with the loss of essentially everything, one can still start over, become a new person, a better person than the one that was disfigured and destroyed. Perhaps things grow better after a burning......

Character Skills: Being that he has stuck to the shadows for an unknown amount of time (like it mattered to him), Bandage has learned and is quite good at stealth operational procedures, along with how to attack someone while they are unaware of his presence. Bandage knows basic fighting tactics, and is capable of defending himself and others, and is more than willing to go the extra mile to protect himself and others who are being wronged. He is fairly athletic, but is no martial artist by any stretch of the imagination. He is capable of using a computer, but is no slicer by any stretch of the imagination. He is licensed to pilot basic, civilian craft. Also, from a somewhat colorful childhood, he is capable of manipulating basic security systems, such as locks, and has not been impaired by his accident.

Why should we accept you?: If Bandage becomes a member of the GJO, he will be able to not only become a better, more understanding person, but also a more valuable member to society. He will become essentially an indiscriminating champion for what is right, unswayed by affiliations to outside causes. In gaining acceptance, Bandage may be able to continue his treatment of patients, perhaps becoming a healer to the sick and unfortunate, and may one day heal himself, though not fully, of his past scarring, both physical and mental.

Roleplaying examples: Archived threads involving Sten the Chimp (yes, I go back far enough to remember the Ezboard split up and then the Vbulletin move, and way dead character here but is still current at other boards) Jakob Burton (character’s status is inactive ON THIS BOARD, SWFans, due to the banning of his master, and the lack of wanting to bring him back), Bandage's biographical beginning thread: Perhaps Things Grow Better After A Burning: http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=38199.
And Bandage’s minor role in this thread: Corner Bars: http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=38151.

Do you understand that your application can be rejected?:Yes.

Have you read the rules for application, as well as the GJO FAQ?: Yes.

Note:My biographical thread is still open, and is still receiving some posts. Anyone is welcome to join.

Thank you for you consideration.

May 6th, 2005, 03:55:57 PM
Character Name: Jak

Character Profile:
Age: 22
Height: 6ft 3in
Hair: Black
Eyes: black
Distinguishing Feature: jagged scar down right eye.

Character History: Jak had a father. His fater left him at age 13 to go fought a war. Jak never saw his father again. Jak now is a nomad, he has no home an travels from planet to planet. He has a picture of him and his dad but, thats all.
Character Motivations: Jak wants to find his father and learn to use the force.

Character Skills: Jak can pilot any ship, or speeder. He is an ace with a Light saber.
Why should we accept you?: Jak is motived to do what ever it takes to find his dad and to learn how to use the force.

Roleplaying example: http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=38307 (the Jedi)

Do you understand that your application can be rejected?: Yes

Have you read the rules for application, as well as the GJO FAQ?:Yes

May 21st, 2005, 07:54:52 PM
Character Name: Darth

Character Profile:
Age: 18
Height: 6ft
Hair: brown
Eyes: blue

Character History: Darth is brother to Jak. Darth has no memory of his mother or father. Darth's mother gave birth to him and died. Jak killed thier Father because he sold them to the Hutts. Darth was raised and named by his brother. Jak wanted Darth to be a Sith. Thats why he has the name Darth. Darth decided to choose his own path, and thats the Jedi. Darth knows little of the force. Darth now tags along with his brother most of the time. Other times Darth is studying to be a Jedi. Darth has watched his brother move closer to the darkside each an every day.

As Darth was growing up he was always moveing. His brother was a part time thief, so they both would have money to live. A few years ago Darth bulit his first droid, K-19. K-19 was made to be a pilot droid. Dath was amazed at his own work. Darth finnaly after a few years got his ship. Dath now travels to planet to planet. He talks to many Jedi and learns little of thier history.

Character Motivations: Darth wants to prove to his brother that the Darkside is not the way. Hate is wrong. The Jedi is the right path. Darth is willing to do anything to become a Jedi.

Character Skills: Darth is good with people. He is fluent in few languages. He can repair few droids, and a pretty good mechanic.

Why should we accept you?: Darth is willing to do anything to become a Jedi.

Roleplaying example: http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?postid=718063#post718063

Do you understand that your application can be rejected?: yes

Have you read the rules for application, as well as the GJO FAQ?: yes

May 31st, 2005, 09:13:07 PM
Charachter Name..Vice
Charachter Profie...Vice has white hair blue eyes and is six feet one inches tall. A scar runs across his cheak from when he was a child. He has a tatoo of a cross across his chest wich symbolizes or means ''Great warrior''

Charachter History.. Vice has ben on his own since he was fourteen.That was when his mother died in a fire. His father was murdered by a Sith when he was twelve.Vice has high hopes of becoming a Jedi and killing that sith.

Charachter motivations..If Vice is to become a Jedi and had some training perhaps he would become a great force user and might become strong enough to destroy the treacherous Sith that killed his father.

Charachter Skills..Vice can use the force very well with the axception that his father trained him for a short while. He has become of great knowledge in the ways of a Jedi and using a lightsaber.

Why shuld we accept you?Vice would gratefully be honored to become a Jedi. He would also become a good padawan. If accepted he would become a good Jedi.

OOC I dont know how to make a link so I will tell the title and where the Roleplaying Example ... A Jedi With Revenge (Open To A Sith)Located in Storytelling.

Do you understand your application can be rejected?YES
Have you read the rules for the GJO as well as the FAQ?Yes

Navaria Tarkin
May 31st, 2005, 09:43:59 PM
Thread is closed because of the reboot. Applications for GJO are not being accepted since it no longer exists!

Please refer to this thread -


when considering a Jedi and work on a biography for your character in the Biographies Forum found here


If you still wish to become a Jedi, then please look in the Enclave forum to ask for access to the private Jedi discussion forum

thank you