View Full Version : Notes from the Underground (Ida Knoe)
May 25th, 2004, 03:07:42 PM
The Sith Order craft broke from hyperspace and forest planet of Kashyyyk filled the window in the hind room of the ship. Southstar gazed out at his destination pondering the possibilities. From what he had been told, there was some illegal written material being passed around among the subjects of Kashyyyk. The writer claimed his name was Rashuryk, but of course it was a pseudonym, there were countless wookies named Rashuryk on the planet. This material was trying to undermine the power the Sith Order held over the planet. It called the Sith Order, 'just as evil as its predecessors', 'thwarting the Wookie thrival rate', 'limiting freedom'... the list went on and on. For the most part it was true, but the Sith Order couldn't admit that. The heads of govenment on Corellia had denounced the material and claimed it to be 'inciting panic', it was to be taken care of immediatly.
Initially, a special forces group had been sent beneath the canopy of the jungle of Kashyyyk to hunt down this Rashuryk down and bring him to justice, but that was a month ago and no one has heard from them since. So the matter was passed to the Knights of the Sith Order, and Southstar had volunteered to embark on this expedition. He wasn't expecting the mission to be extrodinarily challenging, which was why he brought his young apprentice Ida Knoe along, but just challenging enough to get some combat and survival practice in for the apprentice.
"Ida." he called to the girl who was unknown in her whereabouts, but she couldn't be far. He turned his head and searched for the girl. "Have you ever been to Kashyyyk?" He asked, although he was unsure if she had ever left Corellia.
Ida Knoe
May 26th, 2004, 09:26:17 AM
When she hears her name Ida goes over to her master, as she approchs she hears her master ask if she had ever been to Kashyyyk, so as she comes around the corner she replys in a sarcastic tone..
"Oh ya sure, I've been here! hasn't every Corellian street kid been here? Yup I just pulled Star destroyer out of my rear end and flew over here in my spare time between looking for food, shelter, and a place to avoid bullies at. What do you Think!"
May 30th, 2004, 11:08:38 PM
He turned his head slowly, slightly annoyed with the girl. "No need to get smart, you know." Looking back, it was a dumb question, but he had to make conversation; get around to letting her know what she was going to be up against.
"Nearly the entire planet is covered with trees. The native Wookies live on the canopy, but we'll be spending some time below. There's seven levels, the forth being the farthest Wookies have been known to go. Lower than that, there is no sunlight, plants produce the light themselves, hopefully we won't go down that far."
The ship had recieved clearence to land and began to coast into the atmosphere. "There's dangerous plants, even in the upper levels. They're capable of eating a wookie whole." And quietly he added. "Who knows what they'll do to a little girl." He smiled.
"You're going to need this." He said and removed a generic lightsaber from his belt and handed it to her. "I trust you've been practicing?"
Ida Knoe
Jun 2nd, 2004, 11:33:11 AM
Ida takes the lightsaber with a smile on her face.
"The plants would likey kill a normal little girl, but we will just have to see if it makes a diffrence if it's a Little Sith girl with a lightsaber. I have been practicing with those stupid training blades, The real ones are more fun."
Jun 7th, 2004, 12:23:59 PM
Southstar smiled, but how much she had been practicing would show once they encountered real combat. Southstar gazed out the window, the ship was breaking through the last part of Kashyyyk's atmosphere, in a few moments they would be setting down.
"Since we're almost there, fetch your things." He told Ida as he walked out of the room to get his own, which was just two bags. He wasn't intending on staying on the planet for too long, giant hairy creatures and an endless sea of trees wasn't appealing to him at all.
The ship had set down and before they could even exit, they were 'greeted' by a horde of Wookies. It was the leader of the city, Southstar never took the time to learn his name, and most likely his advisors. According to the translator, they were pleased the Sith Order had decided to take care of this important matter themselves and were honored to have two Sith on the planet. It was the usual load a government official gave to any Sith who came to a Sith planet, but it was likely that the leader was legitimately pleased something was being done to handle the matter, because if the Sith lost control of the planet, then the leader would loose power and likely be killed by the people. But none of that was going to ever happen.
The Wookie handed a few papers over to Southstar as they entered a speeder. Quickly he reviewed them and found that the rebels were planing some sort of propaganda event in the city, which could lead to riots, which could lead to all sorts of disaster for the Sith Order.
"Looks like we're going to be diving right into this." He said and handed the papers over to Ida.
Ida Knoe
Jun 8th, 2004, 10:11:50 AM
Ida Grabs her things and follows Southstar. Then after a while Southstar hands her the papers. She takes them from him and looks at them, not wanting to let Southstar know that she can't read.
"So since you have already read these could you just give me tha basic rundown of them so I don't have to waste our time reading them?"
Jun 10th, 2004, 04:12:06 PM
His eyes darted back to Ida, slightly irritated that she couldn't just review them herself. "The government believes that our Wookie is going to try something rather big in the center of the city. We'll be staying in one of the buildings in the area." That was actually a real short version of what he had read, but it should be fine.
The speeder stopped in front a of lavish hotel and the two got out, followed by the troop of Wookies. Southstar tuned the translator out as he bagan to describe the special functions of the place and the famous individuals who had stayed there. Their rooms were about eight floors up.
They entered the lift and hit the appropriate button without the group of Wookies following. He turned to his apprentice and spoke. "Ida, there's someone in your room, and I don't mean housekeeping. We'll seperate as expected and go to our rooms." Southstar considered what he was about to say next, but he was confident in Ida's ability to handle herself. "Deal with the situation... without burning the building down. I have some other business to handle in the meantime."
The lift stopped at the eighth floor and they exited. Their rooms were to the right of the lift, but Southstar turned left fingering his lightsaber handle.
If you get in serious trouble, let me know.
Ida Knoe
Jun 17th, 2004, 11:01:04 AM
Ida nods aboutthere asginment, and follows Southstar into the big hotel, slightly aww struck by the place, since she has never been in a place this nice. Ida listens to southstar as he tals to her, and says just before they leave the lift,
"Do you think they will cause trouble?"
But Southstar doesn't answer directly. He just goes his own way. So Ida just goes to her room. She peeks in, hopeing to see any trouble before it hits her.
Jun 27th, 2004, 01:13:04 AM
Southstar was counting someone listening in on the elevator to what he was saying to his apprentice, maybe through the Force as well. As Ida peaked through her door Southstar made his away to the stairwell. He was just going down one flight and he did so as fast as he could, in case anyone got the idea that he had caught on. He burst through the door and ran down the hall to the room just beneath his own. He wasn't even going to try the door handle. His lightsaber flew to his hand and instantly it was ignighted and cutting around the lock.
As the door swung open Southstar stepped in the room and found three people, one Human, a Rodian and a Wookie. Perhaps this propaganda circle was getting bigger than the Order thought. His moves were lightning quick as the three scrambled to gather their equipment and make a run for it. The Wookie was the first to go down, however, he wasn't dead, just legless. The rodian didn't require much of Southstar's efforts a quick kick to the gut and his navy blue blade in the shoulder sent the alien to the ground in pain. The Human, however, had put up some fight. He managed to actually touch Southsta with a punch, but it was poorly aimed and only made contact with Southstar's shoulder. Southstar elbowed him in the forehead and hit him in the back of the head with the hilt of his lightsaber.
With the three down for the count, Southstar looked over the semi-packed equipment. Sure enough it was listening devices, but not of great quality. It was most likely to be purchased on the Black Market by the anti-Sith Organization. As Southstar sifted through the equipement he noticed that one of the devices was a two way radio. Somthign was definitely going on in Ida's room. Southstar left the room knowing full well his three friends weren't going anywhere and headed to Ida's room to find out what was going on.
Ida Knoe
Sep 1st, 2004, 12:00:59 PM
When Ida looks into her room, She sees a two people packing up a few things. It doesn't look like they have seen her yet, so Ida takes advantage of it. She pulls out her switch blade and stands outside the door. As the first one comes out she quickly flicks out her blade and runs it down the back of his legs. that man falls ot the ground in pain
She then quickly turns to the other man, that was now droping the equipment and going for his blaster, Ida tackles the man at the hip knocking him to the floor, and starts stabing him repeatedly in his stomach.
Sep 11th, 2004, 01:32:02 PM
He barged through the cracked door only to Ida on top of one of the men repeatedly stabbing him in the stomach. "I think he's dead now." he said and approached the other who was scampering around the floor screaming. He crouched down on his knees and grabbed the man by the chin. He glared into his eyes for a moment before turning to Ida.
"Why don't you see what information you can extract from our friend here?"
Ida Knoe
Sep 16th, 2004, 11:17:55 AM
Ida gets off of the now dead man, and looks at the other one. After a moment she looks up at southstar.
"I really don't know how to extract infromation from people. I only really know how to extract body parts." She says as she approches the man with her switch blade out and ready.
Sep 16th, 2004, 03:24:06 PM
"Well do it then." He instructed and wathed the man quiver as Ida drew near.
"Wait! I can tell you what you want to know! Please, just don't... don't..."
"Hang on Ida." Southstar said and shifted back with his elbows on his knees andglared intot the man's eyes.
"So what did you hope to record from us?" He asked.
"I- I don't know. I'm just the technician, I do what I'm told." He managed to squeal out.
The man offered what he knew in exchange for his life, from this point it looked like he would be dead very soon. It was possible the man didn't know anything and just said he did to gain a few more moments of life, but Southstar wasn;t positive either way.
"Do you know who we are?" he asked in a simplistic tone. "We're no the We're not the government and we're not crime bosses. We are Sith. And you don't mess around with Sith." He waited a moment. "Now, last chance or I'm going to let Ida loose, what is it, you, or your bosses hoped to record?"
The man breathed in deeply and exhaled slowly. "Sound clips... Like incriminating ones..." He said and hoped it was enough to convince the Sith.
"To use as propaganda..." Southstar mused aloud. It wasn't a bad idea, but it was put together so poorly. "Go ahead, Ida." He said and stood up.
Ida Knoe
Sep 27th, 2004, 10:15:09 AM
Ida smiles as she is given permisition to attack. The man is about to protest but instead only screams in pain as Ida starts to saw off the man's balls with her dull switchblade. she then proceeds to cut open the man's belly and starts to rip out organs with her hands.
Sep 29th, 2004, 11:23:01 AM
Southstar watched the graphic violence before him. At even such a young age, Ida was perhaps on of the more dangerous of the Sith. If developed, she could become one most feared Sith. He let his thoughts continue as he watched.
Shen it seemed she had cured her lust for blood, at least for the time being, he spoke with a smile. "You had better clean yourself up before we head into the city." He said and left to give her some time alone to do so. "I'll be in the lobby when you're done."
Ida Knoe
Sep 29th, 2004, 11:46:16 AM
After the man had stoped strugling, and no more blood punped through his vains Ida looks up at her master. He seemed to approve of her work, but asks her to get herself washed up.
So Ida goes into her room and takes a shower, injoying watching the blood as it goes down the drain. She also cleans her blade and leaves her room after getting dressed in a clean set of clothes. when she makes it to the lobby Ida skips towards her master, with a big smile on her face, like a care free little girl.
"Okay! I'm here! Now what do we do?"
Oct 1st, 2004, 06:22:58 PM
Her young voice flooded the lobby and echoed, virtually everyone there knew she was present. Southstar turned from an old holo depicting the hotel when the building was opened up.
He waited for her to meet him at the picture and then he lead her out the door. "I spoke with one of our captives." He said as they paced down the walkway on the treetops. "They're going to kill a lot of people today, in the market place ahead. We are going to stop them."
Now what was on his hands was a dilemma. Not more than two standard hours ago he had wholeheartedly endorsed the grizzely execution of a spy at the young hands of his apprentice. Now he might have well condemned the act of ending someone's life as if he were a Jedi. His apprentice might have thought the Jedi masquerades were getting to his head.
KNowing already his apprentice had thought something alongs those lines he aked her a question. "What is the difference between not too long ago and what we are about to do?"
Ida Knoe
Oct 4th, 2004, 01:33:54 PM
When Ida hears that they are going to stop a bunch of people from being killed, she gives Southstar a look as if he had just sprouted a second nose out of the middle of his forhead.
"To me it looks like you've gone wako, and have been pretending to be a Jedi a little too much. Like, it just a bunch of walking carpets! it's not like they are people or anything!"
Oct 10th, 2004, 10:20:22 PM
"Hmm." He smiled. "True. Not human and not Force sensitive." He said. "But even so, as a group they possess power and therefore a threat to our sovereignty. Simple masquerades, such as playing Jedi, keep the masses on our side while we sap the resources of the planet."
"Do you understand?" He asked, but even she did not it wouldn't matter. For one, she was young. Young girls didn't think about empire building. And two, regardless of her age Southstar didn't think that she would ever care too much for it. The image of her on top of the bloody and spasming body occured in his mind. She was ruthless. She was deadly. She was born to be a killer, not a ruler.
He glanced at her young seeminly innocent eyes. He chuckled a little. He could be wrong, the Force might have other plans for her. But he somehow doubted it.
Ida Knoe
Oct 13th, 2004, 10:59:02 AM
"But if they are a threat, wouldn't it be just as good if we burned down all these stupid trees, and watched all the walking rugs run around like living torches, and only save those that agree to do everything we say, or we will throw them back to the fires?"
Oct 15th, 2004, 01:22:26 PM
"Though fear is an effective way of ruling, it is not the most effective." He said as he rounded the bend with his apprentice. They came upon the market place which was full of activity. He scanned the crowds watching for anything to show. It was kind of difficult when everyone looked like each other.
"Let me know when you see something."
Ida Knoe
Oct 15th, 2004, 01:24:43 PM
Ida looks around at all the wookies in the market it's not like she could see much at her size...
"Um... I see alot of harry legs... What are you expecting to see?"
Oct 18th, 2004, 07:27:58 PM
"Something... suspicious." He said slowly as his eye found a group of Wookies near the fountain. He checked them out with the Force, they bore hostile intentions towards the Sith, though surprisingly they hid them well. He continued to scan with the Force to better understand what their plan was, but nothing came up.
"Over there." He said and pointed slightly. "I think they're the ones we're after." Southstar knew that he would have to take them out as quietly as possible. He didn't want to do anything that might look bad for the Sith Order.
It would be important to get the civilians out of the market place. "Ida, I want you to create an emergancy that will cause most of the Wookies to flee." He said. "Not in terror." He added as he remembered his apprentice's affinity for bloody and ruthless tactics.
Ida Knoe
Oct 19th, 2004, 10:02:03 AM
Ida nods and looks around the market to see what she could do but she really couldn't do much since there was not much she could see other than furry legs.
After a few moments Ida sees a small shop selling lamps and lamp oil. It doesn't take Ida long to think of somthing to do, comsidering the many boxes that say flammable on them. Ida foucses the Force on to one of thous boxes and lites it on fire.
Oct 22nd, 2004, 08:12:56 PM
Wookie roars filled the air and they began to scatter. Some moved to extinguish the fire, but found that it couldn't be done. Soon the fire began to spread and most people had left the area. Now only firefighters remained near the fire, the people were watching from the otherside of the plaza, the terrorists in the middle. They were talking amongst themselves, arguing maybe.
"Let's go." He said to his apprentice and charged ahead, withdrawing his lightsaber. He ignighted it and called out a threat towards the terrorists causing mixed reactions from the crowd of people.
Ida, spread the fire towards them, make it so they can't escape. He sent telepathically.
Ida Knoe
Oct 25th, 2004, 02:37:46 PM
Ida nods to Southstars message and puts more energy into the flames,and laughs as she passes the fire through a group of the people trying to put out the fire, watching the start to run around like roaring, running torches, and quickly makes the fire spreed around the people Southstar indicated.
Oct 26th, 2004, 09:10:25 PM
Southstar picked up his pace as he ran, however, the Wookies weren't moving, they weren't preparing for defensive action. They seemed calm, actually. SOuthstar checked their minds with the Force and found that they still held bad intentions towards the Sith.
Trap! He thought, and as he did things fell apart.
The best example he could think of for what he felt at the moment, was what one might think a black hole to be like: Complete void. It was as if someone had blinded him, taken away the sense he relied upon most. It was a Ysalimiri. Last he checked, they were illegal within Sith held territory. These dissidents they were dealing with were well connected and much more dangerous than expected.
He looked around with his eyes to see what was happening. The raging fire made the Wookies silhouettes and as far as he could tell, two or three had left the group. They were probably after Ida, and the likely had more of the Force dampening creatures with them.
Southstar kept his approach up and now the rest had begun to flee. It seemed as if they had expected the creatures to paralyze the Sith. Southstar leapt into the air, but not very high or far without the Force, and came down slashing at them. His timing was off, he wasn't used to fighting without the Force. As he turned to pursue the Wookies he noticed that they were approaching Ida, trying to entrap her into a spot.
What are they trying to do?
Then the floor seemed to shake as if it were crumbling away. As he glanced around, that seemed to be the case. The structure that held the market place on the canopy of the jungle was falling apart. A stand to his left just fell through the floor and down into black. The dissidents had cut away all the branches to the jungle floor. Another stand fell through and seemingly dissappeared.
Then the floor beneath him cracked and began to plummet. He did his best to hand on to a lightpost, but he knew eventually that would fall too. Something was severly wrong here.
Ida Knoe
Oct 28th, 2004, 01:52:50 PM
Ida turns to see that two of the wookies are approching her. She goes to try and use her flame on them but found that she could not target them. Ida had never been one to back down or go to show weekness so she does what most people would think to be stupid. She charges towards one of the wookies. The wookies goes to bend down to grab her, but Ida just ducks between the wookie's legs, drawing her switch blade and driving it in to the Wookie's left butt cheek, twisting the blade once it is in and yanks it out, being rather satified with the painfull howl that her actions inticed. The other wookie goes to tackle Ida, and Ida almost jumps out of the way, but the wookie gets a hold of her foot. Ida reaches back and stabs the Wookie in the hand, causing him to let go of her leg. But instead of running like the sensible little girl should do, Ida charges at the wookie driving her switch blade into his eye.
The wookie she just stabed seems to have a funny back pack on, and in the backpack is a funny looking creature. Interested, Ida reaches in to the pack and goes to try and pull the creature out. But it seems to be stuck, so Ida thinks it would be fun to hear it squeek, so she stabs it a few times. not really noticing that the floor near southstar was falling appart.
Nov 6th, 2004, 11:01:19 AM
He was in a most compromising situation now. He was dangling from one of the few sections of flooring left. He swung as best he could and with the aid of the Force he found himself on a sort of supporting post for the marketplace. Strapped to the post was a light bomb of some sort. Quickly, he put the pieces together. The dissidents had replaced the entire supporting structure for the market place and set it up for collapse. The sheer ability to replace the canopy amazed him.
Wookie ingenuity... Before he could finish the thought the remainder of the bombs went off and with the rest of the marketplace, he was falling in darkness.
Ida Knoe
Nov 9th, 2004, 11:21:31 AM
It wasn't long till Ida was falling with Southstar. She wan't really worried about the fall. She didn't care if she died. She was however mad that she was interupted as she was stabing the funny lizard in the backpack. She calls over to Southstar.
"So what's the plan of might master!"
Nov 9th, 2004, 01:34:14 PM
Southstar used the Force to try and slow their decent and for th emost part it was working. He couldn;t help the hard landing though. Southstar collided with the ground and did his best to roll with it. Finally his rolling body came to a stop in front of a large carnivous plant. He swung his luightsaber at it and severed its jaws. He dared not to move until he got a clear view of where he was at and what was around him.
The light from his blade gave him a faint idea of his surroundings. There were no more carnivorous plants, and he could barely make out Ida, who was a few yards away from him.
"Are you all right?" He called calmly.
Ida Knoe
Nov 9th, 2004, 02:40:24 PM
Ida hit the ground with a solid thud. She was not use to dealing with big falls. She checks herself over, and goes to stand, but her left leg give out from under her and she falls back to the ground.
"I'm alive! but I think my leg is broken!" she calls back to her master.
"at least down here we can use the force again!"
Nov 10th, 2004, 06:25:59 PM
He swore to himself. He really didn't want to carry Ida around the dangerous forest floor. But then again, maybe he didn't have to. He broke a few sturdy sticks and took ahold of some vine. As he did his best to make a splint to keep her leg straight and something sturdy to rest her upper leg on he spoke.
"You are going to need to use the Force to displace some of your pain. And you're going to need to walk on your own, I need to be able to move freely in these woods." He looked at the makeshift splint and realized it wasn't going to last long. It would do for now.
Southstar rose his head in alert. Something was moving out in the darkness. It could be a dangerous animal, possibly a harmless one. It might even bee another Wookie.
"Ida, can you give me some light?" He said and held out a large, thick stick. It wouldn't give away their identity like the lightsaber would.
Ida Knoe
Nov 26th, 2004, 03:29:00 PM
Ida winces in pain as the splint is tied to her leg, and nods as she was told what she must do.
Then she calls on the force and lites the stick on fire that Southstar is holding. She then goes to try and get up to her feet and falls again.
"Do you mind if I sit for a few moments? I'm a little sore."
Dec 2nd, 2004, 01:56:35 PM
"Actually, that might be a bad idea." Southstar said as he searched with the Force for anyone around them. The jungle teemed with life, and that made it difficult for him to identify a person. Branches snaped as the lifeform drew nearer. Southstar flashed the torch in the direction of the noise and it revealed a Wookie, who roared upon being discovered.
It withdrew its blaster and fired at Southstar, who deflected it into the canopy. Suddenly more Wookies seemingly appeared out of nowhere and began advancing aginst the Sith. "It might really be a bad time to take a break, Ida."
Dec 2nd, 2004, 02:04:27 PM
EDIT: Oops, sorry.
Ida Knoe
Dec 6th, 2004, 12:55:34 PM
Ida trys to get back to her feet, but the pain was too much, and she falls again. She likely would use the force to help ease the pain, but her master has yet to teach her that.
So Ida looks towards a charging wookie and trys to light the harry beast on fire with the help of the force.
Dec 6th, 2004, 07:58:42 PM
Southstar watched out of the corner of his eye as the beast's arm burst into flames. It howled and struggled as it rolled upon the ground in attempt to put it out. His vision returned to the task at hand as two Wookies stood in front of him, growling. They seemed to be warning him to surrender, but they should have known better. Southstar took advantage of their procrastination and used the vines on a nearby tree to grip them and drag them away to the denser areas of the woods. Hopefully a carnivorous plant would take care of them.
he turned back to his handicapped apprantice, who was faced with a few more Wookies, one who had finally put out the fire on his arm. Southstar caught sight af a clear cut area that seemed to form a corridor. That must have been where they came from He thought to himself. It also must lead to somewhere.
"See if you can distract them a little." He said as he came up with a last minute plan to handel the Wookies.
Ida Knoe
Dec 7th, 2004, 11:15:37 AM
Ida nods and goes to light the fur between the legs of a few wookies, hoping that this would be enough to distract them.
Dec 7th, 2004, 11:20:27 PM
The Wookies stopped dead intheir tracks as their fur burst into flames. Southstar smiled and threw Ida over his should, as she couldn't walk. Witht he Force, he parted the Wookies and made way for the corridor in the trees.
The further he moved through the corridor the less it seemed like it was just a clearing. There were dead tree trunks lining the walls, it seemed like there could be a sublevel complex.
"Seems a little over the top..." He said.
Ida Knoe
Jan 4th, 2005, 01:54:36 PM
Ida was not thrilled about being carried, but didn't complain as she didn't feel like walking ether.
"So what do we do now. We are being chased by a bunch of angry wookies, and are stuck in the dark woods, that could kill us if we make the slightset mistake, My leg is broken so I can't do much, and the ones up top had those funny critters that made us loose the force, so I'm guessing it's not the last we have seen of thouse critters."
Jan 6th, 2005, 01:45:48 PM
"Probably not." He huffed. "For the time being, we're going to try and get out of here."
Southstar turned a corner and found another length of tunnel that lead into darkness. He turned around and saw another length with some light at the end.
"Light at the end of the tunnel." He said quitely. He headed in the direction and before long they had approached a large room filled with weapons. In the center was a table with maps and graphs on it. Wookies stepped in from the three corridors leading out of the room, including the one they came through. He stepped in the middle of the room looking around for a quick exit.
Ida Knoe
Jan 7th, 2005, 01:57:29 PM
Ida looks around the room, and after The wookies start to show up, Ida can't help but comment...
"Boy master, You really know how to pick the escape routes..."
She then desisd that it was fun watching fur burn, and that she kinda liked the smell, so she nods towards some of the wookies at a hallway and their fur ignights into flame.
Jan 7th, 2005, 09:58:41 PM
He sneered as he looked over his shoulder towards Ida. "Always with the smart comments, aren't you?" He ignited his lightsaber in hopes of possibly scaring the Wookies. He wasn't getting much of a response.
They started coming in slowly, drawing weapons,until one caught fire, as did the others around him. The other groups started firing at them and Southstar struggled to deflect all the bolts. He was handicapped with Ida over his shoulder like this, but he did his best to fight. His best shot was to deflect the bolts back to the source, but such a task was difficult. Two wookies had fallen from this, but as the second died, Southstar saw that Ida's fire was spreading into the trees.
He had feared this the moment he saw the Wookie burst into flames, but hoped they would be intellignet enough to avoid such a catastrophe. The room around them was nearly entirely covered in flames.
"That wasn't too bright, you know." He said through gritted teeth.
Ida Knoe
Jan 14th, 2005, 05:29:43 PM
"Shesh! It's not like you've taught me many other ways to defend myself! And it's not like I can charge them with my knife ether with a broken leg! You brought is to this planet you should have figgured a way to... YUCH!"
Ida's smart remarks were cut short by a glancing blow on her bum from a bocaster bolt. Ida looks over her shoulder at the wookie that shot her, and focuses of his mind, and in a few moments the wookie is fireing his bowaster in random directions away from them, and the falls to the ground having suffered a stroke from the viloent Mind attack.
Jan 15th, 2005, 01:49:46 PM
This close to leaving you here. He thought to himself. Then he spun around to see the wookies firing in every direction. "So you're not a one-note girl, are you?" He said.
Two Wookies started charging from another direction, firing. Southstar ran aginst them, deflecting the bolts, and as he drew near he jumped over their heads, Ida still hanging over his shoulder. "There's a lift there." he said as he charged through the corridor. The Wookies were close behind, but they didn;t have a hope fo catching the two. Southstar had fogged their vision so they couldn't get a clear shot. With telekinetics he set the lift doors to close. As they quickly boarded the lift, the doors shut.
Ida Knoe
Jan 26th, 2005, 07:12:54 PM
Ida smiles "I may not have gotten the fine control of effecting minds, but thanks to your teaching I can mangle them. So now what?"
Jan 27th, 2005, 06:25:34 PM
"Now, we get back topside and get an army of soliers to go down there and torch the whole place. That is, if you haven't already." The lift pulled them up into the basement of a building. Southstar walked out and found that they were just blocks away from the site of the original disaster. There were plenty of police around and even the planetary guard was moving in.
He took Ida over to one of the medical stations and placed her before a doctor. He amde sure that his apprentice got priority and then left her there for the moment while he conferred with the officers.
Ida Knoe
Feb 7th, 2005, 02:20:53 PM
Ida dosen't complain as she is put down at the medical station, and she lets the medics do their stuff to fix her leg.
Feb 7th, 2005, 10:12:30 PM
"It's quite extensive down there. But all in all I think it can be handled. The Wookie nodded and roared as a group of armed Wookies walked into the building that the Sith had just come from. "Overall I think our business is done here. The Sith Order will get back to you about paying for damages, things will be secure again soon." He turned back to face Ida, checking to see how she was doing. "All the captured criminals are to be taken to these coordinates." He handed the Wookie a disc with the details. "It's called Jara. It used to be a headquarters for a rogue Sith group, but it serves new purposes now."
Southstar walked back to Ida. "You feeling any better?"
Ida Knoe
Feb 8th, 2005, 11:03:32 AM
Ida nods
"The Pain killers are helping, and I think they fused the bone back together. But they told me not to put much weight on it for a week. So when are we getting out of here and away from these walking carpets?"
Feb 8th, 2005, 12:44:07 PM
"Within the hour. I'm eager to leave as well." He said and motioned a guard towards them. He asked about possible transport to the spaceport and found that they could leave immediately.
Thankfully, they were on board the the Sith Order craft preparing to leave the hazardous planet behind. "So you know, Ida. You have training in four days. Which should be enough time for your leg to heal. I'm going to show you a special trick."
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