View Full Version : The Sith Order Website

Dasquian Belargic
Mar 24th, 2004, 09:41:51 AM

Something I'm working on. I'd love any help people can offer so far as the Member List and Fleet section can go. Any suggestions for other pages/modifications also very welcome.

Mar 24th, 2004, 11:21:58 AM
I'd just like to say that it is an excellent idea. A database sort of thing could be very useful, especially for newcomers to both the Order and RPing in general.

Mar 24th, 2004, 11:26:00 AM
I'm going to come up with some sort of OOC pointers section, in light of these n00b recent additions to the ranks.

Do you think having a Contact section, with MSN/AIM/Yahoo/ICQ/Email/etc, would be good?

Rasha Vill
Mar 24th, 2004, 11:35:41 AM
If you want I can work on one of the other pages. I don't know much about the members or the fleet, but any way I could assist, just let me know.

Dasquian Belargic
Mar 24th, 2004, 03:44:06 PM
If you want to write up something for the planet holdings, that would be handy.

I was thinking also, perhaps, we could have an IC news section on it. There could be like... press releases, statements from the Mayor and so forth.

Rasha Vill
Mar 26th, 2004, 01:04:19 PM
Okay! Sounds good to me! Can I get an idea on what sort of write up you would like for the planets?

Mar 26th, 2004, 02:05:57 PM
If you just want to list them all, that's okay. Or, if you want to go deeper, you could provide a brief profile of each planet.

Dark Lord Rivin
Mar 26th, 2004, 04:24:03 PM
Okay. I can do that!

Rasha Vill
Mar 28th, 2004, 02:33:16 PM
Here is the site! I've ziped it for you, so I can send it in one post.

I found that Chad was the name of the star that Chad I through to Chad IX orbited so the one on the list Labled Chad, I assumed it was Chad I.

Also I didn't put a comment with every planet since I didn't know what TSO was doing with it.

Dasquian Belargic
Mar 28th, 2004, 02:59:46 PM
Thanks :) I've uploaded it now, after a little cleaning up of formatting/spelling.

Rasha Vill
Mar 28th, 2004, 03:07:11 PM
I just noteced of the site that there is no space between Drall and Dennaskar... Just thought should point that out.

I'm sorry about the spelling problems, I checked it over a few times but I guess I missed a few..

Dasquian Belargic
Mar 28th, 2004, 03:14:38 PM
Thanks for pointing that out. Fixed it.

No worries. Spellchecker picked up everything real quick.

Mar 28th, 2004, 07:07:40 PM
Just a note: Dasq, if you want full details of TSO's fleet, best to contact Gav. He's the last known individual that really knew what our fleet strength was.

There are also four cloaking SD that LV sometimes commands. I can get you the names of the ships.

Don't forget about Javus Parr commading the Saiatah High Roller.

And also speak with Visc (if he doesn't see this first), as he will soon be commanding his own fleet under TSO's flag.

Also talk to Charley as he galavants with a fleet of his own as Darth Vader.

Rasha Vill
Apr 13th, 2004, 01:01:59 PM
I was looking at the site again, and noticed that Ida Knoe and Lorani T'sava are not on the list of members. I know that the two of them are members though and just thought I should point that out. :)

Dasquian Belargic
Apr 13th, 2004, 01:04:39 PM
Yeah, I dont think everyone is there by any means. I need to do some more work on this again soon.

Lady Vader
Apr 13th, 2004, 03:45:55 PM
I posted some info on the fleets in another thread. I'll go ahead and post em here again in the event you missed it:

TSO Assets

Naval Assets
• 4 Fleets: Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Katana.
• 481 Capital Ships in total each fitted with the appropriate no. of starfighters.

Alpha Fleet: Admiral Roebuck
Flagship: Titan Star Desroyer, Zeus
3 Super Star Destroyers
2 Imperial II Star Destroyers
16 Imperial Star Destroyers
36 Victory Star Destroyers
18 Interdictor Cruisers
48 Imperial Dreadnaughts

Beta Fleet: Premier Romanov
Flagship: Super Star Destroyer, The Kremlin
30 Imperial Star Destroyers
30 Victory Star Destroyers
12 Interdictor Cruisers
48 Imperial Dreadnaughts
30 Marauder Corvettes
30 Carrack Cruisers

Gamma Fleet: Admiral Dyzm
Flagship: Super Star Destroyer, Stormcloud
2 Imperial II Star destroyers
12 Imperial Star Destroyers
18 Victory Star Destroyers
8 Interdictor Cruisers
24 Imperial Dreadnaughts

Katana Fleet: Unnassigned
• 200 Imperial Dreadnaughts

Planetary Assets

Planet List:
• Corellia*
• Selonia
• Xyquinne
• Talus
• Tralus
• Dennaskar*
• New Cov*
• Kashyyyk*
• Chad*
• Chad III*
• Honoghr*
• Nar Shaddaa*
• Nal Hutta*

* indicates that this planet is protected by the TSO standard security measures and facilities.

Standard Security Measures:
• 3 GenCore Level III shiled generators.
• 3 WAD Regiments and 2 Trooper Regiments
• 2 TIE Interceptor Wings
• 1 TIE Advanced Wings
• 100-300 Planetary Turbolasers
• 50-150 Planetary Ion Cannons

Standard Planetary Facilities:
• 3 Construction Yards
• 3 Droidwork Factories
• 3 Trooper Training/Vehicle Assembly Facilities


Note: Some of the commanding officers will be changing as some are not even active anymore. More to come on this later.

Also, I need to add the fleet that Darth Vader is currently commanding, plus the four cloaking SD that I command. We'll also be adding Visc's fleet once he gets his behind out of hiding and into our space.

Lady Vader
Apr 13th, 2004, 03:51:22 PM
(I'm making a new post so it doesn't get all muddled.)

As for the planets, I'm going to be taking a copy of the galaxy map once Visc and Morg are done with it, and making small links where TSO's planets are. From there each link will take you to another picture that will show a close up of that system. From there you'll be able to click on the TSO owned planets and find it's specs there and stuff.

This'll take some time to finish.

Jen: I'll get the pics to you when i'm done with them and we'll figure out linking and stuff. :)

Sanis Prent
Apr 13th, 2004, 04:00:45 PM
The fleet assets are essentially useless statistics now. They're from the old system, and way too bloated.

Lady Vader
Apr 13th, 2004, 04:07:53 PM
Yeah, I thought they looked a lil... overdone.

Well, we do still need to at least update who's in charge with what and where (i.e. Darth Vader and his fleet and where's he's galavanting and stuff).

Hell, I don't even see Roebuck around anymore, and gawd knows who Romanov is (cause I sure don't remember), and Dyzm is on leave for the moment, and Visc is coming on board as a new commander... so, yeah, it needs some updating.

EDIT: It also wouldn't hurt to at least list what defenses each planet has (i.e. Corellia has a planetary shield, those gol-whatsitcalled stations, etc.)

Darth Viscera
Apr 14th, 2004, 01:21:15 AM
wouldn't hurt, but it'd probably be against the rules

Apr 14th, 2004, 01:56:36 AM
Vader has an Imperial Star Destroyer, a pair of VSD's, and a half dozen Carrack cruisers, give or take. Not a large force.

Lady Vader
Apr 14th, 2004, 02:07:23 PM
That's cause he makes up for the rest of the Force ;)

May 12th, 2004, 07:20:18 PM
Is it possible to get short bios on the members on this site? I don't know if everyone has the time but a short paragraph or two on who exactly they are and what their role is in TSO would be great for reference, especially for newbies. Just an idea, any thoughts?

Lorani T'sava
May 13th, 2004, 10:39:30 AM
I hate to sound like a nag, but I was just looking at the member list, under the apprentices, and well, I noticed that Ida Knoe is missing from the list.

Vega Van-Derveld
May 16th, 2004, 04:17:48 AM
it's not nagging. you have to tell me if people are missing for me to add them :p

Is it possible to get short bios on the members on this site? I don't know if everyone has the time but a short paragraph or two on who exactly they are and what their role is in TSO would be great for reference, especially for newbies. Just an idea, any thoughts?

post them here and I'll put them on the site :)

Lady Vader
May 16th, 2004, 05:50:42 PM
Good idea about the bios.

Now to go hunting for mine. I wrote it and it's somewhere... I'm just not sure where. :lol

Je'gan Olra'en
May 17th, 2004, 06:44:32 AM
Paragraph or two...let's see...

Je'gan Olra'en
Species: Human
Age: 19
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 180 lb

Born and raised on the backwater world of Varunda IX, Je'gan followed a ruthless quest for personal improvement that left him a sector martial arts champion as well as an excellent fencer. His studies eventually revealed the basics of the Force to him, but once he discovered that he had Force potential he determined that he wouldn't train himself - he wanted his training to be perfect, aware that he might unintentionally leave something out. Thus, he joined TSO.

Je'gan went through a succession of Masters; Jodah of Giva, Oolana Taine, and finally Southstar. He snuck off-world during gaps in his training, taking on high-level Forcers and feeling quite proud that he lived to tell the tale. He also ended up committing several indiscretions that cast doubt on his capacity to be a Sith...as opposed to a Jedi. The Elders told him to become friends with a member of the GJO and then betray them, to prove his worth. He did so despite falling in love with the Jedi in question, Ceres Duvall. He participated in several training missions under Southstar, including the execution of Jaros Detra during the Osidian war and the eradication of a minor Dark Side cult.

His specialty is mental influence. He is capable of the Mind Trick, of making himself inconspicuous, of controlling and even altering minds. On the other hand, he has no affinity for energy manipulation and precious little for telekinesis.

Lorani T'sava
May 18th, 2004, 11:26:01 AM
Lorani T'sava, a brief history

This 10 year old girl caused her parents a lot of trouble from the day she was born. At first, it was not anything major, just not letting her parents sleep when they wanted to. Stuff that would be passed off as normal kid behavior. As she was growing up, she would deliberately go out of her way to do things to her parents until such a time as the put her into an orphanage because they couldn’t handle her anymore.

At the orphanage, one of her roommates decided to take her favourite dolly which she had with her from when she was put in there. It was a doll from her parents. It was then that she learned she has Force potential.

Over the next couple of years, she became a terror at the orphanage. She didn’t want to be there, and they didn’t want her there. After enough time had passed, they stuck her on a transport and sent her away. She made her way to TSO where she became a member.

Her Master is Makato Neo. She has no skill for telekinesis, but shows potential to be a strong mentalist.

Rasha Vill
May 18th, 2004, 11:35:40 AM
Name: Dark Lord Rivin
Age: 35-40ish
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 210 lb
Rank: Sith Knight
Force Specilization: Lightsaber combat and Telekenisis
Other strong skills: Hiding in shadows, and hiding his presence through the force.

Born on a back water planet, he live with his tyranical mother and older sister. They treated him like skum, untill he got overly angry one day and hurt his mother. He didn't know what to do. He was only 7 years old, so He ran. He ran untill I came across a man that promised him power. He took Rivin in and trained him in the ways of the darkside.

He would kept Rivin and His fellow students locked in a cave, no contact to the outside world and would be beaten everyday when every they did not complete our training asginments to his standards. Rivin had constructed his own lightsaber in private, and had studied his Master's books extencively. When he was 15 years old, Rivin told his master to let him out, he said that Rivin could leave when He thought Rivin was ready, When Rivin would bow down at his feet and comply with every order he gave. Rivin fought his master for his freedom and won.

With his Master Dead, he kicked out all the other students after opening the entrance. He started an extortion ring on that planet, and when he got enough money to buy a ship, he took all my Masters Books put them in his ship and set off to torment the galaxy.

Many years later Rivin found that he had learned all that he could on his own, and started to look for felow sith, inorder to build his reputation and skills. He found TSO and joined it, and it was not long after that when he got his knighthood. Now Rivin is still running the crime sinidcate that he started in his youth and has expanded it accross the galaxy, and is teaching students of TSO in the ways of the darkside, Tormenting the iniocent in his spare time.

Name: Ida Knoe
Age: 7ish
Height: still growing
Weight: don't ask a girl that
Rank: Sith apprentice to Southstar
Force Specilization: Using the force to light things on fire
Other strong skills: Living on the streets

Ida grew up on the streets of Corellia after her father knocked her out and tossed her into a river at the age of 5. She lived on the streets till the age of 7 then joined up with TSO after she stumbled into the place well looking for a warm place to sleep.

Do people also want one for Rasha?

Lady Vader
May 19th, 2004, 04:29:33 PM
Here's something Hollie found while trudging through memory lane: http://geocities.com/thesithorder/index2.html

Might have some interesting info in there somewhere...

Zereth Lancer
May 20th, 2004, 05:07:02 PM
Name: Zereth Lancer
Species: Human
Age: 28
Height: 6' 2'
Weight: 220 lb
Rank: Apprentice

When Zereth was young he was kidnaped off the street of corascant where he had been playing by the evil Dr. Zanon O'Hara. The crazy genetic scientist took the young boy of 13 and experimented on him. Several years later Zanon released the 20 year old Zereth into the city to see how he would react with the physical enhancements the scientist had given him

But as He observed Zereth his labratory was attacked by the city watch and he had to flee the planet so fast that he had to leave Zereth behind

Now Zereth wandered the streets without a memory since Zanon had wiped them all from his mind, He soon heard of a group known as the 'Ninja' who had to power he so much desired. He joined up with them and after a few years had mastered the ways of the ninja and learned that the force was with him . but it wasnt enough, He wanted more power, He heard of another order called the Sith Order that trained how to use the force so he went to the planet of the sith at the age of 27

(Will get to Jezreal's Bio soon)

Name: Jezreal Darkshard
Species: Human
Age: 18
Height: 5,2
Weight: 170 lbs
Rank: Apprentice

As a young child Jezreal Her parents were Merchants, Her and her brother spent most of their childhood on their parents small cargoship. Her parents traveled all over the galaxy selling and buying goods form one planet and then move on to another

At age 12 Jezreal's parents decided it was too dangerous to travel through space becuase of the increase of pirate activaty in the area, so they settled down on a small planet on the outer rim

The planet was green and peaceful and the Darkshards loved their new life, Jezreal's father with all his knoledge he had gained in his travels became a teacher at the village school

Behind the Jezreal's small home outside the village was a large dark forest, Ms. Darkshard had told Jezreal and her brother Justin to never go into the dark forest because she had heard from the Mayor's wife that bandits and wild animals sometimes inhabit the nearby forest

When Jezreal was 13 nad her brother 8 they disobeyed their mother and went into the forest. The forest was dark a creepy but the two siblings just wanted to find out why their parents didn't want them in it. as they looked a thick fog rolled in and the two children couldn't find their way out of the forest

As the sun was setting They saw someone walking toward them. They turned and ran but everytime they stoped they could hear the sound of footsteps approuching. Atlast they gave up and collapsed on the forest floor

They awoke lying on a small cot in a wood hutt. A tall man was tending the flaming logs in the fireplace. The two sibling slowly got to their feet and crept toward the door "I take you into my home all you want to leave without thanking me?" The man said before turning around to face them "If you want I can tell you a secret"

The man who later said his name was Lazarus, told them stories of ancient fights between the Sith and the Jedi. He always made the sith sound better then the Jedi and later told them he was once a sith knight before he came out to this planet

He then told them that they both had force potential and if they wanted they could become great sith like the ones in the stories he had told. The two children couldn't wait till they were old enough to leave this planet and join the Sith Order. The children leave his home at first light and with his guidence make their way back to their home. at home their parents scolded and punished them for going into the forest but neither of them said a word about the old sith who lived in the forest

In the following four years the two children would sneak into the the forest to talk with Lazarus and hear more of his stories. One day He asked them if they where willing to become his disiples and in return he would help them optai ultimate power. They said they would and Lazarus put a special mark on their foreheads that only the force could reveal

At the age of 17 Jezreal snuck off the planet at Lazarus' command and took what money she had and headed for the Sith Order hoping she would make Lazarus proud.

Dasquian Belargic
May 30th, 2004, 05:39:12 AM
Alright, everyone who has posted their bio here so far has it up on the site. You can get to it by going to the members list then clicking on your name.

As an aside, Rasha, if you want anything to go on the IC News section, PM it to me.

Rasha Vill
May 31st, 2004, 10:22:54 AM
Okay! I'll be sending you a news feed soon.

Lorani T'sava
May 31st, 2004, 10:44:47 AM
I was just clicking the links to the bios, and I noticed that Zereth's link goes to Warlocks bio.

Dasquian Belargic
May 31st, 2004, 10:47:29 AM
Fixed. :)

Alexia Sturkov
Jun 3rd, 2004, 10:11:34 PM
just incase you havnt seen, Jezreal's Bio is now finished in Zereth's post above.

Just making sure you know

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 26th, 2004, 04:54:49 AM
You may have noticed that the website is gone. Unfortunately, the host it was on is down indefinetly. I have backups on my PC, I think, so I will probably stick it all on geocities soon :)

Lady Vader
Aug 31st, 2004, 04:03:23 PM
It's... dead???


*drops to knees*




WEll, it's a good thing you had backups. Geocities isn't too bad. :)

Dasquian Belargic
Sep 1st, 2004, 01:59:01 AM
:lol! @ Stella

Even if I didn't back it up, Morg says he will give everyone their data back once things aren't so crazy for him - so no worries :)

Lady Vader
Sep 1st, 2004, 05:35:47 PM
Ah, that is good news then. :D

Lady Vader
Jan 27th, 2005, 06:27:39 PM
Jen-jen... not to be a pain in the <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont> (too late for that one I suppose :p ) but we may be looking at some very very slight changes to one or two of the banners here at TSO.

Check out the "I was thinking" thread in the Elders Vision.

Dasquian Belargic
Jan 28th, 2005, 02:26:49 AM
You are so lucky that I still have the original PSD files.

Jan 28th, 2005, 12:02:40 PM

Ya know, I was gonna say, if you wanna dump the PSD files on me to archive, I dun mind. :)