View Full Version : Wanted: Dead Or Alive

Mar 8th, 2004, 10:18:56 AM
A decree adorns the wall at the entrance to the palace. It is freshly written and pinned into place by one of the Sith Elders. It reads:

Thrice traitor the Sith Order.
Wanted for tarnishing the honour and reputation of the Sith Order.
Dead, alive, or in as many pieces as you find him.
Glory and honour to whomsoever should capture the bastard turncoat.</center>

Malefactor to the Sith Order.
Wanted for tarnishing the honour and reputation of the Sith Order.
Dead, alive, or in as many pieces as you find him.
Glory and honour to whomsoever should capture the bastard turncoat.</center>

Mar 24th, 2004, 04:58:52 AM
"After i recieve a little bit of training i will try to help you get that guy"

Lord Sith Homer
Apr 2nd, 2004, 08:04:47 AM
"Hahaha lazy Sith Eldar, never could do anything them selfs. I would be happy to do this if i have a quick crash course, with you warlock i know nothing of the force yet"

Apr 2nd, 2004, 10:16:12 AM
OOC: "no offence Homer, but u shouldnt be so disrespectful to ur lords, they may not take it as a joke"

Lady Vader
Apr 7th, 2004, 03:24:16 PM
*LV stepped forth from a darkened hallway.*


*With that, LV's lightning fast reflexes sent her into a spiraling leap towards Homer. Two red lightsabers, one in each hand, ignited as she came to a landing, slicing both ways with her sabers through Homer's body.*

*The air around the hall was still as her momentum brought her to a kneeling stance, both sabers humming softly, her arms crossed with one saber on either side of her body. No sound came from Homer as he stood, wide eyed.*

*And there it was, a slight slurp-like sound, as Homer's body slid apart into three even pieces, colapsing to the floor with muffled thuds.*

*LV stood and extinguished her sabers, clipping them back to her belt. She turned her head to look at Razvan before turning all the way to look at the darkened hallway she had come from previously.*

Iesis... dinner time.

*As a large black panther came bounding from the shadows, LV turned and left the scene.*

Apr 7th, 2004, 03:39:15 PM
*Iesis came to a sliding hault at the three pieces, and began to ravenously devour one of the meaty portions. With many loud slurping, growling, and gulping sounds, the black Corellian sand panther enjoyed the freshly killed victim.*

Apr 8th, 2004, 05:02:47 AM
Razvan looks at The Kitten

"Aww,...thats not for me right?"

Rakkel Thunderwing
Apr 8th, 2004, 06:07:30 PM
"I wish to take this bounty." Rakkel's voice sounded from a hallway, "This traitor left my training incomplete. I would gladly kill him"

Thunderwing strood into the room toward the group. He lowered his hood to show his face knotted in anger.

"The traitor is mine and I would challenge anyone to say otherwise."

Zereth Lancer
Apr 8th, 2004, 10:01:44 PM
"I have a right to Salem as much as you do Rakkel" Came a voice from behind Rakkel "He was my master also and I would do anything to put that dead dog down"

Rakkel could feel the point of a knife touching his back "And I am willing to accept your challenge."

Rakkel Thunderwing
Apr 9th, 2004, 06:13:37 AM
Rakkel smirked. "Verywell then."

He quickly turned around withdrawing his own dagger from its sheath, the crystals embeded in it glowed as he turned and brought it up to the challengers neck. He then quickly grabbed the mans hand with the dagger to prevent him from using it. His eyes burned with hate.

"Anyone else care to try." He said to the others.

Zereth Lancer
Apr 9th, 2004, 04:59:35 PM
Zereth smiled "You our of your league boy" Rakkel could feel the cold metal of Zereth's Katana touching his throat. He then used the force to push Rakkel's blade away from his neck "Salem taught me much before he left."

Rakkel Thunderwing
Apr 9th, 2004, 05:18:58 PM
Rakkel jumped back getting away from the katana. It knicked him slightly as he fell back. "You fight well." Rakkel summoned the force and retreived his dagger and put it back in it's sheath. He then used the force to trip Zereth on his back.

Illidan Stormcrow
Apr 9th, 2004, 05:32:13 PM
A tingling chill washed over for the room for a few seconds. The chill of the undead. Illidan had been granted free roam of the Sith Temple, and had used the time to get used to the shadows. He could easily stay hidden from anyone, unless they used the Force. He watched the small fight break out in the Palace with vague interest.

Sith Apprentice or not, Illidan decided to intervene. Normally, he would've sit back and enjoyed the fight, but this had been the way it was just before the ancient Sith killed each other off, and the undead couldn't stand it. He stepped forward through the shadows to stand between the two battling Sith Apprentices.

"Now now, children," He said to the young men, "What is all this bickering and fighting for? The rights to hunt down a traitor? Why don't you both hunt him down? If the Sith Elders deemed it fit to post a bounty on him, he must be powerful. You'd have a better chance working together."

Zereth Lancer
Apr 10th, 2004, 01:50:21 PM
Zereth got to his feet. He looked the man over Gods. I hater undead He thought returning his attention to Rakkel "I always work alone."

Rakkel Thunderwing
Apr 14th, 2004, 05:32:58 PM
"As do I." Rakkel said looking at the pale figure. "I shall find this traitor and slay him myself."

Zereth Lancer
Apr 14th, 2004, 10:10:22 PM
Zereth glared at the boy "You will die if you go and fight him now.I am going to do the smart thing and get some more training before attemting such a thing" He gave Rakkel a evil smile "but you can go ahead and die."

Makoto Neo
Apr 17th, 2004, 08:36:15 PM
"Even after your training, can you even fantom how long you may last in a fight with one who had obtained knighthood within the Order?" growled the shadows echoingly, "One hour? a minute? thirty seconds? Even with expertise, one can be beaten in the merest of moves."

Lucianus Adair
May 17th, 2004, 10:57:20 AM
Phoenix smirked, leaning quietly against a darkened wall, watching the other apprentices bicker. Mars Whyte was one of few that still trained alone, the occasional spar, and studies of texts. He had no master, but that didn't mean the young man sat on his posterior all day whining for one.

15 years of age, 6'7" in height, Mars pushed himself off the wall, a 50-odd inch long sword held in his right hand. A recent acquisition. He gave Rakkel a short nod.

"Good Day, Thunderwing." And then he turned slowly to Zereth, and spoke. "If you wish, I will spar with you to sharpen your skills along with any training you may receive outside of that."

Zereth Lancer
May 20th, 2004, 10:23:03 PM
Zereth had them right where he wanted "No, I have seen the truth now and I know I can't beat Salem ever" He said turning to Rakkel" But you Rakkel have more power then I" He said giving the bow a hald bow "I think you are strong enough to fight the traitorios Salem Ave"

He turned on his heal and started for the exit With luck stupid thunderwing will go get himself killed He thought evil grin on his face as he disapeared into the shadows.

Nayala Palain
Feb 13th, 2005, 07:39:09 PM
(Cause I dont know... do you have to be any one rank to hunt these peoples?)

Je'gan Olra'en
Feb 14th, 2005, 11:57:07 AM
Kill them. That's all you need to know. Just kill them and we'll throw you a party.

Lady Vader
May 24th, 2005, 04:18:39 PM