View Full Version : Kuklos Ataxia: Members
Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 4th, 2004, 05:42:01 PM
..//..begin recording..//
<a href=>Gav Mortis, Master</a>
Past Alliances:
Founding Member of the Circle
Gav's greatest skills are:
Sith Sorcery
And has little/no skill in:
Telepathy and Mind Control
Gav tends to be less of a warrior and more of a leader, he thinks and schemes before contemplating taking his lightsaber in hand. He is skilled in combat, particularly with a lightsaber should the occassion call for it but his greatest weakness is mental attacks.
Unfortunately, it is rare I get to flaunt the sorceror side of him these days however he is a scholar of the ancient Sith arts and is fluent in the ancient language. As an opponent, Gav's greatest strength is misdirection and deception, he will always try to trick his enemies into believing he isn't particularly strong before overwhelming them with tremendous Force attacks.
Razielle (
Jared Mriad (>Salvestro</a>
Kyashi (
Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 4th, 2004, 05:47:32 PM
<a href=>Lilaena De'Ville, Master</a>
Past Alliances:
Founding Member of the Circle
Lilaena's 'specialties' include:
Lightsaber and hand to hand combat
energy attacks (lightning and Destruction)
No skill at all in:
illusionary skills
Mind control
She is not suceptible to mind control herself as she has tremendous mental blocks up for her own saftey. If you managed to break them down to get into her mind, you'd most likely end up dead, and so would she, as she has mind powers but has no control over them whatsoever. A break in her mental shields would be the equivalant of the dam breaking. She cannot recieve mental messages, nor can she send any. Illusions can trick her almost as easily as a non force adept.
However in a fight she's a formidable opponent, as anyone who's fought her should know...I hope! Lilaena tends to think rationally before attacking, but once in a life and death struggle she can go over the edge and fight until she literally cannot fight anymore. She can forget the meaning of retreat in the face of a battle, although she has made some good decisions about running in the face of bad odds in the past.
<a href=>Naj Arilov</a>
<a href=>Ishmel Rykov</a>
<a href=>Darth Alf</a>
Darth Alf added on list of apprentices.
Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 4th, 2004, 05:52:36 PM
<a href=>Silus Xilarian, Knight</a>
Past Alliances:
Founding Member of the Circle
Silus' Specialties:
Lightsaber and hand to hand
Crap at:
Energy Manipulation
Anything remotely resembling healing.
Much of Silus' usage of the force is dependant on his emotion. When he's calm, he's a very controlled person, which is perfect for crafting illusions. Once his temper has been tripped though, his illusions become less and less complex. It's at this point that telekinesis will be his strong point, as its fueled directly by anger. Beware the Force Choke.
Due to having a wide array of hand to hand training, informal and formal, its hard to pick his style. He's had no real training in any certain lightsaber form and has mainly learned by doing. Coupled with razor sharp reflexes, this makes his attacks somewhat unpredictable, making him a formidable opponent.
<a href=> Daria Nytherciria</a>
Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 4th, 2004, 05:57:05 PM
<a href=>Garrett Blade, Master</a>
Past Alliances:
Garrett's specialities:
Necromancy (also gives access to basic healing abilities)
Sith Alchemy
Mind control
Elemental manipulation/summon
Energy absorption
Crap at:
Force jump/speed etc
Things that require concentration or a stable, relaxed state of mind.
He's also a formidable lightsaber opponent, due to his sheer strength and erratic, techniqueless...technique.
<a href=>Gash</a>
Garrett Blade is missing in action. May he rest in chaos. His apprentice has been given to Salem Ave.
Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 4th, 2004, 05:57:18 PM
<a href=>Lord Vali, Knight</a>
Past Alliances
Unknown, but TBH is suspected
Esteemed Member
Specialties, Weaknesses, Favorite Foods:
Little is known about this member of the Kuklos, except that he attacks mostly at night, and is a formiddable enemy.
Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 4th, 2004, 05:57:33 PM
<a href=>Razielle Shadana, Knight</a>
Past Alliances:
Esteemed Member
Raz's stronger points:
Illusions / Mind Control
Crap with:
Raz tends to be a bit eccentric where technology is concerened. She dosen't prefer anything more complicated than a lightsaber or your basic speeder. You'd be more likely to catch her with a bow and arrow than a blaster for that matter, although she has had training with every weapon she could get her hands on. She just tends to like the more simple methods of battle. She is decently skilled with a lightsaber, having been trained with swords, and the like, since childhood.
She dosen't normally use telepathy or mind control unless she is in trouble, or is trying to "charm" her prey. But recent apprentice taken into consideration it will be more likely to be seen from her. She is no medic, but in a pinch - she is after all a Vampyre - her blood can be useful. Not to say she would run amuck turning people (because she isn't interested in making anymore Vampyre's.) But a few drops can be very beneficial.
<a href=>Han Fernua</a>
<a href=>Zachariah Darmok</a>
Status change to Esteemed, from Initiate. Razielle has proven herself a faithful member of Kuklos Ataxia.
Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 4th, 2004, 05:57:44 PM
<a href=>Salem Ave, Knight</a>
Past Alliances:
The Krath, TSO
Initiate Member
Agility / dexterity
Mind Control / influence
Hand-to-hand combat
Low/no skill in:
Energy attacks
Tact (:lol … he is very blunt)
Salem's most unique and specialized skill is one which he calls 'the withering touch'. In essence, it chokes the life from living cells. It does no permanent damage, but instead leaves the person it is used upon feeling tired, sluggish and unable to concentrate - which could indirectly affect opponents other abilities, such as mind-related techniques (telekinesis, illusions, etc). He first practiced this upon plants (, but has now progressed it to be able to use it on sentient beings / humanoids.
<a href=>Gash</a>
Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 4th, 2004, 05:57:55 PM
<a href=>Ishan Shade, Apprentice</a>
Past Alliances:
TSO, Krath
Initiate Member
Sith Magic
Hand to Hand combat
Mind Control
Pheremone and Force Persuation
Crap at:
Lightsaber combat
Force enhanced movement
Ishan is an incredible planner and devious thinker. He uses his mind more than his fist. His racial advantages are huge, as pheremones are very powerful. Doesn't jump the gun on a situation, and lacks mercy. Not to great with a lightsaber either.
Apprentice of:
-- tba --
Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 4th, 2004, 05:58:18 PM
Naj Arilov, Apprentice
Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 4th, 2004, 05:58:36 PM
<a href=> Daria Nytherciria, Apprentice</a>
Past Alliances:
Esteemed Member
Stealth / hit and run combat
Mind control
Low/no skill in:
Close / hand-to-hand combat
Lightsaber use
Daria is one of the Doz’rah, a people born with a natural gift. Some call it a blessing, some call it a curse, but the inherited defensive mechanism is what singles the Doz’rah out from every other species in the galaxy. When in a situation that could endanger them the Doz’rah will effectively tear apart the mind of those threatening them – rearranging and muddling up any and all memories and thoughts; causing chaos. This can be used at the Doz'rahs whim, but also plagues them in the form of seizures, appearing sporadically over a number of days. She is trained as a member of the Kuto, a band of elite female assassins, who frown highly upon the use of mechanical devices and specialize in the use of exotic poisons. (Further info HERE (
Apprentice to:
Silus Xilarian
Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 4th, 2004, 05:59:00 PM
<a href=>Ishmel Rykov, Apprentice</a>
Past Alliances:
Esteemed Member
Hand to hand combat
physical enhancement
Crap at:
A genetic freak as most humans are concerned, Ishmel hates nearly everything and anything his colorblind eyes view. If given enough time to contemplate how he can kill, pummel, or beat something, he'll do it regardless of most consequences. He doesn't take the time to think much farther than how hard he might be able to beat someone or how long he might have to wait before he can. Rykov is intent on mastering Teras Kasi. His mind controlling is not limited but that he can only invoke hateful emotions and thoughts in others.
Apprentice to:
<a href=>Lilaena De'Ville</a>
Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 4th, 2004, 05:59:10 PM
<a href=>Salvestro, Apprentice</a>
Past Alliances:
Esteemed Member
Salvestro's future things he will be good at:
Basically anything that messes with peoples minds.
Crap at:
Hand to hand combat
Anything having to do with physical attacks
Salvestro isn't a very strong guy, he's rather lean actually. He is the kinda guy who will shoot someone in the back rather than have to face them later. I would like him to develop sith magic skills so he would have even more reason to not get close to anyone who wants to kill him.
Apprentice to:
<a href=>Gav Mortis</a>
Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 4th, 2004, 05:59:25 PM
<a href=>Han Fernua, Apprentice</a>
Past Alliances:
Esteemed Member
Han's specialties:
Skills that involve the mind.
Sucks at:
Anything that would require him doing anything physical.
Han is a small, tender kid that see's life as something to play with. His skills at illusions makes him over confident when dealing with other people. Hatered is something that he expresses on everything and everyone. You always start on his bad side, and he will continiue to be unless he thinks of a reason for you to be other wise. He also doesn't like to sleep for the reason of not wanting to be taken advantage of and to make sure that he sees everthing that goes on.
Apprentice to:
<a href=>Razielle Shadana</a>
Status changed from Initiate, to Esteemed. Han has proven a faithful member of Kuklos Ataxia.
Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 4th, 2004, 05:59:53 PM
King Giran of Onderon, Apprentice
Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 4th, 2004, 06:00:04 PM
<a href=>Gash, Apprentice</a>
Past Alliances:
Esteemed Member
Gash's specialties:
Instinctive telekinesis
Melee/ranged combat
Crap at:
Strategic planning
Seeing anything but the obvious
Gash is a nasty opponent mainly because he's very big and extremely strong, and because if you throw a knife at him there are decent odds you'll miss. Other than that he has no useful skills. He's slow both mentally and physically, leaving plenty of time to get out of the way of an attack, and even more opportunity to simply outthink him. It's a wonder that he isn't dead by now.
Apprentice of:
<a href=>Salem Ave</a>
Status changed from Initiate, to Esteemed. Gash has proven a faithful member of Kuklos Ataxia.
With Garrett Blade's absence, Salem Ave has taken over Gash's training.
Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 4th, 2004, 06:00:15 PM
Malick Rain, Apprentice
Malick is MIA, the unworthy scum. Updates will be given, should he return.
Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 4th, 2004, 06:00:32 PM
<a href=>Zachariah Darmok, Apprentice</a>
Past Alliances:
The Subryn
Initiate Member
Bent Force Use (Sith Magic, Magi)
Telepathy, Mind Control
Crap at:
Force Enchanced Movement
Zachariahs' weakness is the fact he knows nothing of coventialnal force useage and hes here to learn this but he is a Master in bending the force and using it in a unique way known as Sith Magic or Magi to the Subryn (his former group) He is unable to perform any force enchanced movement or Illusions mainly because when bending the force he is unable to to do such things, its as simple as that.
Apprentice to:
<a href=>Razielle Shadana</a>
Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 4th, 2004, 06:00:48 PM
<a href=>Jared Mriad, Apprentice</a>
Past Alliances:
The Krath, TSO
Esteemed Member
Jareds' Specialties:
Melee Combat
- Unarmed
- Dual Lightsabers
- Psychokentics/Telekinetics
Moderate at:
Basic Force
- Push
- Jump
- Pull
- Speed
Crap at:
Anger Management
Jared has it set in his mind that he lives on borrowed time, and on that reason, he has no fear of death. Combat is a passion for him and he has slacked off in most Force manipulations studies to persue it, but, he did spend a great deal of time under the banner of Sith Order building his talent with the Telekinetic, lifting, aspect of the Force. Also, he isn't worried about getting a little dirty, as in bloody/gorey.
Apprentice to:
<a href=>Gav Mortis</a>
Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 2nd, 2004, 12:55:48 PM
..//..begin recording..//
<a href=> Darth Alf</a>
Past Alliances:
Initiate Member
Melee combat
Ranged comabt
Mind control and Telepathy
Anything dealing with healing
Energy manipulation
Alf has no homeworld, as his species is a nomadic race. He, himself cannot even recall the name of his people, for his clan abandoned him at birth. He has only met one other member of his species, but they refused him answers because they consider him an outcast. He travel the galaxy, finding work doing odd jobs that no one else dared take. Because of this, he has gained access to valueable information and has also made him aware that many people tend to overlook him, giving him a great opportunity to steal and sell information.
During this practice, he had overheard conversations of Force users. Wonder what this was, he did his research and it lead him to the Circle of Disorder, where he now trains under the Sith Mistress Lilaena De'Ville. Because of his size, most do not consider him and real threat, but he is determined to prove them wrong.
Apprentice to:
<a href=>Lilaena De'Ville</a>
Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 15th, 2004, 11:35:17 PM
..//..begin recording..//
<a href=>Kyzer Rayne, Warrior of the Cabal</a>
Past/Other Alliances:
The Cabal
Initiate Member
Skill with many melee weapons
Low/no skill in:
Hand to Hand fighting
Force abilities (is force sensitive but hasnt developed it at all)
Kyzer was a member of a Crime Syndicate called "The Sons of the Apocolypse" He was captured by a rival syndicate and interrogated and tortured. He escaped and returned to "The Sons" but was seen as a dangerous do to traits of insanity that Kyzer now had. They wiped his memory and released him to wander the streets
He became a mercenary and later joined the Cabal on Kirrek, His only remaining trace of his insanity is that he talks his weapons.
Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 6th, 2005, 10:53:50 AM
darn thread is all outta date now :(
Adraudia Basillie
Jun 6th, 2005, 03:32:31 PM
start a new one! :D
Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 18th, 2005, 10:43:51 PM
sooo much work! ^_^;
Adraudia Basillie
Jun 19th, 2005, 10:39:38 AM
then quit complaining :p
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