View Full Version : New Members Read This First!!

Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 27th, 2004, 05:26:57 PM
In order to stay organized, as a new member you are required/expected/asked/begged to do the following:

Write up a short 'weakness/strength' bio, including your rank as earned as the same character other groups (if you come from somewhere). Rank earned legally on sw-fans, that is. Also include an explaination if need be. For instance:

Lilaena De'Ville, Dark Jedi Master

energy attacks

Crap at:

Lilaena cannot hear it when you try to speak telepathically to her, and only feels a slight buzzing sensation in her head, as though someone were standing next to her blowing the heck out of a dog whistle. Don't do it, as this annoys her.

Also, if you wish, post up a short bio, no more than 200 words. If you are an apprentice, include who your master here at the Kuklos is. If you don't have a master, we'll get right on that.

Post these here, and they will be copied and added into the main group bio thread when a mod gets around to it.

Zachariah Darmok
Feb 28th, 2004, 12:04:17 AM
Zachariah Darmok, Sith Mage Master, Dark Jedi Apprentice

Bent Force Use (Sith Magic, Magi)
Telepathy, Mind Control

Crap at:
Force Enchanced Movement

Zachariahs' weakness is the fact he knows nothing of coventialnal force useage and hes here to learn this but he is a Master in bending the force and using it in a unique way known as Sith Magic or Magi to the Subryn (his former group) He is unable to perform any force enchanced movement or Illusions mainly because when bending the force he is unable to to do such things, its as simple as that.

Mar 1st, 2004, 06:25:16 PM
Gash: Dark Jedi Apprentice to Garrett Blade


Instinctive telekinesis
Melee/ranged combat

Crap at:

Strategic planning
Seeing anything but the obvious

Gash is a nasty opponent mainly because he's very big and extremely strong, and because if you throw a knife at him there are decent odds you'll miss. Other than that he has no useful skills. He's slow both mentally and physically, leaving plenty of time to get out of the way of an attack, and even more opportunity to simply outthink him. It's a wonder that he isn't dead by now.

Salem Ave
Mar 3rd, 2004, 01:29:09 PM
Salem Ave, Sith Knight (No Master, No Apprentices)

Agility / dexterity
Mind Control / influence
Hand-to-hand combat

Low/no skill in:
Energy attacks
Tact (:lol … he is very blunt)

Salem's most unique and specialized skill is one which he calls 'the withering touch'. In essence, it chokes the life from living cells. It does no permanent damage, but instead leaves the person it is used upon feeling tired, sluggish and unable to concentrate - which could indirectly affect opponents other abilities, such as mind-related techniques (telekinesis, illusions, etc). He first practiced this upon plants (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=22855), but has now progressed it to be able to use it on sentient beings / humanoids.

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 2nd, 2004, 12:57:28 PM
I need this for Naj Arilov, Daria, and Darth Alf.

Daria Nytherciria
Aug 16th, 2004, 04:49:29 AM
Daria Nytherciria, Dark Jedi Apprentice (Apprentice to Silus Xilarian)

Stealth / hit and run combat
Mind control

Low/no skill in:
Close / hand-to-hand combat
Lightsaber use

Daria is one of the Doz’rah, a people born with a natural gift. Some call it a blessing, some call it a curse, but the inherited defensive mechanism is what singles the Doz’rah out from every other species in the galaxy. When in a situation that could endanger them the Doz’rah will effectively tear apart the mind of those threatening them – rearranging and muddling up any and all memories and thoughts; causing chaos. This can be used at the Doz'rahs whim, but also plagues them in the form of seizures, appearing sporadically over a number of days. She is trained as a member of the Kuto, a band of elite female assassins, who frown highly upon the use of mechanical devices and specialize in the use of exotic poisons. (Further info HERE (http://meras.org/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=7876))

Kyzer Rayne
Oct 12th, 2004, 10:21:55 PM
Kyzer Rayne, Warrior of the Cabal (Is force sensitive but hasnt developed it at all)

Skill with many malee weapons

Low/no skill in:
Hand to Hand fighting
Force abilities

Kyzer was a member of a Crime Syndicate called "The Sons of the Apocolypse" He was captured by a rival syndicate and interrogated and tortured. He escaped and returned to "The Sons" but was seen as a dangerous do to traits of insanity that Kyzer now had. They wiped his memory and released him to wander the streets

He became a mercenary and later joined the Cabal on Kirrek, His only remaining trace of his insanity is that he talks his weapons amd pther unliving objects

Nathanial K'cansce
Nov 16th, 2004, 01:25:35 PM
Nathanial K'Cansce aka Darth Snack, Sith Lord - former Council member of TSE (when it was apart of Fans)
Apprentices: none. Master: Not apart of KA. (Ogre)

Elementals (Fire, Water, Wind, etc)

Saber Skills
Telepathy (can send messages and receive messages through the Force from those he has been with/created a bond with)

"Sith Magics"
Brute Strength


Starting off as a Sithling, but finding his way into the Jedi Order, young Snack was already proficient in controlling elemental based force wind. Under the teachings of Jedi Rebel X and then Jedi Master Leia Solo, Snack was able to further strengthen his understanding on wind and atmospheres for protective purposes. Though not a well established swordsman at the time, he practiced daily, learning different tactics and tricks to help gain the upper hand if he were to ever be forced into a saber duel. When Knighted, Snack was well on his way to being one of the GJO better saber fighters, though there were still many rungs to climb before he reached the upper echelon.

Obsessed with gaining more power in saber fights, Snack eventual turned to the Dark Side, and was apprenticed under the Sith Master Ogre Mal Pannis. Under his tutelage, Snack expanded his knowledge on elemental based moves to encompass fire and water, with wind and atmospheric properties being his strongest ability. He also trained to build up the basic telekinesis abilities (in order to gain more control over the elementals on a molecular level), having been able to use the Force to halt the movement of large bodies/sentient beings and alter the direction of high velocity projectiles.

During his time at the Sith Empire, Snack rose in ranks, but found himself questioning the true Sith ways. He denounced the title of Sith, but still kept to the dark arts, and devoted much of his time to finding himself and about his past. Once Snack reached the rank of Lord, the Empire inducted him into their leading Council. Sometime later, the Empire disbanded, leaving the Dark Lord no where to go besides further back into his past. On a trip to Korriban, he encountered the dead Sith spirit of the man who had taken care of Snack since an early age; 'Father'. Learning the truth about his past, Nathan (his real name) vowed vengeance against 'Father', but before he could seal the spirit away forever, it possessed Nathan's mind. Now, Nathan wanders, always scratching at his head. The itch known as his 'Father' declared himself Dark Lord of the Sith in his new body, and fights to control mind, body, and soul.

Er... so much for being short. :lol

Nov 16th, 2004, 04:10:39 PM
I haven't been asked for one, but *jumps on bandwagon* :p

Kyashi Hatake, Apprentice (Gav Mortis, poss. Raz when he joins the Cabal?)

Telekinesis (wow, we're all awesome at it! weirdness...)
Pin-pointing vital body points with 6" needles
Loyalty to anyone who shows him even a little kindness or attention

Not physically strong
Mentally unstable (at times)
Fear of blood

Kyashi is an orphan, who's father killed his mother and slit his sons' throat before he was killed by a young Kyashi in self-defence (See Devotion in the ST forum). Although he has a deep connection to the Force, he hates it for what it has taken from him. He doesn't use the Force often, and when he does, it's mostly unintentional.

Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 11th, 2005, 05:26:30 PM
i need one of these for Dalamar.

Aestiva Ni'Liatoth
Jan 29th, 2008, 04:09:15 PM
Competent in martial arts, but not a shred of force training.

Bio Under Construction

Razielle Alastor
Jan 29th, 2008, 06:46:26 PM
OMG this thread is so old, it's dusty! -sneezes-


Aestiva Ni'Liatoth
Jan 29th, 2008, 06:50:17 PM
Sorry, trying to get up to speed with everthing. :p

Razielle Alastor
Jan 29th, 2008, 07:12:18 PM
It's not a problem, but I think we may need to overhaul the lot of it.. LOL:lol

Razielle Alastor
Jan 29th, 2008, 07:15:16 PM

This one might give you a better low-down. :)

Lucianus Adair
Jan 30th, 2008, 12:39:08 AM
Holy crapola....

I really should get in on this, shouldn't I? ... *sheepish grin*

How about I just say I'm a most wicked sexy badass and get it over with, hmm? Oh, and by the way...

I'm going to EAT you!