View Full Version : Imperial Planets

Darth Viscera
Jun 29th, 2005, 11:58:44 PM
It is IY23*, and the First Galactic Empire currently holds sway over upwards of one million member worlds in addition to fifty million colonies, protectorates and governorships, the names of which it would be impossible to list here.

Source: Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galactic_Empire_%28Star_Wars%29)

*Imperial Year 23, the 23rd year of the Empire

Telan Desaria
Jul 25th, 2005, 03:28:03 AM
Current Operational Area
Grand Admiral Telan Desaria

Senex-Juvex Sector - Twin-sector holding 628 inhabited worlds in 437 systems. Twelve systems in rebellion at this time, one with declared Alliance affiliation. Pacification in progress.

Hilari Colonies - Six mining colony-worlds existing under Imperial mandated company. Harsh conditions and failure to comply with profit-sharing directives have sparked a popular revolt. Suppression in progress.