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  1. 2nd part Of training
  2. Jeseth walks, dragging his feet behind him.
  3. Tricken vs. Damel
  4. Graem patiently awaits her Master's Arrival
  5. I am Darth Tormentius.
  6. ......
  7. *Walks right through the door(breaking it...)...*
  8. *Hades sits on a rock...*
  9. Darth Tormentius, awaiting Lord Dagger
  10. Wandering about...
  11. Reqesting To Join The Sith Order
  12. Enters into the sacred halls
  13. Kendir senses something disturbing
  14. Kendir walks and scans the training grounds...
  15. Sitting in his room
  16. I...
  17. *Naga Storms In*
  18. * Enters the door*(reserved)
  19. Walks
  20. Saurron's shuttle lands...
  21. Looks around her new room
  22. Entering LW room
  23. Sith Kiran Lera's training
  24. *Steps from the shadows*
  25. *Looks for his brother*
  26. ::Pops up from the shadows::
  27. *Crashes through the doors*
  28. Incoming Transmission for Dath Tholuem...
  29. *Surveys his room*
  30. enters and bows
  31. the training of Sky Dragoness
  32. looks around her room
  33. Walks around
  34. Sanis walks in
  35. *Awaits his Master*
  36. Busted de door open
  37. Wanders Through TSO
  38. Blade and Roul before the Council
  39. LW, I have done it
  40. Acceptance into the Order.
  41. Lady De'Ville, your trial awaits.
  42. ::Walks into the palace and looks around....::
  43. I would like to join...
  44. Walks into her room from the Training Grounds
  45. Dagger's return home
  46. A walk it is...
  47. He sat in the corner....
  48. *walks in*
  49. *Walks in waiting for Gengar*
  50. *picks up a jar with the Force...
  51. hmmmm.... how about
  52. My Children
  53. Flashbacks- Fork in the Road (Finished)
  54. An old man
  55. Kaine Darklighter?
  56. *looks around*
  57. Boredom
  58. A datapad left behind...
  59. Attention Darth Roul
  60. Concerning Roul....
  61. I would like to speak to the council
  62. Return to TSO
  63. The flames of hell (rp)
  64. Two Figures
  65. A dark figure enters the room..
  66. A dark figure enters the room
  67. Unbridled
  68. A Spider Monkey In the Attic(RP)
  69. Saunters in...
  70. *Naga bows before the council*
  71. A message for Saphire Azalin....
  72. Waits for Darth Viscera...
  74. *Walks in*
  75. Sight beyond sight, strength beyond strength.
  76. I want to learn the ways of the Sith
  77. hello fellow Sith.......
  78. Keite Praddon's Training
  79. Arrival of Darth Roul
  80. i seek jeseth
  81. The sky rumbled
  82. Ket's shuttle landed...
  83. Promotions
  84. A white cloaked figure disembarks from a shuttle
  85. *Awaits Lady DeVille*
  86. *Bows*
  87. An Arrival
  88. ::steps into the halls of TSO::
  89. A Visit
  90. I wish to have an audience with the Dark Jedi
  91. Two new light sabers
  92. Judgement
  93. Ket knelt before the Order...
  94. Spar anyone?
  95. ::sits on a rock::
  96. A refreshing change (spar)
  97. *enters Dagger's quarters*
  98. Untimely Arrival
  99. Part 3 of training.
  100. Self training
  101. Dara Shadowtide, is there a Dara Shadowtide here?
  102. Is there a, uh, Daleethria here???
  103. Self Training
  104. *Kahn walks into his room deep in thought.*
  105. It wasn't meant to be farewell this soon...
  106. Rain13
  107. ::Humbly reenters the room::
  108. :: Vega bows before all present ::
  109. Lynch
  110. Master De'Ville
  111. walks to his cell in the maximum security prision
  112. Garrett has gone too far....
  113. Walking into his room filled with confusion
  114. Part 3 of training
  115. Seeking Understanding.
  116. I wish to talk to the leaders...
  117. The Landing
  118. Wanders TSO
  119. Vice Versa
  120. *Gaven walks into his new room...
  121. Sparr
  122. Self Training
  123. A rare occasion
  124. Studies of The Book of Anger.
  125. *Kahn enters the Discussion Chamber.*
  126. Morgan had been searching for a room for...
  127. Standing before the council
  128. Ally.
  129. Aaron Grimm
  130. *With a lonely sigh,he sits quietly...*
  131. *DF goes into his room*
  132. Gengar
  133. *Lancer walks out of a strange shuttle*
  134. A Dark Candidate
  135. quietly walks in*
  136. *Bows before the Council*
  137. *Slowly walks into his room...*
  138. *Runs in, missing his Arm*
  139. *Walks up to the council.*
  140. To make for lost time
  141. Begins Building a new Saber...
  142. Spar anyone?
  143. *Bows before the council*
  144. *knocks on gengar's door.*
  145. Victory
  146. *DF enters the Chamber*
  147. *Wishing to become part of the family*
  148. Steps in while his Astromech rolls in...
  149. De'Ville entered the Chamber...
  150. An Apprentice's Test
  151. :: a bat-winged figure approches...
  152. *In their new house*
  153. Out of the Frying Pan
  154. Kahn
  155. Jacen walks in.
  156. The Oorru'Gurre'Gurre' drops out of hyperspace
  157. Sanis walks into the DIscussion Chamber
  158. A piece of mail is sent to De'Ville
  159. Two Korri-class Battlecruisers exit hyperspace...
  160. Taming the Shrew
  161. *Floating toward his quarters...*
  162. ::floats in the room where he died in::
  163. *DF goes in search of a master again.*
  164. To tame the beast
  165. *Learning The Dark Arts*
  166. ::lays down on the hard wood floor::
  167. :: The Star Phoenix II Approaches.......
  168. A delivery arrives for De'Ville.
  169. *Ron walks in*
  170. survival
  171. ::stands aboard his flag ship::
  172. It's all in your mind
  173. On The Prowl (The Great Cizerak Hunt!)
  174. **The Return**
  175. **Walks In**
  176. Having Returned Home,
  177. Aboard the Dominator
  178. Searching the past
  179. As many of you may or may not be aware.
  180. In his room
  181. Sith Grandmaster
  182. The bringing of the wanted
  183. Return
  184. Humbly reveals himself
  185. Moving Day: Pouch and a Couch
  186. A hooded female enters..
  187. The Rebuilding
  188. The Strike comes out of hyperspace
  189. The Angel of Death has come.
  190. Confusion
  191. Lynet Cloak
  192. **The Building Of A Droid Army**
  193. **Gamma Fleet Floats In Orbit Around Correllia**
  194. *Leaves a note in the DC*
  195. Meeting with Psy
  196. *A Hobgoblin wanders around.*
  197. Having Drowned His Sorrows
  198. Gav Mortis
  199. Cognitive Histeria...
  200. Who be up to the challenge??