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Name: Zack Solomon Alias: Uncanny Allegiance: Dr. Cullen's Institute (student) Age: 20 Nationality: American Power: Shapeshifter

Background Uncanny led a pretty normal life for the first 17 or so years of it. He was a popular kid in school with plenty of friends, the class clown, loved skateboarding, a hit with the girls. He had a good thing going on. But that changed around his 18th birthday. One night Zack was watching a movie with a girl from school in her parents house while they were away. As the night went on their emotions grew higher and higher until they could barely control their passion. Then in the heat of the moment when everything was going great, the girls cat brushed past Zacks leg, causing him to suddenly morph into a cat himself.

When the girl opened her eyes, she sat up confused, and brushed the cat off her lap. Puzzled by her more-or-less boyfriends' disappearance, she stared in bewilderment at the sight of two cats. Her own pet obviously didn't like the unknown stray as it hissed and clawed in its direction. The mystery feline retreated to the girls feet, cowering behind them. But her own cat arched it's back threateningly...

The next thing she knew, she banged her head on the ceiling and fell off Zacks shoulders onto the couch once more.

That was Zacks first transformation. But it certainly wasn't his last. It took him a while before he could control the transformations, but not before his spontaneous shapeshifting had caused his friends and relatives to shun him for the mutant he so obviously was. He ultimately decided to run away after his parents had tried to persuade him to see a doctor over his 'condition'. Deep down he knew they would have disowned him - he just knew it. In less than a year his life had gone from being damn well brilliant to lousy as hell, and there didn't seem to be anything he could do about it.

Life on his own wasn't so bad. He soon discovered that he could transform into any animal he had physical contact with. It was then a case of grabbing a mouse in a pet shop and gaining entry into several houses until he'd aquired a nice amount of funds to rent a small apartment in the centre of town. But his conscience soon got the better of him and he knew he couldn't go on like this for too long. So once he heard about Dr. Cullens he jumped at the opportunity.

Additional Although he seems to have learned how to use his power, he still doesn't fully understand it. For instance, god knows what happens to his clothes when he changes - yet when he reverts back to his own form - there they are!