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Thread: Star Wars Combine - A Star Wars Life Simulation!!

  1. #1
    Kman Indigo

    Star Wars Combine - A Star Wars Life Simulation!!

    If you haven't heard of this - this is an online Star Wars Life Simulation with about 2000 people in it at any time - so this is a fully fledged online game. This is a game created by true Star Wars fans - for Star Wars fans (sorry Interplay!).

    You create your own character, build relationships, fight wars or relax in a cantina and chat. You own ships, make deals and engage in politics and so much more.

    Also you don't have to be a part of the Galactic Conflict, there are a number of NFGs (Non-Faction groups - ie. not the Galactic Empire, Rebel Alliance, Black Sun or Bounty Hunter Alliance) which are smaller groups made of people roleplaying their way into the Star Wars Universe as part of a company - create your own niche in your Star Wars Universe!

    And remember, you can do all this - FOR FREE!!! There is no cost whatsoever!

    As you can see from my sig. I'm a part of Renegade Inc - one of the NFGs in the Star Wars Combine. You can check out what we do at

    If anyone reads this and is interested in learning more, you can contact me through e-mail <a href="</a> , my ICQ - no. 83984728, or post here and I'll get back to you.

    I hope to hear from you soon, and May the Force be with You.

  2. #2

    I tried it about a year ago. Good, but I didn't have the time to properly make use of it so I ended up getting out. I'd recommend it to anybody who's willing to give it a go though.

    PS. Go with smaller groups - the big major ones are plain annoying with all the stupid politics involved.

  3. #3
    Ash Longbaugh

    Blinking heck, these COmbine adverts are everywhere!

    I tried it, but can't get it to work. Sounds nice though

  4. #4

    On a related note, "Star Wars Galaxies" is coming out soon. It's an officially liscensed online RPG with all the bells and whistles. It does cost money, though.

  5. #5
    Gav Mortis

    How much does it cost and in what sense if you don't mind?

    When it does come out, is it going to be a monthly charge for useage or just the cost of the software to buy?

  6. #6

    No one knows anything at this stage, but considering that 'SW Galaxies' is coming from Verant (makers of 'EverQuest') I would expect that you'd have to pay for the game then pay a monthly fee.

  7. #7
    Gav Mortis

    Ok thanketh you.

  8. #8

    Yes, we are everywhere.

  9. #9
    Thraken Solo

    Aye, we are everywhere, and my sig may not say so, but I am in the Black Sun orginization. ICQ me if you want to know more about it and the combine.

  10. #10
    Force Master Hunter

    * Shrugs *

    Got a pretty decent RPG going here already


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