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Thread: All Hail the Brotherhood!

  1. #1

    The Brotherhood All Hail the Brotherhood!

    So, watching X-Men: First Class drove home for me how passive the Brotherhood has been lately in the Los Angeles setting. And now we've got the likes of the MCU and the X-Force crusading for justice and tolerance? How sickening! We need to get our evil cred back!

    The main reason there hasn't been much Brotherhood action is that the focus has been on the House and its residents, and for the sake of that story, it's been enough to have the Brotherhood out there as this big, nebulous threat adding to all the other tensions. But now that we have some factions that are worth opposing, I think it's time to take greater initiative. After all, in comic book stories it's usually the villains that take the lead, forcing the heroes to stop them.

    So let's use this thread to brainstorm up some ideas for plots, and for conflicts between the Brotherhood and other factions. Here are a few ideas off the top of my head:

    1. Saladin and/or other top Brotherhood members visit Dahlia Ericsson and company to inquire about the purpose of this team of mutants she's assembling.

    2. Brotherhood forces strike against a depot holding medical supplies and anti-mutant equipment for Jericho and the MCU.

    3. Brotherhood forces hit a Tres Onces distribution center for nectar.

    4. The Brotherhood wreaks havoc in the name of Freaks United, a fictional extremist group invented to increase the tension between humans and mutants.

    I've already got two ideas for larger-scale missions - a raid on the Jozua Clinic and another raid on a Vanguard facility - but those will be big events that still need a lot of setup first. I'm hoping we can do some smaller episodes that can still serve to advance the plot and give our MCU and X-Force heroes a chance to cut their teeth on real mutant-vs-mutant action.

  2. #2
    I'm up for paying this Dahlia chick a visit. Or any of the above, really

  3. #3
    Spring Flux out of prison.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Stern View Post
    Spring Flux out of prison.
    Please. I'm having a hard time thinking of things to do with everyone else and my one big thing (X-Force, dammitall) isn't going ANYWHERE.

  5. #5
    Flux was part of the Brotherhood in New York, yes?

  6. #6
    Proudly so, yes.


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