As minutes passed by, Iota grew sadder and sadder. Not a single person out of her hundred and twenty class mates had even bothered to reply to her invitation, let alone appear in the lounge.
It's never the world's fault. You are the only person to blame.
Her flight instructor's words echoed in her ears, reminding her how alone she was. Many nights were spent crying, curled up in that minute bunk-bed of her cabin. Why couldn't anybody see past her azure skin and those large, luminescent golden eyes?

Hopping off her seat, Valar opted to take one final look down the corridor that lead to the bar, before finishing her drink and heading back to the suite her father rented in The Holiday Towers. One little tiny peek, just in case somebody did show up in the end.
The petite girl meandered between officers, accidentally slamming into one. A drink was spilled over a perfectly ironed uniform, instigating a loathing frown.
''I'm so sorry, sir.'' she apologized, pleadingly looking up at the man she stained. Her blue hands were placed on his chest instinctively, trying to wipe excess liquid off.
''Hands off, you blue harlot.'' he hissed through his teeth, scowling at the petite being now trembling before him.