Technically it was, kinda? So sure, I had memories of having been here previously, but those memories wouldn't come to pass for another few hundred years. It was one of those weird time travel loop things, that I should probably have paid more attention to in high school, but never did.

"I was born here," I answered, with a shrug. Kinda satisfied Agent Kane's questions; kinda didn't. "A lot had changed by then -" Will have changed? Stupid grammar. Update your tenses to fit with time travel, damn it. "- but it's still the kind of place where you don't want to find yourself alone walking down a dark alley."

I let that sink in for a moment, following along as Kate led the way out of the airport. Was kinda glad that she knew her way - I sure as hell didn't, and all the signs around the place were low tech, no data points for my lenses to focus on and establish a nav path for me to follow. No markers on the ground for them to superimpose my route onto. Hell, there weren't even vacuum tubes, or hover scooters: everyone was hoofing it on foot. Most of the time the low-tech 21st Century was quaint and cute; but most of the time I was on my own, and I could just will myself into the air if I got tired of walking. This place though? It was like a dim and dismal prison, walls that had maybe been white once that had faded to that grim and grubby yellowish colour, carpets that looked like the same ugly fabrics they used to cover the seats on buses and public transit in this era, pockmarked and stained with stuff that I didn't even want to identify. And the people? It was like being part of a zombie horde, slowly and reluctantly trudging their way towards the pits of hell. Yeah, this was Gotham all right.

"I guess I don't know much of the details, but I know the basics. I know Gotham in this era has it's own little cadre of bat and bird vigilantes keeping the criminals on your toes. I know you've got your clown criminals, your run of the mill gangsters, and that Arkham is full to bursting with the costumed crazies that Gotham seems to breed." Present company excepted? Maybe? Maybe. "And I know that the GCPD is woefully understaffed, and underfunded. Same is true in this era as in mine: Gotham is a battlefield, but the rest of the nation doesn't get that if you're gonna wage a war against crime, you need to have enough soldiers to actually fight it."

Still wasn't sure if this Agent Kane was an ex-cop, an ex-soldier, or something else entirely, but she had that sort of vibe. Figured I couldn't go wrong spouting out that sort of rhetoric.