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Thread: So, Tell us how you really feel

  1. #1
    Jason Russard

    Closed Thread So, Tell us how you really feel


    Jason ended his dictation as he usually did, with a parting exortation of his good faith and continued fidelity, and set down the hand-mic. He rubbed his palms against his eyes and then straightened in his chair. A quick glance at his chrono told him this latest task had used all his time and if he wanted to meet his Silenus co-founders and his Chief Scientist as arranged, he would need to forgo his afternoon shave, a thing Jason hated to do. The Younger Russard prided himself on always looking the part of a competent and successful business man - something he felt a 3 o'clock shadow didn't really atest to. He would just have to be a little late,is all. The occassion warrented him to be at his best.
    Loosening his tie and removing his white, starched shirt, Jason stepped into the bathroom ensuite of his office and allowed a smile as he looked in the mirror.

    There'd been a discovery. After only six months in operation, Varuni Station - the shared enterprise of Russard Industries and Silenus Corp, a secret Labratory under the guise of Wharehouse 58B, specialising in Research of new technologies through biological discovery - has had its first success! Or what was hoped to be its first success. Sheree was to brief them all on it shortly. With luck, Xavier and the lovely Emelie would be late also. Either way, the meeting would not begin without all of them present. This was a first, this was important and this was for all of them.

    Jason lathered up the shaving soap with the brush and slathered the foam on his face, before lifting his straight razor.

    "Our first discovery" he said in a thrilled whisper to his reflection and then dragged the blade down his cheek with a practiced hand.

  2. #2
    Sheree Lancaster
    The lab coat always felt restricting and confining - it didnt matter if Sheree swapped it for a larger size or not, she still got the sensation of feeling constrained. Which was why she liked to wear it. She felt it was an outward display of an inward moral state. When she donned the lab coat, she donned a responibility to truth and to science, to the discipline of order and design. There was no cheating when one wore a lab coat. There was an unspoken code of do no harm, make no foul. Atleast, in her mind there was. And it had always been that way. From her time as a University undergrad, to the first day she was given charge of her own labratory in Imperial Center, right up until today - the duty of being honest in research and true to the laws of science and nature were an obligation she would never discard. It kept her from forcing the peg to fit the hole, or in other words, the facts to fit the assumption. Things either were, or they weren't no matter how badly one wants a particular outcome. A scientist must be true to the science. The lab coat always reminded her of that, especially at times like the present.

    Sitting on a high stool, a glass-domed container on the high bench infront of her, Sheree looked to the lab door with a clinical formality she didn't really feel. Inwardly, she was as excited as Jason had sounded when she called this meeting, but she would not show it. Nothing was proven yet. So far, it was all just theory. The plant displayed in the glass had endless possibility, but as yet it was only academic. She had tried to be clear on that.

    Footsteps echoed down the hall and a shadow passed by outside the labs frosted glass.

    So far, it was only academic. She would have to make that clear.

  3. #3
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    "I don't see why I had to come."

    Emelie muttered as she twisted a piece of her hair in her fingertips before releasing it. She frowned at the soft curl that hung in front of her face before she neatly tucked it behind an ear.

    "Sal and I had a perfectly good Lets Get Drunk Because We Can appointment..."

    The small huff that left her wasn't entirely serious, but Emelie couldn't deny that she much rather have been lounging around in her private bar in clothing that had been pulled off the floor of her closet than walking into a laboratory in an outfit she almost considered stuffy. Sure it was nothing more than a simple deep green dress that she had thrown a plain black cardigan over, but it still looked elegant somehow and while casual, it was still business casual.

    Playing dress up was fun and all, but Emelie had to admit to herself that she was growing tired of it.

    A glance was cast to her companion and she let the pout leave her lips. She half wondered if Xavier felt the same as her... but damn if he didn't look good in a suit.

    "So, you want to take bets on what they've got that's got them all excited enough to call us down here?"
    Last edited by Emelie Shadowstar; Dec 1st, 2010 at 07:26:35 PM.

  4. #4
    Xavier Synik
    "You can get drunk tomorrow night... Well as drunk as you get."

    Xi smirked, he knew that her Zeltron background allowed her to drink far more then most, if everyone who tried to go drink for drink with her. Not that him knowing had ever stopped her from trying to get him into a drinking contest wit her.

    As they walked the final few meters to the lab door he chuckled to himself inwardly. There was a part of him that enjoyed watching her squirm a little. When it was all said and done, having to get dressed a little more formally for a business meeting was a fair trade for some of the things that she put him through.

    "And I have no idea what they've found. But it has to be something if Dr. Lancaster dragged Russard all the way out here."

    Or at least that's what he hoped. He'd found himself trying to temper his hope of a big discovery, while also trying to ensure that he was ready in case the excitement was no due to the discovery, but more a result of it being the first discovery.

    He stopped for a moment in front of the lab door.

    "Guess we should find out what's so exciting though."

    Pushing the button to open the door he stood to the side slightly to allow Emelie to enter first before following her in and moving to stand behind her and just behind her left shoulder near where Sheree was standing.


  5. #5
    Sheree Lancaster
    Sheree turned at Synik's hail and stood from her stool in greeting. She was once again struck by the dashing figure Xavier cut. Six foot and change of whole lotta good-looking was bound to make an impression - and out here, in the outback of beyond, such a figure was a rare and appreciated impression indeed. The girl wasn't bad either, Lancaster grudgingly acknkowledged, as she greeted Emelie cordially. Pity.

    Sheree's eyes flicked to the chrono set on the wall above the lab door, punctual as well. Now, that really is impressive.

    "Thank you for coming Miss Shadowstar, Mr Synik. I know how busy you both are but I think you'll find what I have to share with you is worth your time."

    She gestured to the other stools. "Have a seat. I will begin once Russard arrives."

  6. #6
    Jason Russard
    Jason walked with purpose down the Station corridor, briefcase in hand, freshly shaven and fully prepared to put in another full eight hours work, if necessary. The younger of the Russard men, and therefore he to whom the overall running of Russard Industries fell, it would be understandable, but erroneous, to label him a workaholic. Dedicated, yes - but not fixated to the point of alienation. He'd been a family man, raised a daughter, lives with and cares for an aging father all while keeping his hand on the helm of an ever expanding intergalactic conglommerate - taking that conglommerate and steering it ever further into the future. He is a visionary, in some small way, looking for outlets of his creativity and the opportunity to touch the world and its surrounding universes in which he lived and moved. Driven? Maybe. Striving? definitely. Satisfied? Not even close.

    Jason Russard stepped through the laboratory door, bringing with him an air of enthusiasm wrapped reservedly in a tailored suit of professionalism.

    "I apologize for being tardy" he said, stepping around the bench and acknowledging each person in turn before placing his briefcase neatly atop it. "Have we started?"

  7. #7
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    Maybe it was her mother's blood, maybe it was her father's wits, or maybe it was just that Emelie had learned to read people on her own... either way, the look that Sheree had given Xavier wasn't lost. Just another tidbit to file away and probably rant about in a full bout of I frakkin' knew it! to her assistant, or maybe Serrena since she'd been spared Emelie's paranoid ramblings thus far.

    The fun thing about reading people was how you learned to hide your own feelings away when you wanted. Not that Emelie was ever one to really do so, but it helped at times. Times like this when you had to be on your best behavior in particular.

    So she kept up the pretty little business smile that went with the pretty little business dress. Yep, Emelie figured, it was going to be one of those days where all she wanted to do was flee to the nearest trashy dive bar, drop the more proper speech that she had had to learn all those years ago, and would feel right at home.

    Jason's appearance didn't help the sensation any. She had never known the man to be anything but official and for once, just once she would have almost killed to see him look anything other than pristine. Would it be so much to ask for a few wrinkles in his suit? At least with Xavier she could fix that little issue... but that would have to wait as well... if he let her.

    Emelie suddenly felt rather childish in the room. Here they were all dressed up for some important news and all she could think about was... well... what she usually thought about.

    That damn curl of hair was back in her vision again too. She pushed it back behind her ear with as much of a casual gesture as she could muster before forcing the sweetest tone in higher basic she could stand to adhere to in the moment.

    "I doubt there's any real need to apologize, Mr. Russard. We only just arrived here ourselves."

  8. #8
    Xavier Synik
    Xavier almost choked on the laugh that was trying to force it's way up his throat.

    He knew that Emelie's words roughly translated to something along the lines of "Why did you drag me down here when I could be drinking the day away in clothes that are far more comfortable... Oh yeah and frack you..."

    Xavier in comparison had no issues being there, or being dressed as he was. While he didn't like living in suits he had no issues having to wear them from time to time.

    "Mr. Russard, it's a pleasure to see you again." He said while extending his hand toward Jason.

  9. #9
    Jason Russard
    Jason reciprocated the handshake firmly, "And you too, Mr. Synik" his smile brightening for Emelie's benefit, "Miss Shadowstar"

    He had not realised before just how at ease the two Silenus Corp partners were with each other. Even in such a formal setting as this business meeting, the pair held an easy rapore with one another - one that was conveyed silently and with the slightest of gestures. A quiet smile here, a knowing look there - it was a body language that was universal, a language where one could know what the other was thinking just by close proximity and a shared history together. Jason suddenly felt 'apart' and personally isolated. Adrift. It would be nice to have such a partner like that. He thought instinctively of Adelaide and fought back the feeling of regret and squandered chances that always attended her presence in his mind.

    He turned to the scientist at his side, "Ms Lancaster, I havent been able to think of anything but the news of your discovery since you called this meeting. I know you said not to get too ahead of ourselves, but I am safe in assuming this isnt an ordinary status report, correct?"

    Sheree began with a nod, but Russard hadn't finished yet.

    "This is a quick progression by even impatient standards" he continued. "My father and I are eager to develop new technologies for the Empire to help protect those in service against the Alliance forces - an enemy that seems daily to be growing in effectiveness against us. Im sure everyone here knows that we can make a big difference by our work, and (he inclined his head pointedly to Sheree) our discoveries here through this Lab." He took in an expectant breath, "Please, go ahead. Tell us what you have."

  10. #10
    Sheree Lancaster
    Three sets of eyes all turned their attention to her once Jason finished speaking, and Sheree felt her throat go inexplicably dry.

    It was not the first time she had to present a case study before an expectant audience, nor was it new to her to be faced with such open scrutiny as the
    three had promptly engaged on her just now. She had stood before tribunals and boards of inquiry much more imposing than her present company and was well
    aquainted with what an uncomfortable experience that truly was like. Lancaster knew it was something more gutteral than being in the spotlight. She took a moment to cough discreetly into her rolled fist, giving her some little time to rid her voice of any irritation it may expose.

    The Empire was why she and everybody else were here at Varuni station. Lancaster knew that when she signed on with the Russards, but Jasons little prep-rally speech made her want to slap him. The whole thing was nauseating and Sheree felt it prudent to pause before speaking so be be sure she had no trace of animosity in her words. It would not do to reveal her true feelings for the Imperial cause, especially not now when she was in such a good position with which to continue, and even expand, her subversive activities.

    She drew the container forward to the center of the bench to afford her companions a better view, lifted the glass dome off and then began.
    "You may recognize this plant as something similar to what we know as Skullcap - an herb so nicknamed because of the flowers at the end of its stems which look like little caps." She pointed to them with her index finger and Jason, Emelie and Xavier each inclined their heads a little closer to see. "Skullcap is a herb often used for calming hysteria, inducing sleep and even relieving tension or stress. It is also sometimes used to treat depression that is caused by exaustion."

    Lancaster then ran her finger downwards and pointed out a violet stripe that ran the length of the plants stalk, "This coloration is an indicator of a property found in other plants that are often used in the production of narcosynthetic agents, or hypnotic therapies. We combine them with certain barbituates to produce Amobarbitol or Sodium Pentathol. You would more likely know them as truth serums - very effective interrogation tools. Now," she said looking each of her company in turn, "as this is a new species, or atleast one that is not catalogued in any of the Commpendiums of Biology that I have exaustively searched, we can be optimistic that its potential has not yet been investigated. We will be the first" she said, a ghost of a smile revealing her excitement at such an opportunity.

    "We have a number of these plants which we collected from the second moon of Terrn in the Delta sector, and are keeping them in the clean room on level nineteen. The only personell accessing them are a select few that have a round the clock roster of assignments, drawn up by myself. Preliminary examination of the plants biological breakdown reveals that our optimism will not be unfounded and that the properties I have already mentioned, once developed, could open up much broader and more effective tools for us to use."

  11. #11
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    Tequila Satan
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    Emelie attempted to keep her thoughts in check as she listened to Sheree's presentation... but it was hard. Not that she wasn't interested, far the opposite: she was having trouble keeping her mind from coming up with any of many uses for such a plant. And more importantly, how it could be refined, packaged, and sold. What the Empire would no doubt see as a great tool, Emelie knew could easily be turned around, if altered just enough, and sold to the public as the newest guilty little pleasure.

    And this particular little specimen would be exclusively hers. Well... hers and the Empire's, apparently. She was already beginning to come up with various accidents that could occur to cause such a catastrophe.

    But all in all, the presentation wasn't something she was supposed to be that interested in. At least, not from that standpoint. This was about the joint deal with the Russards, not about how much of a craze she could cause throughout the black market.

    Her lips pursed slightly as she crossed her arms over her chest and eyed the plant, letting out a small "hmm..." as if to let the boys have their say. She did offer a smile to Jason though, letting it speak of the fact that she was at least pleased that their arrangement had produced something that appeared quite beneficial so quickly. Anything to avoid having eyes turn on her later when the children of the Empire's finest were inducing themselves into strange hypnotic states.

  12. #12
    Xavier Synik
    "Doctor, I know it's too early in your research and testing to give me a complete answer. But are you expecting this plant will contain the same medicinal properties of the Skullcap plant?"

    Xavier didn't really know which answer he wanted. On one hand it would be nice to have something safe that was just an alternative to another drug, something that would get their name out there within the Empire, opening up the possibilities of other contracts for other things. But on the other hand, if it was something more.

    There was a lot to be said for safety, but there was a lot more that could be done with something new. Not only with the Empire, but also with other... parties... that the new drug, whatever it did, would find it's way to either through his contacts or through Emelie's. Not that their contacts were even in the same neighbourhood.

    Whatever the plant did, it would be most beneficial to Silenus in one way or another.

  13. #13
    Sheree Lancaster
    Sheree had noticed the coy smile Emelie gave Russard and a worrisome thought began to stir in the back of her mind. However, Xavier was speaking and drew her attention back to point.

    "We are sure of it" Lancaster replied to Synik's query. "We have already isolated some of the same enzyme derivitives in this new species that are found in the Skullcap. There is no question that it holds the same, if not better, potency for those medicinal applications" Sheree lifted her green eyes to pin Xavier directly, "but it is the other properties that have us the most excited. There is almost certainly a corresponding level of greater efficacy in the hypnotic aspects of the plant." She added, specifically informing Jason, "Rudimentary trials on our lab mice are to begin this afternoon."

    Lancaster flicked a quick glance once more to Emelie and again the uneasy sensation arose. Did Shadowstar know something? Is that what was behind those polite smiles? Sheree thought hard, she was certain she had not left any openings through which her true sympathies could be exposed. The girl wasnt a empath was she? Good god, that would be disasterous. Sheree had not considered such an alarming possibility.

    "What? Oh, sorry Jason" Sheree had almost missed what Russard was saying having only partly been listening, but fudged an answer anyway, "The tests will take just a few hours before we see results, but typically the mice are watched for 72 hours, allowing the introduced enzyme run its course and document its effect."

  14. #14
    Jason Russard
    "Then this really is quite a discovery you've made" Jason allowed, his conservative optimism finding voice, "especially when one thinks in terms of quick recovery and rehabilitation of battle-weary soldiers." He was less enthused about the more invasive uses of the plant's potential, but that was a wrestling match with his conscience that he would have to have at a later date.

    Jason looked to his Silenus partners for their responses and only hesitating for a half-breath, he reached gently over and dusted with his fingertips a fine hair-strand from Emelie's cheek. "Excuse me, you had a little something"

    In point of fact, they all had a little something - were covered in little somethings actually, but the spores from the cap-like bud ends were quickly being absorbed into each of their skins and it had only been a chance fall of the light that Jason had even seen what he mistook as an eyelash settled against Emelie's fair skin. This fact made his next question a little ironic.

    "And how long before we will see it in human trials, Ms Lancaster?"

    Sheree blew out a thoughtfull breath, "That is all dependant upon the results from the mice. If there is severe adverse effects then, out of moral necessity, that dictates a slower and more restricted investigative process."

    It was all Jason could do to keep his eye contact with Lancaster as she replied. He wanted to touch Emelie's face again - her skin was so smooth, like silk. Synik was such a lucky man to have a partner like Shadowstar and Russard felt his spirits darken as yet again his thoughts turned to chances lost at having someone by his side, someone to share this new success with. Emelie was lucky, too, Russard mused as he regarded Synik with an open stare.

    "You're such a handsome man" Jason said before returning back to the topic of the plant, but he stalled in what he was going to say by the fact that he now held the devoted attention of his company. There was a sharp awkwardness pressing around them and Jason wasn't really sure why.

    Above them, a loudspeaker crackled that a call was waiting for Dr. Lancaster on line 2.

  15. #15
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    Well now. That was unexpected. Emelie didn't even bother attempting to catch and put an abrupt end to the sudden girlish giggle that came from it either. What she did manage was to put a hand politely over her mouth to stifle the laugh as she cast Xavier a quick glance, hoping desperately to catch his reaction.

    She didn't bother trying to reason it out, either. First had come that gentle touch and then that sudden quip from Jason and her mind quite simply danced away with it all. As best she could figure, maybe she wasn't the only one who needed to start her day with a little liquid pick-me-up. Not that it mattered. But the man had struck her speechless, something admirable in a way, but not something she could really let stand.

    Her lips curved into a coquettish smirk as she looked from Jason back to Xavier, back to Jason. She couldn't even help herself as she bit her lower lip just slightly for an instant as the thoughts tumbled about in her mind. Finally a rather dramatic sigh left her and she wrapped her arms around one of Xavier's.

    "Sorry Jason, I only share on rare occasions and well... I haven't exactly known Xi to have a mind to do so at all."

    The unapologetic and downright devilish grin she gave her partner was something Emelie usually held for more personal moments but well... she couldn't help it.

    And then it hit her as to the fact it shouldn't be that way, not around these people, and not in this situation. Not that she was a shy person but this just wasn't the time, a fact she found herself silently lamenting more and more and...

    Her arms uncoiled from their hold on Xavier and she let the looks melt to one of almost innocent embarrassment. She mouthed a quick apology to her partner, finding herself suddenly quite afraid of his disapproval and what could come of it.

    Emelie attempted as best she could to regain some semblance of professionalism, despite the speeding star fighter of doubt that was careening through her thoughts. The awkward silence took hold again as she found a strand of hair with her fingertips and began to almost nervously twist it.

  16. #16
    Xavier Synik
    Normally the look that she gave him would be returned with one of his onw. Not the same as hers, but one that conveyed a knowing of what was going on behind her look.

    This time however he returned her look with a blank stare. His mind was racing trying to figure out all of the angles for why she was saying the things she was saying.

    The usually sure of himself Xavier, was suddenly overcome by a deep concern that Emelie was not just playing with Jason. Worse still was the way that she was reacting to Jason's approaches. For some reason Jason had said what he said, and while for all Xavier knew it could have been unde the influence of some sort of narcotic that he wasn't aware that the usually stuffy Russard was one to partake in, but that didn't matter.

    It was the way that she reacted that caused a stir within him. Why? Did she feel the same way somewhere down inside? Was she hiding behind the pretence of my not "sharing her"? All of these questions suddenly flowed through his head.

    He remained silent, more over he felt himself begin to pull back inside of himself, and suddenly he couldnt wait to get out of the room and by himself.

  17. #17
    Sheree Lancaster
    Lancaster tried to keep up with the undercurrents of crossplay that were taking place between her associates - the amusing, yet inappropriate remarks by Russard, the coquettish, unreadable smiles by Shadowstar and the blank, impenetrable stares by Synik. Just what was happening here? Sheree had thought they were discussing science. With reluctance, she stepped away to take the awaiting call.

    She dispatched the interruption summarily.

    "I am called to the Clean Room" she declared, stepping back to join her three companions, who had fallen into silent contemplation of the plant specimen before them. "Trouble?" Russard asked lifting his gaze slowly up toward her.

    "I think not" Sheree dismissed lightly. "Just one of the lab assistants has not shown for his shift - unlike him, as he is very dilligent."

    This was only half an explanation - the fact that the missing worker had been searched for, and found, and was lying inexplicably comatose in his bunk was something Lancaster thought better kept to herself for now - and would be all she would say until she knew more.

    "I'm sorry," she said, replacing the glass cover over the specimen with care, "would it be possible to continue this discussion at a later time?"

    Her thoughts scattered wildly from bad-to-worse scenarios. It would be odd indeed that the lab assistant's malaise was just a coincidence. She had been getting reports of staff complaining of headaches and tiredness and some uncharacteristic behavior, but she had attributed that to the strident schedule she had kept them all too. Fatigue makes even the best of people grumpy and difficult to manage. Now, with this latest development, their complaints were cast into a more sinister light and were taking on the mantle of symptoms. Had they been exposed somehow while gathering the plants? Was the exposure limited to being planet-side only? She looked at Jason and Emelie and Xavier respectively - were they thinking the same things? Were they blaming her? Looking for ways to accuse her, to trip her up? What did she really know about any of them? Guardedly, she lifted the domed container to take it with her, holding it protectively, possessively, a sudden fear stealing over her and making her feel anxious.

    "I will keep you informed" she said, hurrying to take her leave of them.

  18. #18
    Jason Russard
    Lancaster's lab coat disappeared with haste behind the door like the tail of a white rabbit flushed from the bushes. The imagary made Jason quirk a wondering smile, "Huh"

    He ran his fingers to the knot of his tie and snugged it a little in place, then buttoned the center of his jacket in a formal conculsion of the meeting. He didn't quite know what to make of things. Lancaster had seemed stable enough when they'd brought her into the project. Perhaps it was just the weight of responsability, or even perhaps it was space sickness, or worse - women's troubles. One never, ever, knew where one stood when those came to roost.

    "The discovery has many possibilites" he reiterated, untroubled. Perhaps we can talk more of this over dinner?" He was looking from Emelie to Xavier expectantly. Jason was not a man usually refused. "Shall we say 8pm in my suite?"

    For some reason, Russard could not stand the thought of dining on his own tonight. And again, for some reason, he could not stand the thought of not having Emelie and Xavier in his company.

  19. #19
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    It was... strange. Yes, that was the best word Emelie could use. Not unusual, not disquieting, just strange. Xavier was silent, the science woman suddenly seemed all kinds of jittery and Jason was just... well, it seemed that his little comment was going to be treated like something to be shoved into the back of the storage room with only the darkest of skeletons.

    And then there was herself... a nervous habit of occasionally nipping at the inside of her cheek had started up again and the sudden sharp pain that stabbed at her let her know she had overdone it. A short quick exhale of air let on to the twinge of annoyance she felt and she unraveled the strand of hair from around her finger.

    For some reason the concept of having to keep up the business associate appearance later that night gnawed at her in the wrong way. She cast another glance at Xavier from the corner of her eye and found that same grotesque twisting sensation creeping in her stomach. She knew she should have been silent. Not said anything... Never say anything...

    Her head nodded gently at first, just once or twice before she forced herself to reply to Jason's proposal. "Okay."

    Okay? That's it?? She couldn't really make herself say anything else and was finding the urge to go drown herself in a bottle somewhere suddenly a grand idea. It would have to wait... everything had to wait it seemed.

    She cast another unsure look at her partner, completely baffled as to why she found herself utterly convinced he was mad at her... or worse.

    Her exit wasn't quite as quick paced as the Sheree's had been but there was a quick, "Please excuse me" that managed to slip from her lips before she forced herself to keep her steps even as she left the room.

  20. #20
    Xavier Synik
    Xavier was now stuck very solidly between a rock and a hard place. He didn't particularily want to spend an evening Russard at the moment, especially if he was going to spend the night flirting with Emelie constantly. But on the other hand he couldn't have said no from a purely political and business point of view. It would have been bad business to turn Russard down, especially given that they were Silenus compound. He should have been hosting Russard, not the other way around.

    Not that it mattered anymore anyway... Emelie cast out any thoughts he might have had about refusing by accepting already.

    And then she ran out the room like a scalded dog, which did absolutely nothing for his mood. He was pretty sure that he would find her either in their appartment or in the facility bar if he actually looked. But part of him didn't want to go look for her.

    No right now his fight or flight reflex was tellign him to go find the smallest hole he could find and hide, and that meant retreating to his office, either his main one or the one in the appartment.

    Composing himself quickly he tried to bury the inner doubt that hew as suddenly feeling, hopefully hiding it from Russard while he spoke.

    "8 it is then. Just let the facility staff know what you'd like to serve and they should have no problems putting it together.

    Now if you'll excuse me, I should get back to my office. If there is anything you need let my assistant know, she'll take care of it for you."

    With that, and a slightly curt nod Xavier left the room and headed for his main office. He figured there was likely little for him actually to do there, but it had a bar, and if he was going to make it through this evening he would need a drink to settel him down.

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